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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Such backsliding is serious: just like the Ephesian church believers, a gradual decline to live for Christ takes place. Like the Laodicea Church, a luke warmness and accepting of heterodox doctrines takes place. Very much like the sinking of the Titanic; people don't want to accept reality. Sadly in many churches: study of the Holy Bible is sadly neglected as well as daily prayer and receiving the Sacraments.
  2. The foreign wives and concubines. It was strictly against the HOLY BIBLE to do this. Pagan temples were eventually built; absolutely disgusting pagan rituals were conducted: infant sacrifices were made to pagan deities. Giving up of lands in the tribe of Asher. This also was against the Torah. Forced labor of Gentiles living within the environs of Israel was prohibited (Deuteronomy 20:10-18: Canaanites needed to be removed from Israelite lands. DEUTERONOMY 17: 14-20: Solomon disregarded the injunctions: he amassed horses, acquiring more wives and compromising treatises with Egypt Solomon fell due to disobedience to God's laws. Solomon fell into a serious state of presumption. Very similar to King Ahab: despite the pleas of the Prophet Isaiah, Ahab persisted In idol worship.
  3. Trade routes to far away nations. Fortifications of Jerusalem and pertinent locales. The visit of the Queen of Sheba: very important in the propagating of the Faith, the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiatics. Solomon is a prime example that we cannot fall into a state of presumptuous mind; we must work out our salvation daily in trembling and fear. Solomon did establish successful relationships with surrounding nations for a time. Sadly, it didn't last. The word is predestination. God wanted to honor David, and the previous OT oaths and Covenants needed to be fulfilled. Psalm 89 describes this in precise detail. The Magnificent in Luke's Gospel is another beautiful commentary and explanation of God's benevolence to Solomon. The closing verses of Romans 10 describe the omnipotence of God in the affairs of mankind.
  4. Yes, Solomon ended up in this state. I wonder if any of the priests in the Temple reprimanded Solomon for these transgressions. Pagan wives and concubines and the idol temples. Something amiss was going on. Disrespectful behavior towards his wife indeed. Disregard for God's laws in regards to marriage to non Jews, and compromising the Jewish faith. Volumes could be written on the bad decisions on King Solomon. Womanizers cause many problems. Solomon caused a great deal of heart aches for many people. It's a familiar story today. Supposedly devout Christian men and women go off the rails: leaving trails of misery for those surviving family members. No wonder why Ezra was adamant about intermarriage of the Levites with those of pagan backgrounds. He demanded separation,; Ezra wouldn't tolerate such things. Sexual innuendos and excess are foreign to the HOLY BIBLE and the Christian faith. Careful study of the Holy Bible, one would find that mortification of the flesh, daily Bible and prayer time are absolutely essential for a higher Christian life. Time and time again, Apostle Paul wrote about the terrible consequences of sexual sins. He was adamant how terrible these sins were; unbecoming for the Christian believer who body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
  5. The word is detachment. Apostle Paul wanted the believers to always look to the Lord Jesus who has gone on before us. Money and riches are not intrinsically evil; we are not of Manichean religion. If we have the basics of life: food and clothing, we are indeed blessed ! Paul didn't want the Ephesian church believers to be occupied with ephemeral matters: one's spiritual life was of utmost importance. He didn't want the Church to imitate the ostentatious pagan temples. Christian Church could and would end up like the temple of Diana, an opulent temple of idols and immoral deviant practices. Guidelines: live simple and frugally. Work hard unto the Lord and give with a happy heart to support the needs of the Church. No fanfare, no hype. Tithing is very important in providing the needs of the poor in the church, including free will offerings. Doing it all humbly with an attitude of love. Arrogance is a terrible vice. Many get caught up little by little in the morass of financial cares. The headaches and frustrations can hamper those who want to maintain a deep prayer life. Like Solomon of old, a steady decline of backsliding starts. Prelast sets in: a false sense of presumptuous frame of mind. The Bible makes it very clear that we need to work out our salvation in trembling and fear; obedience is not an option. Mortification of the flesh is very much part of the daily walk of the believer.
  6. We have opportunities to lend to God. God Himself becomes a "debtor" for everything given to the poor. God will pay it again either in this life or in the next. There are a number of commands in Torah that underscore the importance of taking care of the poor, widows and orphans, including those who migrated into Israel. The Old Testament prophets also stressed the necessity of being kind to the poor. Having mercy on the unfortunate has always been a Hallmark of Judaism and Christianity. We must use prudence in the distribution of our monies. We don't want to be Inadvertently supporting illegal drug habits or reinforcing aberrant behaviors. Best way is give of our substance to various groups that highly monitor their clients. Yo carelessly give monetary a donations on a street corner is not the best option unless if the indigent would accept directly a food package or clothes.
  7. The wisdom of God TO US..(1 COR 1:24,30). Christ is Wisdom sent from heaven. Christ is not just a holy prophet, religious teacher, or ascetic; He is the Son of Man sent from on High. Careful study of ROMANS 10:19; DEUTERONOMY 32:21 underscores this truth: God is the prime mover. Apostle Paul wrote eloquently about the eternal Christ. There was no doubt in his mind that Christ is the Logos. The plan of salvation was ordained by God. Not the workings of mere man: God alone truly is magnified. There are five things that God has chosen contained in 1 Corinthians 1:27-29. Diligent Bible study is essential. Daily personal prayer time also is a must to have the Mind of Christ. No short cuts. Studying the Book of Proverbs has also been a great help to me.
  8. The main temple was built a house unto the name of the Lord in accordance with his father King David's wishes. Buildings to glorify King Solomon: Palace of the Forest of Lebanon, Colonnade, Throne Hall of Justice and Pharaoh's daughter house. National & Jerusalem security: Jerusalem wall, Millo, cities: Gezer, Hazor, Meggido, Hamath, Beth-Heron, Baalath and Tadmor. Tithing and offerings to assist the needy and build up the Church of God (Isaiah 58). Our hearts must be whole-hearted for God, singleminded and full of sincerity.
  9. The Lord LOVED Solomon. In turn, Solomon loved the Lord. He was walking in the statutes of David his father. Solomon started out good at first: he was faithfull but as time went on, his faith started to wan. Marrying pagan wives and allowing concubines and pagan idol worship did not help matters. Solomon went into a state of prelast; carelessness in matters of spiritual living. Presumptuous thinking clouded his mind. A false sense of security must have gripped his mind and heart; neglect of prayer life, and pride. Though Solomon knew so much, a presumptuous mind misled him down the road of backsliding. We are loved by God ! Apostle Paul wrote eloquently about the Wonder love of God throughout his Epistles. Epistle to the Hebrews is a masterpiece describes our heavenly call; we are beckoned to enter the Holiest of Holies. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. However; we must work out our salvation in trembling and in fear; we cannot fall into a state of inertia. We need to walk in the statutes of God: mortification of the flesh, daily Bible study and adherence to the commandments of God are indispensable. We cannot compromise our walk with God: we like Solomon must maintain a childlike faith in God, we don't know how to go out or come in. The HOLY Spirit is our Comforter and Teacher who will lead us into all truth
  10. 1. ACKNOWLEDGE OF SINS: There is an explicit statement that God's ordinances and statutes have been disregarded. Admittedly sining and doing wrong. 2. ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS: Here is an act of holy contrition. There is a plea for forgiveness; there is a firm resolution to avoid the near occasions of sins. 3. ASKING FOR GOD'S MERCIES: Emphasis is on God's mercies not His justice. The mercies of David are illustrated through the Book of Isaiah. Despite the rebellions of Israel, God has such a deep love for Israel. God has our names "tattooed" in His hand; though our mothers forget us, God doesn't forget us. For revival, there has to be heartfelt acknowledgement of sins, contrition, pleas for forgiveness, and asking for God's mercies. We remember that mercy is one of the characteristics of Yahweh as revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Ark of the Covenant and Temple liturgical rituals are beautiful descriptions of the mercy of God. All the above are necessary for the healing of the individual, city, local churches and for nations. We see that Ezra wrought a thorough REFORMATION when he demanded the Levites and the Israelites to forsake their mixed marriages and foreign gods. Ezra and the Prophet Ezekiel had the Deuteronomonic code underneath their belts. Serious Bible REFORMATION means serious repentance and forsaking sins. Great preacher Tozer lamented that churches were not preaching serious repentance and forsaking of sins; very similar to great Lutheran preacher Dietrich Bonhoeffer. "Cheap grace" preaching misled so many Christains: people want a superficial Christianity without mortification of the flesh, and suffering, including heartfelt acknowledgement of offending Almighty God. Truly we need a New Pentecost ! Too many churches have lost the sense of the HOLINESS of God. Just like the two sons of Aaron: offering a strange fire in the Temple. Another time the Ark of the Covenant was placed on a cart: totally repugnant to God's Word. Even when someone try to steady the cart when one of the oxen stumbled; God's wrath was manifested. .
  11. Narrow and straight road of holiness. Solomon was charged to follow the statues, ordinances, testimonies of the Torah. He wasn't to called to be wavering like the idol worshipper during the incident of Prophet Elijah and the backslidden. No pagan temples, no more walking with those of pagan religions. Solomon started to be unequally yoked in marriage. Ungodly political alliances wrecked havoc for Israel: Kings Ahab, Omri and Ahab were responsible for the prevelent idol worship that came into Israel Ungodly friends, neighbors and even family members who have been born again. They cannot understand the Full Gospel due to a shroud over their eyes. The spirit of compromise amongst Church associates can cause a Bible student to back slide. Backsliding is the opposite of integrity. This is what the Prophet Ezekiel preached against: backsliding. Ezekiel underscores this is many of his sermons and visions. Truly it is a serious matter to fall in the hands of the angry God. Ezekiel chapters 8-10 touch on this matter of secret sins and hidden abomination. The Shekinah glory of God left the Temple, little by little due to the persistent idol and ungodly agendas in the Temple.
  12. Manifest presence of God. Yahweh manifesting His Presence akin to a pillar of fire or cloud by day. In the Pentecostal movement, there are accounts of such events. During times of revival, or during healing services, eyewitnesses have report such occurences. Evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman often talked about this phenomena: her services were quite low-key devoid of hype and drama. God's approval of such a Temple. Such a holy presence, a sure sign of God's ordination. No such occurrence when the Ark of the Covenant was placed on an ox cart; the wrath of God was manifested. Two sons of Aaron offered an unholy fire; the wrath of God was meted out. Truly it is dire to fall into the hands of an angry God. When we study the Bible, when we pray as a church and as we go to evangelistic outreaches: the Shekinah glory of God rests upon us. However; we work out our salvation in trembling and in fear. Galatians 5:16....we walk in the Spirit, the Shekinah glory of God rests upon us.
  13. Eventually would come the Babylonian captivity. Prophet EZEKIEL sermons and visions underscores this very important fact. Prophet Jeremiah saw the devastating blitzkrieg of Jerusalem. Prophet Ezekiel had various visions of the Shekinah glory of God in a pagan land. Ezekiel and the Hebrew Diaspora would be comforted in the land of Babylon: the presence of the Lord would be with them despite the surrounding pagan religions. God would be present amongst His people; He would abode in their hearts when they would gather to hear the Word of God and pray. In the land of Babylon, they did not have synagogues nor a central temple to offer sacrifices in accordance with the Torah. The Temple is the People of God. Prophet Ezekiel stated YAHWEH SHAMMAH. Chapter 48:35. That will be the name of the City in the vision of Ezekiel. The Millennial Temple in the Book of Ezekiel doesn't have the Ark of the Covenant: the various sacrifices and temple procedures differ from the Levitical sacrifices and laws. Ezekiel underscores the presence of God amongst the people. Purpose of the Temple is a point of contact, a gathering place for the People of God the ecclesia, the called out ones, to worship the Lord and to be instructed. Nothing wrong in itself! A church building should be conducive for busy people to recharge. A nice Church building is a tool to instruct and train people, including being conducive for corporate worship.
  14. Yes indeed...true sacrificial nature in worship does demand a great deal. True worship is not about mere music performances or giving a sermon; it demands our hearts as well as our emotions. Outdoor evangelistic preaching and ministry is worship; not a time for socializing and talking about politics. Worship in accordance with the Law of Moses was definitely a serious matter; the High priests and Levitical priests had to follow rather strict protocols. Those that carelessly touch the Ark of the Covenant automatically died. Even two of Aaron's sons died because they offered a foreign fire. Worship engaged the reason and the will of the worshipper; a far cry from the bizarre heathen practices of the mystery religions. Apostle Paul mentioned that we are to give with a JOYFUL spirit. Giving in this manner hasn't been part of my life. Most of the time I would give or do apostolic work as a matter of Ministerial obligations.
  15. The Epistle to the Hebrews elucidates this theme tremendously. We have a better Covenant on better promises. Old Testament sacrifices were repeated constantly: they only covered sins. In the New covenant: based on the eternal priesthood of Christ, Christ is both the Priest and the Victim. Christ is in the order of Melchizedek, His priesthood and the one final sacrifice on the Cross was so effectual, all sins are wiped away. Psalm 103 echoes the joys of the new believers: our sins are not just forgiven but are thrown into the depths of the sea. The five classes of Levitical sacrifices were types of the Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ. The OT sacrifices were beckoning people to look for the New Covenant.
  16. Church buildings are basically to gathering place for the People of God (ecclesia). Sadly too much focus here in USA on building projects. Many churches have gone into bankruptcy courts due to overspending and over planning. Church buildings is a soul saving evangelistic station, not meant to glorify a particular denominational church nor personality. A nice sanctuary is in order. Nothing fancy, nothing beyond good taste. Cathedrals in the Middle Ages were testaments of the love of God in the hearts of the peoples. Stained glass windows were installed to teach people about the Gospel and other Biblical themes. School of hard knocks teaches this. Simplicity is a must. Churches have had to downsize greatly due to lack of congregants' monies. Very common these days: big megachurches have had to downsize or even close. The Amish have had worship services in their homes for years; big megachurches were never in their church planning agendas. Even conservative Evangelical Churches have had to trim their budgets and staffs
  17. I have a penchant for solitude and seriousness. Since I was a child, I have been a leader not a follower. Even as a boy, I would literally take long walks and ride my bike by myself. I have a talent to be a multitasking person. I put my mind to work; I don't have to be prodded. I was never one to slavishly follow the crowd. Years later, I find myself acting like my parents....in a good sense. Managing a career, and a house plus myriads of respecting responsibilities...not easy tasks, but were done. These qualities have been present in my ministry. Prophet Amos was always an inspiration to me: he was a busy caretaker but was called to be a Prophet of God. God appoints busy men to get things done for the Kingdom of God. In outdoor evangelistic preaching! Eyes for details and preparation are a must. Working for a major telecommunications company for years was a time for me to be further trained. Worked under time constraints, deadlines and stress. Evangelistic outdoor preaching is not for the faint hearted. It takes "Chutzpah" a get up and going attitude. Many people are in a state of inertia in regards to the evangelistic preaching ministry. Sadly many men have to be constantly prodded to get away from the TV, computer or cellphone....just to get to church. One's natural talents are foundations for their spiritual gifts. Some men are not fit for the ministry: innate laziness, lack of mindfulness, spiritual immaturity and lack of seriousness in regards to spiritual living. God has to prepare men to ready to receive spiritual gifts, e.g. hospital visitations, outdoor evangelistic preaching eta. Many are not ready for ministry due to lack of immaturity. God doesn't abrogate the human element in a person; the spirit of prophets are subject to the prophets. In work of sanctification is extremely important in the formation of a Bible believing minister of God.
  18. Book of Proverbs so precious! In seminary we sing hymns based on Proverbs. Hymnwriter Lucien Diess. Solomon wrote so much about the importance of following Wisdom: Christ is Wisdom, Christ is the Logos as referred by Solomon. The pertinent verses dealing with fools and anger: have had great meaning for me too. To live right is very important. We are living Epistles in this world; the Book of Proverbs has cogent verses as to dealing with gainsayers, and those who act foolishly. I remember during my state examination study periods in high school that I would verbally recite the Book of Proverbs out loud. I believed in God to give me the wisdom to prepare for my state examinations which were quite difficult. The section on the pre-existence of Wisdom in first eight chapters are very precious to me It is all about Christ the Logos: Christ is Wisdom. Apostle Paul teaches this in more detail in his Epistles. This has tremendous implications for the salvific mission of Christ Jesus. This Wisdom-the eternal Logos-was with the Father from all eternity. Christ was so united with God the Father that He stated that He does whatever the Father does.
  19. We mirror God's love when we take care of the destitute, and those who are in need. God revealed to Moses: attributes of God. By being kind, long suffering, patient and kind: we are living Epistles of God's love. Courts have favouring such terrible behavior due to rebellion to God's laws. Prophet Amos reiterate this time and time again. God will not accept worship if people hold stumbling blocks in their hearts. Ethnic groups are prone to this. The lack catholocity in their behaviors. Even churches are divided by ethnic boundaries. Churches are labeled Greek, Russian, Chinese eta, eta. No soup for you if don't fit the ethnic criteria. God of justice demands that our lives are based on the just commandments of God. Prophet Amos reiterate this is a number of times, so does the Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah 58 is a beautiful exhortation to abide by the principles of justice: 1 Corinthians 13 is another Clarion call to be just in our daily lives; without that, God will not accept our worship.
  20. Solomon excercised humble trust in God. He had no pretensions: he had that tender love for the Lord as described in the Song of Solomon. He had the counsel of Zadok, and must have been instructed the various laws and judgments in the Book of Deuteronomy. Solomon abandoned himself to the Providence of Almighty God. However; it was made very clear that he must persevere in obeying the Lord. What I can do for the Lord-has been my principle for years. I did not pursue ministry for monetary gains, fame and fortune. Nor spent time in private prayer and outdoor evangelistic preaching to gain fame. Singleness of heart is crucial. Without it-backsliding is inevitable. This happened in the Ephesian church. Apostle Paul lamented the fact that so called friends abandoned him. A number fell into serious doctrinal errors, others were consumed by the worldly desires. Sadly lack of singleness was the demise of the gnostic philosophical Christains and the Arians. Today the virtue of singleness is absent amongst those who espouse serious doctrinal positions. Educated clerics indeed but don't believe in the unadulterated Word of God once delivered to the saints.
  21. The marriage certainly contributed to his prestige amongst the Israelites and Egyptians. Throughout the Mideast, the Hebrew religion was magnified. The riches of the Egyptian history, medicine and scientific discoveries were made known. This marriage must have contributed to Solomon's vast knowledge of science, government and philosophy. Moses was schooled in the wisdom of the Egyptians as well. Solomon was being prepared for the visit of Queen Sheba. Sadly, Solomon was distracted by trying to placate his Egyptian wife. Solomon slowly compromised. He had to tolerate Egyptian idols and ceremonies: contradicting the explicit admonitions of the Holy Bible. Solomon had to walk on eggshells lest offending his Egyptian wife. People saw this happening, and they thought that his idol worship was somehow permissable. Very much like how Gideon's ephod was made into an idol. Failure to destroy high places set a serious precedent. Reminds me of the curses listed in Deuteronomy. God will not wink at sin. Deuteronomy 31: 8-10 is very explicit that Moses was the lawgiver, not just a philosopher, not just a political figure, but a prophet sent from God. Obedience is not an option; we have to comply with God's demands. Sermon on the Mount--our golden key! When our lives don't glorify the Lord: we are not the salt of the earth or that light on a hill. When the fruits of the Holy Spirit are absent: the negative results are not glorifying the Lord. We cannot presume that we have it all perfect; each day is a day of Reformation.
  22. Solomon excercised prudence. He waited for the proper time to take action. Apostle Paul excercised prudence and tact. Like Solomon, he was a man of prayer, and had a group of men that gave him wise counsel. Book of Proverbs has a number of wise admonitions for matters of daily conduct. Christ stated that we should be wise as serpents but gentle as doves. Solomon acted accordingly. He had men of God that gave him sound counsel. Solomon did not act rashly: he consulted his advisors, and sought the Lord as king. Solomon didn't act impulsively; he waited until David's enemies actually transgressed during his kingship.
  23. Many of the promises in the Bible are conditional. The fourfold Davidic covenant is based on one condition: disobedience in the Davidic family is to be visited with chastisement; not the abrogation of the Davidic covenant (2 Samuel 7:15; Psalm 89: 20-37; Isaiah 24:5; 54:3). Christians end up in a backsliding state due to pride and lack of mortifying the flesh. Their focus is on themselves not on Christ as the Captain and Author of their faith. Prosperity for the Christian is both maternal and immaterial. In God's divine providence, we have ALL THINGS pertaining to our salvation. In Christ, we have rich spiritual blessings. We are beckoned to believe in the full soteria as laid out in the New Testament: spiritual and material blessings are all in the "soteria". In God's timing and in His divine will, we are blessed. Obedience to the divine mandates in the Bible are necessary for the true Christian.
  24. It was revealed by God to David 1017 BC that Solomon would be one to build the Temple. David even prepared the the finances, materials and the workmen. This was a solemn injunction: however, Adonijah on the year 1015 BC rebelled and plotted to seize the kingdom. A dangerous move indeed to rebel against Almighty God. Reminds me of what St Paul had to deal with in the Ephesian church. God raised up Nathan and the faithful remnant: Nathan, Benaiah and the mighty men of David, including Zadok the priest. The Cherethites and Pelethites attended Solomon's installation. Nathan was instructed by God to tell David that the Davidic covenant would be the covenant upon which the glorious kingdom of Christ "of the seed of David according to the flesh" is to be founded. This was on the year 1042 BC.
  25. It is a Davidic house; limited to posterity of David. A throne: characterized by royal authority. A kingdom: a sphere of rule. Perpetually forever; it will last forever. Solomon will build the Temple of God in Jerusalem. God assures David that his posterity will always occupy the throne of David. One pertinent condition: disobedience in the Davidic family will be meted out by the chastisement of God. Mercy of God is everlasting! Principal of judgment is always remedial for those in the family of God. However; judgement of the wicked is penal, not remedial. The Davidic throne will be eternal. The Lord God will yet give to Christ "the thorn crowned One "the throne of his father David".
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