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Everything posted by Danielle33

  1. Thy kingdom come, kingdom meaning the Glory of God coming down on earth as it is in heaven. I’ve heard believers being referred to as the kingdom. I’m wondering if it applies to believers passed and living. Gods will WILL be done whether or not we ask. But when we ask, we show we care about and seek it. I know, in hard times, I will want MY outcome, but I try to be reverent in praying for His will only. And for the peace and comfort of my God for me to lean on if it isn’t what I want. But how can I argue with how heaven will be, I know His Will, will always be the best way. So why not ask for it, all the time?
  2. Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? we sin everyday, even if we don’t remember. Our thoughts, day dreams, words, actions...all play a part. It’s scary how inescapable it really is. We need to always acknowledge this and be aware. The little sins and cracks in our belief are the devils way in. It’s crazy how sneaky he can work. forgiveness can be tricky and difficult. Like Pastor said, it’s easy to say and not do. We need to forgive and be done. If we hold on to the hurt, we only hurt ourselves and prevent God’s blessings because we haven’t let go of the hurt and set our eyes and hearts straight.
  3. I may have a weird take on this. In my opinion and my experience. When asking for help, it brings me back to when I was young and would need or ask for help. It was often returned with laughter and bullying from other kids. I believe a lot of my timid nature stems from my childhood and experience with being made fun of. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no angel and have done my share of projecting and returning the hurtfulness. It’s an ugly evil cycle that still happens to all people. Anyway, I’m going off track. I think when people have things easy and don’t feel helpless, they don’t look toward God for help or basic needs. It almost feels redundant to ask for what you already have or ask to hold on to it and keep it safe every day. We have no control over our earthly possessions- even people. We can always request it and ask God to continue leaving it with us. We show the value and the love we have in things when we continue to ask for its security. But what happens if we stop asking? Do we then take it for granted? Seems that it will be thrown in with other not so important things, that we “just know” it’ll be taken care of. I have a hard time with this.
  4. Late to the party, setting apart our Fathers name, I have always tried instilling the delicacy of the Lords name to my son and even my husband. While we should always cry out to his name and use it often, it should also only be used meaningful and purposefully. If we throw it around as we do so many other words (appropriate and inappropriate) what difference is it from any other? I struggle to not use common commercialized words or phrases so many “mainstream Christians” use these days, because I, for some reason, see a lot of it as disingenuous and for show. I am a critic in my heart and nature. I need to have the assurance I can Only receive from Jesus and the Holy Spirit working through me and my words.
  5. Hello! I’m Danielle, I live in Southern California. This is my first study with JesusWalk and a first for this method as well. I came across this while searching for a study that can help me fill the void of not being with other believers during the quarantine. I’m looking forward to this whole experience!
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