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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. .,Peter's acts of courage consisted of cutting off the ear of the servant and entering the court of Annas. By entering the court, Peter took some risk of being charged of cutting of the earth of the servant; that was deemed a very serious crime. Whatever courage Peter had, it wasn't stable. His first denial was most sparked by the thought that he would end up in a bad predicament. A sense of sheer panic must have overwhelmed him as he was warming himself by the fire. Whatever courage he had--must have vanished quickly. We must not exalt ourselves as being above the same fall. We are to sympathize, and to show love and mercy. We are to fulfill the law of Christ. My courage has been good here in NYC. Outdoor preaching has been a challenge during this dangerous era. By the grace of God, I have been given great graces to proclaim the unadulterated Word of God on public streets.
  2. It was definitely the power of God. After carefull study and prayer, ,I have concluded that John is again teaching that Jesus Christ is deity, Son of God and Son of Man. John goes into detail to teach us that this was the decisive hour--commencement of the Paschal mystery. The Passion,death, Resurrection and Ascension stand center in our Christain faith. Christ our Eternal High Priest has accomplished God's salvation plan. Peter was rebuked because Christ knows that His work on earth is being completed. Peter was looking at this scene with eyes of the flesh. Only at Pentecost, did the Paschal mystery make sense; Peter and the Apostles needed further tutoring. Christ didn't resist at all. We must remember that God the Father and the Holy Spirit were present during this time. Christ was so full of love for His Father that He desired to be the suffering servant of Israel. Christ knew He was in the order of Melchizedek; He was both Victim and High Priest.
  3. Unity amongst Christians is very important because we are Indwelt of the Holy Spirit; we are one in "the divine nature" due to the "exceeding great and precious promises" (2Peter1:4). We bear the image of God the Father and of Christ. We who have fellowship with the same Father and the same Son and the same spirit of adoption are one in a spiritual sense---we are the mystical Body of Christ here on earth. This oneness would be a glorious testimony to the unbelieving world that Christ is the Word of God--eternal Logos. Charles Grandison Finney would not tolerate sectarianism during his revivals. He worked amongst brethern from various denominations. Finney believed in the power of prayer; he knew that endless arguments would be a serious hindrance to the unconverted. Count Zizzendorf also believed that Christain unity was paramount for revival. We aren't supporting false ecumenical gatherings; true Bible revival starts amongst Christians that are Orthodox in doctrine and believe that sanctified living is paramount.⁶
  4. Christ wants us to live as lights and examples of God in the world. Christ prayed that we would be kept from the devil. God's elect are called to be apostolic. I enjoy going away to pray for lengthy times, but I know that I must carry out my evangelistic calling. The ancient Egyptian church always had a fine balance between evangelism and seclusion of Christain communities where strict prayer and silence were rigorously maintained. Church of Alexandria was a beacon of Orthodoxy for centuries; renowned for apologetics and evangelism The Holy Spirit keeps us in holiness all day long in the midst of this depraved generation. By maintaining a steady prayer life and studying the Bible, including being active in ministry; we can maintain lives that our imbued by holiness.
  5. --Father and the Son co-posess everything due to the fact that only Christ can say all Thine are Mine; Christ being the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity. God's plan of salvation and the 11 Apostles including the 70 Apostles and all those believers thereafter--are the precious possessions of both God the Father and God the Son. The relationship of God the Father and God the Son--the Father covenants with the Son for the salvation of those who will believe. Coming to Christ secures our sonship. Christ identifies Himself with His disciples and acts as our heavenly attorney ! We do co-posess everything with the Father and the Son in the sense we have accepted the very doctrines and revelations directed by the Father. Like the first disciples, we embrace both the Messenger and Christ's doctrines as divine. The certainty here is CHRIST AS HIGH PRIEST, OUR SOLE MEDIATOR. We belong both to the Father and the Son. Our lives and our deaths glorify Christ (1 Corinthians 10:21; John 21:19. We are to be salt and light in this Valley of Baca. We are the manifested Sons of God (Roman's 8:19)
  6. Christ was referring to His eternal pre-existence (Colossians 1:15-18; Rev 1:8, 11; John 1:1-2). Christ is the eternal Word of God, His glory was eternal not newly contrived; Christ was begotten by the Father before all ages. Christ always had this glory during His three estates: before the world was, during His earthly ministry and afterwards in heaven. Christ the eternal Logos desires that His human nature be brought into participation of the glory which Christ the Logos-the Word (Proverbs 8:22-23) had before the beginning of the world. We need to study Daniel's vision to comprehend the glory of Christ before His incarnation (Daniel 7). His glory was manifested as He healed the sick, forgave sins, raising the dead and by countless other miracles. His glory "peeked" through at the Transfiguation. The Shekinah glory was so evident ! What a tremendous demonstration of His glory. His glory can be described now as we read the seven addresses to the churches listed in the beginning of the book of Revelation. Christ's desires us to behold the beatific vision. In His prayer, Christ knows that His disciples would not behold the full vision of God here in this life; His prayer was for a transfer of His people to heaven. Christ wants us to be in His immediate presence. We don't clearly behold His glory in all fulness at this time.
  7. The work of Jesus Christ consisted of His teachings, training his Apostles, healing the sick, battling the forces of darkness, his holy living and being the Pascal Victim. It brought glory to the Father because the eternal plan was being fulfilled. Jesus Christ was very careful to obey God the Father; Christ though physically on earth was always in the bosom of His Father. He magnified God the Father as He demonstrated the will of His Father in preaching, teaching,healing and holy living. The work I have been given is evangelism. Outdoor preaching. All started back in 1979 in front of St Paul's Chapel NYC. Prior to that, I was involved in instructing of young people. Preached on skid row here in NYC and Midtown NYC and hospital visitation. Revelation 19:10 "....for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy". Evangelism outdoors is a terrific way of glorifying God. Distribution of Bible tracts and preaching---all this has made me a diligent Bible student. Most important--the Cross ✝️of Calvary is lifted up.
  8. The average person believes that eternity is all about the future after death. Eternity according to Johannine eschatology is NOW. For St John, Christ's death and Resurrection is central pivot; New life in Christ is current reality. His Epistles also spell this out carefully. Physical healing as well as the forgiveness of sins are "soteria". Arthur Pink aptly described "soteria" as a fourfold salvation ! We are saved from the penalty, power, presence and the pleasure of sin. What a tremendous position we have in Christ Jesus; so many Christain believers are not aware of their high calling; they are "Outer court" Christains; they were taught to "pray, pay and obey"....just be mere laity. 1 Peter 2:9 is so foreign to many; they don't have a ministry, no testimony and what is tragic---no evangelism. Christ believed that salvation is NOW. Salvation, healing and deliverance is for today. Christ entrusted the keys of eternal life to the Church; the Church of God has the tremendous mission to spread the wonderful words of life. Key element here is Christ consciouness---abiding in the Vine. A daily personal relationship with Christ is essential. Personal Bible study and frequent reception of Holy Communion--facilitate this. As I pray quietly in my upstairs front room, my soul is at rest. I leave all at the altar; Christ is my burdenbearer. Isaiah 26:3 is my motto---personal prayer time is absolute. As I preach outdoors, eternity becomes even more precious to me.
  9. Christ overcame the world as he set toward Calvary despite all odds: persecutions from the Pharisees, doubting disciples, those that deserted him after the Bread of Life discourse and knowing what was going to happen to him on Good Friday. Christ knew that he would have to bear all the sins and diseases of mankind. Christ knew beforehand the the agony of the Cross; though always with Father, he knew he would say, "My God my God why hast thou forsaken me". Christ became our Joshua ! He was risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of God the Father interceding for us constantly; we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, we can enter the Holiest of holies now. We have been baptized in Christ; we have put on Christ. We have renounced the world, the flesh and the devil. With God's grace, we make our election sure. Though martyred we have the victory! All the saints martyred in the Colosium; they won their victory crowns. Their shed blood was the seed of the Christain church.
  10. Hebrew word is "hitbodedut". We spend time in prayer addressing God as our dear friend. We pray in our own words and convey to God our joys, sorrows, dreams and goals. Ideally this is done outside underneath the open sky; it is not just a rushed affair. We can deepen our walk with God tremendously during this Covid pandemic as we are forced to be socially distanced from each other. We can have daily worship at home. Open the hymnal and sing out loud and pray vocally as well. I can testify that this does help in times of loneliness: I have worked nites for years so a good prayer life is very important. For many years, I would do the above even when by myself.
  11. I take the position of St Augustine on the Communion of saints question. Augustine's position was in line with the early Church fathers. So was Martin Luther's doctrinal stance in regards to the Virgin Mary. Christ alone is our sole Mediator and is the central pivot in the Communion of saints; superstitious practices are not condoned. We can pray to Christ or the Holy Spirit directly due to our belief in the Holy Trinity. Our regular prayers normally are addressed directly to God the Father. That has been the practice of orthodox Christianity for centuries. Christ is our heavenly intecessor in the Holy of Holies...this continues constantly. He is our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek; an eternal priest who knows our infirmities throughly. The Holy Spirit intercede for us here on earth; the Holy Spirit assists us in ways we cannot fathom--unutterable groaning well up within us.
  12. God leads us into all truth in regards to what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. God will gradually reveal more and more gems, rubies and diamonds as we read and pray while studying the Holy Scriptures. I can testify to that! As I preach and evangelize, portions of the Bible become very clear to me. I use my concordance and lexicons at times to assist me to understand the Bible. The promise that Christ spoke about refers to to the whole church age. A prime example is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. This doctrine didn't appear out of the blue; it developed over the years. A number of important Ecumenical councils defined our faith in particular to Christological doctrines. We need to do our daily homework! Bible study is an ongoing work in our lives: we cannot neglect prayerfully study of the Holy Bible. Commentaries are nice and have a place; however, we must prayerfully study the Bible and meditate on various verses.
  13. All throughout Acts of the Apostles, the kergyma, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached confirmed by signs and wonders. Unlike the mystery religions of the ancient world, the early Church didn't resort to chicanery nor magic to gain converts. No hype nor worldly methods, the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST was preached. Christ was very explicit that it is the Holy Spirit's mission to convince (elegcho) convict, expose the deeds of wickedness. The Holy Spirit's mission is to reprove all men (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2). Our mission here on earth as Gospel preachers is to be faithfull in preaching the whole counsel of God. We do this with gentleness and a forthright spirit. No amount of arguing or heated debates will make genuine converts. We must use prudence and tact. We truly must ask the Holy Spirit for guidance when we are dealing with backslidders or people hostile to the Gospel. I have asked God to forgive me for not being a living epistle of mercy and kindness. The way I conduct myself is crucial in a cynical environment. Yet I do announce the Gospel message in public...from the Old Testament to the New Testament---God's plan of salvation is proclaimed. The man or woman of God is called to be salt in our world. As Bible believers we must exhibit the character of Christ. The book of Proverbs and Pauline Epistles are replete with admonitions about dealing with cynical and angry people including on disciplining those who persist in heresies. Common denominators are the words "gentleness", "meekness" and "long-suffering". St Augustine is a prime example! His mother never gave up and St Ambrose of Milan catechised Augustine for Baptism.
  14. Jesus had to go away in order that the people would get saved; the heavenly anointing would be given to the disciples so that they would preach the Gospel. John 14:12 is referring to the Christain's power of attorney. The Christain believer is called to the ministry (1 Peter 2:9) and is called by God to ask in faith, not wavering in prayer. Christ had the fulness of Spirit without measure. We are called to partake of that fulness. Christ Jesus is the sole Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Through His mediation and In tercession, we can now receive all blessings of grace.
  15. To testify means to verbally state as to what you know about a certain person or event. The Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus Christ in regards to truth of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit comes from the bosom of the Father to reveal the love that He has for his Son; and reveal further the glories of the Divine counsels. The Holy Spirit would take the things of Christ and teach the early Church. The Holy Spirit represents the Son, and carries out His redeeming work upon earth. We too are called to testify about Christ. We have a holy and urgent calling (1 Peter2:9). I also love Revelation 19:10. That is why evangelism is important; very sad when Christians don't get involved in ministry. They have a poor knowledge of Bible prophecy; Christ is the central pivot of Bible prophecy. Stagnation will quench the Holy Spirit. A soul winning church is a truly a Pentecostal church; the kerygma is set forth constantly. Christ is glorified as He is lifted up. Soberness and sound theological balance also characterize a soul winning ministry. .
  16. Jehovah Witness followers believe that the "holy spirit" is an impersonal force; they don't believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity. We are not Arian in our beliefs like the JW's. Christ refers to the Holy Spirit as HE (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7, 8,13-15). Gnosticism also would not acknowledge the third person of the Holy Spirit as "HE". Gnostics were noted for believing in numerous intermediaries and emanating between earth and heaven. The Holy Spirit will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. This is the threefold work of the Holy Spirit in the world. The Holy Spirit's mission is very profound---convincing and refuting all men concerning unbelief in the one and final sacrifice for sins, man's righteousness is useless and those that refuse to believe will be damaged forever. The cultural background that we live in is hugely responsible for using the word "it" to refer to the Holy Spirit. That is the problem with false theologies. Gender neutral words are used in modern Bible translations. Even in various churches, an masculine word used to refer to God is considered wrong. Gnostic teachers used feminine terms when describing God. They didn't fully confess that Christ was truly God and truly man and the Holy Spirit was a "emanation", "a force" or "energy".
  17. Christains are depised by the world because they hated Christ and Christ's mission on the outset. Christains expose by their lives the world's evils and darkness. World has a natural enmity to God due to original sin. A true Bible believer threatens unbelievers indeed. The evil and darkness associated with the world, the flesh and the devil cannot coexist with sanctified Christains (Roman's 12:2; Titus 2:11-12). The world is ignorant of the Christain experience of being born again (Galatians 2:20; 2Corinthians 5:17). Unconverted people get quite uncomfortable around a solid Bible believer; they are ignorant of God as well (John 15:21). Christ lovingly wanted to prepare them for tough days ahead. This was not going to be a Sunday walk in the park or a picnic. Christ was correct in telling them the truth on the onset. The world is at war with Christains (John 16:33; Ephesians 6:12; 1 John 5:4). Many didn't continue to follow Christ after the Bread of Life discourse. What a tragedy that a number of Christians apostasized during the Diocletian persecution. Those that backsliding during the first 300 years of Christain persecution gave bad testimony to the Faith. Hebrews 6 comes to my mind. Compromising one's testimony is very sad. I have repented for anything that I may have said or done that marred my testimony. Any appearance of evil or a word said that wasn't Christ-like; I have asked God's forgiveness. We are to be gentle and kind to those who inquire about our faith; we must have the fruits of the Holy Spirit as we interact with the world.
  18. To be a friend of Jesus, one must obey the commandments set forth by Christ. The Sermon on the Mount comes to my mind; I need to do a serious study on that portion of the Bible. We need to view our fellow man through the eyes of Christ. How short I am in regards to this matter. We are beckoned by Christ to go and bear forth fruit, produce eternal works and get answers to prayer. If we don't stay on the straight and narrow way; we will not be Christ's full partners nor be true representatives producing Christ's works as Christ produced during his ministry. Christ wants us to a deep love for our fellowmen; we are to share with Christ all things that the Father has made known to Christ (John 15:15). We must be on the "get go"; we must be on the offensive. We are proactive Apostles. It is crucial in this cynical age that we truly have genuine hearts of love for all mankind----we pray urgently for salvation and we sacrifice worldly pleasures to be evangelistic. Oh that we could experience the Apostolic love that filled the hearts of the first Methodists! May God forgive me for lack of this agape love that Christ spoke about. What a tragedy if one gets into a Laodicean spirit----lukewarmness. Backsliding is inevitable to the one who does not pursue John 15. Billy Graham's dearest friend and co-evangelist fell into this trap. Templeton left the faith and the evangelical ministry years ago. We need the renewing of the Holy Spirit so much. Apostle Paul witnessed this backsliding amongst his own coworkers; he set his sight on Spain nevertheless!
  19. When one studies and prayerfully meditates on this chapter; one cannot help to see that the stress is on GOD'S LOVE for us. This thought was very instrumental in John Wesley's conversion at Aldersgate; the unfathomable love of God. Though Wesley was a devout Anglican, he needed that "baptism" of wonderful love of God. Apostle Paul wrote eloquently about this love of God in Roman's 8. The love of God as manifested in the life and words of Christ--profoundly changed the heart and mind of Apostle Paul. St. Paul is the prime example of obedience and continuance in God's love, and was fruitfull of good works. Roman's 8:35 magnifies the love of Christ during tribulation or persecution. I honestly testify to Roman's 8:35. The way of holiness (Isaiah 35) is the good way. By being obedient and forsaking the world, the flesh and the devil; God has certainly given me that joy from on high. I have taken measures to avoid negative people with negative attitudes. Daily mortification of the flesh is also part of my life.
  20. What is crucial is that the fruit of the Holy Spirit needs to be evident in the life of a Christain ((Galatians 5:22-23). Christain character that is imbued with these fruits is a strong indication of the Holy Spirit. Being in Christ will wrought transformation of the human character. This is extremely important---continual sanctification--inworking of the Holy Spirit in areas of our lives that we aren't aware fully of. Yes I believe fully that souls need to get saved. It is imperative for a godly church to preach the Cross and expect people to receive Christ....how important! Even Tozer lamented the fact that new believers weren't taking seriously the utmost importance of sanctification. Tallies of convert numbers and crusades have their rightfully places; however, what a tragedy if sanctification amongst believers is neglected. Bucer, 16th century Lutheran theologian, was grieved when he saw that Lutheran followers were not living Christain lives of holiness. Lutheran movement at times fostered a false presumption amongst some congregants who thought one could be saved yet not live a sanctified life style.
  21. 151Roman's 4:2 explains it very well. Abraham wasn't justified by works; he was justified 24 years prior to circumcision in order he might be the father of unbelieving uncircumcised Gentiles. Original justification by faith belonged to the Gentiles. In essence, justification by works alone cannot assure righteousness. Outside Christ, a person cannot abide in the graces of God as set forth in the Bible. Abraham came from a background of idolatry; he was called by God to have faith when he was a Gentile idolater; he was justified freely by faith. He did not work nor merited justification. His righteousness was a pure gift of grace from God. Acts of the Apostles illustrates this wonderfully. The church magnified the name of Jesus Christ; as a result, conversions were wrought confirmed by signs and wonders. Twelve Apostles were strengthened in miraculous ways to go forth from Jerusalem. 1Corinthians 3:11-15 needs to be carefully studied and meditated on. The value of things done without Christ cannot wrought righteousness. Abraham was justified by faith. This is a precious truth; faith alone in God wrought justification before circumcision and the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai. Final end is that works that are judged to be wood, hay or stubble--will be burnt up by fire. Our doctrines, conduct to others and carnal traits will be judged.
  22. Abide means to remain, continue and dwell. The Greek word is "menos". Epistle to the Hebrews stresses the point that we are to abide in Christ who is our Priest, Prophet and King; we are beckoned to be "inner court" Christains. God will give continuing graces to persevere in sanctified grace to those who diligently work out their salvation with fear and trembling. God does expect Christians to live a sanctified life style; they cannot fall into a state of lethargy and presumption while disobeying the Holy Bible in matters of faith and morals.(Philippians 2:12-16). We are referring to union and consecration to Christ--we have the mind of Christ, and one with Christ in purpose. God being in Christ, Christ being in God, and God and Christ being in each other. Christ being in men (Colossians 1:27 ; Roman's 8:10); men and Christ being in each other (John 14:20). It is in God that we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28). As far as I can tell, I am abiding in Christ quite well. These days of isolation have taken a toll on me. Patience has worn thin indeed. Days of monotony have set in. Beginning earlier this month, a treasured Bible of mine disappeared. Spent much time looking for it and scoured parking lots and roadsides.
  23. God will take property, friends, family members and worldly pursuits that have gained too much of the believers heart. God will prune and cleanse the fruit-beari g branch. God will use the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit to get rid of useless leaves and superfluous shoots that prevent a strong Vine from flourishing. God tries us; God chastened us for our good (Psalm 8; James 1:1-4). We must abide in the doctrine of Christ and endure until the end. We cannot just have a superficial knowledge of the faith; having a personal relationship with the Almighty is absolutely essential (Hosea 6:3). The truth in Christ is no mere theology; it is the highest truth. We are set free from slavery to sin and fear of death; the truth that is in Jesus; this truth works true miracles--freedom from sinfull passions and set free from Satan's delusions. Our intellects and and wills are set free by the power of God. We now have the glorious liberty of the children of God. We must understand the paramount importance that it is God alone that works in us both the willing and doing of His good pleasure. Christ the compassionate High Priest has come to set us free from our wills which are depraved, defiled and enslaved.
  24. The grapevine will produce better fruit and the Vine will thrive much better. An unpruned Vine will have substandard grapes. The decayed branches will not foster robust growth of the Vine. Christ was emphasizing the current state of 'katharos'. True heart purity is now. That is why we must abide in the holies of Holies each day; we need a new baptism of the Holy Spirit to renew us. By refusing to abide in Christ, he will be cast off as a branch that is withered. Very important to study the fruits of the Holy Spirit as stated by St Paul's letter to the Galatians and the Sermon on the Mount. Daily examination of one's conscience and confession of sin are paramount. John 14:10 underscores that one must render obedience to God by keeping his commandments. We are called to be righteous as Christ was righteous (John 17:14-16; 1 John 2:29). No half-way Covenant with God. Our journey to heaven is not a walk in park We need to continue in obedient grace; God will prune us as he sees fit so we grow in sanctification. We are not fully aware how our characters are not completely subjected to Christ. During periods of sorrow and times of bewilderment, God is sanctifying us. Thus perfect obedience is incumbent to get answers to prayer (John 15:9-14). Truly this Christmas season a time of soul searching and repentance.
  25. Memories of the past, including dissapointments all the way of life's journey. These distractions work to get our minds off Jesus Christ. That is why we must abide in the shadow of the Almighty each day; we must keep our song as well. If we are not proactive in regards to Christain discipline; the element of fear can wreck havoc in the heart and mind of a Christian. Like Christ, we must walk circumspectly; there cannot be anything in us which the devil is in league with. There cannot be anything in our lives and characters that can give the devil a foothold. Christ's heart was full of loving fidelity to the Father's plan of redemption. Christ stayed on the road of obedience due to resolute mindset. Christ's goal was to vanquish the prince of this world. Now we have access to the Holies of the Holiest because Christ our Joshua has gone on before us; we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation-God's special possession (1 Peter 2:9). When we carefully pray and meditate on our position in Christ and his wonderfull promises; we can maintain our holiness walk. A daily regula---daily spiritual exercises-crucial for a Spirit-filled Christain; also daily examen of one's conscience is necessary.
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