gladwyn charles
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Everything posted by gladwyn charles
4a. Affirmatively Jesus got help during his spiritual struggle but it wasn't special. If Jesus did then the whole salvation plan would have been null and void. Just as man can't add or subtract from Calvary's Cross as "It is finished."Now there is a special power in prayer. It is the vehicle which man uses to worship the Almighty.When it is activated its the channel source by which divine spiritual power flows from the Almighty to man.As long as we open ourselves in prayer the Almighty Father answers and administers to our needs using seen and unseen earthly and Heavenly angels.No Jesus wasn't given special treatment. 4b. Yes anyone who bent knees in praise and worship of Jesus Christ as the Son of God ...who lives in his Words ..who calls on his name gets help from angels too... Blessed be the name of the Lord Almighty..Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
3a. " Not my will but yours be done"the father was very pleased with this prayer as Jesus had first petition " Father if you are willing take this cup from me." God's pleasing nature in the prayer is seen as immediately angels were sent to administer and to strengthen him. His prayer is answered not according to his petition but in the way Sovereign Father deemed most befitting for his upcoming ordeal. 3b. When we pray passive uncaring and dispassionate prayer "thy will be done" it is not engaging the source of divine spiritual power with fervent prayer. There are many many biblical examples where people and prophets called the Almighty in prayer and what the father was about to do he relented because his character as a Just and Righteous God...but he is also the compassionate God ....when called upon by his people who is most Forgiving....most Gracious in Grace and most Merciful with his Mercies. Genuine confession and repentance can't be half hearted.The repentant must accept passionately responsibility for sinning. In asking for God's forgiveness one has to be bold with confidence in approaching his throne of grace and mercy for the Almighty to gracious and generous in that though we are deserving "Thy will be done."that he will in his mercies do otherwise unto us.We plead for his mercy passionately praying for him to still his mighty hand.And whatsoever is the outcome we still humble ourselves to his sovereign will over us. 3c. To pray the prayer of submission with authenticity i am reminded about when Abraham stood reverently before God pleading the case from fifty righteous people in Sodom down to ten souls. From the total destruction of the city as was told to Abraham God relented. Authenticity in submissive praying requires a reverence of boldness.The prayer's obedience and faith and devotion to the Sovereignty of God will is unshakeable.In prayer their is a depth of intimacy. In their prayer of submission there is the bold confidence in asking for specific spiritual virtues,divine intervention and deliverance for healing and saving. These petitions are seen as already done ...granted before they have finished praying.In their praying there is that spiritual boldness of persistence prayer that the specifics of what is asked is granted as it is the will of God.
2a. Jesus was well aware of his spiritual destiny as the sinners' sacrifice. The preparation of himself for this ordeal was agonizing. It drained him emotionally and taxed him mentally. His only consolation was in prayer. In reverent obedience to his father's sovereign will asking if it can so be the father's desire to take the cup away from him and if not then he will be in obedience to the father's desirous will. 2b. The immensity of the father's plan its breath and scope seen from a human perspective is more than enough for mortal desperation.This act could not have been borne alone by any human being.The human frame was only the vehicle but the source of strength and power of endurance came from Heaven through Jesus' intense praying. 2c. Jesus admonished his disciples that they should be awake and pray so that they may not be overtaken by temptation.Jesus is living and leading them by example as he knows what will be required he can only be victorious through intense praying. 2d. Jesus was not resisting the father's will since there was an open heart of sincerity of Jesus' dependency his total obedience and his trust in his father's sovereignty.In his praying Jesus gave his total surrender and submission to the Almighty's will. Jesus also set for us an example in how we are to pray.As he was intense and putting all his emotions in praying so should we. Just as he placed his petition secondary to the sovereign will of the father so should we too in our prayers. God's desires should supercede our desires.Just as the quality time and been away alone in prayer so should we strive to emulate him by taking time away from others for our prayers.
Q2. Basis of Appeal
gladwyn charles replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
2a. The the basis of Nehemiah's appeal is on God's Justness His own words. .Israel's conditions is its consequences for unfaithfulness to the God given instructions to Moses...." if the people disobeyed the commands God would scatter them all around ....but when they repented and returned He would gather them and bring them from all over back to the place he has chosen for his name." 2b. Nehemiah's argued that for the people's disobedience God has kept His words and just fully and rightfully scattered them.In the same way the people has acknowledged and repented of their unfaithfulness and idolatrous past and God has been gracious and kept His promise and returned them to the place He has chosen for His name.Since God has now returned them to the place chosen for his name God's Divine intervention is needed for it restoration as Jerusalem's walls are in disrepair its gate is burnt and His temple needed to be rebuilt. 2c. In prayers for intercession we need to give God the praises and the glory for who He from knowing His character. Then we acknowledge our sins asking for His mercy and forgiveness.There is a period stage of thanking God for mercies and blessings delivered in the past...using examples of given biblical promises fulfilled...our dependency on Him for our needs... and our submission of our will to His. Acknowledging that we can't do anything except through Him we appeal to His attributes to humbly grant to us before proceeding with intercessional requests Throughout the intercessional praises and thanks are given between the requests. -
1a. Nehemiah hearing the conditions of the remnant of Jerusalem prayed day and night for 4 months for God's divine deliverance.Jerusalem was in disgrace having lost the kings protection and now been attacked by the Samaritans with the king's decree.Jerusalem's walls were broken down and it's gate burnt.The city's construction had ceased and people were idle. 1b. Nehemiah fasted and wept because of the state of Jerusalem's affair.He's severely affected emotionally and spiritually over his peoples' ordeal and as a servant of God held himself responsible to offer prayers for God's intervention and deliverance in Jerusalem's affairs. 1a. In the times and tradition of Nehemiah and sect to which he belongs this is not excessive as he is within normal spiritual boundaries of an and by intercessor.His behavior is in the ritual process.Fasting and weeping show a grieving heart and pertinent spirit while and ashes and sackcloth is of mourning.
4a. The essential of Daniel's prayer is that God be merciful and end the captivity of his people so that they can return to the homeland and start the restoration of Jerusalem the city of God and its temple. 4b. The grounds of his appeal is just as God was given the glory when God liberated the people from Egypt so too for the ending of the Babylonian captivity all the glory would be given to him.Their deliverance from exile would show his righteousness and his mercy to his people. Daniel appeal to the fact that Jerusalem is God's city and its deliverance by God would erase the shame and scorn by which it is now seen.In their liberation they would now be able to restore the temple and resume their worship of him. 4c. God answered Daniel's prayer as the the Babylonians released them to return to Jerusalem.Then the rebuilding of the city and the restoration of the temple began.
3a. The essence in the sincerity of Daniel's prayer is in his character.He is a righteous man living in the fear of the Lord keeping his commands and meditating daily in his words and in prayer.The banishment and desolation is the consequence from years and years of rebellion and disobedience by his people.Though he is not directly responsible as a member of the Jewish nation he shared collective responsibility.Daniel in now asking for God's intervention has made himself the bridge between the righteous, just and merciful God and sins of the Jewish nation. Daniel as the intercessor is the high priest for the nation.As the high priest he must bear the responsibility of the nation's sin. 3b. Daniel's approach can be compared with how Jesus sought forgiveness for his people sin as Jesus died for the salvation of mankind. The similarity is in that Daniel by taking on the responsibility for a nation's sin through prayer and Jesus by giving up his life for all mankind. Both became innocent sacrifices.Both were righteous men. Their acts were selflessly done from pure love of God. Daniel took personal responsibility for the sins of the Jewish nation that caused their exile and the desolation of Jerusalem so that he can become the intercessor for God to show mercy to end their captivity and for the restoration of Jerusalem.Jesus by his wounds and stripes heal us and by his crucifixion on Calvary's Cross gain the redemption of our sins and our salvation
2a. Daniel's demeanor was one of earnestness as he turned his face to God in continual and consistent prayer.He prayed with determination 3 times a day facing Jerusalem.He humbled himself took on the countenance of mourning and pertinent heart. 2b. Daniel prepared by fasting with is an act of humility. He clothed himself in sackcloth the garments of a person in mourning and grieving. Daniel then bathed himself in ashes symbolism of a pertinent person... 2c. This is important as Daniel is going to appeal to God's righteous character,his merciful and forgiving nature. Knowing that God's justice is to be feared as the exile of his people and the desolation of Jerusalem is as an example Daniel also knows that God's mercies are to me trusted and he always keep his promises to all who loves him and keep his commands.In going to God in open and sincere repentance asking for forgiveness for sinning Daniel knows it is God character to show and bestow mercy. 2d. We can prepare for intercessional praying by fasting before the service.The service begins with prayers for the renewal and cleansing of minds hearts and spirit for worship. The session should then leads in praises in prayer and worship songs around the character and goodness of God to mankind throughout the ages.Thanksgiving songs and personal testimonials can be used and in between these are the intercessionals with praises and thanks for God's grace and mercies and peace kindness and our gratitude for past blessings blessings to given.
1a.Daniel was ardent believer in the scripture. From his reading and understanding of the words of the prophet Jeremiah that the 70 years of Jewish exile in Babylon and the desolation of Jerusalem was coming to an end. 2b.The traits that foster Daniel's encouragement is a strong reverence for God and His commands. He also has a deep intimate relationship with God as he knows God's character since he has a regular and persistent prayer life.
4a. Hezekiah prayer to God is based on His faith and obedience.He tells God of his devotion and his walk in keeping and obeying his commandments. 4b. Hezekiah prayer appeals to God's character.God promised that David's house and his kingdom will endure forever under Him.Since there is no heir apparent if Hezekiah was to die at this time childless then this promise for David's lineage would be void. Hezekiah then appealed to God's promise that the people who lives righteous life would be rewarded with long life. 4c. Personal righteousness and holiness are important in getting prayers answered as people who has God as their Lord and Savior has a closer spiritual connection. All God's greatest gifts of the spirit are by grace. God's Grace and his mercy are obtained when one is repentance of sin and by the acceptance of God's Son Jesus Christ as one personal Lord and Savior. 4d. A Personal relationship with God requires one to be in a state of righteousness and holiness as one can only worship God in truth and in spirit.God hears the cries of the righteous and has given the assurances in His Just nature that He will reward each accordingly.
2a. When Hezekiah uses... O Lord God of Israel ....its identical in name referencing.to Our Father in the the Lord's Prayer. Who is and what is our father's names are the same names used by Hezekiah.Israel is the birth place promised land for God's chosen people and is recognized as such today. In the Old Testament when Israel was wandering in the desert the Ark of the Covenant between the cherubim was God's dwellings. In the new Testament heaven is commonly used as God's dwellings. 2b. It is important to the strength of our faith when we know by personal relationship the God we are serving. We firmly and truly believe in who he is his character. Knowing the unchangeable steadfastness of nature deepen our faith and trust . 2c. This is an essential key in God answering prayer. When God knows that we are completely in submission to Him and all our trust is in his hands then God's in turn never leave nor forsake us.God knows all our concerns,cares and fears along with the sincerity of our hearts. Therefore when we present our petitions to him he knows the depth of our faith and the trust and confidence we have in him and will respond in accordance to his will and with mercy and kindness to our needs.
3a. Hezekiah's healing was important for spiritual strategical and successional reasons. Spiritually he was a godly faithful and righteous leader to Israel's one and true living God as he drove out the idolaters and destroyed their place of worship.Strategically the nation was under constant military threat and there was no other competent and inspirational leader as him.Finally their was no heir for the throne and this would have caused in fighting and strife while the nation is facing external enemies. 3b. God has promised David that his house and his kingdom would endure forever before Him.At the time of his illness Hezekiah did not have any children. If he the king die then the next king would not be from David's lineage.
1a. Hezekiah sees himself as just the courier the messenger and rightly so as the letters content is blasphemous to Hezekiah's true and living God. 1b. The Principle is in all of our storms of life we do not overcome by our own strength nor by power but we are victorious only by being down on our knees and through the Spirit of God who makes all things possible. 1c. We can and must apply this principle in prayer knowing that everything is of and from the Lord. When we totally let go and let God takes control of our afflictions and addictions...when we take all of our burdens and roll them on Him at Calvary's Cross only then the Lord can roll grace and mercy and forgiveness on us. 1d. When don't apply this principle then we are showing that we are in control and we don't need God. It shows a lack of humility in that we are not submissive to His sovereignty. A prideful self righteousness nature also comes in as we are now depending on our abilities to solve our problems.
Q1a. A Prayer for Pardon is a deep faith prayer as the person has all confidence in God that his / her prayer will be heard. The person is in totally acceptance of guilt and willing surrender his / her fate to God knowing fully that chastisement may be the punishment. Still the person knowingly prays with steadfast faith preferring that and be forgiven than endure living outside of a relationship with God.This prayer is one of total trust in God,a firm belief in his mercy and a steadfast hope in God's grace. Q1b. The faith in a Prayer of Pardon is based on an intimate relationship with God through a deep personal knowledge of knowing by belief God's character. The person has all assurance that God is..as God is. Just and compassionate. Merciful in loving kindness and forgiving our trespasses when seeking one seek His forgiveness. Q1c. A person gains this confidence by having a deep personal daily spiritual relationship with God through the reading and living the Word. One has to have fervent pray life.The Christian way must be seen by and in the character of the person's life. Church fellowship must be an essential part along with individual worship activities. When a person lives and leads a Holy Spirit empowered life one gains this attribute to pray with this faith.
Q4a. To have a broken heart and a contrite spirit is being sorrowful for having done something that is wrong and knowing that that wrong act is also a violation against someone held is high reverence. It is a feeling of disconnect and dislocation and lost of what was once close a comforting presence no longer felt. Q4b. This is essential in a Prayer of Pardon for if there is nothing of value lost or broken then the significant of the Pardon would not be worthwhile. The relationship is damaged the heart is in torment the spirit is a mourning..the soul is bereft with grief. In this environment the sinner is more sincere in seeking forgiveness and when mercy is given it is received with such gratitude as givin water and food to a man in a desert dying from thirst and hunger. Q4c. A broken heart and a contrite spirit is a sacrifice as the sinner has nothing else to offer.This is an offering presented in truth and in spirit. It is also an act of true worship in faith as it is putting all trust and confidence in God knowing that only Him can bring restoration of the brokenness. Q4d. We tend to resist a broken heart and a contrite spirit in ourselves when we wrap self righteousness around us.We don't take total responsibility for our sin as there is an attitude of self justification and rationalization around it.There is not that deep sense of loss felt of having done something that is injurious to God nor that of a troubled conscience we should have for violation of a spiritual principles .
Q3a. It is possible for man to have pure heart by being cleansed and converted then reborn by Calvary's Cross crucified Lamb.When man accepts the Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior the Blood changes man's Adamic nature into a new creation with a pure heart. Q3b. God brings about a pure heart by the forgiveness of man's sin and by the santification of the redeemed man along with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit which dwells within the redeemed. Q3c. Man's role in maintaining a pure heart is to spent time in regular prayer and praise devotion .In engaging in a committed genuine worship of God through Jesus our Lord and Savior. Reading and doing the Word is essential in cultivating purity of spirit because we are in imperfect beings and when we sin..humbling to God for forgiveness and then making atonement to strive to be better in spiritual character lead to create a pure heart in us.
Q2a. In praying David maximized his sin openly acknowledging he sinned against God by doing evil in God's sight . What he has done is a violation of the commandment and he knows for this act his just God will judge him justly. Q2b. For Prayer of Pardon to be effective the prayee has to pray with a sincerity of spirit and a penitent heart One has to make open admission of the act and take full responsibility of having sinned knowing that the action was wrong as its a violation of God's laws. There must also be this deep spiritual and emotional anguish from committing an irreverence act against God and rebelling against the one who truly loves humanity. Knowing that God Omni in everything the effective Prayer of Pardon is to cast ourselves naked souls completely and totally God's gracious and compassionate mercy.
Q4. Persistence
gladwyn charles replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Q4a. Abraham showed persistence in the manner in which he engaged God in prayer conversation. Which an attitude of humility and obeisance to His Lord by just asking questions and learning the mind of His Lord he was to hear his master moves from sparing the lives of 50 to 10.Still Abraham left with the sure knowledge that if there was only just one righteous person in the city God wouldn't have destroyed that righteous soul. Q4b. Jesus gave the parable of the widow seeking justice from a judge. The judge decided to settle her case knowing that she wouldn't stop coming until she gets justice.God doesn't want us to have a little faith in him.God wants from us great persistence faith as he said with great faith that if we were to tell the mountain be moved and be casted into the sea it would be done.Great faith is seen with persistence prayer. We are instructed by Scriptures to pray without ceasing and in every circumstances we are to give thanks and praise.. Q4c. Yes it has been some time. However this a tool I need and will use in my prayer life... -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
gladwyn charles replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Q2a. Abraham showed his humility by standing before the Lord. This position is one of obeisance the servant before His Lord There's a period of time before Abraham spoke and this an attitude of reverence.Again and again Abraham asked acknowledgement before speaking..showing a respectful attitude of an inferior subject to a master. Q2b. In prayers the Almighty Father invite us to come boldly and in confidence to his throne of grace and mercy. Even though we have that bold assurance to come to seek there's also the holiness..and the reverenceness around about God.We can't be on the footing with God. He is our creator..we are his creatures. We have to show obeisance. He is our Lord and Savior...we have to be deferential in and out of His presence.We are His servants and His saved ones.We are to be bold in praying to Him.. in seeking His indulgences knowing and accepting that all is done accordance to His will.In our boldness and with the intimacy in calling on our Father in prayer we must also steep ourselves in humility and reverence for God is a God of holiness and divineness and of righteousness. -
Q1a. If God calls His people to be righteous how can he then destroy the same righteous people with those who are unrighteous. God is a just God Judge of all the earth therefore in His judgment there must be Just Justice from him Q1b. This is in keeping with God's character since God is long suffering and merciful and has no tolerance for sin.Yet in his character attributes are just justice of rewards for the righteous and punishment for the disobedience sinners.
Q3a. There are somethings in God grand design that are predestined and determined. He is reconciling to everything to Him. There is a second coming of Christ. But if we believe that God has predestined the world and all of mankind fate already fixed /determined ....like buildings built from stones..God's eternity is just frozen cold in time..then.. God then can't be a living God is who is Omnipresent in the personal life of His people..who each minute is rejecting the world for the cross...nor can God has and give His people his attributes of grace and mercy his peace and love..redemption and hope... Q3b.That belief would be an antithesis to Christianity as the dynamic relationship of the Triune with man is a belief anchored in faith , obedience and trust..in the sacrifice on Calvary's Cross.. Man accesses these spiritual blessings and virtues through prayer. Prayer is the key that opens heaven's vault James 4:6-8-20. The prayers of man is the music through which God responds Proverbs 3 :5-6
Q2. Praying Boldly
gladwyn charles replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Q2a. We should emulate promises and assurances given to man...ex the significant of the rainbow. Appeal to God's character...grace mercy love forgiveness. Use of scriptural promises find references how God dealt with similar situations. 2b The logical ground Moses used are they are your people and bring them out Egypt to now destroy them..All the would see is not what the people did but. ..their destruction. All they would believe is because you can fulfill your oath in giving them that promise land.The heathen fear your power and mighty hand so you destroy your people they would that respect and awe. 2c. Praying in the Promises of God is using scriptural assurances given by God when praying .. Matthew 11:28 James 5:16 2d. Nothing under the sun is new. Whatever situation the world is in and Whatever our present personal circumstances it has happened before and have endured.The Scriptures are the only book of principles that has all the answers to navigate this earthly life and still give assurance of life after death... 2e. This help our prayers to be within God's will as the foundation of man's relationship with God is based on a belief anchored.. in one true living God ..on Scriptures that is His inspired breath..on the Messianic message of Calvary's Cross..and on the promised lively Hope for eternal life. -
Q1. Rebellion
gladwyn charles replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Charleswyn3 @gmail.com 1a. I am the Lord thy God which brought out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage. They were disobedient to God's commandments. Exodus 20:1-5 1b. The Loving God did set boundaries parameters and consequences about and around His Love...showing the character attributes if His Love was violated or abused. 1c. Was God justified in creating man? And choosing Israel out of all nations to make a chosen people? Was God justified in being their liberator from bondage...their Povidence in their times of Need? God's Will reigns sovereign. His character in Justness must always be in balance. In raising up a new Nation through Moses God would still be keeping His promise t Abraham lsaac Jacob and Israel