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Gardening, helping others, God.
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Without finding fault…God doesn’t criticize you for not knowing what to do, or for your sins that got you into the mess; you ask for wisdom, He will give it. I have had so many times that He has helped me! The “without doubt”….think about that as action, not feelings. ie Father, I think You want me to do this, so if I am wrong, You will have to take care of it. Jesus gave doubting Thomas what he needed to believe, and He will give you what you need too! We all have our problems in living out our faith; God grant you wisdom about how to live His way, in your life.
If any of you lack wisdom ( that’s me!) he should ask God… Have I ever used that promise! The bills have to paid and there is not enough money….and He showed me what to do. Raising children sometimes is very difficult; what should I do? He either changed the question for me, and then the answer was easy, or popped an answer in my mind. I don’t know what to make for dinner; He guided me and the meal was sufficient. and even…I play Words with Friends with my husband. I ask for wisdom when I cannot find a word, and He has given wisdom. The other day I was digging out a weed, but the root was too big. What should I do, Father? As soon as the quiet knowing comes, doubt speaks too. That won’t work! Ignore the louder voice, and try. And now I can praise Him for being there for me! of course, if I was wise, if I didn’t have these problems, then I would never have His help.
Q1. Value of Trials
Mecco replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
Awesome! That is where I want to be in my faith! “My trials are no longer important” What an awesome place to be! -
Q1. Value of Trials
Mecco replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
“Trials actually end.” That is so true, although in the pain, it seems like forever! Only lived experience can give that knowing. In my life, God gave a new trial to end the old one, and things changed pretty much “on, then off”, not slowly. Thank you for sharing! -
Q1. Value of Trials
Mecco replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
Hello Pator Ralph! Thank you for this Forum and study! It looks like you had this study in 2005, too! Trials cause me to turn to God for help. A huge trial in my life was when my adopted sister, Marnie, was needing help. My brother, who lived closest to her and is wealthy, had “wiped his hands” of her; she had gotten herself into that mess. My husband also did not want to have anything to do with her. How do I live God’s love in that situation…love for God, love for my sister, love for my husband? It was so hard, and it still makes me cry. But God was with me, although I don’t believe I felt it was “pure joy”! That trial, and others since then, have made me a stronger person…not as reliant on others opinions. When I was going through it, I often did not know what God wanted me to do; I just did my best, hoping it was the best. Sometimes it wasn’t. That, too, I have to give to God. So, the trial taught me to trust God with the pain of failing. Thank you, Father! You know what You are doing, and You do it well! -
Which word pictures in Psalm 133 do you find most compelling? It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mt Zion. How sad that Mt Zion is now so dry! It’s as if it is a symbol of the lack of unity there. Every place has its discord, but on Mt Zion “the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.” Why do you think lasting unity is so hard to achieve in our world, in our countries, in our churches, in our families? Pride. Ego boosting arrogance, that bases worth on achievement and acceptance on power over is why unity is lacking. Jesus recognized that weakness when He taught His disciples that “the greatest among you shall be the servant of all.” What do you think is the chief obstacle to love in your life? Love has always been a difficult emotion for me. Lately the Spirit has been talking to me about His image in people...imago dei. It’s first mentioned in Gen 1:27. This week I found it in James 3:9. The way we treat others reflects our love for God, and although that makes sense when dealing with “brothers”, some people are really mean, or pedophiles, or something else just as troubling. How can I see in others the source of all love when they are full of arrogance and hate?
State the Davidic Covenant or Promise in your own words. Ps 135:11 one of your own descendants = like Abraham, not all his descendants are his (Jn 8:39). So as David was unique in his relationship with God (a man after God’s own heart) the descendent would be too. I will place on your throne = a place of total power over God’s chosen people. if your sons keep my covenant = the big IF. And the noun is plural now. As God looks from generation to generation, He is looking for someone who respects the original founding covenant made in the desert. And the statutes I teach them = God says He will teach them extra rules. So, the original rules are not the final word? The king is expected to be tutored by God. Then their sons will sit on your throne for ever and ever. = God’s part is to make sure, through all history, that there will be a son and there will be a throne. How was this promise fulfilled in Solomon's time? Solomon was unique in that he was blessed with special wisdom. He reigned over God’s chosen people in David’s place. He had a son to replace him and the throne was even more powerful after his reign. How was it fulfilled in Jesus? Jesus was unique in that He was filled with the Holy Spirit, among other things. (Remember that God called Solomon His son too.) He was a descendent of David (but not the only one- there were others) but the throne over Gods chosen people was occupied by King Herod, a puppet king of Caesar. Jesus doesn’t reign from an earthly throne, but from God’s throne in heaven, “forever and ever”. (After Jesus, the Davidic line “petered out”; there is no line today. But Israel is still distinct, as a separate race!) How will it be fulfilled when Jesus returns? That is the big question! Predicting the fulfillment of promises from an amazingly creative God is impossible. Keep an open mind, listen to the Spirit, and watch for the signs is the best I can advise. God’s will be done; His Kingdom come. Not my will...and it most likely won’t even be on your radar!...but Your will. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen! Come Lord Jesus! Have you ever considered that when Jesus’ feet touch the earth, the holy will touch the defiled, but instead of being defiled the holy will heal it? Amazing!
Day 2 Meditation (Psalm 121). In what ways is God your Help? How does he help you? He helps me to be righteous, to do right. The other day I was angry with my husband about something, something that he did again and it was bugging me. I prayed about it, asking for wisdom, on Sunday morning. The word I received in prayer was that I need to be grateful for him, first. Later, the pastor spoke on bitterness and forgiveness. So the Lord helped me to let it go, and look for things to be grateful for...to do the right thing. I know that sometimes the right thing is to say something, but this time it was to give it to the Lord. So I can trust Him to help me say something when it needs to be said and let it go when He needs to take care of it. In what ways is he your Keeper? How do you perceive that he guards and protects you? Sometimes things happen that hurt a lot, and you wonder where He is. He keeps, like the shepherd story, by going to find the lost sheep. He doesn't leave you out there, in the fear or pain. I can trust that He will comfort and forgive me as I go through painful experiences. You will keep in perfect peace whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Is 26:3 How is he your Shade? How do you see that he shields you? Shade on a hot day is such a blessing! He makes our troubles a blessing because we reach out to Him and He answers our prayers! He puts a spirit of praise in our hearts, and It's so easy to praise Him, no matter what! When the fruit of the Spirit...love, joy, peace. patience, etc.....pops in us, isn't that like gardening in the shade? It makes the work so much easier!
Dear Father, As Your children, we are always asking You to fix things that seem to be the opposite of Your will. But it was Your will to send Jesus to the cross, so maybe this trouble is Your will too. Please, Father, give Mona peace about her “things”! Thank You that You answer our cries for help!
Me too! So many times He puts a song or a Bible verse in my mind, so that I turn to Him! What a wonderful God!
Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? Stressful situations demand action; in this Psalm, the writer wants to get rid of the lying and hate. The people of Meschech and Kedar also are stressed; otherwise they would not be “for war”. Where are they looking for relief? Both the writer and the people of Meschech and Kedar want violence to end it. But the writer calls on the Lord to “punish with warrior’s arrows”. Then the writer can work for peace, because the Lord will handle the violence. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Being able to “give it to God” is the most awesome privilege of following Jesus! A few years ago I realized that the property manager of our homeowners association was dealing falsely. I showed the evidence to the board and confronted the property manager, but the board decided to do nothing. I gave it to God, and discovered that now I am free to deal lovingly with him. God has taken care of the situation, and I am not involved. Praise God for giving me a way to be “for peace” in an ugly situation! Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you! Have you given your stress points to God fully? Father, please deal with the “lying lips “ around me today...please deal with the lies I am telling too. Help me to speak your loving truth. What are you asking him to do about your stresses? I am asking Him to deal with my stresses the way He wants. Please let me see Your glory.
As the protests rage against police brutality, I especially appreciated your comment... How we need healing! But the healing our world needs -- even more than physical healing -- is the healing of our souls. There's an African-American spiritual that draws from Jeremiah 8:22. "There is a balm124 in Gilead To make the wounded whole; There is a balm in Gilead To heal the sin-sick soul." Father, the source of healing is Your throne. Please heal our nation! For You Al things are possible; please have mercy!
Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? If this was to encourage persecuted Christians who are expecting Jesus to return, if the 144,000 are those who were following Him "wherever he goes", then "virgins" are like Jesus, focused only on pleasing the Father and not looking for human pleasures. Truth-tellers? Again, I think the implication is reflecting Jesus qualities; Jesus did not deceive but told us the truth. Their faith, and ours, has to be based on truth, and when we pass it on, we must be truthful. Blameless? Truth-tellers are faultless in their message; blameless is faultless in action. This group had deeds that reflected their faith. Redeemed? It's almost as if the list is a count down. Redeemed is the first level, where we all enter in our walk with Jesus. Then blameless: actions that reflect our faith in Him. Then Truth-tellers, speaking the truth with others. Finally, virgins, focused on only doing what they see the Father doing. In your life, what would it mean if you were to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes"? I have been trying to do that. I didn't end up where I thought I would. Am I deceiving myself? Am I failing, unable to be or do more because of my weaknesses? Maybe I don't see where the Lamb is going in my life? Anyway, I praise Him for His work in my life... It is God who is at work in you, to will and to do His good pleasure.