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- Birthday 02/22/1968
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Day 24 Meditation (Revelation 22:3-5). With the picture of God and the Lamb high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filling the temple (Isaiah 6:1), what significance does it have for us to “see his face”? The significance for us to "see his face", I think it imply intimacy with Jesus. Now our spiritual eyes are open, we can see Jesus clearly in the fullness of His glory because sins is done away, pain is removed, worry is done away and we have our resurrected bodies like Jesus'. What kind of intimacy and access does that imply? I think we can know Jesus deeply, His heart, His love, the fullness of Who He is and we can have very close fellowship with Him just like God came and fellowship with Adam in the Garden of Eden before the fall. How can you begin to “sit at his feet” and “behold the glory of the Lord” now? (Luke 10:39; 2 Corinthians 3:18). I "sit at His feet" by reading and meditating the Word of God, Praying, worshiping and thanks giving, sharing the Gospel as to behold the glory of the Lord. To what degree are you currently doing this? Not sure to what degree have I been but I take delight in Him all the days of my life
Day 23 Meditation (Revelation 22:1-2). What is the significance of the source of this healing stream? It flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb, brings healing to nations. In what ways can “living waters” flow through you to bring healing to others? When we share the Gospel and pray for one another, release the word of God to build others, share the love of Christ.
Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? We are afraid of being fully exposed by God's search light because we are aware of our sins, ashamed and guilty, just like Adam and Eve went hiding after sinning against God. Sin blind us and rob us of the truth about God's search light is not to condemn us but to set us free to be who we are in His image. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light and the Lamb is its light. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? I need the Lamb to bring light to my thoughts, my heart and my motives.
Day 21 Meditation (Revelation 21:22). How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God? They became barriers between people and a holy God when the focus was on the outward preparation rather than heart preparation.Though the tabernacle was a step for God's people to communion with Him, yet it was not good enough because sin had not been atoned for, only priests could enter into the tabernacle and enjoy the glorious presence of God. Not all have direct communication with God. How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God? Our tradition can become a barrier for the Spirit to move in liberty and it may rob us from entering into full intimacy with God. We can be so structured by formula rather in tune with the Spirit. In what sense do we understand that the “temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb”? Is the dwelling place of God the Father and the Son.
Day 20 Meditation (Revelation 21:14). The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community? In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb? It is in God's mercy, he open my heart to Jesus and by His grace I grow in my walk with Him and in love He transforms me from one degree to another. I can never thank Holy Spirit enough for revealing Jesus to me and changing me that my husband and children are now also in Christ. In His time, most of my siblings, nieces, nephews and including my parents has now received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Thank you Pastor Ralph for the wonderful prayer. Yes, may God the Father give me eye to see I am a chosen ambassador of the Lamb, ear to hear the voice of the Spirit directing me to take the Good News to the hurting world. Father, thank you that your ambassadors carried the gospel to each of us. I pray that we might come to see ourselves not as ordinary Christians, but as chosen ambassadors of the Lamb wherever you place us. Give us a heightened awareness of your Spirit's whispers, I pray, so that we might do and say as you are directing us -- words direct from your capital in the heavenly Jerusalem to men and women, boys and girls whom you love where we are. Grant it, Lord, and then help us to rise in faith to the occasion. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? The New Jerusalem will be an exceptionally beautiful, magnificent and holy city filled with angels, saints of old and the people of God. The significance of the Bridge descending down to earth, I think that is the original plan of God when the earth was created, all were beautiful and perfect until sin came into the world. Mankind cannot build a city that is perfect only God can do so. What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? A place that is called the Holy City of God where everything is make new, an eternal home for His people to dwell with Him and His Son, Jesus with holiness.
Day 17 Meditation (Revelation 19:6-9). I If now we are “betrothed” to the Lamb (to use this analogy), why is the “marriage” delayed until the End of Time? The delay is time of preparation and purification? "Like Esther, before she could go into the king she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments, prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and cosmetics.” (Just an illustration) God gives the church time to prepare for the coming of His son. What does the state of being married imply that betrothal does not? Betrothal is a promise make between a couple preparing to live as husband and wife at a set time. Being married is both man and woman entered into final union where two become one. In what sense will that be realized in the New Jerusalem? When Christ, the bridegroom return for His bride, the church present her blameless ans spotless at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Day 18 Meditation (Revelation 20:12). What do the records contain that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day? The books recorded our deeds done on earth, works that done in obedient and evidences of our belonging to Christ. How do they differ from the Lamb’s Book of Life? Salvation is secured for all who names are written in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain, saved not on the basis of works but on the basis of Christ's being slain. How is it “fair” that we escape judgment by having our names written there, even though we have committed many sins? Who paid the price to make it “fair” and just? It is "fair" and "just" that we escape judgment because God in His mercy and love has given His Son, Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of our sins by dying on the cross. For God himself had provided the perfect sacrificial Lamb, Christ as a ransom for our sins. So, whoever confess the name of Jesus and believe in His Son escape judgment and has passed from death to life.
Day 16 Meditation (Revelation 17:14). What has to change in our thinking in order for us to see the Lamb as a victorious Warrior? The Lamb die and rose again, He has conquered the grave. In what ways are you called upon to serve the Lamb in skirmishes with evil in your life and community? Sharing the Gospel to my local community where 90% are idol worshipers. Through giving free tuition to these poor community , weekly visitation to the families, and among them some are Muslim. Are you aggressive like the Conquering Lamb, or do you shy away from conflict with the enemy? I am not aggressive like the Conquering Lamb.
Day 15 Meditation (Revelation 15:2-4). In what way is the Song of the Lamb like the Song of Moses that was sung after crossing the Red Sea? Both singers celebrate the victories and deliverance received from God. Why do you think the sound of voices accompanied by instruments is pleasing to God? The voices come from faithful saints of God who stay true until the end, who overcome the beast and its image, the number of its name , who do not worship the beast. They break forth with song of worship and praise accompanied with music that pleases God. What will it take for all nations to come to the Lamb in our own day? Faithful witnessing of the Gospel to all people groups and nation, great revival of the Holy Spirit in all nation.
Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? The 144,000 described as virgins is a symbol of spiritual purity, they do not defile themselves in the idolatrous worship to the beasts like others. They remain faithful to speak truth about the Lamb (truth-teller) and obedient to the Lamb presenting themselves blameless before the Lamb until the end. They are redeemed, washed in the blood of the Lamb and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? To submit, remain faithful and true to the Lamb of God. What might have to change if you made this pledge? My heart attitudes and my thoughts towards people.
Day 13 Meditation (Revelation 14:1). What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? Who are these 144,000 people with him? The very presence of God. 144,000 are the redeemed messianic Jews who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. What is the significance of the Lamb’s and the Father’s names written on their foreheads? Signified we belong to the eternal God, we are redeemed and washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? He will be with the Lord forever in heaven, saved from the eternal fire of hell and it is written before foundation of the earth. John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you? Nothing can separate me from the love of God. Whatever challenges I am facing here is only temporal.
Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan? How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.(Hebrews 9:22) Anyone who believe Jesus in their heart and confess Him as the Lord is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb(Jesus)and belong to God. Believer is clothed with the righteousness of Christ and the testimony of believer in Christ has power over Satan. This is true because Christ, the perfect Lamb of God has overcome the world. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? Take up our cross daily is an attitude of humbling ourselves before God, acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus in our lives. By doing so, we submit our will, desire, and weakness to God, dying to self that we may live. To live is Christ, to die is gain.(Philippians 1:21)
Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? My faithful commitment to the work that he called me to. What will this require of you? To rely on Him, trust not on my own understanding and humble myself in prayer. What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? The word of God and the Holy Spirit. Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? These springs of living water shall not exhaust as long as I remain in Him and in His word, obey Him and believe in His love. What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes? My son and daughter's spiritual growth and the next generation to increase in desire for Christ.