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Eduvigis Antonio Nerio Lop

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  1. Q5. (Ephesians 3: 20-21) Where does the power of God work according to verse 20? (a) In us who believe on Him How much power is working quantitatively? (a) Abundantly in all things without limits Why isn't it more obvious? (a) The reason we don’t see this power in the body of Christ is because in the church there is not a good understanding of God’s wisdom, revelation and knowledge for this reason there is no understanding of this power that operates in the saints. 1:17-18 How does the exercise of Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? (a) In the Church to our Lord Jesus Above all adges and in all generation
  2. Jesus Christ is Lord of everything. He create angels, spirit beans, animals, wind, oceans, universe, he is the head of all man 1Corinthians11:3 Paul already mention in several places on this letter, in and Colossians 1:18 that He and only Him is the Head of the Church, I pray that many understand this to focus in Him first to learn and practice his power in His church and out of the church and reach out the world
  3. If Christ has seat us at his side, that means we also have authority in the spiritual hierarchy, the Bible teach us that all demons and evil spirits are under Jesus feet and if we have seat at the side of Jesus we also can defeat daemons and spiritual evil under our feat. Glory to our God the father and Jesus who has allowed us to seat at his side. My lord we don’t deserve it but by your grace you have bless us!!!
  4. a) I believe the Ephesians didn’t know this power for the lack of wisdom, revelation, knowledge of Him v.17 b) Paul used the example of Jesus Christ where this power of God is not limited and in all things God’s super eminent greatness power was demonstrated in the most incredible act of death, raisin from the death to Jesus Christ.
  5. God the father has honor his Son Jesus Christ and put him on His side by doing that on this position God the father has giving preeminent power, authority, and lordship over every principality in all name in the present century and the one to come
  6. God the father has honor his Son Jesus Christ and put him on His side by doing that on this position God the father has giving preeminent power, authority, and lordship over every principality in all name in the present century and the one to come
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