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Everything posted by J BEN CHRISTOPHER

  1. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? The laying on of hands confers the offerer's transfer of his sins to the animal. “Transubstantiation “. An act, that changes the form or character or substance of something. Also similar to the doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and the wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the Eucharist Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? The priest must first check the animal that it is free from blemish, only then it is fit to be sacrificed, but the slaying part is done the sinner is for him to see the pain with which the animal dies in his own eyes for the sins he has committed. At least next time he will not commit the sin anymore. Secondly it is an voluntary act of an individual, and no one interferes. In the case of Jesus the Pharisees, Sadducees, the Scribes, the Herodias and the Governor of the land, checked Jesus in all aspects before Jesus went to calvary and found him without blemish. Further, it was Jesus who gave his life to be crucified and no one killed him. This is an voluntary act of Jesus to submit himself to be sacrificed. How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? When Adam & Eve sinned they found themselves naked and tried to cover their nakedness, but God himself instituted the principle of Animal sacrifice and took the skin and gave them as a covering (temporal). But we must remember this was the first time ever that the blood was shed in this earth to cover the sin. In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? In continuation of the above principle, at an appropriate time God took the FORM of MAN and came to this world as Jesus Christ, and shed his blood. Again remember that this the blood of God, which is not like any human blood which has sin running through it. We are born in sin, and born out of man and women copulation. But Jesus was born from a virgin, and we don’t know what kind of blood it is, but one thing is sure it is the PUREST blood without sin, which is acceptable to God the Father as atonement for the sins of mankind. Jesus knew no sin, and he is as innocent like an animal which is brought to be slain.
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