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Everything posted by Irmela

  1. 3. What, do you think, was the disciples' real motive in stopping the exorcist? Why did Jesus rebuke them? The disciples must have seen this man do this when they were sent out in teams to drive out demons etc. I guess they felt that Jesus had not equipped him to do so. So to them he was inferior to them. Jesus rebuked them because He saw the jealousy behind it. He wanted them to see and recognize that there were people not in their everyday group who were also following Him.
  2. 2. Why did Jesus ask a little child to stand beside him on this occasion? Strictly from these verses in Luke and nowhere else in the Bible, how does receiving a child in Jesus' name require humility? How does this sort of humility relate to the disciples' sin? The question among the disciples was which of them might be the greatest. Children were not highly thought of. Probably taken to be a nuisance at times. It takes humility to see Christ in a little child. The disciples were told by Jesus that he who accepted and welcomed a child in His Name accepted and welcomed Christ. He made a child stand next to Him, thereby showing that he was not worthless but important to Him. This should have shocked them into reality, because children were not really to be found among the grown ups. It was pride that was rearing its ugly head because they wanted to know who was surpassing the others in excellence, worth and authority. Definately not showing any humility.
  3. What real human need did the disciples distort when they vied for who would be the greatest? Why does a legitimate need get distorted? How should this need be met? The need to be accepted in a group situation and to work in unity with each other. This gets distorted because of greed, jealousy or a desire to be the most prominent. Not being able to accept individuality. Pride. Thinking ones work is the best. This need can be met by humbly accepting our differenced and serving each other.
  4. 4. What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately? Titus and Timothy are good teaching manuals. Titus 1 : 6ff ... he must be of unquestionable integrity . . . must be blameless .... a devout man,. . . A leader must hold fast to the sure and trustworthy Word of God ... to give instruction encouragement to convict those who oppose show the wayward their error . . . deal severely with them ... etc
  5. 3. Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy? I recall about two years after my conversion there was a serious rebuke against our family. I was responsible. I recall the fight inside of me to keep quiet or to repent. Once I repented, the feeling was just so amazing. It was like a boulder had been lifted off my chest. This experience has in essence helped me when there has been fair or unfair rebuke since. I have been quiet and examined it before the Lord and then tried to deal with it appropriately. The unhealthy part of the response has been the years of guilt that were not conquered or overcome. There had been a lot of unfair slander and criticism. I have truly walked as a "black sheep" for a very long time. Praise God for forgiving, healing and acceptance on His part.
  6. 2. We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently? When we work in and among the community, we experience the same hardships, privileges, poverty, lack etc., which they do. In this way we are with them. The difference comes in how we react to the circumstances. That is where we are not of them. We do not need to live like they do. We can still be joyful but don't need alcohol to be the center of party.
  7. 5. How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking? The rebuke can be in such a way that the person is crushed and you lose him totally. Then the rebuke can be in such a way that it makes no difference to the person. No change is forthcoming. The wrongdoing has not been recognized by the perpetrator. The rebuke must be so, that the person changes, repents from what caused the rebuke in the first place. Titus 1:9
  8. How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. Four. Unbelief, pride, intolerance and racial bigotry. These four are very common mistakes lurking in people.
  9. How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill? For good. Without it I would most likely not have held on through thick and thin. Drugs, street-life, etc there but for the grace of God go I.
  10. What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance? The answer as given by Hanks is well put
  11. Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself? If I think of Christ as fully human, then yea, He sure did. He needed encouragement, reassurance and confirmation of His role.
  12. Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them? They were a bit confused and needed to see Christ's glory so they could grasp and possibly understand better Who Christ was. They needed to put together His suffering (soon to be experienced) and His glory.
  13. Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation? Jesus needed to prepare His disciples for leadership. Each one would be given different responsibilities. Each one had different gifts or talents. Jesus chose as He knew what each one would need and could handle. A pastor too needs some that will come alongside him, that will pray with him and for him (that will hold him up in prayer). All along you see there is a leader, and then his armor bearer as it were, with him.
  14. 5. How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance? I am not ashamed of Jesus. I guess if non-Christians want to be around me then they should be able to witness this. The unbelievers did try to mock Jesus, they did try to trip Him up with questions.
  15. If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance? Refer them to 1 John 1 : 9. If we admit our sin; confess our sin. He is faithful and just to forgive . . . to cleanse . . . Then remind him/her to deny himself/herself, take up his/her cross daily, and follow Christ Remember Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life
  16. 3. What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox? Lk 9:24 Whoever would preserve his life and save it, will lose and destroy it . . . {This could be describing a situation where you have to deny your affiliation to Christ, in order to save your physical life, but in so doing you are actually destroying it.} . . . but whoever loses his life for My sake, he will preserve and save it from the penalty of eternal death. {This part could well be describing the situation where you refuse to deny your affiliation to Christ and in so doing you lose your physical life but your soul is saved for eternity.}
  17. What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean? Putting aside our own selfish desires and following God's will for our lives. It is a call to absolute surrender. "Dying to self".
  18. (Romans 6:18-22) In Paul's analogy in these verses, is there a place of independent freedom apart from "slavery" to sin or to Christ? No. There is either following Christ or sin. No middle way. Why do we long for this kind of independent freedom? It is actually chaotic. If we do not choose God's way. We have chosen sin. I guess we only think we're free. Actually it is a bondage. Why do we hesitate to firmly take sides and make our allegiance clear to all? We hesitate because of responsibility or accountability.
  19. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? If by good doctrine, it is understood to be Christ's teaching without it being watered down then it would be that we live righteous lives, pleasing to our God. Why should we honor good doctrine? We should honor it because it is helpful in showing us in a simple (easy to understand) way how to live for God. Culture by culture. If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding? Watered down teaching (tickling the ears teaching) twisted truths to suit the situation.
  20. ((Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? (A slave automatically obeys. No argument.) As it is written in the notes, a pattern of obedience is the distinctive mark of a slave. In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? Doing acts of righteousness ought to come automatically without mulling them over. We are obedient to right living as it were. We choose to do what God would have us do or live the way He would have us live. So this then demonstrates our 'slavery' to God. In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? As above in opposite deeds we reflect slavery to sin. Eg with cursing, stealing etc. Doing this shows a slavery to it How is such a slavery or bondage broken? It can be broken by confessing it to God and Him breaking the fetters which bind us. What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? We are no longer obedient to the prompting of the anger, ****, gossip, slander, stealing, etc. Then the bondage is broken. In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life? My thought life and forgiving myself of my past where i fell again and again to the same sin.
  21. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? To offer is to yield to someone or to put at someone's disposal. So whatever our action, we are yielding to that power. (our deeds) So if we are stealing, cursing, committing adultery etc we are yielding our body to sin. If we are living a righteous life, showing love, patience, kindness, long-suffering etc we are yielding our body to God. Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? Maybe by a thoughtless deed we sin against someone. Or by watching something, we can allow our desires free reign. (in Christ's eyes thoughts are the same as deeds) How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? When a wrong thought or desire crops up, resist it. Pray. Don't play with it. In this way we deliberately give our thoughts or actions to Him What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? Change habits. Read the Word more. Pray. Sing and worship.
  22. The one that we are obedient to, reigns in our life. If we have righteousness reigning in our lives then we will live right. If we give in to ****, anger, deceit etc, that means we are obedient to that evil, then we have sin (unrighteousness) reigning in our lives.
  23. Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day? It was uppermost in every one's mind that the coming Messiah was going to liberate the nation of Israel from its oppressors (the Romans) and would restore the Kingdom to Israel and would therefore sit on David's throne and reign from there. Power to them meant taking out the oppressors and taking over the rule of the land. Because of this it was very difficult for the disciples to accept that the Messiah was to be rejected and killed. Then later to be told it was to be a criminal's death. Death on the cross? That was very hard to take in. This fact was told them on more than one occasion. Then also He was to rise on the third day. It was only later after it happened that they remembered and sort of were able to understand. Before the "whole picture came into being" it was not easy to understand God's ways. Later things fell into place and they could understand and become spreaders of tbe Good News.
  24. If you have never openly stated your faith in Jesus Christ, please do so today, and let others know that this is a new statement for you. If you have stated your belief in Jesus prior to this, please share with others the circumstances of when you made a declaration of your own faith in Jesus. My Jesus appeared to me in a dream. I will just share the last bit. He looked at me and stretched out His arms and said, My child, will you come. Whereupon I ran into His arms and felt His loving embrace. This love which so embraced me has found no equal in the 55 yrs since. This love has carried me in the hellish experiences I encountered in this time. This love forgave me, for the way I wronged Him. This love will carry me to the end. I love Him with all of my heart. He is my all-in-all.
  25. 3. Why is it difficult to be able to express simply and clearly what we believe? What are the obstacles you face in expressing this? Sometimes it just comes tumbling out. (Depening on the situation). The difficulty is that one can be misunderstood. The obstacles are often words and also once one starts it can be difficult to stop. My Lord has done so much for me. There is so much to share.
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