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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Yes ! The people that were boisterous in their praises were from Galilee. To them the kingdom of God has arrived in power, and they expected greater and deeper manifestations of this kingdom. They wanted to be be blessed as a people as a nation. The Galileans witnessed and experienced many miracles, and now they would welcome Christ as a royal Victor with greater victories to come. Christ didn't shun these adulation. His time has fully came for Jesus to take his great power and reign. Jesus knew that the people wanted a political type of King yet He accepted their praises because he knew that he would be the Paschal Lamb-Priest,Prophet and King. Christ is of the Melchizedek priesthood, Melchizedek was a King and priest. Christ is hailed as King of Israel, as Head of the coming kingdom of their father David, as giving glory to God.
  2. Christ was acting out a prophecy. He rides a donkey to show that, like a king promised in Zechariah 9:9-10, he comes to bring peace and salvation. Christ's kingdom is non-political in nature. We are reminded of Simon Maccabeus-the conqueror hero of Judaism. He cleansed the Temple and he was also received with palm branches and adulation (1Maccabees 13:51). Christ is the King according to Prophet Zechariah would come in peace, no weapons of war, and thereby receive a universal and eternal kingdom (Zechariah 9:9_10). The crowd had political enthusiasm. The Greek word is 'krazo'--shouting out. Jesus is the new Passover Lamb. The new Passover will soon take place to ensure the final Exodus of Gof's people to a new and indestructible life. Christ's priesthood is eternal and everlasting unlike the Aaronic priesthood of the Old Covenant.
  3. Judas objected to this anointing he was a thief..a pilferer. Judas became a thief and adversary of Christ. Christ defended Mary because her righteous deed touched Christ's heart while Judas was secretly contemplating his betrayal and the religious authorities despised him. Mary understood that Christ is truly the Resurrection and the Life. Mary exhibited her faith of her's; she knew that Christ will live and never die. Mary already had a firm belief that Christ was already the Resurrection and the Life prior to Calvary. She gave due recognition of the person and stature of the Son of God. What a clarion call to true worship ! The Psalmist exhorts us to worship in the beauty of holiness. Worship is not a casual matter, personal prayer time is sacred, it shouldn't be done in a casual matter. Study of the Books of Leviticus, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelationb---underscores the solemnity of worship. The Epistle of Hebrews describes in great detail---the priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. We are part of the royal priesthood here on earth. We are beckoned to enter the Holy of Holies each day to partake of the holiness of God; we are called to be intercessors as well. Getting back to singing Gospel songs during my daily prayer times--would be an indication of extraordinary worship for me. Some days my private Bible study and prayer times are substandard and lack whole hearted attention. In previous times, I have done much better. I am used to spending hours in quiet meditation on certain Bible verses and prayer outside during walks.
  4. Caiphias stated that Christ would die for the PEOPLE, all the PEOPLEof God who. God will gather; not just for the Jewish people. The death of Christ didn't secure the safety of the temple nor the continued nationhood of Israel. Every men of all nations will be drawn to the church by the death and Resurrection of Christ. Men from all nations will become children of God. The Sandhedrin believed that the High Priest was ended with the gift of prophecy (Exodus 28:30; Numbers 27:21).
  5. Christ was troubled -an anger -due to the sight of the curse-the bereavement and sorrow-that broke up the comforts of families. This called for Divine resistance and vengeance to destroy the works of the devil. Christ couldn't be an indifferent spectator. The sight of Lazurus in the grave was the work of the devil. Christ indeed groaned; Christ is a Priest "touched with the feeling of our infirmities." Christ faced a conflict with Satan, the power of death (Hebrews 2:14). The Greek word is 'embrimaomai'---denoting deep anger, moved with indignation. Christ wept because he was deeply sympathetic towards his friends. Christ's enemies were deeply impressed by his love and compassion (John 11:33,36; Isaiah 53:3; Hebrews 2:16-18;4:15). Also Christ foreknew the future ravages of sin and death, and the sorrowful rejection by his own people which would lead to the destruction of the nation (John 11:46-54; Matthew 23:37-39).
  6. Martha was overcharged about much service; she had much distraction and drawn different ways. Christ exhorted that self-control and prayer will keep one free from worry and being overcharged with anxiety (Luke 21: 34). Martha was anxious and agitated; Christ warns us not to have anxiety and worry. In the midst of her businesses, Martha believed in bodily Resurrection and eternal life and confessed Jesus to be the Christ and God's Son (John 11: 23-37). She wasn't a theologion nor a member of the Sandhedrin; Martha believed in her heart and confessed with the mouth made unto salvation (Roman's 10:10). Martha was a serious inquirer; she was teachable. Their home was truly an oasis of peace for Christ and his disciples. In the midst of her anxiety and multi-tasking, her heart was receptive to the Good News. The established hierarchy in Jerusalem was opposed to Christ and wouldn't offer such hospitality. Mary is more spiritual than Martha. Martha acknowledged that Christ is the Messiah and Son of God. It seems her faith could go no further to include the dire need of her brother. Martha stop short of a direct request to raise Lazurus from the dead. Mary made no direct request concerning Resurrection neither; however, she put first things first: she sat at Jesus' feet and took time to let his words to sink into her consciousness. To hear the Word of God is crucial; she is a Berean Christian. Mary was not distracted by the cares of life. Mary stays at the feet of Christ . Mary like Martha are upset but Mary has an attitude if deep humility and profound reverence of Jesus Christ and earnest prayer at his feet.. John underscores the element of hearing many times in the Book of Revelation. Martha had some unbelief at the tomb of Lazurus. Christ had to remind Martha to have faith despite that her brother was in the grave for four days.
  7. Christ embodies Resurrection as he is "first begotten from the dead" (Colossians 1:18). Christ is the Author or Cause of the Resurrection of the believer (John 6:54). Christ's Resurrection involves our Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:23 Christ is the Life. Christ is eternal life. He gives his life for his people as the Good Shepherd. He is the life of his people (Colossians 3:3). As our Joshua who has gone on before us, Christ is our High Priest in the Holiest of Holies. Christ is of the order of Melchizedek; his priesthood is eternal. Christ's glory in the Holiest of Holies is the guarantee of the believers life. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Based on Roman's 8:11 we can Christ is the Life of the soul and body. We have ZOE (1John5:4). Faith ensures life spiritual and everlasting. In this life, we believe that we are now joint-heirs with Christ; we are part of the Holy nation, chosen generation and royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Physical death doesn't break that that continuity of life in Christ. The second death doesn't affect it. We can believe in divine healing. This abundant life is available NOW. We must understand that faith and life are inseparable as presented in John's Gospel.
  8. Thomas had an impulsive character. But he had a spirit of self surrender to Chtist coupled with a sorrowful and melancholy temperament. A mixture of love for Christ but he had a language of despair and vanished hope. He looks at the journey to Bethany with the gloomiest apprehension. Thomas had deep faith in Christ. He wanted to die with Christ upon venturing to Bethany. Thomas was no fair weather Gospel associate.He knew that Christ had implacable enemies awaiting. He knew that they would be exposing themselves to death.
  9. Those of anti-christ spirit (Zechariah 11:15-17 ; John 5:43). There will be a last-day imitator of the true Shepherd, the Antichrist. Today there are so called preachers of various Church backgrounds and somehighly educated that are in serious doctrinal errors. The naive accept their falsehoods; seminaries that used to be Orthodox and evangelical are now training people to spread errors and deceive the elect of God. God will allow this chief false Shepherd to deceive and rule so that the Jewish people will come to learn to appreciate the true Good Shepherd. Today the world the flesh and the devil try to deceive the Christain. There are so called ministers that Jesus is the Christ. They don't accept that Christ is the Son of God, Son of Man. They are basically Unitarian Universalists though they claim to be members of a Catholic or a Protestant denomination. I love Psalm 121. God is my keeper and preserver. We have a tenfold promise of help from Yahweh. Those words..."the Lord is your shade upon thy right hand" speak eloquently of Christ our Shepherd. What a deep assurance that I have today ! There are 24 qualifications for a true Shepherd according to Jeremiah 3:15; 23:4-28; 2:8; 10:21; 12:10). No false teacher nor all the United forces of men, fallen angels, and all enemies can snatched me out of God's hand; I have no fear.
  10. False shepherds lead their followers to death while Christ the true Shepherd leads his followers to life. Intrinsic to this is that Christ lays down his life for his sheep. His sacrifice is integral to his office as a 'servant' whose life is offered as "ransom for many" (Isaiah 53:10-12). Christ is the one true Shepherd yet he is the servant of all. Christ is the suffering servant who will liberate his people and give his life as a ransom for the sins of many. Christ is the noble Shepherd in two ways. Christ is the highest fulfillment of 'authority' and 'rule'. He is the one that is the Gate to eternal life yet he will be the sacrificial Lamb of God. The Pharisees are akin to mercenaries who shear the sheep but don't have a deep love for them. Christ willingly laid down his life for us. Truly Christ is both High Priest and the sacrificial Victim.. Secondly Christ unlike the hirelings truly loves his sheep. He is the compassionate High Priest that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people (Hebrews 2:17). Christ's love goes beyond Israel to the Gentiles. The mission of the ecclesia is to be truly catholic---to go forth throughout the world. The Jewish church of Christ's time did not go forth throughout the world proclaiming the Torah.
  11. As a sheep I would be dearly be loved by the Shepherd! I am so blessed that Yahweh is my shade at my right hand (Psalm 121). I know that I know after studying Judges 9, Zechariah 11, Psalm 61--I am the apple of God's love..I know it in my mind and heart---the awesome love of God. Christ the Good Shepherd has the water of life, the bread of life and is the gate of life. My God will be with me during such dark nites of the soul. Psalm 23 made such a deep impression on me when I was in 4th grade. My dearest grandmother had a stroke and ended up having to go to North Carolina. My grandmother's situation deeply affected me at the age of 8. God was truly my Shepherd back than. Now Psalm 121 resonates within my soul. Zechariah 11 prophecy about false shepherds. The staffs of Beauty and Bands are broken; the shepherds that are unfaithfull will have to face God's judgment. Christ restores beauty for ashes and heals our brokenness. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are renewed when we partake of Holy Communion with fervor ! The world the flesh and the devil have empty promises; they are empty cisterns without water. We hide in the wounds of Christ each day; the love that we have for Christ is a shadow of the love that He has for us.
  12. The true members of God's true people will recognize Christ as the true Leader, the true Shepherd. They follow the Shepherd in a spontaneous way just like the blind man in the previous chapter. A deep sense of peace. No butterflies inside my soul. God's direction is characterized with a deep sense of joy and peace. To come to this point may not happen overnight. A time of prayer and consulting with people with better wisdom are necessary. It can be a painful process. A period of serious soul searching is needed at times to come to a proper decision.
  13. Yes they were responsible (2 Corinthians 3:15-16; Matthew 13:14). Satan blinded them (John 8:44; 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Ephesians 2:2 ; 1 John 3:9; 5:18). Pharoah persisted in rebellion and reaped bad consequences. Prophet Ezekiel repeatedly preached about persistent rebellion. God will be mercifull. However; God will put delusions or stumbling blocks into their hearts. Ezekiel 8-9 describes this process quite succinctly; secret sins are destructive as well as false teachers and gross heresies.
  14. The healed man was excommunicated from the synagogue. This man did not hesitate to oppose ythe judgment of the Pharisees; he had firm conviction of the miracle of the energy of Divine power and in the character of Christ as the representative of God. His parents were not exactly supportive of their son. No wonder why Christ sought him out ; the healed man needed to be further discipled and confirmed. Christ had to make him the subject of spiritual illumination. Miracles though magnificent cannot work faith. Christ engendered faith in this man. Faith is based on knowledge; this man receives Christ's testimony with promptness, and accepts him as Redeemer. His confession is concise and unremitting. He worships Christ. The Greek word for 'worship' is proskunein-simple act of faith in Christ. We are anticipating the confession of Thomas the Apostle (John 20:38). This man's openess, faith and knowledge were extraordinary ! He was ripevfor the picking. What a work of grace. The denunciation of the Pharisees and the lukewarm reception of his family made him think more profoundly upon Christ's mission, his character and divine nature as the Son of God. Christ knew the predicament of this man that had a divine miracle; Christ gradually discipled this man by signs, by word and by his character.. Yes ! There are individuals that I know that I have dealt with in the past. Amazingly, a number have kept in touch with me over the years.
  15. How awesome is our God. The sovereignty of God at work. After carefull reading of aforementioned Bible texts, I now aware that Christ ministered in different ways in accordance with his Father's direction. He didn't do this healing ministry carelessly. His commandment He has given Christ to speak (John 12:49) is the germ and power of eternal life (John 6;63; 12:50; 1 John 3:23). Yes we must spend much time in prayer and implore God for a holy anointing before going out to ministry. I have used Gospel tracts to witness. For some that is the best way to reach co-workers or if one is at a restaurant. I remember my days ministering on skid row and in a maximum security state hospital. We cannot touch the Ark of the Covenant lest we be out of the will of God. New ways of doing things not in line with the Bible will bring disaster. All through out Acts of the Apostles, St Luke wrote constantly on how the HOLY SPIRIT guided the church. So we need to be very carefull to ask the Holy Spirit for direction. Some decisions may not be to our liking but we need to obey God in various matters of ministry.
  16. Sin is not always the cause of affliction. Personal and immediate sin is not involved in the imperfections of reproduction. Christ didn't state the cause of this man's malady, God wasn't the cause, God is the Healer. It is the Devil that is the back of the cause (Matthew 12:22; Acts 10:38; John 10:10; 1 John 3:8). People who are going through deep trials are in God's school of suffering. Only when we get to heaven will we fully understand why things happened here in our earthly lives. God the All-mercifull permits and appoints human infirmities and calamities. Though we cannot understand it in this earthly realm, God is truly working the works that to be manifested. In the midst of our troubles, we know that Christ manifested divine operations. Christ manifested divine mercy, divine power and divine grace. This blind man was thought to be a monument of sin is now a monument of divine power, divine mercy and the magnificent divine redeeming grace of Jesus Christ. In the midst of the dark nites, we can give glory to God. Apostle Paul was not permitted by God to go into an unevangelized area; God had His reasons. His sufferings drove Apostle Paul to preach more about his Messiah and Saviour Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul sanctified his myriads of trials; he didn't waver in his Faith.
  17. John 8:58 underlines that Christ is stating that he is greater than Abraham. Christ uses the divine name "I am". Here we have terrestrial time and heavenly eternity are joined together. He is the Jewish Messiah in history whose existence was in eternity. CHRIST is now flesh in time. John 8:58 confirms John 1:1-5 in two ways. Christ is Light from Light, eternal Logos. In Christ are embodied all the treasures of the divine wisdom (Colossians 2:2-3; 1 Corinthians 1:24). Christ is from eternity in his Incarnation; Christis the utterance of thought of Deity; Deity is now expressed. There is no 'he' in the Greek in John 8:24, 28, reminding us of the name of God in Exodus 3:14-15.."I am" means the Eternal, the ever present One.
  18. The devil is being exposed as the anti-christ. He causes confusions and delusions. Adam and Eve lied in the garden of Eden; the people rejected Christ due opening up their minds to Satan's lies. Today and since the ancient past, there have been people even in the church world that combine truth with error. They have specious or evasive reasonings...many seminaries teach errors combined with Orthodox sounding terms. Now we have many clergymen who are sincere but sincerely wrong. The results have been ruined ministries and destroyed lives due to lack of serious Bible study and a devout prayer life. The devil is the cause of this. I am reminded of the warnings of St John of the Cross when he taught about the wiles of the devil in the spiritual life. Sts John of the Cross and Bernard stressed the Lord Jesus Christ and the need of sanctification Habitual liers! The Prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah witnessed such rascals during their ministries. These devious false prophets did not want the truth; they accepted idol worship and God sent them more stumbling blocks to further their rebellions. Amazingly they can put on a good show and the gullible fall for their deceptions. Some well known evangelists and high ranking Catholic officials have been serious deceived. High sounding theological training devalued their understanding of the Holy Bible.
  19. Being a slave to sin means loss of spiritual autonomy, no residence to sin. Apostle Paul exclaimed what a wretched man he was. He explained beautifully how our spiritual condition is without Christ (Romans1-7). Sin is a manifestation of spiritual slavery. The Jews are not the freed sons of Abraham due their rejection of Christ. Those enslaved by sin need to receive Christ as personal Saviour. They need to put off the old man and put on Christ (Romans6). Through his crucifixion and exaltation, Christ our Joshua has entered the holy of holies to be our High Priest. We have access to the Holy of holies; we are no longer outer Court believers but now beckoned to the Holy of holies. Per Romans1:4, Christ now can set the Jew and Gentile free of sin (John 8:36). By the power of the Holy Spirit, a man or woman can be set free from sin. By God's grace, a person receives Christ as personal Saviour and is baptized in water and sealed with the Holy Spirit. Honest and sincere confession is necessary. Coming to the altar in a spiritual sense is crucial. Burnt offering altar as described in the Book of Leviticus is very detailed about the need to lay all on the altar; "permitting" God to do his work of sanctification. In some liturgical churches, there is Rite of Reconciliation. You confess your sins publicly in presence of ALMIGHTY God.
  20. The mark of the true disciple is placing personal reliance on Christ. The believers mind is settled; he knows that he knows ! He has a certitude, there is no doubting. The personal attitude is crucial; true freedom is gained by abiding in the Vine. Continuing in the faith is crucial. Daily mortification of the flesh is very important. The old man must be dealt with. This is where sanctification comes in. We go from glory to glory; we are still being reforned.. For John freedom is salvation, deliverance from sin. Pauline epistles explain this intricate detail. We have put on Christ; we have died to the old life. The truth is that Christ's doctrine is true and free men from sin. Pauline doctrines made it clear that Christ alone has freed us from the Mosaic Law. As the true Son of God, Chrit is the master in his Father's house. Only Christ can emancipate us slaves of sin by delivering us from sin. The world takes John 8:32 to support secular humanism. During the time of the enlightening and rationalism; various thinkers have denigrated Christ's nature and mission. Prime example is the French revolution; various philosophers denied the Christain faith and exalted rationalism. Our society had been unudated with this thinking. European existentialists also have been part of this as well with the exception of Soren Kirkegaard and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  21. The great sin is rejecting Jesus as the Messiah, God incarnate. This involves cutting oneself from the One who is light and life. A very serious transgression inderd-rejecting the Son who has come from the Father. The Prophet Ezekiel eloquently writes about the consequences of rebellion. God will send delusions their way due to consistent and willfull rebellion. In John's Gospel. the Jews have rejected the 'I am'; they have rejected the truth. A very serious charge ! They die in their sin and cannot go where Jesus is going---back to heaven. The profound doctrine of predestination comes to my mind. The unbelieving Jews could not enter eternal life. Christ was from above while their physical father was Abraham; however, their spiritual father was the devil. Very sad...I have witnessed to relatives and fellow students when I was in college----listening but not listening. Here in NYC, many churches-people are cynical. Tragic indeed. Quite common amongst nominal church people, they cannot fathom that they need to be born again. My former math teacher, a Roman Catholic nun, would tell my fellow students about the crucial need to receive Christ as personal Saviour. She was a nun for many years. She was made fun of--so tragic---if only they listened !
  22. Christ is the real light of the world not the festal torch. Christ bears WITNESS to himself and HIS JUDGEMENT is true. Christ's light shines on all other objects. Christ reveals the real nature, origin and destiny of all other men. The world cannot reveal anything of his destiny to him nor spread light to Christ. Christ alone bestows life; Christ alone knows fully his origin and destiny. He can guide men on their spiritual journeys their destinies prepared for them by the Father. Jesus is the light, the divine life. In our world of darkness, Christ has brought divine light to invade the darkness. We have a final clarion call of illumination. Sanctified living. The world, flesh and the devil are under feet. We now possess this ZOE--Gods life, unending life. We can believe in God now for the forgiveness of sins and physical healing. St Paul repeatedly mentions that we are now new creatures in Christ. Those that have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. We can cooperate with God by HIS GRACE ALONE to live a sanctified life. This is also very crucial in avoidance of doctrinal errors and sinfull living. The centrality of Christ's priesthood after the Ascension is paramount for the Christain. Jesus Christ is our Joshua interceeding for us here on earth; we have access to the Holy of Holies. So now we go glory to glory as we live a sanctified life.
  23. Christ did not condemn this woman in public. She had enough humiliation. Christ respected her remaining sensibilities. Christ gave her the acquittal of a higher court. He would become her defender and friend. Christ would not be harsh and censoring. Though the tide of hatred was seemingly overwhelming; this woman was cast into the warmth embrace of Christ's forgiveness and infinite love. Yes, this lady was guilty. She became a suppliant at the feet of Christ. The rancor of the accusers was gone; the sick and the Physician alone. Christ's character shown brightly in this cunning plot. He is the very Son of God and very Son of Man. Christ vindicated the Law; the claims of the Law were upheld. Christ's presence and words became unbearable to them. Christ exercised superior knowledge, wisdom, authority, holiness and mercy. Christ was conforming to the rule made and provided for the trial of an adulterous by the bitter water (Numbers 5). Like the priest, Christ stoops down; and making the floor itself his book. He wrote things analogous to those curses and adjurations written in a book by the priest, against the woman that was about to be tried. Christ told her to go and sin no more. This statement involved condemnation of the past but was full of hope. The very presence of Christ who is all pure and perfect was itself a rebuke and reproach to her. Her self respect and hopes were restored. Repentence is very important. All throughout the Book of Ezekiel, repentence is paramount. God's glory left the Temple due to unrepentant hearts. Secret sin was being tolerated. Just like Achan in Joshua, the "accursed thing" was being tolerated. The sin of Achan was giving the Israelites trouble (Joshua 7). Deliberate refusal to repent will cause the wrath of God to be poured out; God will give them delusions that will further strengthen rebellion. Big problems in many churches. People are not aware of the need to repent of secret sins. Sanctification is very important. Many have a very superficial understanding of the need to have the mind of Christ. This frivolity that is so current leads to serious sins. It is evident in a cross section of churches.
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