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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Lisa Daley

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  1. Is Jesus fully God? Dr Wilson brought out of the text in John 1:1 (the Word was with God, the Word was God) that the Greek noun for Word is logos and here its meaning is "the independent personified expression of God". What does it mean that Jesus is the Word of God? We can also derive from John's text in John 1:1 (the Word was God) that Jesus is God! What does this say about him and his ministry? Jesus, as God, humbled himself to go to the cross for me, and he continues now in intercession for me to be humility personified. Jesus is God, Jesus is my deliverer, and Jesus is my friend.
  2. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith? Faith is the axis by which heaven and earth meet and exchange power in the heart of Man. God created faith and gave us each a measure of it, but I believe the reason He created faith was so He could interact in our conscience minds and lives. Faith is where God and I meet. If I am not exercising faith, I am not interacting with God. Hebrews 11:6 - "he who comes to God must believe that He is". God took great care and investment of time in Abraham's faith. He created sucseeding experiences to allow Abraham to see God's hand upon his life and to build his faith. He allowed Abraham to exhaust all human effort and watch the pillars burn, the idols fall, and rid the sin that was holding him back from pure faith. God perfected the faith in Abraham, as Abraham continued to say "yes" to God along the way. And that is what Jesus does in us today. He leads us to online discipleship courses, or causes us to hear the right sermon at the right time, or blesses our quiet time and reveals His truth to us. We have a measure of faith from Him, and He is delegating His power where it is needed. Jesus will always use a humble heart that believes in Him.
  3. Thankyou Pastor Ralph for a very challenging and fruit producing study in Luke. I have not been able to answer questions lately due to hectic schedule and taking care of family, but I plan to spend next week in Review. Then next Friday I am going to the Jesus Coffee House here in Spokane and I hope to begin speaking, sharing, and testifying! Please pray that the door is opened to me. What I have been most grateful about this study is how the questions forced me to look at my life and talk about it. I saw things I didn't realize and that will be used in my testimony I hope to be able to share. Thankyou. God bless you, Lisa Daley
  4. 3. Have you ever had a time when you felt like an outcast? What did it feel like to you when Jesus' voice broke through and let you know He had chosen you? When I was 58 years old, Jesus healed me of schizophrenia. I had been a Christian since I was 19. But although my initial conversion at 19 was dramatic, so was my fall that sent me into banishment and ultimately the sentence of mental illness when I was 40 years old. I had married when I was 30 and bore 3 sons which I homeschooled and brought up in the fear of the Lord. But mental illness, with its paranoia, fear, and anxiety ever loomed at my door. By 40 I had a complete breakdown and began medication. Through God's grace, I was a highly functioning schizophrenic! I went back to work and eventually held a job as a payroll specialist with 1800 team members on the docket. But all the while I was deeply oppressed. I hardly ever spoke because I was so controlled by fear. I felt like there was a cloud or blanket covering me; I felt that people didn't care or even see me. And at home I was lazy and had let my home go. It was dense with childhood belongings and junk that should have been cleaned out years ago. It got so bad that I did not invite anyone to my home during the final 5 years of my disease. I also became depressed and began drinking at home towards the end. So when Jesus came to me through circumstances that showed me it was time to believe Him for my healing, I was ready! For I did feel like an outcast, isolated from society by mental illness that created not only a void surrounding me, but one from within. Standing in my livingroom praising Jesus, the heavens opened. With my spiritual eyes I could see Jesus on His throne and II Peter 3:20 became real before me and I knew I was healed, while at the same time I felt a deep satisfaction in my soul and I realized that that was what Jesus felt with being able to heal me. I began to jump up and down and throw fist bumps towards heaven while yelling, "I am healed! I am healed!" my soul had been touched by the Saviour and I would never be the same again. That was August 10, 2018. It has been a long journey of coming out of darkness. I was able to quit work and stay home with Jesus, who helped me clean my home over the next 18 months. I made 7 dump runs and donated 5 times while Jesus and I rid my home, and my life, of the oppression of the past. I do not recommend this journey be made alone. I was fully submitted to my husband, my pastor, and the Lord Jesus Christ. I was accountable to all, and had many peope praying for me. It has been 2 1/2 years now and I can truly say I am more free than I have ever been in my life! I have finally, at age sixty, found my life's passion, which is Jesus, and I have discovered true purpose and the calling on my life. I can't yet explain in words what it meant to me when Jesus chose me for this wonderful event of healing, but I show Jesus everyday through my obedience!
  5. 4. Why did Jesus use the term "Son of Man" rather than "Son of God" or" Messiah"? The term "son of man" appears 100 times in the O. T., 93 of them in Ezekial as a synonym for "man". I believe Jesus used this term for Himself because He wanted to identify Himself with man. I believe Jesus desires to live through all of our lives and did so in the prophet Ezekial. Ezekial 2:1 - (the call of Ezekial) He said to me, son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you. Ezekial 3:4 - He said to me, Son of man, go to the house of Israel, and speak My words to them. Ezekial 3:25 - But you, son of man, behold, they shall lay shackles on you and shall bind you with them, and you shall not go out among them. Jesus is our righteousness before God and gave Ezekial the fortitude to face such a difficult call. In turn, Jesus drew encouragement from what Ezekial accomplished for God. The term Son of Man represents much more than a physical birthright. Jesus could look back through the anals of the O. T. and see where Jesus, as the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world, had been able to live through the hearts of valiant men and women. There is a quote by Charles Spurgeon that helps further depict this: "You stand before God as if you were Christ, because Christ stood before God as if he were you. " Jesus' life was in Ezekial then, and Jesus drew encouragement from that while on earth. When He called Himself the Son of Man, only He knew the true meaning of such a statement. Jesus also must have garnered much strength and encouragement from the three Psalms that use this term: Psalm 8:4 - What is man, that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You care for him? Psalm 80:17 - Let Your hand be on the man of Your right hand, on the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself. Psalm 144:3 - Yahweh, what is man, that You care for him? Or the son of man, that You think of him? I can see in these Psalms the heart of Jesus drawing from God, drinking from the fount in order to persevere and press on. I believe Jesus chose Son of Man to describe Himself because He was humble. He was not seeking power which we see in the term Son of God, to which the Pharisees objected. And He was not seeking authority as the Romans saw the Messiah as an issue. Instead Jesus was seeking man - you and me - and our neighbor.
  6. 1. Who on our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Sometime prior to the Covid shutdown in March, 2020, I went on an outing with my daughter-in-law and two grandchildren to a local large chain bookstore for story telling and craft time in the children's department. There were about ten families there of all various social backgrounds, but one woman and child stood out like a sore thumb. A companion aide had brought a girl of about 14yr in a wheelchair who was severly handicapped. She could not hold anything in her twisted hands, nor speak to express her needs let alone her desires. This girl in the wheelchair could not participate in the craft time, but only listen to the voices of the small children and their instructing parents. My own 5 yr old granddaughter stared at this girl and asked her mother, "Why?" was she like that. My daughter-in-law could only say, "We do not stare," and direct her daughter's attention elsewhere. I was left with a pain on the inside, which God would use. When I got home I read Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and pain and acquainted with grief; And like One from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or esteem Him." Then I realized never again would I stare and keep distant from an outcast, for Jesus is that person. No longer would I allow fear to separate me from the unfamiliar, for Jesus was shunned but is now in me reaching out to the very same. That young 14 yr old girl trapped in a twisted up cage of a body needs the love of Jesus Christ. I was unable to cross the divide of social barrier that day - but never again.
  7. I will. Thankyou. God bless you.
  8. 1. What things does Jesus ask Peter to do and in what order? Why the progession do you think? The first contact Jesus has with Peter in this passage is when Jesus asks Peter to do something for Him. Jesus "calls" Peter you could say. Peter had been listening to Jesus while he cleaned the nets, so when Jesus came to ask him to put out from shore, Peter quickly agreed. Now Peter was in the boat with Jesus! Jesus must have delivered a powerful word that day for the benefit of these three fishermen! When Jesus finished He then asked Peter to put out his boat to deep waters. This is a convicting word. Jesus was asking Peter if he had faith to go into the deep waters, which is a question we each face. Will we be willing to take what we learn from this discipleship course and jump into the deep waters of life? To reach out to people with real world problems? Peter did have faith. He said, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets." then came the big catch! The fishermen's obediene coupled with Jesus' power produced a powerful melody that sings through the ages of God's hand upon His people. God will go to great lengths to save a single person. We've all heard testimonies that speak to this. That day God had three fishermen in mind. Jesus knew these three men would be pillars in His new church. His heart was already invested in them in a special way. How it must have blessed Jesus when Peter fell humbly to his knees before Jesus. How He must have wanted to embrace Peter; he probably did. Finally Jesus speaks hope and love to Peter when he tells him that He is going to make him a fisher of men. Peter would learn "to capture men to free them" , the very same freedom he longed for and had heard Jesus preach to the crowd. The progression of Jesus' questions in Peter's life is the same in ours: the call and the equipping, then the obedience, and finally the miracle, God faithfully coming through for His glory and that is written in heaven shining for all eternity.
  9. Why is it so hard to maintain a Quiet Time? What have you found that enables you to set aside this time? My QT in the morning has become the cornerstone for my day spent in God. It strengthens me for the entire day, and through days of barrenness due to skipping QT, i have learned I cannot go without it. The best teaching I've received on this was by our very own Dr Wilson in his study Hearing the Voice of God. Dr Wilson provides a format for QT that I have found most helpful. Now I try to start with a song! I have learned from experience that incorporating a song brings out a very special anointing of the Spirit. I like to seek God about the song He wants to hear which sets us up for intimacy at the very start of QT. I stick to a pattern of one chapter from the OT and one from NT, but any form of structured Bible reading will suffice. My best friend likes Reading Thru the Bible in One Yr programs. She would be uncomfortable with my format just as I am with hers. Find what works best for you, for being you is most important. After the song and reading comes fellowship with God. Seeking His input on the scriptures read. There have been some powerful truths the Lord has brought out, but for me, this time of communing and prayer are the most difficult to maintain. Once this slides, the whole regime seems to fall apart and soon I am just reading words and getting no deep meaning. The only thing I can do at this point is repent and cry out to God with all my heart, strength, and mind earnestly seeking Him for restoration. And He is faithful, He is the faithful One even when I wander. Maintaining a QT is as important to our spiritual vibrancy as food is to the physical body. One cannot abstain without experiencing a weakened state. Therefore our enemy puts much effort into thwarting the daily morning commune at the Lord's table. We must fight for this time until it is ours. What we gain from it can't be taken from us!!! Jesus knew this. Allow for God to be Lord over your sleep. He will wake you early like Jesus, if you allow Him too. Sometimes I am awakened at 230am! But I have recognized my need is for time with God more than for sleep.
  10. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and His ministry acts in Capernaum? In Luke it states Jesus said, "Come out of him", and then the demon threw the man down and came out. Comparing Luke to Mark, it says in Mk 1:25-26, "Jesus rebuked him saying, 'Be quiet and come out', and the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions, and screeching with a loud voice, came out of him." We see in Mark that it was an unclean spirit, which probably oppressed its victim with much shame and guilt for many years. Having been healed of schizophrenia myself on 8/10/18, I understand this oppressive shame firsthand. For twenty years I labored under a blanket fog of fear and hedonism that kept me introverted, always being externally passive but internally a big mess. For twenty years I rarely spoke. The man in the synogogue had a demon within that didn't want to come out but Jesus came to heal the sick. This man had a mental illness - I know and understand that much for sure! "The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. " (Lk 4:18-19) Luke does not tell us about the" good news" that Jesus shared that day but we do see that the people were amazed by his words. This day Jesus came to the poorest of the poor - a man with a demon. He had no richness to his soul - only torment. Since he was at the synogogue, maybe he had been raised in a God-fearing family and wanted more. Or maybe he had just come there to beg - we do not know. Jesus knew that today the words of deliverance spoken by Isaiah centuries ago would become reality in this man's life. This man was oppressed. This man was a prisoner. And he was spiritually blind. But not for much longer! "Be quiet" and, "Come out of him" were all the words necessary. Love in action, that is what Jesus was, and is calling us to. Dr Wilson recommended counseling for people delivered of demon possession and I agree. My counselor was Jesus who walked intimately with me in my home for one and haalf years. And being completely submitted to my husband and pastor was imperative. Maybe if I had seen a "professional" counselor it wouldn't have taken as long, but Jesus had other plans for me and He enjoyed the process of daily gaining ground over the enemy. I can't say enough about prayer either for it is a great weapon. People praying for me made all the difference. Thank you Jesus that you see and understand everything about us, and You are full of love, mercy, and compassion. That day in the synogogue the people were amazed at the authority with which Jesus spoke, but what was truly amazing was that His words became Love in action. The devil has no power against Love; it is just that simple. God bless you.
  11. 4. How did Jesus show courage in the face of rejection? I picked this question because I too want to show courage in the face of rejection, and what better way to learn than to study the Master! The definition of courage is the ability to press forward in the face of difficulty. Jesus knew he was going into the lion's den when he returned to Nazareth, for although he had just experiencedd great success in his ministry, now he was going back home. Why is it so difficult to share God with our families? One reason is that our family members do not see us through eyes of light. Instead they see us through their own sinful hearts, choosing to remember our "old man" over the newly regenerated life in us. This also enables them to justify themselves before us. But our family members need to see Jesus and choose Him for who He is. And Jesus points out in this story that there is oftentimes hidden sin in the heart. Jesus is not afraid of confrontation! Instead of choosing to go back to Nazareth and have a good time with the "fam", keeping it politically correct, he gives scriptural examples in the synogogue that impact the very root of their problem - unbelief. This provokes a reaction from the listeners that stirs them to attempted murder. Obviously they have issues with God! How did Jesus show courage in the face of rejection? I see clearly that the most important factor is hearing & obeying God. Jesus shared the stories at the prompting of God's Spirit, trusting God for the outcome. And God delivered him from the angry crowd. Courage is not the challenge for me, because Jesus knows I will do anything for him. My hardship is dealing with rejection, be it from the mouth of man or in my own mind by my enemy. Rejection often causes me to judge the offender in my heart as a self-justified means of preservtion. Alas, these are not the actions of a spotless Bride. So after a long day of fighting the devil and seeking God in frustration, Jesus lovingly comes. Together we go to the altar where I die to self once again, repent, and then ask for his Life to fill the desert voids of my heart. He is so compassionate and the Life he gives is saturatingly complete and whole. "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and pain and acquainted with grief; and like One from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or esteem him. Isaiah 53:3. Clearly rejection is part of the Walk. Last night I told my husband that this process of recovering from rejection is all part of the reason God left the devil in place. Jesus matures us by using both the process and our enemy. Jesus is making a mature Bride and he is going to come back with Justice in his heart for us - and marry us! Is the struggle worth it? Just look at Jesus and decide. ☝☝☝Jesus is here now!!!
  12. Much prayer went into picking a question out of Lesson 6 because initially no question popped out to me with desire to dive in. Instead this time I wrestled with the questions, all the while sensing that question 4 was the question God had for me. 4. Who around you is a prisoner? How can you declare freedom to them with sensitivity? This question points to the obvious, the elephant in the room, for the prisoner in my life is none other than my husband of 30 yrs. I won't give you his testimony other than to say he has been backslidden for 20yrs. I on the flipside was healed of the Lord 2.5 yrs ago and have come into a Full relationshp with Christ wherein He has shown me my worth, my purpose, and a calling. I recently have told several people that I am happier now than I ever knew possible, and I have found my passion in life - Jesus. But back to the question. Learning to share Christ with your spouse for a wife can be found in I Peter 3:1-2. "In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if some do not obey the word (of God), they may be won over (to Christ) without discussion by the godly lives of their wives." This word came to me during a time I was trying with all my heart to fully submit to my oftentimes difficult husband. I looked daily for ways to submit, for Jesus had shown me that He saw him as a great king. So I endeavored to NOT look at my husband's sin and rough exterior, but instead to serve, serve, serve. Out of this has been born a beautiful love. Nightly I massage my husband's feet, I keep his water glass full, and his eyeglasses cleaned. My husband knows he is loved - by me. And he is! I have grown to possess a deep love for my husband that sees past all the ugliness of his flesh. Jesus has broken the hard parts of my heart to reveal a love that covers all sin. I'm no saint; it is still sometimes painful, but Jesus is all I need when the going gets tough. "Spending time with Jesus is all we need for anything we face." Unfortunately my husband still has issues with God. He is fine with me serving Jesus, in fact he prefers it, but in a rare conversation about God just last night he said, "You can't make me do something I don't want to do. (Silence) So just keep the faith and hang in there." ARGH! UGH! That hurts. God where are you in this? God I have faithfully served You first and submitted to my husband and this is the answer I get? Haha, it is not easy to serve God but always worth it. Over the heart struggles I have endured, I have been led to Hebrews 4:3 where God speaks of a timetable for our faith. He says: "although the works were finished from the foundation of the world." Which means Jesus planned and made all things in his heart before time began. He knows the days of each person and He knows when my husband will come back to him. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God." (Heb 4:9). I have learned that Jesus is not as concerned with my husband as He is with me. Jesus wants me to be able to give even when I don't "feel like it"; Jesus wants me to accept and to serve no matter what comes. (Of course it goes without saying that Jesus does not want wives to submit to sin!) It is often very difficult for the trials of life seem to be relentless but I have learned that keeping Jesus preeminent causes every dark difficulty to pale and grace to abound. Prayer and standing on the Word of God are the only tools that survive all tests, even overcoming them. So I trudge onward in Relationship & Prayer with the Bible & Faith trusting my God and friend Jesus to bring my husband in on the perfect day. Will it be tomorrow or on his deathbed, I do not know. But I have come to accept this next phase of our lives together and in Christ it will be good. It will be very, very good!
  13. 1. Is temptation only merely inevitable, or is it necessary? God uses pain to teach us: Heb 12:11 "For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems sad and painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." God realizes that pain can be a good thing. He taught Jesus obedience through what he suffered (Heb 5:8). The pain Jesus went through was for the greater good, and such it is with us. God doesn't want us to wallow in self-pity while in a trial, but instead keep our eyes on him by confessing the Word and praying. As we do this, we rise above the temptation (up, up, up) where we actually experience God's glory. It is not easy. Was Jesus' road to the cross easy? No! But Jesus looked instead at the joy set before him (Heb 12:2). And that is what God wants for us. We all know we are being conformed into the image of Christ, right? Well the suffering brought about by willingly submitting to the crucified life, bearing your cross daily, is the most worthy kind of submission there is. That is what Jesus did. God wants us to know "He is good" all the time, good times and bad, even in trial and temptation. As we begin to get a grasp on this and obey him in it, we become mature Christians, we become the Bride of Christ. And Jesus is coming back for a mature bride: "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready." (Rev 19:7). Jesus loves us folks; it is either His way or the highway! But, oh the rewards to those who choose Him!!!
  14. 6. Did Jesus become the Messiah at this point? "You are my Son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased." Lk 3:22b I used to beieve that Jesus was simply a man while on earth, a man anointed by the HS at the baptism at the River Jordan. And it was the HS who gave him, as a mere man, the power to perform miracles. I was actually likening Christ to me in hopes that I too could walk in God's power of miracles. But God did not allow me to continue with this way of thinking, for a common confession of my mouth is, "Truth will always prevail." God showed me by the HS and the Word that Jesus was, is, and shall always be God (John 1:1-2). Also we opened with Luke 3:22 where God calls Jesus his Son which reveals Jesus' family divinity. Dr Wilson brought out an interesting observation of Jesus coming into self-realization of Who He was during the ages of birth to 12 yrs. I liked that analysis because I too at times have found myself walking in a grace that I did not understand with my intellect. I have had the grace to walk in obedience for the Call God has on my life, but I did not have an understanding intellectually nor could I explain it. The understanding came with prayer and submission, listening and obeying. So I identify with Jesus in this. I now believe Jesus was always God, which kept him from sin, and that he grew to understand Who He was in God. As Dr Wilson so beautifully depicted, Jesus experienced ALL for us - a baptism and the blessing of a Father, which is so very, very, very important to the heart of wholeness in Man.
  15. 1. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Mankind is lost. Isaiah 53:6 states, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way." But we are not just wandering, we are alienated from God by our own wicked hearts. "For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that He may have mercy to all," (Romans 11:32). We are unworthy but there is hope because God's eternal love song is playing by His Spirit in the earth, and those who are His respond. God does not leave us in our depravity! Jesus is the answer and when we come to Him, He exchanges our unworthiness for His righteousness. Jesus in us qualifies us in God's eyes and for His service. Nothing else does. Not our own works, intellect, good looks, or nothing we produce from ourselves. Only Jesus in us and through us qualifies us. He is the vine and we are the branches. The fruit we produce must come from the life of the vine to endure, His life. Am I worthy? No. Is Jesus worthy? Yes. Jesus in me is what qualifies me to serve. I will never be worthy in myself, only LOVED.
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