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Everything posted by kreilly
38. Transfiguration
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance? I have never personally had any eyewitness experiences of God's glory. I have never seen His face or heard His audible voice. However, I have seen so much evidence of God moving in my life--answered prayers, incidents where I have been kept from harm, coincidences that are not coincidences but God's hand moving in my life. These things in conjunction with Holy Scripture have bolstered my faith. They have also provided opportunities for me to witness to others. It is a balance-the two go hand in hand. Sometimes the witness comes because you can share your story of how God has been working in your life. Sometimes you are able to witness by praying for someone and they see the prayers answered. Sometimes you can share a word of Scripture or engage in Bible study with someone to share the gospel. -
38. Transfiguration
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them? I also agree that this increased the disciple faith, especially as they led the church after Jesus' ascension and suffered persecution/martyrdom. I wonder if a point is not also being made to the disciples (and us) that Jesus is greater than Moses and Elijah. He is not just a great prophet, as some people would claim, but He is the Son of God who has fulfilled the law and cleansed us of our sins through His sacrifice. Moses and Elijah follow Jesus. They look to Him as Savior. -
Q3. Exclusive
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Powerful Healing, Bold Testimony (Acts 3:1-4:22)
Jesus is the only way to God, the implication being all other gods and their religions are false gods/idol worship. This is hard for people to hear in our pluralistic culture and comes across as judgmental to many. That is why it is so important that we, as Christians, represent Christ well. We should be known for our love, as He was, and also known for speaking the truth in love, as He was known. When we understand that Jesus is the only way to salvation and are filled with true love for the lost, evangelism will catch fire in our souls. -
Q2. Repentance
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Powerful Healing, Bold Testimony (Acts 3:1-4:22)
We have to repent and turn away from our sins in order to experience the refreshment and freedom found in God's forgiveness. The ultimate time of refreshing comes when God restores everything to its original sinless state at Jesus' second coming. -
Q1. Name
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Powerful Healing, Bold Testimony (Acts 3:1-4:22)
In John 14:13, Jesus told us that whatever we asked in His Name, He would do it so that the Father would be glorified. Therefore, we conclude our prayers in this way. However, when it just becomes a habit, or ritual to conclude our prayers this way, rather than truly praying for the Father's will to be done so that He may be glorified through Jesus' name, then we misuse His name. -
I agree, the people were so convicted because they came to the realization that they had killed the Messiah.
The wind, flames, and speaking in tongues are physical evidence to others who witness the occurrence that the Holy Spirit is present since He is spirit and cannot be seen. Pastor Ralph mentions several occurrences of the Holy Spirit coming upon people in the Old Testament and they begin prophesying--70 elders at the tabernacle, Saul, Saul's soldiers. It also reminds me of Jesus' baptism, although it is in the New Testament, when the Holy Spirit descended like a dove (could be seen by others). These instances are similar to the coming of the Spirit in Acts. However, now the Holy Spirit is here to indwell believers permanently, not temporarily, as in Old Testament times.
What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean? We must die to self daily. We surrender our lives to Christ and He carries our burdens (sins) for us. How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance? I recall that before I became a Christian it was hard for me to be around Christians sometimes because I thought they were judging me-that they were saved and I was going to hell. I couldn't get past that for awhile, my pride got in the way, to see that they just wanted me to be saved too, rather than to condemn me. So I always try to be a little sensitive, but they will have to get past their own stumbling blocks with Jesus' help. I try to help and encourage any way I can. II Cor 2:16: To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life.
I have had the privilege of participating in a number of prayer groups. At times, small groups from my church have gathered and everyone took a turn praying. I currently meet with a group of sisters on zoom each Friday and we fellowship, share our prayer requests and spend time in prayer. I also am able to join a prayer call over the summer with a group of people where we all take turns praying for our state, country, leaders, and each other. These times are so amazing. I have seen so many prayers answered and been refreshed and encouraged to hear others praying for needs that we agree upon. It takes some humility to share honest prayer requests but when we break down our pride, admit our weak areas and problems, and allow others to pray for us, God can really use that. We are part of Christ's body. We are not our own.
Acts 1:8 serves as an outline for the book of Acts because it refers to how the believers will be witnesses for Christ to the ends of the earth. As you read through Acts, it recounts how the believers were witnesses for Christ beginning in Jerusalem and moving outward from there. The church (including us) is still at work spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth through our message and acts of love.
The disciples were to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came. That way they would all be together and would not be tempted to return to their former way of life. It is a time of waiting and preparation, as Jesus had demonstrated many times as He was leading them. Jesus said that He would write His law in our hearts and minds. That's what happens when we are filled/baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Why do you think he was spending time in prayer before asking these questions? Maybe during His prayer time, the Spirit prompted Him that now was the time to ask the disciples these questions. If you have never openly stated your faith in Jesus Christ, please do so today, and let others know that this is a new statement for you. If you have stated your belief in Jesus prior to this, please share with others the circumstances of when you made a declaration of your own faith in Jesus. Like Katy, my first public declaration of faith was at my baptism when I was 23, although only my mother and the preacher were there. I have shared my testimony a few times in front of small groups and with individuals. As I mature in the Lord, He is blessing me with more courage to be who I really am instead of trying to blend in with the culture. Praise God, one day I will not let what others think of me cross my mind at all when it comes to witnessing/working for the Lord.
Thank you for sharing. That was beautiful.
Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing? Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"? Faith is an action. We demonstrate our faith by taking the actions that Jesus commands. Oftentimes, God asks us to do our part and take steps to move in the direction faith is leading us before he steps in and takes over to solve the problem. He is not our magic genie. If that was the relationship then we would be the master and he would be the servant. Instead, we are His servants and do what He leads us to do because He is good and just and leads us in righteousness. Because He is a loving God, He steps in where we fall short.
What purposes did Jesus seem to have in sending the Twelve on this mission? Of what value were their reports and Jesus' debriefing? I think the answer to these two questions is the same. Jesus is training/preparing them for the day when He is no longer with them. He is training and preparing them to be Shepherds/Elders of the church.
Why did he instruct them to travel light? Why did he tell them not to bring a staff, a bag, or food, or money, or an extra shirt? What was the point in that? I think it was to demonstrate His protection over them. He was not only extending them His power and authority, but also His protection. Just like in the storm, when He slept while they panicked, because He understood nothing would happen to Him, they will be protected and have no need of weapons or supplies. Thereby, increasing their faith after the mission is accomplished. Why were they told to stay in just one house in each village, and not try to find better lodgings? I think this relates to the teaching on not showing partiality. Once they began healing and teaching; wealthier, more influential people might invite them to their homes. They were not to get sidetracked by worldly temptations.
Why did Jesus exclude everyone but the parents and his closest disciples from the girl's room? I think Pastor Ralph made a good point that the statement "not to bother the teacher anymore" is really an attack/temptation from the devil. Satan is the father of lies and likes to insinuate untruths into our lives that we will not recognize as being inherently evil. I think Jesus limited who was allowed into the room to limit the spiritual attacks from unbelievers. Jairus' faith had been under attack enough that day. Jesus was protecting him from the evil one, as we ask Him to do in the Lord's prayer. He will protect us as well, if we ask Him.
Thank you for the reminder to worship God when I am feeling afraid. That helped me tonight.
I will pray for Denzel's healing. I know he means a lot to you. Kirsten
Thank you for this reminder that we need to persevere in sharing the Gospel and not give up. We need not be upset if we don't see the fruit immediately and we are not the ones being rejected, we just need to be faithful to share the good news!
In what way does Jesus' teaching harden people's hearts? Jesus' teaching was so radically different from anything the people had heard, that some had a difficult time accepting it. People get stuck in their thinking and don't want to change or listen, even when they hear the truth. Is there any way that we can assist those with hardened hearts? If so, what can we do? When you look at what Jesus did, He didn't just teach. He fed and healed people emotionally and physically. He loved people. He didn't just heal people to demonstrate that He was the Messiah, he healed people because he loved them and cared about them. We need to follow in His footsteps because loving and caring for others opens the door for the Gospel to be shared. As was mentioned earlier, everything should be covered in prayer, as Jesus modeled, also.
How can we be responsible to save for retirement and still give generously to Jesus' work? A good principle is to give of our firstfruits, as Abel did, and it was pleasing to God. We can then save for retirement from what is left. Giving back to God from what He has provided for us is always the most important thing that we do. Everything we have comes from His hand. We are only stewards. We must be careful to use the resources He has provided wisely, not overspend, and have bills due, when we could be giving or saving more. We cannot outgive God. Jesus held up the widow, who gave all she had, as our standard. Regardless of how much or little we have, we can always trust Him to take care of us.
Is your love for the Lord more like the sinful woman's or Simon's? Why? I'm not sure Simon had any love for the Lord, so I would have to say my love is more like the sinful woman's. I have done things I am not proud of and I am so thankful Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for my sin. However, I must confess that oftentimes my behavior is more reflective of Simon than the sinful woman. In my better moments, I humbly bow at Jesus' feet, acknowledge my sinful state, and worship Him. But far too often, I find myself forgetting all the bad things I have done, looking at the bad things others do, and judging them because they sin in a different way than I do. So, oftentimes, I act more like Simon than the sinful woman. Oh Lord, help me to humble myself before You!
24. Least - Greater
kreilly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
Happy Belated Birthday, Bailey!