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Everything posted by Katy
Q3. Christmas Hardships
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q2. Poor Mary nine months pregnant and riding a donkey, uncomfortable at the best of times never mind in Mary’s condition. No wonder she gave birth that night! She was also a young woman who probably could have done with having her mother or a sister with her. She hardly knew Joseph, how awkward that must have been for her. The fear of childbirth, being alone, feeling uncomfortable all over , probably in the first stages of labour and yet she knew God was with her. Pleasure and God’s will do not necessarily go together. We can be in God’s will and yet life be very hard, but we have the joy and assurance of His presence with us to lead guide, and direct us along the way no matter what the situation might be. I think there are more hardships when trying to be a consistent Christian because we are going against the flow which can lead to things like mistrust, disagreement, and sometimes lose of friendships, but we have the constant help of the Holy Spirit, and the joy and peace of knowing we are doing what Jesus wants us to do. -
Q1. Naming the Current Rulers
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q1. Luke was a man of vision inspired by the Holy Spirit. By putting in all the details he is setting Jesus firmly and verifiably into history. In this way anyone can see that Jesus was not part of a fable or a myth but a real person set into a certain time frame. -
A. Zechariah
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Q5. The symptoms of unbelief in a Christian start with the cooling off from the first love that a Christian had for Jesus. Complacency sets in and they start to skip morning time with the Lord, make excuses to not go out to the midweek Bible study and so it progresses. Satan looks to see this and starts putting pressure on by putting wrong thoughts into the Christian’s mind about not believing in the truth of God and the Bible. This unbelief , if entertained will spread into all areas of Christian beliefs until we don’t bother with the things of God at all. We all must be on our guard at all times because this can happen silently and discreetly before we realise it we are doubting all we know about God. As soon as we notice any complacency in our lives towards the things of God, we must examine our lives and be honest with ourselves about how important or unimportant God is to us in our lives. If we find complacency and unbelief we must go to God in humility and repentance, confessing our sin and seeking forgiveness. Then we must immerse ourselves in the things of God, seek out fellowship , go to Bible studies and most of all pray earnestly for renewal of our first love. Q6. There is a big difference between unbelief and asking hard questions. There are many areas of the Christian life that are not straightforward and people have different views on their meaning and different traditions. The Bible can also have verses that are difficult to understand and know how they affect us as believers in the twenty first century. We need to do our own research, study and talking with Bible scholars to try and understand what they mean for us today. All this is done in the context of trying to understand what God is teaching us and saying to us through it. Unbelief is not present just searching to understand. Q7. Mary was anxious to know how this would happen as she was a virgin and not yet married. Yet she had no hesitation in accepting God’s plan for her. Zachariah felt it couldn’t happen because of Elizabeth’s age . He was totally forgetting he was dealing with God , with whom nothing is impossible. Mary realised that she was talking to God and this was something He wanted her to do. Zachariah because of worldly limitations forgot that God can do anything and is not bound by the things that limit us, like age and fragility. Q8. I think God rebuked Zachariah and gave him time for reflection, and I am sure he spent that time feeling ashamed and saddened at his unbelief. Especially in the light of the wonderful and extraordinary event that was unfolding in their lives. I am sure everyone who came in contact with them marvelled at all that was happening and wondered why Zachariah was unable to speak, would he have been open and honest or would he have been too ashamed to admit his unbelief? I think he would have told people in humility and shame of how he had offended God but also how he regrets his unbelief. I have no doubt that God punishes us if we deserve it or He will do at a later stage. We are told in the Bible many times that God will punish the wicked. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6 v23. -
A. Zechariah
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Q1. Zechariah and Elizabeth are an elderly couple who are childless. By now they are resigned to the fact that they will not have any children. They were upright and righteous people doing everything they could to obey God’s laws. Zechariah was a priest , he belonged to the priestly division of Abijah. Elizabeth also was descended from Aaron. Q2. It was not by chance that the lot fell to Zechariah that day. It was a divine appointment with God. So that God’s plan could be explained to Zechariah, before it began to happen. The incense that were burned were to represent the prayers of the people, they were standing outside the temple in prayer. Q3. It is a blessing to hear of answered prayer. ‘He will be great in the sight of God’ another blessing, how wonderful for Jesus to day of John “ Among those born of women there is none greater than John”! He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth, So John had power from the Holy Spirit all his life which enabled him to do the Lord’s bidding. For the people it was wonderful to have John to direct them back to God and make them aware of their sin and the importance of repentance. Each and every point of the twelve is important and a blessing to John, his parents, the people who heard and obeyed and for us to be able to read, study and learn about God’s goodness and graciousness towards us despite our sinfulness. Q4. Zechariah has a hard time believing that at this stage of their lives they are going to have a baby. He has prayed for years with no result and now in their old age he is told That Elizabeth will give birth to a son. There are many things today which cause people not to believe, but I think a big one is if prayer is not answered exactly as we want it answered then faith waivers. Instead we should keep on praying, believing that God will answer in the best way possible. God only has our good in mind. The time may not be right for something to happen or God may be sees that what we are asking for just would not be good for us. We must trust God, even in disappointment. -
112. Ascension
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q6. The angels acknowledge that Jesus is being “ taken from them” but they also tell them that Jesus will return in the same way. The same way means that on Jesus second coming He will come from heaven in cloud and He will be visible to all people. Jesus will come in great power and majesty. -
112. Ascension
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q3. In Daniel 7 v13 when the “Son of man came with the clouds of heaven” He was coming into the presence of the “Ancient of days” who is God, maybe Jesus also as He ascended into heaven was also going straight into the presence of His father. I can imagine this to be the case: Jesus entering back into heaven after having accomplished the most important mission ever completed and also after a long absence from heaven, His father being there to greet Him and bestow on His all honour and glory, and power and to sit Jesus at His right hand. What great rejoicing there must have been. Q4.Jesus having gone through humiliating torture and death on the cross is risen from the dead and is ascended into heaven and reinstated into His former glory. This glory He had voluntarily given up to come to earth. God the father exalts Him to the highest place, giving Him honour and glory and placing Him higher than anyone else or anything else so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, whether in heaven on earth or under the earth, maybe not at the moment but in the fullness of time it will happen! Every tongue will acknowledge that He is Lord again in time this will happen. This is the glorification of Jesus by God the Father. Q5.The disciples stayed looking intently up into the sky as He ascended into heaven. Then two men were standing beside them. These men spoke to them saying “ Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky? Jesus , who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven”. The disciples then worshipped Him. They had joy in their hearts. They praised Him and they went obediently into Jerusalem to await the Holy Spirit. -
112. Ascension
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q1.Jesus last act before He ascended into heaven was to raise His hands in blessing His disciples before He left them. They needed that blessing because Jesus was going back to heaven and was no longer available to them. However He was not going to leave them to fend for themselves He said to them that he He would send the Holy Spirit, to help them and give them power, but they must stay in Jerusalem until He came. We also need God’s blessing every day to keep us from sinning and being dragged into the things of the world. When we come to know and follow Jesus we too are given the Holy Spirit to lead , guide and counsel us as continue the Lord’s work on earth and as we live in this broken world. Q2.As Jesus is an ending into heaven Cloud blocks their view of Him. Cloud in the Bible can indicate God’s presence with His people or the Glory of God. We are told that God will return in the same way as the disciples saw Him going into heaven. We know He will come back in great power and glory. -
Q5. Naming the Child
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Q5. Joseph has faith in God and trusts His word that Jesus is begot by the Holy Spirit. This acceptance and trust allows Mary and Joseph to live happily as husband and wife. Again Joseph accepts Gods word and believes that Jesus is the Son of God and so Joseph adopts Jesus and Jesus inherits from Joseph the right to be of the’ line of David’ because Joseph is of the line of David. -
Q4. The Prophecy of Immanuel
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Q4. This prophecy was first told in Isaiah 7v14. And Matthew quotes it in his gospel. It is fulfilled in Jesus day when He the Messiah was born of a virgin and He was to be called Immanuel which means God with us. Just as Isaiah tells Ahab not to fear but to have faith and trust in God, and the fulfilment of this is Gods very presence being with us always, so we need have no fear. -
3. The Name Jesus
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Q3. The name of Jesus was not uncommon because in Hebrew it is Yeshua which is short for Yehoshua which is Joshua, but Jesus is not called after Joshua. Jesus’s name indicates His mission which is to save. Jesus means “Yahweh saved”. Both Mary and Joseph were told this name at different times so that they would never forget just who Jesus was and why He came. Jesus was born and raised in poor circumstances but it never changed or diminished who He was and why He came. -
Q2. The Character of Joseph
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Q2. Mary had very few options! As an unmarried girl she would be treated badly. The worst would have been thought about her. In the most extreme case she could be stoned to death, she would certainly be shunned by her community and caused shame at home. She could not disappear and travel away as that was unheard of at the time, as a woman’s place was with her family until she got married . Women did not have independent lives. Joseph bead a righteous man and he showed that he was a truely righteous man in the way he handled the situation, until he found out from God about the origin of Mary’s pregnancy he had intended to divorce her quietly. He was going to do this despite thinking that Mary had been unfaithful to him and betrayed him. He did not seek his revenge by dragging her through the courts and telling the world how badly he had been treated. He was only thinking about her and wanted to spare her even more disgrace. God knew the kind of man He wanted to look after Mary and her precious burden. -
Q1. Son of a Carpenter
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Q1. Jesus would have learnt a lot from being present each day as Joseph worked at his carpentry. First He would have learnt about His Father’s work ethic. It would not be something He would not be aware of but something He would learn by example. Also qualities like patience, endurance, persistence and calmness in the face of difficulties. Jesus would also have learnt carpentry skills from watching Joseph and eventually being allowed to experiment Himself and then be trusted to actually help to make a piece of furniture for a customer. Jesus would also have learned how to deal with the public both taking work and learning to take exact instructions and also how to deal with a customer who is not happy about something! -
111. Mission, Power
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q3. To something in His name means to do something on His behalf, we have His authority and blessing to do it. Therefore we have a responsibility to do it to the best of our ability and with a willingness and commitment second to none. Q4. The Jewish people were God’s chosen people and through them He would bring His salvation to the whole world. But first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. The Jews were at first surprised when the message was taken to the Gentiles by Saul/ Paul , it took them time to accept that God’s salvation was for all who accept Jesus. Today we have a responsibility to take the Gospel message to those who as yet don’t know Jesus. Q5.It is our responsibility to do all in our power to see or enable the message to be spread to people who have not had the opportunity to hear about God. If we don’t go ourselves we must pray that others will go and we must support them by prayer and financially. We can facilitate speakers from other countries coming to speak in church with a view to support them or maybe influencing church members to travel and work in these countries. Q6.By studying the Bible we are witnesses of all God’s goodness and mercy. We learn about it and we personally experience it in our own lives. I personally have experienced the change in my life when I confessed my sin and was forgiven by God. I experience the change in my own life as God hones me to make me more and more like Him. I am a first hand witness of this. Q7. A true Christian is never powerless because they have the power of the Holy Spirit. However I know I have been nervous and akward because I have gone into a situation without enough preparation which is usually not enough prayer. Prayer is the essential ingredient to doing anything in ministry. I am impatient, at times restless and anxious, none of these are good when waiting and trusting that something is going to to happen. -
111. Mission, Power
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q2. Unless there is true sincere and humble repentance there is no forgiveness of sin. When we realise just how holy God is and how far short our standards in life fall we need to come in true repentance to God and seek His forgiveness. There will be no forgiveness without true repentance. If our repentance is sincere and true it will show through in our future lives, by how we change our ways and stop sinning. Forgiveness is God’s part, and if repentance is true there will always be forgiveness from God. “ If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteous.” 1John 1 v 9. -
111. Mission, Power
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q1. Repentance consists of realising our sinfulness before God and having a deep desire to be sinless and pleasing to God. Our attitude needs to be one of humility and sorrow and longing to be right with God. So we must come to Him and seek His forgiveness and turn away from our sin and our source of sin. For some this may mean a change in lifestyle, new friends, new places to visit etc. The are new things to look forward to : Forgiveness from God , a realisation that God loves us so much that He was prepared to suffer and die a death full of suffering and shame to give us the opportunity of spending eternity in His presence, and having our sins forgiven by God.Our forgiveness and salvation is a gift from God, nothing to do with anything we have done but only by God’s grace. No matter what we do we could never meet God’s standard of righteousness. Repentance is a change of direction in life, a desire to turn from sin and follow Jesus. It can be described as Conversion, or a change of heart and mind. -
110. Appearance
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q1. The disciples had a fair idea by now that Jesus had risen from the dead because they had had the report from the ladies in the morning and then Pater and John had gone to the tomb and also found it was empty. Now they had just heard from Cleopas and his fellow traveler all that had happened to them on the way to Emmaus. They were confused and suddenly Jesus is standing in the room with them. They are startled and frightened and think that Jesus is a ghost. Q2. Jesus was showing them His hands and feet to make the point that He was not a ghost but the Jesus they knew and loved. Q3.Jesus told them to touch His hands and feet to prove to them that He was human, made of flesh and blood just like He had been when He was with them, before His death. Q4.The disciples were so overjoyed at Jesus’s presence with them that they still can’t believe it is true! Jesus asks them for something to eat to show them that He really is human and therefore hungry. Q5.Jesus resurrected body had all the wounds visible which were inflicted on Him during His crucifixion. He even told Doubting Thomas to put his fingers into His wounds. Jesus was able to do normal physical activities just as He did before His death. He walked to Emmaus from Jerusalem, about 7 miles, He ate food with His disciples, and talked to His disciples just as He had always done. Jesus body although human is not limited in the same way as He was in life. Jesus can appear and disappear. He is not bound by time and space. Q6.Just as Jesus had explained to Cleopas and his friend about all that would happen to the Messiah from the Torah and Psalms so He started again to teach the disciples and explained to them all that was written and how it had been fulfilled. The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance for the forgiveness of sin will be preached in His name to all nations. Luke 24.v 46. -
109. Emmaus
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q3. Jesus rebuke is justified, because Scripture teaches us that : Jesus would suffer at the hands of His enemies and be put to death, but also that on the third day He would rise again. They either had not understood the Scriptures or they didn’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus walks with them on their journey and starts to explain the Scriptures to them and showing them how the passages from the Torah related to the Messiah. I question myself, I wonder would I have understood or been any less ‘ slow of heart’. I am not sure! Q4.This passage describes accurately the suffer and death of the Messiah, but also our rejection of Him . It makes hard reading for us now, when you can recognise your own part in it. But then we are told in 52v13 “He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted”, 53v11 “ After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life, and be satisfied ,”, but terrible suffering had to go before that to give us the opportunity of going to heaven. Maybe the Rabbi’s were slow of heart, and still are today. Maybe too steeped in ‘ tradition’ and not searching the Scriptures for answers. Q5.The meaning and significance of the Servants death is that this is a picture of the Messiah who would be our sacrificial lamb, who would suffer and die on a cross for our sins and the sins of the whole world. 53v 11-12, and 52v 13, both indicate that Jesus would be raised to glory. Q6. I haven’t met a Christian who is proud of their unbelief, but if I did I would be wondering if they were a fully committed Christian. As a follower of Jesus we must believe the Bible in its entirety and not pick and choose what we will believe and what we don’t believe. I know there are areas of the Bible that I have struggled with but I accept that God knows best and He has a reason as to why we can and cannot do certain things. We should not ignore our doubts but seek guidance from more mature Christians, study Scripture and pray that God will enlighten you or give you acceptance of the issue you are having difficulty with. Q7.The breaking of bread is an important part of our worship. It is a time of quietness and reflection when we draw close to God and as a body of believers and think about all that Jesus did for us through His suffering and death. Jesus is in our midst in a special way , Scripture tells us that when two or three are gathered in His name He is there in our midst, especially during these times of quiet reflection, remembering and thanksgiving. -
109. Emmaus
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q1. Cleopas and his friend were walking slowly and dejectedly from Jerusalem to Emmaus they were leaving the city after the Passover celebrations but also more importantly after the trial and death of Jesus. They were in a state of sadness, loneliness, bewilderment and dejection. They were trying to process and understand all that had happened and they were having difficulty at trying to understand how and why Jesus had been so wrongly treated and put to death. Q2.These two disciples did not believe the women because what they were saying did not make sense to them that Jesus had gone from the tomb. They were totally missing that this was exactly what The prophets had said would happen and that Jesus had predicted for himself. -
Q31. Success
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Elijah and the Whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1-18) and Elijah's Legacy
Q31. Elijah’s ministry was to show an unbelieving people that God is alive, and despite their sinfulness He still loves them. He desperately wants to show them that Yahweh is the true God and not Baal or other false gods.He wants to show them the power of God as he did at Mount Carmel. Unfortunately Elijah was only partly successful but what we learn about was his great faithfulness to God and his mission from God. It is impossible to know how successful a ministry is, there are many things going on in people’s minds which may not come to fruition for a long time. There may also be people who appear enthusiastic but never grow in the things of the Lord. An accurate assessment will only come to light when Jesus returns and reveals all to us. -
Q30. Faith
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Elijah and the Whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1-18) and Elijah's Legacy
Q30. Yes I believe that God can use me in extraordinary ways, because I am told in James that Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly for it not to rain and God answered his prayer, and then years later he prayed that it would rain and again God answered prayer yet again. So if Elijah can be used by God so can I. I fear though that I am not earnest enough in prayer, to enable God to use me in an extraordinary way, though I do trust Him completely. I think lack of prayer, lack of trust and apathy keep us from being used effectively. -
Q29. John the Baptist’s ministry was similar to Elijah’s. They were both given the task of preparing the people to turn from their wicked sinful ways and to turn back to God. They both wore similar clothing of animal skins tied with a leather belt. They both spoke out boldly against the sin of people around them. John the Baptist was said to “ come in the spirit and power” of Elijah. They both preach a gospel of repentance. John the Baptist was not a reincarnation of Elijah but he came in the Spirit and Power of Elijah. John was in the same spiritual state or of the same disposition as Elijah.
Q28. Double-Portion
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Elijah and the Whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1-18) and Elijah's Legacy
Q28. Elisha asks for a double portion of the Holy Spirit to show he was the true successor to Elijah. He was probably feeling overwhelmed by the thought of the responsibility he was taking over and feeling inadequate and really felt the need to have a double portion of strength from the spirit. He was to be admired that his request for for nothing worldly but something that would help him in him God given ministry. Yes it is right to desire to have a greater presence and power of the Holy Spirit, only with His presence and power can we become as God desires us to be. He gives us the strength to do and say things that we wouldn’t say or do without His strength. We seek it by spending more time in God’s presence, praying and learning more and more about Him. -
Q27. Discouragements
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Elijah and the Whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1-18) and Elijah's Legacy
Q27. Elisha knew that Elijah was going to be taken at this time, he was Elijah’s successor, he was not going to leave Elijah alone. He was his companion on this unknown road. Maybe Elisha felt he wanted to absorb and learn as much as possible from Elijah in these last hours. Maybe he felt a responsibility as Elijah’s friend and successor to be with him right up until the end. Elijah appears to discourage Elisha from staying with him , maybe he was testing Elisha to see how faithful he would be, or maybe he felt a need to be on his own to commune with His God, who was going to take him from this world imminently. I have had many disappointments since I started following Jesus but I haven’t thought about not following Him. As Peter says in John 6 v68 “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” -
108. Resurrection
Katy replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 5 (Passion, Lessons 94-112, Luke 21:37-24:53)
Q1. Jesus death had happened on Friday, Saturday was Sabbath so nothing was done as prescribed by God in His commandments. The women had prepared spices and ointments in preparation for anointing the body of Jesus. So early on Sunday morning they went to do the anointing which they didn’t have time to do on Friday evening before the Sabbath started at sun down. There may also have been a concern about the body starting to decay in the heat of the climate in Jerusalem. Q2.The women had followed Joseph and Nicodemus when they went to lay Jesus in Joseph’s brand new tomb, so they knew exactly where the tomb was. Jesus was the only body in the tomb so they could not have mixed the body up with someone else’s. The burial cloths were on the floor with the head cloth folded , if the body was stolen the cloth would be missing as well. Q3.The angels declaration is ironic because the women were looking in a tomb for a dead person, if they knew He was alive they would not have been looking in the tomb. They did not remember in their grief that Jesus had told them He would rise from the dead. It was thrilling because the angel was telling them that after all Jesus had gone through He had risen from the dead and was alive, just as He had said but that they didn’t understand at the time. Q4. The disciples just didn’t understand because they knew Jesus was the Messiah, and they expected Him to relieve them from Roman rule and not be captured torture and killed in this way. Even though Jesus had told them He would be put to death it just didn’t register with them until now they find themselves living through the experience. Sometimes it is only in retrospect that we human’s understand things that happen in life. I can imagine them talking and thinking’ how did we not see these things coming and understand what Jesus had told us’. They just had been taught to expect a different kind of Messiah and didn’t consider it might happen in a different way. Q5. The women loved Jesus and followed Him because Jesus had healed many of them from various ailments which were afflicting them. After being cured they followed Jesus doing what they could to help, which included financial support as they were able. Q6.The women were the first to visit the tomb and they knew exactly where Jesus had been laid on Friday because they had followed Joseph and Nicodemus to the tomb. They saw the angel who had asked them “ Why are you looking for the living among the dead”, “He is not here He is risen”. That must have been fairly convincing. Q7. If Jesus body had been stolen the grave cloths would not have been left in the tomb. The head cloth was folded. If the body had been stolen the thieves would not have stopped to remove them. They would grab the body and run, taking cloths with them. Q8. Yes the validity of the Christian faith does rely upon the resurrection as a historical fact. Jesus is alive and living and reigning in heaven. The New Testament shows us very clearly that Jesus was seen by the disciples and many others after His death and resurrection. I think the passage in 1 Corinthians 15 v 12 -20 explain it well. -
Q26. Yahweh is insulted by Ahaziah who turns not to Yahweh but to Baal-Zebub to find out if he was going to get well following a fall through some wood lattice window coverings. Ahaziah had to send his messengers on a four day journey to reach Elton where this false god was. Because of his mothers teaching and influence he did not follow Yahweh but Baal. In our world today many people ignore God and treat other things as gods in their lives, social media, career, money etc. I have made decisions in my life without seeking God’s wisdom. I did it because I didn’t fully understand who God is, and God did not have the place He should have had in my life. Even now I can rush into things but now know I cannot make big decisions without first praying about it.