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Q1.Jesus is God, He needed to become a man so He could die for us. Because He was without sin, He was a worthy sacrifice to the Father for our sins. No other person was sinless therefore no one else could redeem us. Q2.I don’t think any of us can even begin to understand just what it cost Jesus to do this for us. Our finite minds just cannot grasp the enormity of the cost for Jesus to empty Himself of His part of His Divinity but retain His Holiness, His love and His righteousness. I know how it grieves me when I see sin being flaunted around me, my grief is minute by comparison to what it must have cost Jesus to come and live in such a sinful world. Never mind every thing else He suffered at the hands of the very people He created! Q3.Jesus emptied Himself of His Omniscience, Omnipresence, and His Omnipotence. He was still Holy, full of love and righteousness. He experienced all that we experience in life so that He can identify with us in every human situation. Q4.There is so much for me to learn from Jesus. If He could give up so much for me, I should be able and willing to give up things in this life for Him. It should make me so very grateful for all He sacrificed for me. I must try harder to share these wonderful facts with those who don’t believe! I need to humble myself in His service each day. I need to worship and adore Him for all He has done.
Q1. Jesus was with God in the beginningv2. Jesus is God and has always been with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. God has always been He had no beginning and no end. Q2.Jesus is Fully God and therefore Divine. Jesus became a man for thirty three years but He was fully man and fully God. Q3. The Incarnation is the Theological term for Jesus becoming man. Q4.We are unworthy of having anything to do with God, but because of God’s Grace and favor to us we are made worthy. God did this for us by sending Jesus to earth to die upon the cross for us. Jesus is our Redeemer, He paid the price for us . We were so unworthy and only Jesus was acceptable to God because He is without sin. Q5.We must accept the truth about God and this truth will set us free. This happens when we accept Jesus into our lives and we realise that only God’s way is the right way. This means turning from sin and making God the focus of our lives. Happy and Holy Christmas to everyone.
Q1. Jesus has saved us from our sins by dying on the cross for us. Jesus was the only one who could do this for us because He was the only one who was without sin. Therefore Jesus was the only one acceptable to God to pay the price for us. Our forgiveness is a free gift from Jesus but we have free will and we can accept it by turning from our sin and following Jesus or we can ignore the things of God and walk away. Q2.Jesus became our scapegoat and took our place on the cross. Q3.In the-times of Mosaic law people brought sacrifices to be burnt and offered up to God in atonement for their sins. Jesus became our Sacrifice, offered to God for the forgiveness of our sins. It was a Sacrifice offered once for all time, unlike the Mosaic law which demanded sacrifice every year of ones life.
Q1.Luke’s story about Jesus childhood shows that Jesus was in some ways like all other children and yet in other ways was very different. Jesus had to grow develop and learn like other children while at the same time He had understanding about Scripture beyond His years. He was offhand about the upset He would cause His parents when they realised He was not among the family on their way home. Jesus felt the great need even at twelve to be preparing for His own ministry in the future.Part of the training for that work was that He was obedient to His earthly parents .I think Luke was showing up that Jesus was a child but also that this child was also very special and different because He was the Son of God. Q2.We learn that Jesus was a child like any other child,He had to learn , and grow and develop like any other child. He also had to learn to be obedient to His parents. At an early age we see that He was already occupied with learning all He could from the Jewish scholars and teachers, and He had an understanding way beyond His years. We learn He was a serious young man that was taking His calling or mission seriously, despite all the hardships of being ‘without sin’ in a sinful world. Q3.No matter what the project or job, preparation is vital for a successful completion. There are different aspects to be considered eg finance, is there sufficient money available to complete the jobs, will I be able to support myself while I do this unpaid work. Etc. Skills: Do I need skills that I don’t have just now, do I need to learn a new skill? Maybe I need a new language which will take time to learn but may be essential for the success of my mission. To ensure the success of the mission or project it can sometimes take a few years to fully train. However this training is essential. Q4.Sometimes we can be impatient to get on with the job and don’t realise the importance of training and knowing all we can about the job in hand. Ignorance can be another factor, just not being aware of everything that could go wrong, or the way situations need to be handled. Satan would love us to embark on a mission or project with little or no preparation for what is ahead. This would more than likely end in failure.
Q1.The Ancient of Days was God and He passed to the Son of Man authority and power over all things. Q2.The Son of Man was used by Jesus to show that He had given up everything that made Him God and took on human form. It was used 107 times in Scripture, so even though it wasn’t a familiar name it would become familiar through reading the Scriptures. Jesus by being the Son of Man can really understand our human problems because He experienced them Himself first hand. Q3.Jesus authority in my life means I should put Him first in every aspect of my life. I have to admit there are times when I don’t, but I do try more and more to commit every part of my life to Him. I think it is more difficult when living in a family where you are the only Christian.At times I have put my family before God but as my family are independent now it is easier but not without its complications at times. Eg wanting me to do things on Sunday that I’d rather not. Wanting me to stay at home rather than go to my prayer meeting. Now I am stronger in saying no as I must obey my Lord and Master.
Q1. Jesus had a reputation in the area everyone wanted to see Him and find out why people were so attracted to Him. Unfortunately for many it was no more than an idle curiosity and would go no deeper. Q2. Jesus is using hyperbole in this passage to get across to those listening just how serious a commitment to follow Him is to be taken. This does not in anyway go against the commandment to “ Honour your father and your mother “. Exodus 20v12.This must be obeyed at all times. The only times we can go against our parents is if they were telling us to do something contrary to God’s law.? Q3.When we are carrying our cross we are doing things God’s way and not giving into our own selfish lazy ways. Q4.Before anyone starts to build anything the will first of all decide how much money and time they have spare to put into the project. If a person doesn’t have enough money or time the project has to be put off until the resources are available. In this parable Jesus is teaching about the commitment that is needed to be a true follower of Jesus rather than a nominal Christian. There is no point in starting out without assessing whether we will be able to follow through. However I wonder does any person know what it is going to cost them before they commit themselves to God. I know I had no idea , I just knew I wanted Him in my life, and off I went, not expecting any difficulties ahead. How immature I was even though I was forty! Praise God He has never left me or forsaken me. Q5.This parable also teaches about making sure you have sufficient resources before starting a project but to be wise if you find you have not enough. Back down if there is not enough resources. If we are to follow Jesus our commitment is to be wholehearted and faithful. No half measure. Q6.When we are fully committed to Jesus we acknowledge that everything we have comes from Him and belongs to Him. This means we will pray about buying a new car, or house or anything. I sometimes pray if I am picking a dress or a coat and say to Jesus “ if this is right and ok let my size be there”. Sometimes it is sometimes it is not, either way it is good. It takes all worry or anxiety out of the everyday things of life, if God wants it to happen it will , if not, it is not His will for it to happen. Q7.As Christians we need to be as salt bringing flavour to life. We do this by being kind to people, being helpful, open, friendly. Treat everyone the same. Willing to help people. Working to represent Christ. Yes people should be able to tell I am a Christian, I try to ‘ nail my colours to the mast’ if I am in a new place or situation. I don’t preach or try not to. If I hear the Lord’s name taken, I do make a comment. Usually people will become aware not to do it in my presence, and hopefully think before using His precious name anywhere. I try not to be judgemental. When asked out when I was working , I would go to the meal but decline to go to the pub or nightclub. This was accepted and I don’t think it interfered with relationships. There were times when people would come and ask for prayer because they knew I was Christian. I tried not to work Sunday, when questioned it gave me an opportunity to explain that I didn’t like to miss going to church, some people definitely thought I was a bit odd especially as we got paid double money! But they got used to it and were very happy to work my Sundays . It can be a fine line between being a witness and appearing “holier than thou”. It also can be hard at times to use those times to speak about what I do believe and why I act in a certain way. But every act or word said in His name honours Him.
Q1. We can learn from Joseph how to obey God. He didn’t wait for any other sign or didn’t wait for daybreak Joseph got up straight away and prepared for the journey and left just as he had been directed. Q2.When God asks us to do something we do not need to know the outcome, only that we must do as we have been directed. Then we trust in God for our journey and outcome. I think of Abram in Genesis 12 at 75 years of age God directed Him to take his immediate family and his belongings and go to a “land I will show you “v 1. Abram had no idea where he was going but he trusted God. Q3.We must trust God and the awful things that He allows. At times this can be very hard but we must have faith and trust. Some things are revealed to us and others are not, Deuteronomy 29v29,but in all things God is working out His purpose. I also find it hard because it is the one thing that I find comes up time and time again when speaking to non Christians and I have at times been told my answer is ‘a cop out’! Q4.Genesis 18v25 Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?
Q1. There are a couple of ways of looking at the Magi’s gifts. They were customary in that they were given by them to a King in fact to the most important king of all time. I wonder were they aware of who He really was? If they were aware maybe they did love Him because of all they had studied about Him, and maybe they realised He would be there Saviour. I like to think the gifts were gifts of love rather than custom. Q2.They were fitting because they were gifts for a King: gold the most precious of metals, Frankincense which could be used at burial, and Myrrh used in worship in the temple. All of these gifts were precious commodities which could help Joseph provide for his family in difficult times. They were not presents you would bring to an ordinary toddler they were gifts suited to a King child. Q3.Gifts that mean something to Jesus are things that I do because I love Him and want to honour Him with my life. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant they are, as long as I do them for Him as an act of worship. Q4.Giving cheerfully as much as I can and a little extra. Because all I am doing is giving back to God what He has given to me.Visiting people I know who are alone and lonely. Being involved in different organisations eg Food Bank. Children’s Charity shop. These involve my gifts of money, and time and are done because I am God’s gloves and I love Him.
Q1.There is no place for self determination in God’s Kingdom. If we accept Jesus into our lives we bow our knees and in humility give our hearts and lives to Him. A big part of this is obedience to Him, a willingness to live our lives in a fashion becoming to a follower of Jesus. This includes doing things that Jesus asks us to do even when we don’t particularly want to. Q2. Our choices are to follow Jesus and obey Him and reap the rewards in the next world. Our biggest reward being to spend eternity in God’s presence. Or we can choose to determine our own lives, live as we see fit and reap the rewards of a life spent like that. Our reward will be eternal damnation.
Q1.Satan is the Father of lies and one of his ploys is to constantly distract us from spending time in the Lord’s presence. If we listen to him our time will be busy with worldly unimportant things. Sometimes this can be difficult because the distractions can be perfectly valid jobs which need to be done but must not eat into our time with God. We have to be very aware of what Satan is up to and be disciplined to say “no”! A typical example is getting up in the am, I feel like staying in bed but if I do I won’t have time to be with the Lord. There is a battle going on Satan saying “ your tired, why not stay in bed”. The Lord is calling to me saying “ don’t forget beloved child, we have a divine appointment “. Q2. I am sure the Lord will welcome us at any time of day or night. I try and spend time with God in the morning. I find if I leave it until the evening I am tired and easily distracted. I can also fall asleep while praying. Q3.Anna was a prophetess, she spent her time listening to God and then telling people she met in the temple what God had directed her to say. Anna is a good example for us to follow to listen to hear God speaking to us. This is another reason to spend time in God’s presence, away from distractions, to give ourselves the opportunity to be able to hear what God is saying to us.
Q1. The Holy Spirit was with Simeon and He knew He would see the God child before he died. And this was the day the Holy Spirit inspired him to go to the temple and he went and met the family with baby Jesus and he prophesied about Him. Q2. It is recorded in Luke’s gospel for our instruction. It shows us just how in control God is , everything happens as He promises. We can see from reading scriptures that Simeon’s prophecy has been fulfilled. Q3. The prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leaders and eventually crucified. Simeon’s prophecy about Mary was fulfilled when Jesus was not accepted by the Jewish leader and she had to watch Him suffer and die nailed to a cross.
Q1. The suddenness of Jesus coming is fearful if we are not ready. If we haven’t repented and humbled ourselves before God, then we have reason to fear. When He comes there will be no chance to change things and no excuses will be acceptable. Q2.These verses were fulfilled in Jesus day by John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus and teaching repentence. Q3. These verses will be fulfilled when Jesus returns to Judge us all. There will be no more opportunities for repentance it will be about judgement.
Q1. All the cameo’s of Jesus in this passage are pretty amazing. I think v 15. Which tells us He is the image of the invisible God , is a very important one for me . It gives me an imagine I can relate to , also as I learn about Jesus I am also learning about God. As I experience His love, patience, faithfulness, goodness, graciousness I am also experiencing God. I think I would find it hard to imagine God without Jesus to relate to. I also love the verse that says ‘in Him all things hold together’, maybe I am bringing this idea down too much to my weak human level. I often think it is great to start something or make something but the harder task can be to keep that ‘thing’ going. It can be hard work, monotonous, and repetitive. I take for granted that the world will keep functioning well, that one season will follow another and so on. I don’t stop and praise God enough for the way that He is the author and sustainer of life and this world. Q2.Jesus humbled Himself by making Himself nothing and allowing Himself to be born in human likeness, and in the vulnerability that it brought. He chose to be born into poverty and continued in this way for all of His thirty three years on earth. He spent His life serving the ordinary people and was reviled, rejected and disbelieved. Eventually the Jewish leader got their wishes, and Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, and Herod who sent Him back to Pilate who gave in to the crowd and sent Jesus to be crucified. Jesus had also been humiliated by the soldiers,spat upon, a crown of thorns pushed down on His head, He was also flogged, His precious skin ripped apart over and over again. Humiliation after humiliation! At any time He could have stopped His torture but He didn’t. He persisted because He loved us. Q3.The incarnation is a miracle because it is something only God could do. It is beyond our understanding as human beings. God allowed it to happen so He could give us the opportunity of having forgiveness for our sins. The virgin birth of Jesus is the beginning of the journey to the cross. A long journey which took thirty three years. Praise God for His mercy towards us.
Q1. The man believed that a time was coming when the Messiah would end the rule and oppression of the Romans and deliver the Jews from their tormentors. He also believed that the Great feast was for God’s chosen people the Jews and that no one else would be there. But Jesus goes on to teach a parable which makes it clear that there will be others at the great banquet, people they won’t expect to be there. Also that if they are not careful many Jews who except to go to Heaven will not get there. Q2.The excuses of the guests are shallow and made up. They did not want to go to the banquet or they deliberately were being insulting to their host. They should not have accepted the invitation in the first place if they did not want to go, by now refusing to go their insult has maximum impact. The guests are the Jewish people. The Jewish people initially accepted God as their God but many have chosen to neglect him despite God forgiving them over and over again for their sin. Q3.The host is angry and hurt. because this appears to be a deliberate action by his guests to hurt him and ruin his standing in society. Q4.These groups represent the gentiles, all the outcasts in society, those who are considered of low class in society, the weak and the needy. Q5. It is an urgent call because time is short the meal is ready and He wants every place to be filled. Q6.We cannot compel people to come to Jesus, if we are too compelling it puts people off. It can be a long process of building relationships and then when we have their trust sharing with them about Jesus. There are other times when someone may ask a direct question or make a comment which gives us opportunities to share the gospel but again I don’t think you can compel someone to believe. We can only say a word in season and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. Q7. We see Gods mercy when we see those who were not considered worthy to be invited to the feast now invited. That is like us gentiles we are unworthy to be with God but because of what God has done for us we are now invited. We see God’s judgement when those who were invited but have rejected the invitation will not be allowed to enter. When we share the gospel we must realise that it also contains seeds of judgment. This must give us a sense of urgency.
Q1, The angels had told the Shepherds in v. 11 “ Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord”. Verse 12 goes on to tell them “ You will find Him wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger “. The shepherds just had to work out which manger in which stable. But I am sure God would have guided them in some way to the right place, although we are not told that. Q2.The shepherds response was to go and tell everyone the news about what had happened. The people’s response was one of amazement at all the shepherds told them. Then the shepherds made their way back to their flocks praising and glorifying God, it was a night like no other. Q3. Mary’s response was to store everything up in her heart and in times of quietness and solitude to meditate and wonder at all the wonderful and amazing things that had happened over the last year.
Q1. The shepherds were left in no doubt about the origin of this host of angels. This was a unique happening which the shepherds would never forget, they would also be so full of awe that they would tell everyone about their experience. Q2.Something more low key may have brought doubts to their minds as to whether it really happened, but they knew beyond doubt that they had seen the choir of angels announcing the Saviours birth. Q3.The good news was that The Messiah had been born. This was an event all Jews longed for and now it had happened and the shepherds were the first to be told the good news. Q4.The shepherds are told they would find the Saviour wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The swaddling clothes were usual but a new born baby in a manger was most unusual. The shepherds found Jesus just as they had been told.
Q1.It is important to know who was in power at the time of Jesus because it proves that Jesus is more than a fable or a legend. It makes Jesus verifiable in history. It also gives us an insight into the conditions that Mary and Joseph were living in ie the likes of Herod the great who was craving so much for power that he was prepared to kill his own sins to safeguard his position. He was a real danger to Joseph and Mary and their precious son. Q2.Joseph and Mary had to make the four day journey to Bethlehem to fill the census but also more importantly to fulfill scripture that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. Mary was in the last week of pregnancy, there was no comfortable way of making the journey, and at the end no place for her to rest in comfort or in a clean private room where she could give birth. Q3.Jesus was coming to minister to the poor and the weak by living In poverty they would be able to identify with Him as ‘being one of us ‘ . Also it is a lesson for us to follow to live in a simple way. Q4. Jesus has told us that we will have problems in the world but He has overcome the world. Romans 5v3. We also rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character and character , hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.
Q1 God sent Jesus into the world when He did because it was the right time to do it. His timing is perfect and is not our timing so it was the right time. It was the right time in the world , commercialy, politically and historically. The stage was set and Jesus was born. Q2.To be redeemed means that Jesus paid the price to buy me back from my sinful state and made me right with God. This was subject to my asking God for forgiveness and truly repenting of my sins. Q3. Because I have asked the Lord into my life and I have repented from my sin I am adopted into the family of God. I am an adopted daughter of the living God. Q4. My inheritance is being able to spend eternity in heaven in the presence of God. Alleluia!
Q1.Love is most at home in times of peace. Q2.Winning is pointless unless it brings peace. In this world that rarely happens, wars cause bloodshed, cruelty, displacement of people, rape etc. Jesus is the only one who can bring true peace. These verses show us how it will be when Jesus comes. Q3.I can bring peace around me by living close to God, through prayer, study, and meditation. This will bless those I live with and those I come in contact with in my daily life.
Q1. The man with dropsey may have been at the dinner to test Jesus to see if He would go against a man made rule of not administering medical help on the Sabbath. However Jesus was well aware of their thoughts. On the other hand this sick man may just be one of the group of Pharisees invited to dinner. That fact that he was sitting in close proximity to Jesus May have been a coincidence but maybe not! Q2. I think Jesus was just letting the Pharisees know that He knew what they were thinking. By asking the question He is letting them know His intentions and daring them to object but nobody said a word. Q3.They were full of their own importance and wanted the seats near the host which were the important seats at the table. Being seated near the host showed their status. Not a shred of humility among them. Q4.We all want to feel good about ourselves so we subtly let people know how good we are and the good things we do. However that is not the way Jesus wants us to live. Nobody needs to know about our good deeds except God. In this way He will reward us in time, if we tell people how good we are we have already received our reward in this world . Our good deed should be done in love for Our Lord and Saviour. Q5. The hosts motives for asking Jesus to dinner were probably selfish. Jesus was an interesting, radical teacher and it would look good for the host to be able to say that he had invited Jesus to dinner. He would also be able to tell them first hand about Jesus. He just wanted to advance his own social position. However Jesus introduced another topic of conversation: who one should invite to your dinner party! Jesus suggests that he should invite people who are in need , those who are unable to have him back to dinner. This should be done out of love and caring, not purely for selfish reasons. Q6.We should use our hospitality as a means of showing love to those around us who maybe are in different and difficult situations, also as a means of building relationships before sharing the gospel with people.
Q1. The poor and disadvantaged have a special place in Gods heart because He has empathy with them. His precious Son was born into poverty and knew how difficult it was to survive. Jesus was dependent on others during His public ministry for a place to lay His head at night and for all his needs by day. They tend to be very grateful for everything they receive, so they honour God in this way. Q2.There are a lot of lonely people around of all ages. Especially those living alone, and the elderly. I work in a charity shop and it gives people opportunities to talk, and I am amazed at the number of people who are lonely. This includes people from all cultures and backgrounds. We don’t get people who are wealthy coming into the shop except sometimes to donate stuff to us. Q3. I visit some elderly people every few weeks. I take a few ladies out for coffee/ lunch who are in difficult home situations. I donate to a few Christian organisations who work with the marginalised abroad. The charity shop I work in supports a street children’s shelter which we paid for in India, we pay for the children’s education. We also support a few local charities for the homeless. I also knit for the poor in my spare time.
Q1.The world tells us to be self sufficient and look after number one and so often this is what we do. We don’t understand how to allow the Messiah to govern our lives. Q2. Maybe we don’t spend enough time in prayer and submission. We don’t realise the power available to us. Q3.We are full of pride and constantly want to be in control. We don’t appreciate the benefits of being under the Messiah’s wise leadership because we have not fully experienced them. Q4.We need to make time to be alone on a regular basis with God and humbly seek His face. We need to study His word and learn more about Him and pray for humility and understanding of the ways of God.
Q1. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God waiting until it is time to come to defeat His enemies and reign with us . Q2. Jesus will succeed in defeating His enemies and bringing those that belong to Him to be in His presence for all eternity. Q3.The primary role of a priest is to present God to us, to pastor us and to teach those in his flock. Q4.Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for us by dying on the cross for us. This enabled us to have our sins forgiven because Jesus had paid the price. Because of this we can come to God spotless and pure and follow Him. Eventually if we are faithful to the end we can look forward to spending eternity in His presence.
Q1. Jesus provokes negative reactions in some people because they don’t want anything to do with the things of God. Many feel God has no relevance today. They are too intelligent, too advanced, too educated to believe in such things. Q2.They are in charge and don’t want to be told by anyone else what they can and cannot do. They are usually suspicious of authorities motivation for asking us to do something. Q3.If I detected rebellion in my heart I discipline myself to do whatever it is I am rebelling against. I ask the Lords forgiveness and ask for His strength to keep going. Sometimes I have to put discipline before motivation if I find motivation in short supply. But I know this is displeasing to the Lord, when I need discipline rather than motivation! Q4.To kiss the Son, or kiss His feet means to humble ourselves before Him and to love and adore Him.
Q8. These verses show us that Joseph was a kind, loving and thoughtful man. Before he knew the facts behind Mary’s pregnancy, he was thinking about her, rather than his own feelings, hurt and disgrace. When God spoke to him he did not hesitate to obey Him despite the consequences. He doesn’t think about his own reputation which would be ruined. He would lose face in his family and in the synagogue, and among his friends and neighbours. He truly loved Mary and took her to his home to look after her.