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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. This peace that Christ promised is based on the Coming of the Holy Spirit that would be bestowed on Easter night (John 20:21-22). It is peace of being freed from sin and United to God---far more important and precious than the transitory peace of the world (Roman's 5:1; 14:17). This peace cannot be disturbed by Jesus' departure to his Father.
  2. Christ is teaching about the disciples power of attorney. We have free, unlimited and unqualified use of His name. Christ was soon to complete his mission on earth; the Holy Spirit would be bestowed on the elect, and can ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for answers to prayer for whatsoever, anything and for all things. This is a settled fact because the Father sent Christ to tell us (John 14:27). The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. The Apostles didn't understand fully Christ's teachings and were not highly theological adepts. The Holy Spirit would be their strengthened and teacher. Acts of the Apostles underscores this greatly. The early Church did face tough times; the Holy Spirit would have such prime authority as to preaching, miracles, conversions and church government. The Pentecostal aspect of the early Church was so prominent as described by St Luke. No chicanery, no hype and the Gospel marched on gallantly throughout the Roman Empire and to India.
  3. A man or woman will do their utmost to obey Christ. They have the gifts of piety, fear of the Lord and wisdom to live the Christain life. A sincere believer will have a tender conscience. I am reminded of this when I read the Song of Solomon; love is crucial in the spiritual life. St Augustine and St Mary of Egypt are two great examples of what love can do ! They were converted from lives of sin and spent their remaining days living in holiness. A person who has a genuine love for the Lord will not want to go back to Egypt. He or she will be anointed from above; a new song, evangelistic zeal and holiness--will be integral in their lives. A heart full of the love of God makes obedience to God's laws---a joy not a burden. St Augustine stressed the importance of love in fulfilling the commands of Jesus Christ. When we have this love; we will have new desires and new goals! St Mary of Egypt was living in terrible sin prior to her conversion. The day she gave her to Christ in Jerusalem; she was transformed. She spent her earthly pilgrimage in prayer and fasting. Moses the Black-another testimony of God's transforming love. A very tough and sin loving man became a converted child of God ! No burdensome legalism---to pray and fast in the deserts--was sublime joy for them. Having a true love for Christ, a man will have an urgency to be a genuine disciple. St Paul is such a great example of this. It was in the desert that God tutored Paul. What a time! Alone with God ! So new converts need the "school of the desert". As they study the Bible and suffer at times, they lose the old appetites for the old life. Paul was in the desert for some time; God is very patient with us as we grow in sanctification.
  4. The Holy Spirit is both Comforter and Advocate. Roman's 8:26,27 states that the Holy Spirit is within us while Christ intercede above us . The indwelling Spirit pleads on our behalf. The Holy Spirit is here to STRENGTHEN our hearts and minds. by enabling us to understand the whole truth as contained in the Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit takes of what is of Christ and teaches us the excellencies and beauties of Christ. The Holy Spirit would DWELL IN THE HEARTS OF HIS FOLLOWERS and they could know more than his continuance with them in the flesh. Christ is our Joshua in the Holiest of Holies. Christ has not abandoned us; we are the mystical body of Christ. As Christ comforted the disconsolate during his earthly ministry so now the Holy Spirit is our assistant, pleading and interceding as an Advocate. Christ is the initial Paraclete. The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us. Christ revealed the Father, so the Holy Spirit reveals Christ's glories and attributes and bestows heavenly consolations to us in this vale of tears. The Holy Spirit would DWELL IN THE BELIEVER never to be removed. Apostle John is truly teaching that the Holy Spirit is a Person no less than Christ. His personal acts and works are spoken of.
  5. Christ is occupying the mediatorial throne (Psalm 110; Psalm 72). Christ shares in the dominion; Christ has ascended to the right hand of the Father. Praying in the name of Jesus Christ underscores his oneness with the Father (Acts 2:33-36). The Holy Spirit purifies our petitions; we pray with unuttterable groanings (Roman's 8:26). We see through a glass darkly; there are issues that we cannot comprehend on this side of the veil. This promise of Christ implies his essential omniscience and omnipotence--Christ's personal Godhead is spelt here. What is so important is that the Father be glorified by the Son's omnipotent work. The Gospel plan encourages our prayers. Christ is able to answer prayer by his own Almighty power so that His kingdom on earth be completed. This doesn't mean that God is akin to a vending machine. God's ways and thoughts are high above our own. Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, including Ezra and Zerrubbel and Joshua the high priest--all knew about suffering and hardship. Yet they had faith in God during their darkest moments. It is time to rediscover the power of prayer in Jesus' name !
  6. The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are bestowed to the Ecclesia--the called out ones. What a glorious dispensation! The Body of Christ here on earth can continue to do the work of Jesus Christ. Greater works---going forth throughout the world preaching the Gospel confirmed by signs and wonders. Carefully studied, we read that Luke diligently recorded that signs and wonders occurred as the Apostles preached the Gospel. Church history bears this out as well. Pentecostal events have taken place throughout the centuries. During the Dark Ages, men and women of God healed the sick, raised the dead and cast out devils. Early Franciscans and Dominicans had preaching crusades in which there were genuine conversions and healings and exorcisms. I am not supporting charlatanism or fanaticism. According to Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:8, precious gifts have been bestowed to the Church of God.
  7. As Christains we believe in one ousia and three hupostases---Holy Trinity. Jesus Christ is one substance with the God the Father. Basil of Caesarera taught that hupostasis was synonymous with person. As Bible believers we belive in one God in divine persons. We confess one essence or substance (ousia) but confess three hupostases. Council of Chalcedon stated that Christ Jesus' had two natures--human and divine--no separation without mixture nor change and complete unity. This called hypostatic union. Hupostasis is synonymous to prosopon "person". There are three real and distinct substances in the Godhead. All of the above is a summary of John 10:30. What a profound truth ! Christ's union with God the Father defies our complete undestanding; the English language cannot convey completely this theological concept. No wonder the Greek school of theology believed in the 'via negativa'. Psuedo-Dionysius was the main theologian.
  8. No it is not intolerant. We have the clear words of divine Revelation. This silences those who are Unitarian Universalists in name or in spirit. Even within historical Christain churches have false teachings that all religions are equal. There is a false ecumenism in many sectors today. The OT saints were in the paradise section of Hades. They were awaiting their full redemption because Christ was not yet crucified; Christ the Paschal Lamb of God was not offered. Prevenient graces were given to the OT saints prior to Christ's death and Resurrection. Christ took away the keys of death and Hades from the devil (Revelation 1:18). Those Christains that are uncomfortable with John 14:1-6 have a low esteem of God's Word and knowledge of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. Also they have deep problems with the sovereignty of God. The founder of Jehovah Witnesses-Charles Russell and those of the Unitarian Universalists and New Thought movements---all couldn't comprehend Acts 4:12 and John's Gospel and Epistles. Nominal or sincere but sincerely wrong Christains need to become astute Bible students.
  9. I have been meditating on these verses for most of the day. My thoughts are so limited; I take refuge in the precious wounds of Christ Jesus my Saviour. Christ is the Way. Christ alone is the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20). Christ's flesh was rent on my behalf so I can have access to the Holiest; I can boldly approach God due to Christ the Paschal Lamb and High Priest.
  10. I have been meditating on these verses for most of the day. My thoughts are so limited; I take refuge in the precious wounds of Christ Jesus my Saviour. Christ is the Way. Christ alone is the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20). Christ's flesh was rent on my behalf so I can have access to the Holiest; I can boldly approach God due to Christ the Paschal Lamb and High Priest. Christ is the Truth; none will enter heaven unless they believe His words. Christ alone is the substance of all revealed truth of God (John 5:46-47). He is the Revelation of the Father (John 1:18). In Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge )(Colossians 2:3). Now that Christ has been glorified;: we can partake of that knowledge (John 17:3). Certainly other religious groups like Theosophy, Religious Science and Unity, including the Unitarian Universalists have all failed in grasping John 14: 1-14. Christ is another emanating or holy prophet for these followers. Sad but true--those in nominal churches have not grasp that Christ alone is ALL AND ALL. Many are like St Thomas---they have lingering doubts about the promises of Jesus Christ. Christ is the Life. The Truth points us to Christ as the Prince of Life (Acts 3:15); Christ alone gives eternal life to us (John 17:1); we will live because Christ lives (John 14:19). According to Colossians 3:3-4 we will appear with Him in glory because we our lives are hidden IN CHRIST. Christ is the LIVING WAY (Hebrews 10:20). Christ is ALL AND ALL (John6:57; 11:25). We have such an incentive for Holy living. Only through Christ and his merit can I be reconciled to the Father due to Christ's atonement : only by faith in Christ's finished work. We enter the Door--Christ the Way. We follow Christ the Truth--we hear his voice. We follow Christ the Life; we abide in the Vine. Christ laid down his life for his sheep (John 10:10,15). Just today I was reading Ezekiel 33. Prophet Ezekiel preached about those who are going straight ahead to perdition. Ezekiel was called to be a watchman; he was on the GO. So I am ever more convicted to be going via highways and byways to preach the Gospel. This sublime doctrine of predestination is like the ocean deep; oh to be called before the foundations of the world---to be a child of God.
  11. .Q)I have been meditating on these verses for most of the day. My thoughts are so limited; I take refuge in the precious wounds of Christ Jesus my Saviour. Christ is the Way. Christ alone is the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20). Christ's flesh was rent on my behalf so I can have access to the Holiest; I can boldly approach God due to Christ the Paschal Lamb and High Priest. Christ is the door (John 10); any other person proposing another way is a thief and a robber (John 10:1). Christ alone is ALL AND ALL. John Calvin succinctly stated that he who possesses Christ, lacks nothing. Christ is not just a forerunner like Moses and Joshua; Christ is our Joshua who has ascended to his Father; we are seated in heavenly places !
  12. The Father's house (oikia) is heaven, dwelling place of God. The Father's dwelling place is heaven (2 Corinthians 12:1-4; Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 8:1; 9:24). Christ is the antihypertensive of the Temple. Christ's going away-his death on the Cross-will open the kingdom of heaven to all believers. Jesus Christ is the place in the worship of God; we are free to.worship God "in Spirit". Apostle John stresses that Christ replaces the institutions of Judaism; we are in the New Covenant dispensation. Christ himself prepares the 'really, the 'true Passover in which he himself is the true and real Paschal Lamb. Christ is the place-his own person--has been sacrificed on another altar. Christ is both the High Priest and the Paschal Lamb of God. What a profound thought! We cannot comprehend totally the Paschal event as Apostle John has written. The Epistle to the Hebrews eloquently goes into minute detail concerning the eternal priesthood of Christ, and our call to enter the Holiest of Holies each day. We now have a enduring and eternal dwelling through Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Man and Saviour of the world.
  13. Agape love is automatic for the believer. As one studies Acts of the Apostles..--koinonia--was a main characteristic of the church. Amongst the early Franciscans, agape was so profound ! St Francis demonstrated love and service among his followers and various Church leaders. Being in Christ wrought actual graces in our lives; the Holy Spirit "deifies" us---not that we are actual Gods but we become salt and light. We radiate Christ's love in our daily actions. I have been there! Living in a closed Christain college community setting. Many people would not want to be in a disciplined type of environment. An environment in which one's rough spots are exposed and accountability to authority is rendered. People are erratic. Sad but true--people that get involved in such small groups have ongoing psychological problems or simply are not cutout for such small fellowships. Many are not teachable and don't have a serious prayer life. One can be sincere in being a serious disciple but be very dissapointed; we live in a cynical age and bring that self absorption into the church. Here in NYC, isolation and social distancing are the norm at this time. Years ago in early 1980s, cell groups were common. I miss that--small cell groups--people taking time for one another and having prayer at home. I have asked God to forgive me for any sins committed willingly or unknowingly or unwillingly in regards to Christ's commandment of love of neighbor. These days I spend in time for prayer for others. Also I pursue evangelistic journeys as well. In our days of people obsessed with cell phones, cynicism and self isolation due to Covid--intecessory prayer for others is essential. It is ironic ! Just last nite I had a dream that my feet were being washed during a church service. I was clothed in white church garments. It almost reminded me when I had to get physical therapy for a foot condition. This dream occurred after an evangelical outreach completed just this last Sunday. .
  14. This sacrificial love that Christ preached about would be glue that would keep his followers together through the next 3 centuries of persecution by the Roman Empire, and keep the early Church pure from all sorts of bizarre heresies. Apostle John wrote extensively on agape love in his three Epistles. Agape is truly essential for a true Christian church: various errors of the Faith are swallowed up. It is the balm of Gilead during times of perverse heresies and spreading of antichristain teachings. Love characterized his life when he went about healing the sick, remaining calm during tragic rejection from the Pharisees, when he was an assistant to his Father Joseph in the carpenter's shop and errands for his mother Mary. We cannot fathom totally the love that exuded from him when he called the first disciples. According to St John, Christ really did not descend from heaven though the kenosis took place---he was in deep union with his Father. That supernatural love that he had for his Father and the love that the Father had for him---colored all aspects of his earthly ministry. Now at the moment of Juda's betrayal, Christ's glorification-has just started. This agape love that Christ preached about is the nuclear energy for the Christain to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. The Christian will have that anointing from above to understand the Word of God and to live a sanctified life. St Paul experienced this agape love in very deep way; he realized that only the love and mercy of God could save a wretch like him though he was proficient in many ways as regards to practicing the Jewish faith. Same thing with St Augustine, a man of profound scholarship but devoid of this agape love until he gave his heart to Christ. I have fond memories of prayer meetings in which this agape-love was so real. I miss that so much. We live in a different era now--so much play acting and superficiality in our society and even amongst many churches..
  15. Little by little so called little sins destroy a whole hearted devotion to God. Judas thought that he could get away with it...pilfering. He did not grasped the love that Christ had for him; he couldn't grasp the calling to be an Apostle even though he was getting "job training" directly from Christ. So baffling! How a person who just had his feet washed and given a morsel of food directly from Christ---could actually betray our Lord Jesus Christ. Both acts of Christ's love were clarion calls to Judas to forsake his devilish plan. The Prophet Ezekiel often preached about hard-heartness. He preached about a small baby abandoned by the wayside; the child was filthy, no one cared about it until God---our Lord Elohim Adonai took pity. This was Israel. The child became a beautiful young lady., but decided to take the Broadway of sin. Despite all the gifts and love of God, Israel went the way of a prostitue. God respected the free will of Israel; Christ didn't force Judas to repent. Judas' heart wasn't single-minded. Judas grew disenfranchised as he realized Christ's Kingdom was not going to overthrow the Roman Empire. Just the thought that Christ was calling his Apostles to be servants to each other; the thought most likely was abhorrent to Judas.
  16. God's standard is that one must be humble in demeanor and also be teachable. This is part and parcel of the true Kingdom of God. In the world, man's standard of greatness is to dominate others. Lucifer and Adam exalted themselves and great tragedies occurred (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:11-17; Genesis3). This strife and pride amongst the Apostles were just terrible; no concern about Christ's sufferings that were about to take place. In the church world, there is terrible division and strife in regards to power and authority. Just recently the head of the Russian Orthodox Church excommunicated the head leader of ecumenical patriarchy of Constantinopel in regards to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church situation. At least Pope Francis has attempted to bring some sort of reconciliation amongst different groups throughout the world. Divisions in the RCC are rampant. Pope Francis had made great strides of reconciliation with those of conservative Evangelical backgrounds. He is approachable and doesn't dominate over those from different churches.
  17. What an example of agape ! Christ showed how much love he had for his disciples. What amazing love! Even Judas had his feet washed. Though Christ knew what was in his heart and knew the that he would be the Paschal Lamb; he washed their feet. Christ wanted to stress so much that the call to discipleship is one of humble service. Christ's action can be beautifully summed up by Philipians 2:1-7; he wasn't an earthly king but a king as prophesied by Zechariah. Truly Christ is the suffering servant of Israel. Humility is the virtue that I see here. One sign of a mature Christain is humility-a sense of lowiness and gentleness. Very tragic when people call attention to themselves. Christ is beckoning his disciples to do self-denying acts to those in need. My parents were prime examples. I grew up making trips to the nursing home and trios to North Carolina to see elderly relatives with my parents leading the way. And the concern they showed to my sister when she suffered during her dark periods. I have asked God to forgive me if I have been neglectful as a servant.
  18. This full bath baptism is indicative of the absolute necessity of getting pride or self exultation. Christ wouldn't have that in the hearts of his disciples. The life of continual sanctification is absolutely necessary. We need to have the mind of Christ; being formed in Christ involves mortification of the flesh and trials in this life. It is God's will that we are cleansed from anything that soils or corrupt. Peter changed his tune quick. He didn't want to be a castaway; he realized that Christ is the Vine. Christ's words must abide in us; Christ has the wonderfull words of life. The point is-is that we need daily manna from heaven; yesterday's manna is gone. The Apostle Paul exhorts the churches about being "in Christ", and the death of self (Romans 6).
  19. What could happen is that we our matter of speaking and body language can serious impediments to witnessing. We don't speak with compassion. Christ knew that a guilty conscience needs no accuser. Apostle Paul did stress the importance to give forthright answers to those who would inquire about the hope that we have; however, he did stress the virtue of patience and meekness. The sinner's own memory and conscience would utter the final sentence of judgment. Christ spoke the truth as revealed to him by his Father. Therefore Christ ministered to the people as the Father so desired. Being a faithfull High Priest, Christ ministered with compassion. Christ was able to get 12 men to follow him and even some of the chief rulers became followers. Christ's demeanor had a great deal to do with this. Christ the eternal Logos was imbued with the love of his Father for fallen mankind. It wasn't Christ's object at that t ime to punish men, but to provide for their salvation. The words of Christ are the highest authority, and if rejected, will carry out the condemnation sentence on the one who rejected life everlasting (1 John 5:10-11). We must be prayed up before we go out witnessing. Preparation is the key! Prayer and fasting are essential. Getting proper rest also is essential. Ministry is serious business; it is not to be approached in a casual manner. If we don't humbly pray for the Holy Spirit's unctuous, we are apt to say something or do something unbecoming thereby ruining our testimonies.
  20. Priorities are definitely defective. A greatt deal of soul searching is needed. As of today, a church denomination decided to allow pro abortion politicians to receive Holy Communion. The leaders or "bishops" are more concerned on what the current trend is within their "good boys" club instead of taking a firm Bible stand on church discipline. Many have a shallow and cynical view on life. What a tragedy that those who witnessed the signs and miracles of Christ;they did not have self-denying devotedness. They cared more about human applause than for the approbation of God. Peter truly hit bottom. Though he readily confessed wonderfull declarations; he betrayed Christ. Peter had to come to the zero level so that God could a further work in his life. Apostle Paul also had to come to that level of insufficiency. The mystery of God's workings of grace. The Prophets Ezekiel, Haggai and Zechariah knew very well that saying--"man's extremity is God's opportunity to do a miracle". Though the walls of Jerusalem were in dissaray and their Captivity; they were imbued with the grace of God to rebuild the altar and the walls of Jerusalem. They did not have a superficial knowledge of God; they had truly deeply rooted heart-felt knowledge that God is truly Yahweh- Elohim -Adonai. Apostle Paul had to let this sink into his bones as he tarred in the desert after his conversion; he didn't automatically traverse the world but carefully waited upon God for further enlightening.
  21. God purposedly permitted them to go on and resist the truth. GOD is the agent in their blindness, hardening of their hearts and not understanding of Christ's teachings. It was the fault of their own unbelief; foreseen by God as a result of God's dealings and teachings. The people didn't believe Isaiah stated about the unbelief as stated in Isaiah 53:1. Yet Isaiah beheld the Shekinah glory of God; his heart was opened to the grace of God...he beheld the only begotten Son of God who manifested the Father (Isaiah 6:5). Isaiah was not hardened in his heart nor blinded. God did not interfere the people from seeing but purposely permitted them to persist in rebellion and reap terrible consequences. This occurs today--rebellion towards God's plan of salvation. Even today many in various Church denominations have heeded to doctrines of devils. Like the Jews during Christ's time--they couldn't believe; they had a very serious mind and heart issue despite the signs and miracles wrought by Christ. The Prophet Ezekiel understood this very well. In many of his sermons, he touched on this theme of unbelief and secret sin. He knew that their hearts weren't sincere and actually they were hypocrites. Despite the pleadings of the Prophets, we read that the Shekinah sadly and hesitantly left the Temple. The Jewish establishment looked at the Temple as good luck charm. However, secret sins were in their hearts, in the hidden chamber of the Temple, idolatry was being committed. Isaiah had a vision of Christ in the Temple while the ordinary worshipper did not. The head elders visited Ezekiel and deemed him as an entertainer.
  22. Christ was giving a prophetic allusion to his mode of death, by what death, he was about to die. The lifting up on the Cross would be the salvation of multitudes. Also this would also refer to Christ's Ascension. His lifting up is both Literal and figurative. Apostle Paul wrote eloquently about Christ's Ascension in his letter to Ephesians. His Ascension has wrought gifts and graces for his elect as evident throughout the Acts of the Apostles. In the Epistle to the Hebrews, Christ is our Joshua who has gone into the holiest of holies; we have access to the throne room. We abide in the land of sabbath rest. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus in the NOW. This was God's plan--Isaiah 52:13 underscores that this exaltation would follow after humiliation, suffering, and obedience. What a deep gold mine here! Apostle Paul was taught by God in regards to the enkenosis--complete self emptying of Christ's will to do his Father's bidding for Christ to be the Paschal Victim and the High Priest---all at the same time. He was slain before the foundations of the world were lain down. Hebrews 5:8-9 Christ became the Author of our eternal salvation after he suffered and offered strong crying and tears; including offering prayers and supplications. Christ's priesthood is eternal; there will be eternal worship and eternal priesthood duties (Hebrews 5:6; 6:20; 7:3, 17, 21).
  23. Roman's 12:1-3 sums it up very nicely. Our Christian lives must be one of living in sanctification all day long. Too many churches are presently telling people that it is fine to live in sin. Spurious reasonings that are doctrines of devils. We are to live in his Son and for his Son. Apostle John is stressing here that Christ is calling us to live in holiness; the Advocate, the Holy Spirit would be our Treasury of blessings. The church of God is called to be the Bride of Christ,the ecclesia..the people chosen out of the market place. Temple coinage and animal sacrifice ceased. The universality of the Jewish religion fell by the wayside and became very parochial when Jesus was preaching. Even the Essenes by the Dead Sea couldn't accept the goings on in Jerusalem. Here we are presented with the universality of the Christain faith---only by the Cross and Resurrection--can all of mankind be saved. Bible believers from various denominations need to rediscover the privileges of 1Peter2:9. God calls to the Holiest of Holies; the word "laity" is so similar to "lazy". So many aren't aware of their callings to ministry. They are entrenched in the world. Time for sports, hobbies and immoral activities....yet to take time for evangelism and prayer and fasting---they have no time or little time..so sad. Abandonment to the providence of God---many shudder at this! No Cross-no crown. Though good church members, many shirk from launching into the deep. Very sad that many ethnic churches don't fulfill the universal call to go forth to ALL NATIONS. By the grace of God, I have made it through my gardens of Gethsemane. To preach the Gospel faithfully in good and bad times; times when I couldn't understand why things were going haywire. .
  24. Jesus' reaction to the Greeks was immediate. By Christ's death, the seed of eternal life will be placed in the hearts of the Gentiles and will ripen. The prophecy of Ezekiel will be fulfilled amongst the Gentiles---a new heart renewed by divine grace. The time-the hour-Christ's glorification-has arrived. Christ is to return to his Father by death and Resurrection. We are centering on the word 'continuity. Only when a seed dies does the continuation of life continue. Christ must experience death; Christ must cease to be the one true embodiment of the people of God. Christ's death was only in order to His glorification in the conversion of the Gentiles, and in the conversion of the nation's. The tragedy of the moneychangers doing business in the Court of the Gentiles. Isaiah prophesied that God's house would be house for all nations. Christ as the Son of Man--as our Mediator--he has accomplished the work given him to do (John 17:1-5). Christ's death was needed so that his glorious kingdom would be set up (Hebrews 2:9; Ephesians 1:20-23; Philippians 2:8-9). We are dead to the world--water baptism--is such a beautiful symbol of this status (Romans 6). Early ChurchFathers wrote and preached eloquently on this. They stressed the daily need to guard our baptismal purity by daily mortification of the body 'sarx'--(Roman's 12:1-3). John Calvin stated we must be patiently mortified by God to bring forth fruit.
  25. We must imitate Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Abandonment of ourselves to divine providence is so crucial. Mary was deeply moved as she abided at the feet of Christ. She was so grateful that her brother was resurrected from the dead. My daily love for Christ needs to be renewed with more spontaneous words of praise and singing the hymns of the church at home. I used to do this more often. I would go out in the woods and offer spontaneous praises to God. As an outdoor preacher, I acknowledge Christ as King as I preach and give out Gospel tracts, including visiting the sick. As I do my daily chores at home, I offer my chores up to God. Even as I maintain my house, I know that God is the shade on my right hand. I need to pray that the Holy Spirit can show me how I can improve my walk with God that would be a better testimony that Christ is King of my life. My daily prayer is that any sins committed willingly, unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly would be forgiven.
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