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About BoazNigel

  • Birthday 10/11/1951

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    Manchester UK
  • Interests
    Literature, christian rock music, movies

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  1. Jesus' Name in Hebrew is יֵשׁוּעַ - Yēšūaʿ... meaning 'Yahweh saves' Jesus came to save us from sin... this is why the message to Joseph was 'give Him the name JESUS because HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS' Romans 5:8 "God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners" (NLT)... Jesus fulfilled this mission by dying for me on the Cross
  2. Q1. (Luke 15:1-10) What do the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin teach disciples about God’s heart? In what way do these parables represent a contrast to the murmuring of the Pharisees? How should a disciple implement Jesus’ value of seeking the lost in his or her own community? NOTE I AM RETURNING AFTER SOME TIME TO COMPLETE THESE STUDIES These two parables teach us that God's heart is set to 'seek the lost' - not wanting any to perish. This is in direct contrast to the Pharisees who were not interested in the lost but rather in performance-based religion that knew nothing of God's grace. The obvious implementation for disciples is to actually seek the lost in their own communities... last summer we, with a few other local Christians, manned a stand at the local MELA (an Asian music & culture festival) which is predominantly Islamic (our town has four mosques). The previous year the event attracted over 6,000 & we distributed over 350 pieces of Christian literature including 200 New Testaments. Interestingly over presence is welcomed by many of the local Muslims.
  3. The difference between ethical bahviour & grace: ethical behaviour doesn't do that we don't want others to do to/for us grace does do what we want others to do to/for us Rolling this teaching onto how we should 'love our enemies' is very radical - our enemies hate us & they only want the worst for us ... Jesus taught we should do good to our enemies & want the best for them - even as we would for ourselves Jesus illustrated it thus: turn the other cheek if they take your cloak give them your tunic go the extra mile! Creative Resistance
  4. I know I am not what I should be but Praise God I'm not what I was! As I allow God, through the Holy Spirit, to mould & shape me I am being 'changed from one degree of glory to another' into the likeness of Christ As I allow God to use me to serve others & disperse His grace so that 'change process ' continues The Potter
  5. 1 Cor 14:12 says "... you a re SO eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives seek those that will STRENGTHEN THE WHOLE CHURCH" (NLT) The whole purpose of the gifts is to STRENGTHEN the church - not just those whom God uses & therefore they are to be operated in community Isolating yourself impoverishes not only you but the whole church community. We were not created to be individuals but to be members of the Body of Christ. We should embrace our spiritual gifts & seek to bless the Body of Christ of which God has made us a part.
  6. A steward/trustee is responsible for the protection, maintenance & usage of something that is not their own As stewards we are not to hoard but freely use what we have been entrusted with, by God, for the good of others We are responsible to God, & others, to use/operate the spirital gifts that God has given us for the benefit of others & for the progress of the Kingdom
  7. The link between grace and gifts is hidden in their name in Greek grace=charis=favour & gifts=charis=favour bestowed. Spiritual gifts are form God & they are 'given in grace & 'used in/with grace'. The chief characteristics of a generous person is that they GIVE ... it is part of their nature to give to others automatically - as a natural reaction to seeing the need of others. Spiritual gifts work by grace & they operate by God's grace working through/and in us Freely, freely you have received
  8. Simply put - when we are weak then our only resource is God & then God's power has room to flourish ... it is when we have nothing of ourselves that God's power has 'freedom' Grace's sufficiency is able to do anything that our faith allows The 'practical limits' on the sufficiency of grace are the limits we place on it by our faith & our trust GIVE ME FAITH
  9. The blunt truth ... when we suffer sickness or affliction we can become 'self centred' or 'me-centred' & hence tempted to stop ministering to others as we draw into ourselves (a person wrapped up in themselves is a very small parcel indeed!) "I hope all is well with you & that you are healthy in body as you are strong in spirit" (3 Jn 2, NLT) ... there is a link between our physical health & our soul health (our mind, our will & our emotions) - as one goes so does the other! Personal comment I have heard, on a number of occasions, teachers/preachers refer to Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' as a physical ailment. May I suggest an alternative view in Num 33:55 it states "... if you fail to drive out the people who live in the land, those who remain will be like SPLINTERS IN YOUR EYES & THORNS IN YOUR SIDES. They will harass you ..." (NLT) In this context 'thorns in your sides' is a euphemism for opposition & harassment rather than physical ailments - just a thought!
  10. For some approaching God's throne can be a fearful thing - they are afraid in approaching an all powerful, all knowing God ... they are fearful of judgment & punishment but the writer to the Hebrews encourages us "... let us come BOLDLY to the throne of our gracious God - there we will find His MERCY & we will find GRACE ..." (Heb 4:16, NLT) Our home a 'place of grace' ... personal response we pastor a 'house church' & host worship, Bible studies & prayer meetings -we preach grace to all who visit Throne of Grace
  11. Really enjoying this current study on God's Grace - excellent 😃

  12. Life can be a struggle: we struggle with lifr, we struggle with situation, we even at times struggle with our selves etc We can't do it on our own - but scripture assures us that it is by faith not our own effort This gives me assurance & stability that it is all by faith God knowing how weak we are told us these things "... this is the WILL OF GOD that I should not lose even one of all those He has given Me" (Jn 6:39, NLT) - this gives me a strong assurance I WILL NOT BE LOST - IT IS GOD@S WILL! 😄 ONLY BY GRACE
  13. It is by faith we walk in God's protection ... it is by faith we hold on to God's protection It is only by grace that protection is available & our faith is activated by our trusting in grace
  14. It is impossible for people to turn to Christ in their own power - because "... EVERYONE has sinned, we ALL fall short of God's glorious standards" (Rom 3:23, NLT) & as the Apostle Paul wrote "... I know that NOTHING GOOD lives in me ..." (Rom 7:18a) There is NOTHING about us that would cause us to come to God - it is only by God's grace & His drawing us that we come to Him Scripture tells us "... God showed His great love for us WHILE WE WERE SINNERS" (Rom 5:8, NLT) This is grace God was at work even while we were sinners!
  15. God's grace is that He 'does good' for/to us even though we don't deserve it ... " even before He made the world God LOVED US & CHOOSE US in Christ to be holy & without fault in His eyes" (Eph 1:4, NLT) This is why predestination is gracious ... before Creation - before we had done anything - (and knowing what we would do!) God LOVED & CHOOSE us! God's grace is glorious because all things about God are glorious ... imbued with His character
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