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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. I feel this pertains to complete obedience in doing what we are required by Christ to do, as they say, 'lock, stock, and barrel.' As far as being a slave for Christ just this day as I was reading in my devotionals it was talking about how we as Christians often say, do, act in ways we should not. I am thankful to Christ, God, for his love, mercy and grace. For myself, I am a Christian but sometimes my old nature jumps in and I in a moment of weakness fail my Lord in obedience...Grace, Forgiveness is wonderful. As for being a saint, I am a sinner saved by grace. I am His child, His daughter and in my love for him I want to do what he asks of me. I accept fully my sainthood in Christ, fully consecrated to God. Not perfect, perfected but dedicated to my Lord and Savior and set apart to serve him. Sacred property because of him. I love being his daughter and receiving his love and gracious even when I fail. I am NOT my own; I was bought with a price. When I look at my own children and realize the love I have for them it makes me all more aware of the Love and Sacrifice God gave for me and now I am his.
  2. Hello, my name is Jessie from Pennsylvania. I am a wife, mother of four sons, 57, 56, 46, and Seth forever 24 in heaven. I have biologically, 2 grandsons, 2 granddaughter, four great grandchildre and 6 step great grandchildren. I have been a cosmetologist, Christian School teacher, had my own woodworking shop and made and sold my items for several years. I did photography professionally for a few years. I love to learn and meet new challenges inanything that is creative. I have been a grief support facilator for grieving mothers for the past 18 year. God led me there and he gave us the name, COMMON BOND. I have been blessed in this misitry in meeting many lovely moms walking the same journey I am...loss of a child. I also in honor of our son, Seth, was the adminastrator of a golf tournament for 19 years, last year being our final year. All monies went to help grieving parents who could not afford a memorial stone for their child, loving support in group and also continuing on with scholarships for graduating students, choosing to further their education in a field they would be giving back to and ministering to others God has shown me the true meaning of the scripture in Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. I have learned the meaning of the good is what He does in our hearts as we allow him to work within us, our hearts and spirits. Many have said to me, how can you find anything good in losing a childe. This is always my answer. We may not realize this in the beginning throws of grief but as we allow himto help us make our back to the living and a new life we find this is the good. Praising God for salvation, eternal life, his ever presence and his love, mercy and grace. glad to be part of this study.
  3. Hi! My name is Jessie, I am a wife, mother, grandmother and GREAT grandmother. i have four sons with my youngest basking in the presence of Jesus since 1999. I love spending time in the Word , researching and studying. always listening for God’s gentle whisper as he speaks to me. I am anxious to learn more as I begin studying. Each morning I check in at 5, read God’s Word then jump to Jesus Walk. It is so informative and I have already share with others what I learn. blessings to you pastor for sharing what God has given you for me and your servants spirit.
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