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Q7. Weal and Woe
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q7. (Isaiah 45:7b) In what sense does God "bring prosperity and create disaster"? Disaster meaning, sorrows, difficulties and tragedies. He does this for the good or the correction of His children. Sometimes a negative happening brings a person to his senses and he again bows his knees in repentance, before almighty God. All nature is created by God. Is God the source of evil? Of trouble? Of prosperity? Of poverty? God uses these circumstances in our lives in some way for our good. (Romans 8:28) In what sense is He responsible for these? In that He does not stop them from happening. In what sense are we responsible for these things? Many times it is because of choices that were made, then came the consequences of our lifestyles. Since we know that God is the source of both prosperity and disaster, what should we be doing? Submit to His will in all that we do. Rely on Him and not on our own disastrous judgement. -
Q6. Cyrus the Persian Deliverer
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? God knows all things and He thought it right to revealed this to Isaiah. In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God? God chose Cyrus to perform a certain task. He anointed, i.e., set him apart, and appointed him for this task. How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? God chooses whosoever and whatsoever He will. What does this tell us about God? He is all-knowing. What does this tell us about being humble in our judgments of others? We do not have the full picture. God is still at work with them. Who are we to judge. God sees the end from the beginning. -
Q5. Your Purpose for Living
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)? Submit to Him and fully live for Him. How can you fulfill your purpose to be His witness (verses 10, 12)? Remain steadfast and true to Him. How can you fulfill your purpose to proclaim His praise (verse 21)? Share what He has done and not be silent. What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? Fear of failure. Fear of failing Him. How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you? Have peace. -
Q4. God's Blind Servant
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q4. (Isaiah 42:18-25) According to this passage, in what ways is God's "servant" blind? Why? They see, but do not observe, meaning registering it as being significant. God gave them instructions to follow, but they were disobedient and followed them in their own way. They were called to repent, time and time again, but refused. They did not follow God's ways. Finally when the Messiah will come, they will reject Him. So the blindness is because of disobedience and their backslidden state. Who is the "servant" in this passage? The people of Israel. How would you assess your own degree of spiritual blindness in the last 5 or 10 years? That's a hard question to answer. How effective is a blind servant in accomplishing his master's purposes? He isn't. He stumbles about and is a hindrance sooner than a help. How effective have you been? This too is a challenge to answer. I too would have said, I am not effective. I would just like to share a testimony which just might help someone reading this. Someone close to me, whom I visited much in the last 4 years, was troubled by the treatment she and her family had received in the community, many years ago. They were very poor. This was top in her mind and she spoke of it often. As we got to know each other better and I felt less intimidated, I would often just bring some problem to the Lord in prayer, just on the spur of the moment. (I am prone to do that, as He is my constant Companion and Friend). One day I took courage and asked her if we could ask God to forgive these people for what they had done to her and her family and also ask Him to help her to forgive them. (Most of the people in question had already died.) She answered in the affirmative. I prayed and she prayed and the change was amazing. In the the time after that before her death, she never spoke of that negative situation again, and it was at least 18 months. Before answering any questions, I would just like to send a message to Krissi. Lord Jesus, You can enable her to read it. Don't give up, my Sister. You don't know how your efforts effect your Dad or anyone watching/observing you. Do whatever you do, FOR JESUS, He will do the rest. Just a simple example that happened a few yrs ago. I was preparing a simple meal, and humming away as I put the veggies on to simmer, when unexpectedly someone asked me the words of the song I was humming. I shared it and it was a blessing to them, beyond words. Keep on doing whatever you do for HIM, you do not know who you are reaching. -
Q3. A Light to the Nations
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? The Messiah Himself, is the LIGHT. His people are to follow in His footsteps and also be a light, so the nations (i.e. everyone) can see your deeds and glorify God. Ultimately we are to live by example. In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? Do whatever I do, as though doing it for the Lord. (When I fail dear Jesus, please forgive me, and help me get back on track) How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? That's a squirmy question and I ask Jesus that I represent Him to the best I can. -
Q2. The Just Servant
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q2. (Isaiah 42:1-4) What do these verses teach us about the Messiah? He is Chosen of Yahweh. He is just and righteous in His actions, and at the same time gentle. He will not give up / in. What will characterize Him and His actions? He will be just and right (He will not work with bribery and corruption.) He will reveal truth to the nations. What does it tell us about His quest for justice? There will be justice in truth. It will not be twisted. The reasons for actions will be judged, not just the actions. What does it tell us about His tenderness? A bruised reed He will not break .................. He shows mercy and kindness to the weak A smoldering wick He will not put out ..................... He will be gentle and patient with those who have almost given up. If this describes our Messiah, what difference should it make in our lives, values, and demeanor? We too should show mercy and kindness to those weaker than us and be more tolerant with them. Definitely not give in to bribery but stick to the truth, no matter what. -
Q1. Comfort for God's Weary People
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q1. (Isaiah 40) What does Isaiah 40 teach us about the necessity of preparing ourselves for the Lord (verses 3-5)? When, in antiquity, a king came to visit an area, obstacles were taken out of the path that was to be traveled on. It was a smooth highway that was made ready for him. In literal terms, so he could travel from point A - Z easily. With the above picture in mind and our lives being the highway our Great King is to make use of, we need to get our lives in order. REPENT. Cut down the high mountains - get rid of pride Fill up the low valleys - let go of depression, self-pity, feeling of hopelessness Clear the road of boulders, of rough places - repent of and change our evil life-style The glory of the Lord will be seen - there will be evidence of the change taken place and God will be given the glory What does Isaiah 40 teach us about God's tenderness and compassion (verse 11)? We are shown a beautiful image of a shepherd handling his flock. He feeds us, like a shepherd. No hurry. The shepherd will bring the flock to the pasture and let them graze, while he is on the lookout for danger. He gathers the lambs in his arms and holds them in his bosom. Such tenderness. The lambs can sense his nearness, feel his very heart-beat. Comfort and reassurance of his nearness, is evident. He gently leads those who have young - he leads at a safe pace for all to be able to follow . He keeps everyone's needs in mind. As this shepherd shows compassion and wisdom in leading his flock, so we find God's tenderness and compassion evident in leading His people. What does Isaiah 40 teach us about God's glory vs. the glory of nations (verses 15-17)? God's glory cannot be compared to the nations. They are likened to dust or a droplet. It is worthless in comparison. Why do we get so enamored by the glitter and glory of the world? We are at present still part of the world or rather in the world system. That is why we see it as glamorous. It's right here, we live in it. but I think more and more we see how man is ruining what God had placed there for our pleasure. What pieces are we missing (verses 15-17, 21-26)? We seem to forget that God made the worlds and all that in them is. God is the One Who gave man the ability to do what he has accomplished. We just see the end product not how the product has been put together to form that which is producing the end product. We are forgetting the fact that God is holding it all in place. Who at one breath can blow it all away. According to verse 31, how can we draw strength from the Lord? We need to hope in the Lord; wait upon the Lord; look for, with eager expectation, for Him Then we will be strengthened, we will renew our strength. -
Q4. The Prayer of a Righteous Man
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Q4. (Isaiah 38:3) What is the basis on which Hezekiah asks for healing? God's Word reflects that those who live righteously will live a long life. Hezekiah reminded God (not that God needed reminding) that he, Hezekiah, had been faithful and true to God, with his whole heart and had done what was good in His sight. David was given a promise, recorded in 2 Sam 7:16, . . . your throne will be established forever. Why is personal righteousness and holiness important in getting your prayers answered? The Word declares in James 5:16b , .............. the prayer of a righteous man availeth (benefits/assists/profits) much. Our prayers then line up with God's will. How can unrighteousness prevent answered prayer if all gifts from God are by grace anyway? Unrighteousness causes a blockage. God sees the heart, so if the prayer of an unrighteous man is genuine, God does hear and answer it according to His will and purpose. Gifts need to be accepted and used, to be of benefit to the receiver. God's gift is there ready for each and everyone of us. It is given by GRACE, by unmerited favour. -
Q3. Hezekiah's Healing
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Q3. (Isaiah 38:2-3) Why is Hezekiah's healing important for his nation? How did it relate to God's promises made to David (2 Samuel 7:11b-16)? He was a godly ruler, and they sure needed that at the time. At this time, Hezekiah had no heir, who would take over the reigns in leading the nation. It would thus be under military pressure and leaderless. God promised David that He would make him a house and "his house" and kingdom would be established forever. -
Q2. Seeing God's Greatness
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Q2. (Isaiah 37:16) How do the first two sentences of Hezekiah's prayer (verse 16) correspond to the first sentence of the Lord's Prayer? Our Father, Who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Oh Lord of hosts, God of Israel The prayer begins with Who God really is. ( Father, Lord of many, God of a nation) Who (in symbol) are enthroned above the cherubim (of the ark in the temple) Enthroned/Dwells - God is seen to dwell far higher than any earthly ruler or king. You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; God's reign extends over all the Earth, which includes the Assyrian empire. You have made Heaven and Earth There is no limit to God's power. How are they important to faith? They boost ones faith. God Who made everything. What POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure I can have faith in Him to help me get through all the difficulties/mess around me. Sure Hezekiah believed God would solve the problem of Assyria surrounding them. How are they important to God answering the prayer? With such power attested to God, Hezekiah could trust Him to sort out someone who trusted in gods made by human hands. (an object of wood or clay) -
Q1. The Battle Is the Lord's
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Q1. (Isaiah 37:14) What is the significance of Hezekiah spreading out the enemy's message before the Lord? The letter contained insults to the Lord. Hezekiah was bringing God's problem to Him for Him to solve. Hezekiah was not going to try to solve it. What is the underlying principle illustrated here? Don't try and solve a problem that is not yours to solve. Leave it in God's hands. (We are also told in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares/worries on Him, for He cares for you). So even if it seems to be mine, it is actually God that sorts it out and solves it. THE BATTLE IS NOT MINE BUT GOD'S How can we apply this principle to our own lives? Bring our problems, big and small, before the Lord also and allow Him to take over. Allow Him to make the decision as to what strategy to follow. NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD. What happens when we don't apply this principle? We fall apart. Stress and worry take over, eventually we fail and give up in defeat. Jan Mary mentions Ann Voskamp's description of worry, Worry is belief gone wrong. This is such an apt description. -
Q6. (Isaiah 35:1-10) How do you think these verses brought hope to their first readers? What a different and encouraging picture or hope to cling to. It covers everything. Such an assurance to the discouraged that the Lord will intervene, and in such an amazing way. What is promised here? The strength of God will replace the feebleness of man. The physical brokenness of man will be changed e.g., the blind will see; the lame will leap like a deer; the mute will shout for joy. The moral side will experience a change, e.g., moral filthiness will be exchanged for a life of holiness. Even nature will experience a change, e.g., there will be streams in the Desert; the burning sand will be a pool; the thirsty ground will be a bubbling spring. Why do you think Isaiah relies on heavily figurative language to communicate these promises? The promises are easily imagined then and faith is stirred by these pictures. How does he describe the "highway of holiness"? The unclean will not pass over it; the simple ones will not loose their way; there will be no danger of wild animals and bandits on it; this Highway will lead away from Babylon (the City of Destruction), to the Holy City; the walkers on it will be full of joy and thanksgiving. Who will walk on it? The redeemed. Who won't? There will be no lion or ravenous beast, which pictures danger. Thus there will be no danger. Anyone rejecting redemption, will also not be found there. What does it mean to be redeemed and ransomed? To be redeemed means to be saved from bondage or sin, with an atonement (the action of making amends) having been made. To be ransomed means to be freed from captivity, slavery or punishment by a payment.
Q5. (Isaiah 33:14-16) How does ethical behavior display love for God? If we love Him, we will try our best to live as He would have us live, i.e. righteous and holy lives. In our own strength this is impossible. We need His help. How does it display love for man? It is not being selfish but considering the needs of our fellow-man. No lies will be told about the fellowman ; he will not be treated wrongly, but fairly; no evil will be thought of the next person. It is like living out 1 Corinthians 13. How does the corruption of taking bribes destroy righteous government? Unfair treatment is meeted out and greed rises to an all time height.
Q4. Seeking God's Help
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God’s Help vs. Man’s – the Assyrian Crisis (Isaiah 28-35)
Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? I guess it is that one relies on that which looks or seems to be right. We are blinded to rely on man. There is no faith, it is "sight". To rely on the Lord is to exercise faith. In what way is this similar to idolatry? It is like trusting in whatever (riches, money, jobs or people) to get us out of our "trouble". That then becomes the idol, because we become frantic if it doesn't work out. People haven't changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? To seek God's Kingdom first. His way of doing and being right. -
Q3. God's Grace
Irmela replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God’s Help vs. Man’s – the Assyrian Crisis (Isaiah 28-35)
Q3. (Isaiah 30:15-29) Why does God long to show us grace (30:18)? HE is a God of JUSTICE. He is a God of COMPASSION. His LOVE is matchless and so too His GRACE. He wants to spread His loving-kindness over us, because He wants us as His children. He does not want the enemy to overpower us. He desires for us to "hand over the reins to Him." What does that say about God's character? He is patient . What prevents his grace? Stubbornness, rebellion and disobedience. Looking deeper into the picture it is basically actually rejection from man's side. Grace is there, it is offered, but not accepted. Have you ever experienced the kind of guidance Isaiah mentions in verse 21? Yes. What is necessary in us so that we can hear God's voice? Surrender to and wait on Him.