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Everything posted by Valentina

  1. I personally forget that the battle is the Lord’s battle because I think “my” battles are way too trivial to annoy Him. I think I must work hard and don’t fuss to... not to disturb Him, I guess. Working hard is sort of minimum of what you can do as a human being. I know this is very human and doesn’t make any sense with anything is the Bible, but still it’s very hard for me to change the habit. I don’t feel problems in asking for His presence, for wisdom and teaching, for relieve from suffering and for protection... but asking for something else is a taboo for me. The good side of this is that I never pull God in my human battles. I’ve learned over the years that even when you think you are in a good battle, the Lord’s way to lead it is subtly genious and anyway different than yours. We are like pebbles, He’s like the wind. Plus Europe has a bloody history made of centuries of religion wars. Over the ages we killed each other for whatever religious related reasons, even the most stupid. We even have a period called “100 years war”... last, but not least, Nazis had a “Got mit Uns” ( God is with us) on their belt. Even in this recent days, many politicians use the idea of God to move battle against other human beings: minorities, poor, other ethnicities, other religions. I’m sick of it all. So I’m deeply scared to think I can make a link between my battles and the name of God.
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