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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. According to St John's Gospel, aforementioned peoples in today's question don't have eternal life. They don't acknowledge that Jesus Christ as Son of God nor Son of Man. They are abiding in darkness. They are not abiding in the Vine. In otherwords...they have not been born again. 1 Peter 2:9 describes our new status in splendid detail We who believe in Christ in accordance with Romans 10: 9-10 and Romans 6..have put on Christ; our baptismal robes symbolize our new lives. We are no longer in darkness; we have the life of Christ now. Ephesians 1 explains this so succintly; we are the Body of Christ now due to God the Father's immense love. Christ in His glorified status with his nail scared hands is interceding for us now while awaiting the church to be completed here on earth. We are in the dispensation of grace; our good deeds are as filthy rags. The Prophet Ezekiel witness the throne of God being supported by the 4 angelic beings. We are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit: we bear Christ to the world. Our position is so much deeper than the Prophet Ezekiel could ever imagined! The Holy Trinity indwelling the believers. Ezekiel saw the Shekinah and fell prostrate in awe; he didn't have the very life of Christ as we possess.
  2. We miss out on all the spiritual resources that Christ has given to the church. I can testify that the church has been my mentor since I was a baby. My parents covenanted me to God and dutifully brought up in the Christain faith. Plus I went to a good Christain college to be further mentored in the faith. Christ THINKS FOR THE CHURCH, the CHURCH ACTS FOR CHRIST. What a profound power from heaven that has been given to the church. Truly an immense pentecostal union between believers; Paul is beckoning the Ephesians to experience more of the full measure of the Father's mighty power wrought in Christ. Not being with the brethern, we miss out on expository preaching of the Bible and the exhortations that we need very much. During this time of Covid, this social Isolation has made problems for believers--especially for young converts. They need to rub.shoulders with seasoned believers. Internet has its place but nothing can compare being with the saints. Those who are stalwart believers cannot be fruitful if they continue to isolate themselves; the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the edification of the church.
  3. The reason why people shun "spiritual warfare" is due to their mistaken views of Christ. They have been taught for years just "pray, pay and obey". Their understanding of 1 Peter 2:9 is deficient as well. This artificial chasm between laity and clergy is simply wrong; many believers have been taught wrong. They don't win souls for Christ; never were they involved in evangelical campaigns. Christ has Supreme rank; Christ our Joshua has not forgotten his earthly friends. The Risen Christ still has pierced hands; he intercede for us now. Because CHRIST has Supreme Authority..all earthly and heavenly things work according to the will of Christ. By close Communion with the glorified Christ in faith and obedience, the very life of Christ will flow through us. Paul wanted to teach the Ephesians that they are called to dwell in the Holiest of Holies. Christ the eternal High Priest has won the victory; no more idol worship of idols of Diana. No more attendance at the Eluesians mystery religious gatherings. The Ephesians have a grand calling now: abounding graces belong to them. This is very important for the Ephesians to know that they are joined to Christ and that Christ is even nearer to them that Christ can have immediate contact with individual souls. Christ is the Life within the church..ONE LIFE is in the church and Christ, the same blood pulsate through Christ the head and through the members of the body.
  4. It is our faith that is wavering, we cannot blame God. In proportion to the depth, the strength, the reality of our prayers, the help of the Spirit is bestowed. Paul is totally submissive to the will of God; His one desire is that Christ should me magnified. All that is wanted is a change in ourselves---the unstopping of our ears that our deaf and opening of our blind eyes. Return to BIBLE REVIVAL is the answer. Some churches are diligent when it comes to Bible study; they aggressively claim the promises of GOD in the Holy Bible. They engender to have the mind of Christ; this comes by seasons of prayer for a genuine Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  5. My response is based on PSALM 37:11. As believers in Christ the Prince of Peace, the meek possessed with Christ's peace when they inherit the earth will establish universal peace (Isaiah 2:4; 11:6-9; 65:25). Revelation 20 goes into much detail about the Millennium and our future roles. In the current state of affairs, we are to look unto Christ and not loose our peace of heart and mind over things that are beyond our understanding. We are to carry on our daily lives with patience and due diligence. Psalm 131:2 ...aa a child weaned of his mother :my soul is even weaned as a weaned child. As far as our encounters with believers; we must be very discerning. We live now in an era where believers even in the churches are confused and aren't diligent Bible student's
  6. We will have the Beatific vision of Christ when our earthly journey is over. We will have a clearer vision of why we went through trials, sorrows and the happy events here on earth. We currently see through a glass darkly. Our finite minds cannot grasp the wonders of Christ's Redemption plan. Nor can we fully fathom how deficient we are in regards to personal holiness. Paul is backing the Ephesians to know the transcendent and inexhaustible blessings that God has provided for us. We are currently called to feel deeply the change that God's power has wrought. In Acts19, what a change was wrought y God's Almighty energy. The Divine purpose is determined by the Divine power; our progress in sanctification is experiencing this exceeding greatness of the Resurrection. We are in the Holiest of Holies because Christ our High Priest is still in His role as Mediator in heaven. We are called to holiness; we are to make our election sure. Habakkuk 3:17-18 exhorts us to be conformed to God's will. In short, the fruits of the Holy Spirit need to be cultivated the believer; we cannot be outer court Christains content with nominal faith. Certain spiritual attainments are the foundations on which new and higher attainments maybe built.
  7. Heaven is brought into our souls in this current life; our renewal of our souls is the beginning of heaven. We have the pledge and assurance of more to follow; we are undergoing formation into the image of Christ. There will be final deliverance of our bodies and all evil in the end of all things. Careful study of Revelation 20 will bear this out. Now we have a prospective inheritance. Because we have the Divine Image of Christ-- Christ's character-impressed on our souls---we are beckoned to enter evermore to the Higher Life. We are the peculiar property of God (1 Peter 2:9). Our redemption is at this moment is still continuing. It is crucial that the fruits of the Spirit are present in the life of the believer (Galatians 5:22,23). The first evidences of the showers of blessings are foretaste of heaven.
  8. We are predestined to the inheritance that is ours; we aren't predestined just for adoption; we have a sure portion in heaven which cannot be frustrated or defeated. The purpose of God is stated in Ephesians 1:3-5,12; 2:7,10; 3:6, 10-11., We are called by God to be living epistles to this forward and deceitful generation. We are the salt of the earth due to God's GRACE ALONE. We don't pride ourselves with our own righteousness. 1 Peter 2:9 is our commission. What a wonderful calling we have ! Called out of darkness to serve the Living God. The Holy Spirit gives us new desires new goals to fulfill our holy callings. The work of the Holy Spirit wrought in the hearts of the newly converted to live sanctified lives and to get into ministry.
  9. Here in Ephesians 1:10 we have the first prophecy in Ephesians. We have a prophecy of the Millenium when Christ will put all enemies down and all creation united as one, just as before Satan's rebellion and by Adam. According to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, there will be the completion of earth's probation. Christ will reign during this last dispensation or probationary period of ridding earth of all rebellion and restoring God's administration. Revelation 20:4 states that the thrones are those saints will rule with Christ as kings and priests. The everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and David will be truly fulfilled.
  10. God cannot declare any man righteous or remit one sin without faith in the atonement (Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 1:7). We now have the righteousness of God without the Law (Roman's 3:21). All the rites of the Law and the Prophets pointed and testified to Christ's Redemption that would justify men apart from both the LAW and the Prophets (Colossians 2:14-17; Hebrews 8:1 --10:23). Without knowing about the Redemption, I could have been a Stoic or just a good moral person like Seneca or Cicero. Not knowing about Christ nor being born again...still entrenched in sin. Actually still being in the grip of the m My future without Christ would have been bleak. As an Ephesian, the Main pagan temple would not provide spiritual solace. It was a place of superstition and idol.worship. The Ephesians thought that the wooden idol of Diana was from heaven. This thinking was entrenched in their thinking for centuries. These people sincerely thought that their religion would some how get them to some place...but it all ended up in more spiritual slavery.
  11. Eis auton ! ",,,Unto Himself ! God has called us to be sons of loving obedience, we are not just followers of a great teacher or prophet. We are the recipients of this preordained act of Divine love. Adoption is the intermediate step towards sanctification. Here we have movement towards God; we have a sure legal relation to God as his sons (Roman's 8:17; John 1:12). What an interest God had for these Ephesians! Though they were imbued in idolatry and licentiousness; God had His eyes on them! Before the building of the Temple of Diana centuries ago, God predestined the Ephesians to be part of the Church of God. No wonder why Paul is so amazed! His own people rejected the Gospel however the Ephesians had open minds and Hungary hearts for the truth.
  12. Isaiah 35---we are on the narrow way to heaven. Our lives aren't like those of our neighbors. 1 Peter 2:9 is very crucial in our current study as well. We have an immense calling. Holiness entails that we belong to Almighty God; we are beckoned to enter the Holiest of Holies . One of the beautiful aspects of water Baptism is that we have been "marked" in a supernatural way, no more living in darkness...we now belong to Christ; we have put on Christ. The early Church baptismal ceremonies underscore this magnificently ! Careful preparation before Baptism was done first; this was the catachumenate period. Blameless! Due to the precious Blood of Christ, my sins are gone,! I love Psalm103 ! What a comfort at the end of the day. I take refuge in the wounds of Jesus Christ. His Priestly ministry is still in effect as this present moment. Christ my Joshua assures me that I am blameless because God the Father views the nail scarred hands and wounds of Christ.
  13. Isaiah 35---we are on the narrow way to heaven. Our lives aren't like those of our neighbors. 1 Peter 2:9 is very crucial in our current study as well. We have an immense calling. Holiness entails that we belong to Almighty God; we are beckoned to enter the Holiest of Holies . One of the beautiful aspects of water Baptism is that we have been "marked" in a supernatural way, no more living in darkness...we now belong to Christ; we have put on Christ. The early Church baptismal ceremonies underscore this magnificently ! Careful preparation before Baptism was done first; this was the catachumenate period. Blameless! Due to the precious Blood of Christ, my sins are gone,! I love Psalm103 ! What a comfort at the end of the day. I take refuge in the wounds of Jesus Christ. His Priestly ministry is still in effect as this present moment. Christ my Joshua assures me that I am blameless because God the Father views the nail scarred hands and wounds of Christ.
  14. In one sense it is scary. It beckons us to have a more ENLARGED VIEW of God and our walk with God. I am so convinced this is what the Holy Spirit is teaching me. Christ was trying to impress this on Peter in John 21. Peter was very concerned about John's future. We serve a mighty God that calls in a still small voice to come up higher. On this note, predestination is very comforting. I could have been born into a non-Christian home, agnostic or atheists. However, God had me nurtured in a good Christian home. The gift of faith is from God's loving heart ! The late Dr Barnhouse remarked that there is no time with God. He preached eloquently on the wonders of God's sovereignty. God determined to have a people called to be the manifest sons of God. The Ephesians were in this midst of all sorts of idolatry. The Temple of Diana was an ancient sanctuary replete with an ancient wooden idol supposedly fallen from the sky The area was noted for licencious behavior and superstitious beliefs. Amazing that God knew the right time for St Paul to preach the Gospel. They were Hungary for the truth. The Ephesians like the Samaritans were slowly being prepared to hear the clarion call of the Kerygma! Paul was just awestruck when the Ephesians were baptized in water. No more idol worship; they are now in Christ! Called to be SANCTIFIED and called to be the CHILDREN OF GOD before the world was created.
  15. Truly a wonderful doctrine. Many people don't thoroughly study and meditate on this Bible doctrine. Many misconceptions abound. Their view of the holiness of God is not totally accurate. The Prophet Ezekiel has tremendous revelations of Yahweh. Prophet Ezekiel did not have the typical Western view of God; a view that makes a holy God capricious and tolerant of sin. Prophet Ezekiel was appalled at the toleration of idols and secret sins in the Temple. A deep study of God's compound name titles should be done. Predestination will not be a hard doctrine. What is comforting is that I have been in the mind of God before the world was created. What a deep awesome privilege to grow up in a Christian home and to have a tender heart in regards to God's Plan of Salvation. Paul wanted to let the new believers of their high calling. They were not in another religion among other pagan religions; absolutely not. It was in God's plan that they would forsake the idols and debauchery of idol temples to serve the true Living God. What a consolation it was for these new believers. No more worshipping a false wooden idol of Diana in a opulent temple dedicated for idol worship. The Ephesians are the mystical Body of Christ--with full access to the HOLIEST OF HOLIES--due to Christ our Joshua who has gone on to Heaven. Paul knew very well about the rejection of the Gospel by his own people. This disturbed him greatly. The reception of the Gospel was the balm of Gilead for Paul. Once entrenched in sin and idol worship and licentious behavior, they now serve the Living God
  16. When all is said-I have come to the conclusion that I am beloved by Christ. The Song of Solomon comes to mind. Due to the Resurrection of Christ, all the promises and blessings in the Bible are for me. Christ is my High Priest in the Holiest of Holies, I am His precious son. The Song of Solomon aptly describes how wonderful our union with Christ. I don't walk alone in this life. What a.joy ! I am part of the mystical Body of Christ. Jesus Christ is my Joshua who has made heaven accessible.to me. Christ's meditorial ministry is continuing. St John has made this clear to me. Eternal life is for now. My physical life is sustained by God; my soul life is eternal sustained by God. On Resurrection day, my physical body will be fully transformed like Christ's body.
  17. Peter's martyrdom would give testimony to his faith in Jesus Chrst. According to Psalm 116 :15, God doesn't lightly esteem the death of martyrs. Two times-Peter is told "Follow me" (vs. 19,22). Peter and many others gave testimony of their faith in Christ during severe persecutions from the time of Nero to the reign of Constantine. My life and death will bring glory to God. Living for Christ has been my major con ern. By the grace of God, I have been walking in holiness all the day long. Also I am making my election sure as I spend time in prayer and Bible study. Also making reviews of my life and repenting for any sins deliberate, and undeliberate sins. Also evangelism has been a very high priority; he that winnneth souls is wise. God knew before the foundation of the world about all the details of Peter's life. 2Peter1:14 states that he would put off his tabernacle as Christ revealed to him. Cbrist the Word of God-the eternal Logos-elected and had foreknowledge of Peter. Peter accepted Christ's call and conformed to the image of Christ.
  18. Christ knew that Peter was at level zero in his life. Here in the old familiar place, Jesus addresses him by his original name. Jesus is bringing back memories of the early days of ministry; evoking within Peter's memories when he first met Jesus. After having breakfast and viewing the scared hands of Jesus Christ; Christ is beckoned him back to the ministry. Peter denied Christ three times; that alone must have caused deep sorrow in Peter's heart. The memories of his betrayal must have haunted him greatly. This three-fold affirmation of his deep love was healing balm for Peter. Words of Confessing his love was akin to a new Baptism. Christ didn't chide Peter, the healing balm of Gilead soothed Peter's conscience. Mercy triumphs over judgment. David showed mercy to his enemies. David knew about the mercy of God during some very troublesome periods of his life. Exodus 34 describes the everlasting mercies of Yahweh. The Prophet Ezekiel witnessed the gradual and heart rendering removal of the Shekinah from the Ark of the Covenant to Mt Olives. The Shekinah just did not disappeared; reluctantly with sorrow, it went to Mt Olives accompanied with 4 angelic beings. By all means mercy is needed in the rehabilitation of errant clergy and laity. However, these individuals must realize the gravity of theirs sins and avoid the occasions of sins. What a terrible time we live in now when supposedly repentant people make confession of sins but go right back to the slime pits. We must abide by the Holy Bible rules--- in the rehabilitation of backsliders. Absolute monitoring of such people must be done; so many trifle with the holiness of God.
  19. People have a scary inaccurate view of Predestination. For Puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards, it was truly a magnificent doctrine. It should be for us as well. Before the world was founded, the Father chose us to be heirs of salvation to be quickened from the dead. We were chosen IN CHRIST in connection with Christ's work and office. We are full of wonder because God the Father had us in mind that we would become the adopted sons of God; God was determined Before the foundation of the world. Both verses 4-5 denote DIVINE SOVEREIGNITY, restoration of love between us and God. God wants our complete sanctification. No reason to fear this blessed doctrine! We are full of awe and Thanksgiving. Rev Edwards was just totally amazed when God revealed to him the mystery of Predestination. God has called the Ephesians to become part of the Mystical Body of Christ. What wonder filled the hearts of Paul and the early Ephesians! For generations the Ephesians were caught up in pagan worship at the temple of Diana; now they are wearing their Baptismal robes singing a new song. No more is there a dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. The atonement of Christ has made the Jews and Gentiles into one body; one faith and one Baptism. The Ephesian believers no longer would go to the temple of Diana to worship a false idol and no.more engaging in immoral activities.
  20. Christ wanted to demonstrate His utmost love for His disciples. What a testimony to behold! They would view His wounds in His precious hands as He was distributing the bread and fish. Plus seeing the miraculous catch of fish; this would further strengthen their faith. On the seashore, a scanty meal was bring prepared. It Peter was being prepared to have a conference with Christ. Peter needed time alone with Christ to further establish his future ministry. Peter's role in the Acts of Apostles would underscore this precious time of fellowship. Peter jumped into the water after he heard the clarion message of John, "It is the Lord". The words of John so touched his heart that he wanted to cast himself at the Master's feet. Christ was now glorified; Christ's new appearance and manner--kept them in awe. John's cry of witness--Christ the Truth of God-- directed Peter to go to Christ.
  21. Based on John 20:17, we are blessed in Christ due His voluntary state of subjection as Son of Man to His God and His Father. These blessings were pur chased by Christ. It is due solely to the atoning grace and merit of Christ that the church exists. There is a distinction between Christ's own essential sonship and our derivative sonship by adoption. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6). Christ is our Joshua; He has gone into heaven so we can have access to the Holiest of Holies. We aren't Outer court believers. Christ is in the church, not as a servant as Moses was, but as a Son over his own house. Christ has absolute authority to act in the Father's name in dispensing of all blessings. Implications are enormous. We are beckoned to come boldly before God with our prayer requests; we are called to fill in the gap like the Prophet Ezekiel. Because Christ is our High Priest, I can come daily with even big requests and believe in miracles.
  22. The factors for success are diligent work and God's blessing. The Apostles were at their wit's end; man's extremity is God's opportunity for a miracle. They needed to hear the royal tone yet loving voice of Jesus; in the midst of trial and doubts, Christ established this band to be His future preachers. His Deity is recognized in His devotion and sacrifice. They needed to hear the voice of Christ so that they could utter the cry of faith after discovering in Christ the Truth of God. They obeyed because they knew that it was Christ when they heard His Voice. Christ gave them the assurance that they were not mistaken in their convictions that they were in the presence of the Lord. They had a true blessed assurance of Christ's Deity and mission. What a changed occurred since Luke 5:1-11 : Christ's change was a metamorphosis; the disciples underwent a change of regeneration. We need the manifestation of Jesus Christ in our daily lives; the heavenly manna is what we so desperately need each day. The disciples were changed because they encountered the changed Jesus Risen from the dead.
  23. John did not want apocryphal stories in his Gospel. John knew about false stories written by various gnostic groups that were beginning to multiply. John was very strict concerning preserving the Truth; no spurious doctrines would be included in his Gospel nor in his Epistles. Purpose of his Gospel was to prove beyond doubt that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and God's Son, and that we can have full redemption and benefits of the Gospel by faith. We are the new creation: we have been breathed upon by Christ the New Adam. I believe in order to understand ! True faith is crucial. Many have intellectual knowledge about Christ, but have n.o faith. There are scholars that believe Christ was resurrected, but do not acknowledge that He is the eternal Logos, Son of God and Messiah. John has taken us on this journey: John told us the WORD WAS GOD; in this chapter we have the triumphant and absolute statement of Jesus' divinity. Christ is more than just a holy prophet or Rabbi, Christ is the Son of God--we have eternal life now.
  24. Thomas had a flagging spirit; he was a rationalist. Despite a lethargic spirit,he deeply loved Christ. He did have a tendency to look at the negative side of things; he couldn't hope against hope. Thomas lacked a believing spirit. He must have been awestruck to say the least. He saw the crucified Christ as his personal Saviour--as his Risen Saviour. Thomas acknowledged the deity of GOD; the title Son of God explicitly denotes Deity. It was firm belief in a Person that they could see, handle and prove---that gave them the impetus to trek long distances to preach and endure severe persecutions. Amazing how Christ was gentle with Thomas; Christ knew that he was not perfect in believing, but Christ had divine love and patience nevertheless. We the elect of God and chosen before the foundation of the world, now full redemption and possess the benefits of the Gospel by faith. Our faith rests on God's Word, not on sight.
  25. What a deep Bible verse, much to ponder. This us simply another form to express power to bind and to loose and to do the works of Christ (Matthew 18:18). Luther underscores the teaching that when we witness and preach the Gospel, we are fulfilling John 20:23. All present in that Upper Room, Apostles and those that were afraid of being caught by the authorities, were commissioned to remit and retain sin; we are a holy priesthood called forth to announce the kerygma. It is obvious both the official church and the "laity" have an immense responsibility. It is the Church as a whole that has been called by Jesus Christ to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers; it is not an option nor just another church activity like Saturday baseball or annual Sunday school picnic. Rev Charles Finney was a master in getting all church members engaged in revival; the word "laity" was synonymous to "lazy".
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