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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Christ knew that Peter was at level zero in his life. Here in the old familiar place, Jesus addresses him by his original name. Jesus is bringing back memories of the early days of ministry; evoking within Peter's memories when he first met Jesus. After having breakfast and viewing the scared hands of Jesus Christ; Christ is beckoned him back to the ministry. Peter denied Christ three times; that alone must have caused deep sorrow in Peter's heart. The memories of his betrayal must have haunted him greatly. This three-fold affirmation of his deep love was healing balm for Peter. Words of Confessing his love was akin to a new Baptism. Christ didn't chide Peter, the healing balm of Gilead soothed Peter's conscience. Mercy triumphs over judgment. David showed mercy to his enemies. David knew about the mercy of God during some very troublesome periods of his life. Exodus 34 describes the everlasting mercies of Yahweh. The Prophet Ezekiel witnessed the gradual and heart rendering removal of the Shekinah from the Ark of the Covenant to Mt Olives. The Shekinah just did not disappeared; reluctantly with sorrow, it went to Mt Olives accompanied with 4 angelic beings. By all means mercy is needed in the rehabilitation of errant clergy and laity. However, these individuals must realize the gravity of theirs sins and avoid the occasions of sins. What a terrible time we live in now when supposedly repentant people make confession of sins but go right back to the slime pits. We must abide by the Holy Bible rules--- in the rehabilitation of backsliders. Absolute monitoring of such people must be done; so many trifle with the holiness of God.
  2. People have a scary inaccurate view of Predestination. For Puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards, it was truly a magnificent doctrine. It should be for us as well. Before the world was founded, the Father chose us to be heirs of salvation to be quickened from the dead. We were chosen IN CHRIST in connection with Christ's work and office. We are full of wonder because God the Father had us in mind that we would become the adopted sons of God; God was determined Before the foundation of the world. Both verses 4-5 denote DIVINE SOVEREIGNITY, restoration of love between us and God. God wants our complete sanctification. No reason to fear this blessed doctrine! We are full of awe and Thanksgiving. Rev Edwards was just totally amazed when God revealed to him the mystery of Predestination. God has called the Ephesians to become part of the Mystical Body of Christ. What wonder filled the hearts of Paul and the early Ephesians! For generations the Ephesians were caught up in pagan worship at the temple of Diana; now they are wearing their Baptismal robes singing a new song. No more is there a dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. The atonement of Christ has made the Jews and Gentiles into one body; one faith and one Baptism. The Ephesian believers no longer would go to the temple of Diana to worship a false idol and no.more engaging in immoral activities.
  3. Christ wanted to demonstrate His utmost love for His disciples. What a testimony to behold! They would view His wounds in His precious hands as He was distributing the bread and fish. Plus seeing the miraculous catch of fish; this would further strengthen their faith. On the seashore, a scanty meal was bring prepared. It Peter was being prepared to have a conference with Christ. Peter needed time alone with Christ to further establish his future ministry. Peter's role in the Acts of Apostles would underscore this precious time of fellowship. Peter jumped into the water after he heard the clarion message of John, "It is the Lord". The words of John so touched his heart that he wanted to cast himself at the Master's feet. Christ was now glorified; Christ's new appearance and manner--kept them in awe. John's cry of witness--Christ the Truth of God-- directed Peter to go to Christ.
  4. Based on John 20:17, we are blessed in Christ due His voluntary state of subjection as Son of Man to His God and His Father. These blessings were pur chased by Christ. It is due solely to the atoning grace and merit of Christ that the church exists. There is a distinction between Christ's own essential sonship and our derivative sonship by adoption. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6). Christ is our Joshua; He has gone into heaven so we can have access to the Holiest of Holies. We aren't Outer court believers. Christ is in the church, not as a servant as Moses was, but as a Son over his own house. Christ has absolute authority to act in the Father's name in dispensing of all blessings. Implications are enormous. We are beckoned to come boldly before God with our prayer requests; we are called to fill in the gap like the Prophet Ezekiel. Because Christ is our High Priest, I can come daily with even big requests and believe in miracles.
  5. The factors for success are diligent work and God's blessing. The Apostles were at their wit's end; man's extremity is God's opportunity for a miracle. They needed to hear the royal tone yet loving voice of Jesus; in the midst of trial and doubts, Christ established this band to be His future preachers. His Deity is recognized in His devotion and sacrifice. They needed to hear the voice of Christ so that they could utter the cry of faith after discovering in Christ the Truth of God. They obeyed because they knew that it was Christ when they heard His Voice. Christ gave them the assurance that they were not mistaken in their convictions that they were in the presence of the Lord. They had a true blessed assurance of Christ's Deity and mission. What a changed occurred since Luke 5:1-11 : Christ's change was a metamorphosis; the disciples underwent a change of regeneration. We need the manifestation of Jesus Christ in our daily lives; the heavenly manna is what we so desperately need each day. The disciples were changed because they encountered the changed Jesus Risen from the dead.
  6. John did not want apocryphal stories in his Gospel. John knew about false stories written by various gnostic groups that were beginning to multiply. John was very strict concerning preserving the Truth; no spurious doctrines would be included in his Gospel nor in his Epistles. Purpose of his Gospel was to prove beyond doubt that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and God's Son, and that we can have full redemption and benefits of the Gospel by faith. We are the new creation: we have been breathed upon by Christ the New Adam. I believe in order to understand ! True faith is crucial. Many have intellectual knowledge about Christ, but have n.o faith. There are scholars that believe Christ was resurrected, but do not acknowledge that He is the eternal Logos, Son of God and Messiah. John has taken us on this journey: John told us the WORD WAS GOD; in this chapter we have the triumphant and absolute statement of Jesus' divinity. Christ is more than just a holy prophet or Rabbi, Christ is the Son of God--we have eternal life now.
  7. Thomas had a flagging spirit; he was a rationalist. Despite a lethargic spirit,he deeply loved Christ. He did have a tendency to look at the negative side of things; he couldn't hope against hope. Thomas lacked a believing spirit. He must have been awestruck to say the least. He saw the crucified Christ as his personal Saviour--as his Risen Saviour. Thomas acknowledged the deity of GOD; the title Son of God explicitly denotes Deity. It was firm belief in a Person that they could see, handle and prove---that gave them the impetus to trek long distances to preach and endure severe persecutions. Amazing how Christ was gentle with Thomas; Christ knew that he was not perfect in believing, but Christ had divine love and patience nevertheless. We the elect of God and chosen before the foundation of the world, now full redemption and possess the benefits of the Gospel by faith. Our faith rests on God's Word, not on sight.
  8. What a deep Bible verse, much to ponder. This us simply another form to express power to bind and to loose and to do the works of Christ (Matthew 18:18). Luther underscores the teaching that when we witness and preach the Gospel, we are fulfilling John 20:23. All present in that Upper Room, Apostles and those that were afraid of being caught by the authorities, were commissioned to remit and retain sin; we are a holy priesthood called forth to announce the kerygma. It is obvious both the official church and the "laity" have an immense responsibility. It is the Church as a whole that has been called by Jesus Christ to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers; it is not an option nor just another church activity like Saturday baseball or annual Sunday school picnic. Rev Charles Finney was a master in getting all church members engaged in revival; the word "laity" was synonymous to "lazy".
  9. Christ is the 2nd Adam. Here we read the life giving Spirit was visibly conferred on this fearfull group--to go forth to complete His mission of Divine life that would make them new creatures, and bestow on them power to generate the same Spirit in others. Here we see the earnest of Pentecost. Here the disciples are associated with His Resurrection; at Pentecost, they are initiated into His Ascencion. All that were present, eleven Apostles and the others gathered received the bestowment of the Holy Spirit. They needed the Holy Spirit so that they could preach the Word of God. This group of disciples were in a vunerable situation within the confines of Jerusalem; they were definitely of fearfull disposition. Whoever receives this Divine Breath becomes alive to God; his faith that was weak is now invincible. In this portion, we see that the glorification-had already began. Christ was about to leave them for seven days. The Holy Spirit has been neglected very much. Many churches have invented new carts to carry the Ark of the Covenant. Spurious heresies, worldly entertainment methods have brought Broadway into churches; and lack of solid of expository preaching. The Holy Spirit as the third person of the Holy Trinity has truly been neglected.
  10. We too are sent out to proclaim the Gospel. We are to carefully preach the Gospel in season and out of season; not reinventing the Faith to meet the mores of our culture. Like Christ, we must be diligent Bible students and tarry in prayer often for a fresh anointing from Heaven. I deeply treasure 1 Peter 2:9. I have been mentored in such a way as to seriously commencing preaching outdoors starting back in 1979. Also I have been involved in a number of other ministries, as well as holding a demanding job in private industry. The whole concept of Apostleship means much to me. The amount of mileage and transient nature of the ministry over the years. The typical mega-church atmosphere was never my cup of tea; the Pentecostal model of the church and evangelism as outlined in Acts of the Apostles is much to my liking. The kerygma must be central, not entertainment nor flashy lights and bombastic concerts in the church sanctuary. Yes...I. do prepare days before I embark on any evangelistic endeavor. In our city, crime and subway crimes have climbed drastically. So I have had to be in deep prayer as to what to do and what part of our city to safely preach. God does wants to exercise proper wisdom in the ministry.
  11. Resurrected bodies do not need openings to.get into houses. They are spiritual bodies in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. They are like spirit beings in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. Resurrected ones can appear or disappear at will. Christ came into the Upper Room when the doors were shut. Christ verbally stated peace to His fearful disciples and showed them His hands, feet, and side (Luke 24:39). Christ was indeed physically resurrected. He showed them His hands, feet and side. They heard His familiar loving voice that uttered that familiar greeting "Peace". However, Christ was able to appear or disappear at will.
  12. Evidences of the Resurrection were the empty tomb and the linen clothes that were lying in place. The head cloth was folded. The stone that was meticulously sealed was rolled away. The Resurrection of Christ is central to our faith. It was in God's plan that Christ would be marked out (horidzo) manifested to be God's Son by display of power (Acts 10:38; Luke 4:18-21). The Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead to prove to all men that He was the true Messiah and Saviour of all men (Acts 2:22-36). The Jews crucified Christ because He claimed to the Son of God; God resurrected Christ because He was the Son of God (Romans 1:4). The doctrine of the Resurrection was part of Apostle Paul's fourfold Gospel of salvation. Christ was not merely brought back from the dead or resuscitated; He was declared beyond shadow of doubt that He is Son of God. Much of John's Gospel would refute the spurious teachings of the Gnostics, Christain Scientists and Muslims. What really grabs me is "realized eschatology". I can know at this very moment that I have access to the Holiest of Holies; Christ is NOW my Joshua; Christ has opened up heaven for me. I have been meditating on Romans 8:28 ...despite our status as children of Adam and Eve---we carried the results of original sin; God came to rescue us--- as worms---so we can become the children of God, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9). Physical healing is for today; the word is soteria---forgiveness of sins and physical healing are for today.
  13. Mary was very upset. She actually thought that Christ's body was stolen; this fact alone would add to the immense grief that she already experienced during Christ's trial and crucifixion. St John underscores "spiritual eyesight"; those who "see and believe' have been drawn by the Father. Spiritual eyesight is the work and gift of God. Christ was teaching Mary that the new relationship between their and the worshipper will not be one of physical contact. When we study and meditate on John 6:62; we cannot help but be reminded that the glorified Christ is present in the Holy Communion service. Mary has SEEN THE LORD; she is convinced deep in her heart now that Christ is deity, not just a phantom. With this truth boiling in her heart; she announces that Christ is going back to His Father and their Father.
  14. Christ passed through these wrappings of linen that were solidified by these various spices that were applied during the embalming process. John readily believed at this moment in the tomb that Christ is truly the very Son of God...Peter and John both saw the same arrangement of funeral wrappings and the head cloth. Peter's understanding was clouded by his thrice denial of Christ and that he did not know the complete Bible records that Christ must rise from the dead. It took awhile for Peter to come "to see" that Jesus still loved him, and that Jesus is the Prince of Life.
  15. Mary Magdalene was one of the group of ladies mentioned in Luke 8:1-3 that were possessed of demons. She and her peers accompanied Jesus on His missions; they were touched by the hand of God, and so ever gratefull for their own new lives. He who has sinned much---loves much. She was called to be a model of discipleship for those Apostles that deserted Christ. She was very courageous for heading to the Tomb before day break. Joseph of Arithamea and Nicodemus showed great courage as well. Despite all odds, they stood their ground despite great opposition. Mary Magdalene was not a theologian; like the Samaritan woman, she had that divine illumination to belive that Christ is the Messiah. Mary heard her name called; she just knew it was her beloved that was there.
  16. They were members of the Sanhedrin and were secret disciples. The two men arranged the costly interment. They cast away their fears of the Jews so quickly. It is ironic that the disciples were publically associated with Christ during His mininistry had no share in the honors of His burial; while the opposite is true in regards to Joseph and Nicodemus. Due to their unacknowledged faith, the way was prepared for the marvelous conversions on Pentecost and during the early days of the Church. This must have impressed many timid believers to become strong witnesses for Christ. Joseph and Nicodemus could have faced the coldness, contempt of their peers and the ridicule of the people. It was their love of Jesus Christ that swayed their hearts. Their fear of losing position, caste, and wealth were gone. Burial account is quite important because it underscores that Christ was actually dead; Christ was not just a Principle as our Christain Scientist friends teach. In one sermon Pastor Spurgeon taught emphatically that Christ was no phantom; He was not a ghost. Christ actually observed the Sabbath rest: His mission was completed before the commencement of the Sabbath; however He went down to Hades to preach the Gospel to those awaiting their full Redemption. Christ is the New Adam. Christ has the keys of hell and of death. Christ preached the Gospel to the imprisoned fallen angels in Tartarus (1 Peter 3:19) while His body was in the grave. These fallen angels are now bound in Tartarus in chains awaiting the Great white throne judgment. This burial was done out of deep love for Christ. Both Joseph and Nicodemus wanted to pay tribute to Jesus Christ in a public fashion; they considered Him as a great Prophet unlike the other Sanhedrin members. This tomb would also give testimony of Christ's power over death; the faith of Joseph and Nicodemus was maturing. This had an impact on the early Church in Jerusalem as we study Acts of the Apostles.
  17. Christ died in a relative short time to be the true Paschal Lamb--Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath day. "A bone of him shall not be broken" Exodus 12:46. All the minute arrangements of the Mosaic ordinances looked forward to Christ. Water and blood testified of Christ's humanity. Christ was not an apparition nor a ghost. Christ underwent a long-continued agony that was intense. This death wound was important point of evidence of Christ's death and Resurrection. We are examing the 14th prophecy of OT fulfilled in John 19:36: Psalm22:16; Zechariah 12:10. We have the fact that Christ died a Literal death for the sins of Light the world. This truth confounds the minds of the Moslems and Christain Scientists; they cannot accept such a truth, they cannot comprehend that Christ-the eternal Word of God, truly Light from Light--could die on the Cross. .
  18. Christ's whole course of obedience was now brought to a close. Christ mediation on earth was finished. He fulfilled the prophecies, types and shadows of the OT. His conflict with the powers of darkness was now over. His expiration death would conclude His expiartory life.
  19. Christ's whole course of obedience was now brought to a close. Christ mediation on earth was finished. He fulfilled the prophecies, types and shadows of the OT. His conflict with the powers of darkness was now over. His expiration death would conclude His expiartory life. Christ's missions consisted of : Defeat of Satan, breaking down of the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles, making a way for personal access to God, cancelation of the reign of death and sin's power, cancelation of Satan's claim on mankind and satisfaction of the full justice of God. Christ's other missions were for bodily healing and making a way for the full endowment of the Holy Spirit.
  20. Mary must have been dismayed. The sword of agony pierced her heart as Simeon prophesied. Mary and the disciples had many questions in their minds. It is beyond telling what was going in Mary's mind; she experienced sorrow at the Temple visit when Christ was a child. WHat a story indeed ! Christ was true to His Father in heaven, and to His mother on earth. John had some property in Jerusalem, so Christ knew that John was able and willing to take care of His mother. John was the only disciple that stood at the Cross. Truly the love of Christ for His earthly mother is beyond description. He didn't neglect the future welfare of His comfort less, widow and afflicted parent; though Christ was in deep agony and bearing all the sins and diseases of mankind; Christ entrusted Mary to Apostle John.
  21. Christ's blood was poured out like water, His body was limp and lifeless, completely surrendered on the Cross; and He was thirsty that He could hardly speak. Truly Christ was brought down to death and His body was lime that of Adam before God breathed into it. Christ truly died an agonizing death. There is nothing symbolic or spiritual to be conveyed as set forth by Muslims and Christian Scientists. Christ died a literally death for all our sins and diseases.
  22. Pilate feared the Sanhedrin and the people who could start a grievance to Caesar protesting giving amnesty to Christ. The other fear he had was being responsible of killing an innocent man. Pilate was warned by his wife not to have any part in His death. Fear of the Sanhedrin and the populace won out; Pilate was more concerned of his prideful status. I have had fears of going back to Manhattan to resume my street evangelical preaching. Perhaps my fears are well warranted due to the steep rise of crime; people have been injured including NYPD. I have prayed about this. So I have decided to go out of state to more safer venues until NYC crime subsides. At present I don't have a regular diligent associate to assist me in distribution of Gospel tracts and act as a reliable body guard. I know that Christ did exercise prudence when the religious authorities in Jerusalem were getting angry. Christ did exercise wisdom during His ministry.
  23. Pilate thought that would placate the crowd and that would be the end of their griviencies when the people would view Jesus Christ scouraged, wearing a crown of thorns and clothed in a purple robe. Pilate thought that this mock-majesty would create leniency in their hearts. Christ endured this because He knew He was called by His Father to be the Author or Originator of our salvation. Christ is is called of God to a high priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 5:9-10). I have come to realize that true Bible believers from various denominations may just have to go underground. Even here in USA, the Roman Catholic Church will not reprimand RC politicians for their aggressive pro-abortion position. If one preaches the undulterated Word of God in any typical RC or Protestant church; that individual will be promptly silenced. I have accepted the fact that I one day, I will have to be like those believers who lived in Russia during the Stalin era.
  24. We will be declared as "rigid" or "narrow-minded". It is evident now that even conservative Catholic priests that stand up for conservative values have been silenced even by the RC bishops. This is true amongst Protestant churches as well. As an outdoor minister, I can testify that people can get quite upset when you forthright present the Gospel of Christ. There comes a time when we have to move on. It is very sad; people reject the truth;they are steeped in cynicism. No amount of kind dialogue will help. They are immersed with their own thoughts, and not really listening. The Shekinah moved very slowly from the Ark of the Covenant to Mt Olives....a move of deep sadness as described in the Book of Ezekiel. There was the idol of jealously in the Temple of Jerusalem.
  25. Charged for Insurrection and claiming to be King of the Jews. If it was discovered that Christ was an actual insurrectionist; a serious crime indeed. Christ's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom not a political entity. This Kingdom is divine in nature not wrought by violent Insurrection. Political themes mixed in--- dilutes the preaching of the Cross of Calvary. Apostle Paul stayed clear of political discussions; his full attention was on the Cross.
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