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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Spiritual unfaithfulness is wrong because it diverts our attention from Yahweh. This is extremely important; we are a monotheistic people. Deuteronomy 6:4 sums it perfectly. Prophet Abraham was called to be a man of God in a land of idolatry. His family was well acquainted with the various gods and goddesses of the land of Ur. The ProphetEzekiel had a very rich comprehension of this subject. I love how he addressed Yahweh as our "Adhonai Hashem Elohim". He repeatedly refered to God in this fashion numerous times in his visions and sermons. Prophet Ezekiel, a mystical prophet indeed, was so full of love for the Lord God Yahweh, Master of the universe. What underscores this prohibition of idolatry is God's divine love for us.. The Prophet Hosea preached eloquently about this tender love that He for His people. The Song of Solomon also describes this awesome love of God. The spiritual adultery that I face and be carefull: Pride. Even though Gideon was a great man; he had that prideful way about him. The way he treated the men who did not feed him and his exhausted army; the murder of Zebah and Zalmunna. Gideon did not seek the Lord's direction about making an ephod. Big mistake indeed! Moses was very carefull in regards to the construction of the Tabernacle; including the ordination of the Levites. Truly, I am standing on holy ground. The daily examination of my conscience is so important.
  2. Gideon requested golden earrings as reward. No wrong in accepting such gifts. What he did with the gold was wrong. I cannot figure why he would do such a thing--make an ephod to be worshipped. Very bizarre indeed. Prophet Ezekiel laments how Israel took God's gifts to make idols. Ezekiel had such a profound understanding of the holiness of God; such idolatry was deemed anathema. We being in the New Covenant must examine our hearts very carefully lest we be judged.
  3. Gideon had such a grasp of the greatness of God. He couldn't accept any kingship. The prophet Ezekiel had a number of visions that underscored the kingship of God. In such a challenging time, Gideon. did not want to incur the wrath of God. It would be treason if he accepted kingship; he knew what God revealed to Moses The Israelites lacked proper Bible knowledge concerning kingship. For many years, while under the Midianites, their Bible knowledge must have been negible. No wonder they viewed Gideon as a King and Saviour. I wonder where was the High Priest at this time. Now we have the Holy Spirit here on earth. What a consolation! While so many churches in doctrinal disarray, we have the Comferter and Advocate to assist us to study the Holy Scriptures.
  4. Gideon was just in the execution of the Midianite kings : Zebah and Zalmunna. Gideon's Brothers were murdered by these kings. Gideon was under the Old Covenant; what he did was warranted the Law of Moses. Like Joshua, Gideon had a just zeal to eradicate idol worshippers. The Midianites were a snare to the Israelites. We read in the annals of Jewish history that the Maccabeans were zealous to go to war and fight the Syrians. It was also a dire time, the Syrians were idol worshippers and were corrupting the Israelites. Now we are in the New Covenant dispensation. Our sword is the Word of God. We demolish strongholds by the preaching the Cross of Calvary. We plead the precious blood of Calvary as we intercede for others. Apostle Paul knew and experienced the grace of God in his life. He didn't take vengeance on no one. He was so caught up in the love of God. Apostle Paul had such a great understanding of the sure mercies of David. The atonement rite in the Book of Leviticus. presents to us the mercy of God that overrides His justice.. 17 century preacher George Fox, founder of the Quaker movement, had a profound grip onnon-retailation. Despite terrible persecutions, Fox and his early followers responded with love to their enemies which were plentifull. Studying his sermons can shed light on this subject. Most of all, we need to beseech the Holy Spirit to help us.
  5. The princes of Succoth neither feared God nor man. In contempt of God, they refused to assist one who God raised up to deliver His people. The princes of Succoth were cynical; how would Gideon's band overcome the remaining Midianites. The men of Penuel as well defied the sword of the Lord and Gideon when they refused to give victuals to this faint, yet pursuing army. The princes of Succcoth were afraid of the Midianites if Gideon's offensive would end In Failure. Their sin was turning down the request for bread by Gideon. Both cities didn't cooperate in defeating the Midianites. GIDEON was just in what he did. Considering the times he was living in; I believe he took his cue from Prophet Joshua; any sympathy with idol worshippers had to be eliminated. When the tribes on the east side of Jordan set up an altar; grave concern filled the heart of Joshua. Phineas put a spear through Cozbi. Christains can be blame worthy when they don't live out Isaiah 58 and the Sermon on the Mount. Yes, faith without works is dead. Not fulfilling the commands of the Johnnaine epistles to love one's brethern will bring disfavor to the Christain. Psalm.78 illustrates the fall of Ephraim.
  6. The Midianite army had to be vanquished due to the fact the children of Israel had to reside in dens of the mountains and Gideon's brethren were slain. Gideon had a role to be an avenger of blood. Gideon had a deep conviction that his mission wouldn't be complete unless the Midianites were dealt with. The Midianites were a serious snare. A people of idol worship and cunningly would get Israelites to join them in their seemingly innocent social gatherings. Preludes to immoral worship. We have to have the mindset of Gideon. He detested the immorality of the Midianites. It is sad that he changed and lost that monotheistic zeal that permeated his life. We have to stir up our spirits at times; having the zeal of St Paul who so occupied with the things of eternity. We cannot have affinity with the world, the flesh and the devil. Cheap grace is not for us. We mortifying our bodies. We are not like the Ephramites who carelessly rested in open space and were ready targets for Gideon's haggard band.
  7. They were mad due to the fact that Gideon had not invited the Ephramites to join the war earlier. Gideon knew he had to secure the Jordan so as to stop the escape of the Midianites. Gideon in haste sent messengers to Ephraim to get I volved in the battle Gideon was very wise dealing with tribe of Ephraim. A soft answer turned away wrath. Gideon knew that the Ephraim tribe had a haughty character and that they were not on top of the totem pole. Gentleness was the way to go. Or else more strife would have been engendered. The unhospitable princes and elders of Succoth and Penuel are punished; the common people, who were helpless, were spared.
  8. It was God that gave Gideon instructions after the 4 signs that God was the one to give the victory. A divine appointment indeed ! Gideon had unarmed soldiers, bearing trumpets, pitchers and torches. A strategy par excellence. The dismay that Gideon created and the conf usion in the Midianite camp secured him victory. Christ requires us to be wise and harmless (Matthew 10:16). Gideon was a man that knew the signs of the times like tribe of Issachar. The dividing the 301 men into 3 separate camps, surrounding the Midianites and the breaking of empty pitchers with smoldering torches uttering the battle cry--in the middle of the nite--startled the Midianites. Those working nite shift can testify that a need for deep sleep occurs . The watchmen of the first watch were in deep sleep while the middle watch was on duty.
  9. Rolling barley loaf meant the sword of Gideon would have the victory over the enemy. He worshipped the true God when he heard about this dream. It was truly a confirmation of God's favor. It was so real to Gideon that it gave him the get up and go to start delivering his people.
  10. It was clearly God's doing in this situation. Gideon didn't have access to the urim and thummin. The lappers chosen by divine providence. It looked like they were more astute, more aware of their surroundings as they drank water. The kneeled couldn't get a more circumspect view kneeling down.
  11. We are molded in a rationalistic culture. Our culture doesn't believe in "credo ut intelegam". I believe so that I am may understand. The consciousness of the average individual is quite limited. German modern philosopher Martin Heidegger stated repeatedly that the herd existence of modern society is detrimental. So the unbeliever cannot comprehend divine healing and other cardinal doctrines of Christainity. In regards to spiritual danger, this is a timely topic. If we don't heed to the Holy Spirit; we do fall short. If I didn't heed to go and preach on skid row in NYC; people wouldn't get saved and others wouldn't hear the Gospel. Yes, there were challenging times! Days that were long and lots of highway miles. Not looking for a pay check but doing all in a spirit of love. Carefull discernment is critical. Some new converts are not ready to go out and preach outdoors in NYC. They need to prepare. Develop a strong prayer life and disciplined life style. Same thing with preaching outdoors---in other states--some people have great intentions but are not emotionally mature to take on serious ministerial duties. Paul and Silas were ready for the ministry; they were prepared over a period of time before embarking on mission trips. There are well intentioned people that "went" but were not "sent" by God. The gift of wisdom is so needed as we contemplate future decisions!
  12. God saw the subtle pride of the 32,000 men. God desired that they would be schooled in the school of humility. God knew that they wouldn't give Him all the glory; He knew that subtle pride in their hearts. Pride had to go. We go through unexplainable trials; God is quietly working in our hearts during the dark nite of the soul. Yes, Israel had to learn to have a holy awe of God. They were in the land of spiritual Egyptian bandage. The Prophet Ezekiel's preaching brings this out a great deal. God is Holy. He has revealed Himself and now wholehearted allegiance is called for. If Gideon didn't obey God, he would be absorbed in himself. Just like many today are like that. Prophet Ezekiel learned during his sojourn in Babylon---God alone is the source of his strength. His wife died and no Temple and exile in a land of idols. Babylon was unclean for the Jewish people. If only Ezra and Zerubabel were alive today! They could tell us volumes about trust in God. Things looked mighty bleak when they came to ruined Jerusalem. God bestowed graces on Gideon during the visit at the Midianite camp. God knew that Gideon still had some misgivings; Gideon was still fearful even after three signs of success. So God gave him another sign to bolster his faith. I am reminded of the Maccabees. Tremendous testimony how a small band of Jewish men defeated the Syrian armies. The Maccabeans could have compromised with idolatry; they stood their ground.
  13. Gideon put out the fleece twice with a sincere heart. He didn't have a Bible like we are so blessed to have. He most likely wasn't schooled in a yeshiva. So when the Midianites were gathered together; Gideon wanted to be very sure he was in the right track. He had no Urim nor Thummin; the Holy items that gave direction to Moses and Joshua. Gideon wasn't testing God. He wanted to be in His divine will. He had a huge mission; he didn't have the High Priest at His side. Reminds of the story of French heroine St Joan of Arc. She did have divine directions but she looked up to Christ alone. To a degree we can humbly put out a fleece. Not in a light hearted way not done in superstition. For major concerns, we can humbly ask God for wisdom to assist us in where to preach or gor what house to purchase. Again we ask in humbleness and confidence in God's direction. Caution is the word in regards to putting out a fleece. Visions, prophetic utterances from well meaning Christains, all must be discerned carefully. St Paul mentions about discerning spirits (1 Corinthians 11:29; 12:10). Speaking with a seasoned and well informed pastor is also critical. A best friend at the grocery store may not be sufficient.
  14. Gideon's first mission was akin to boot camp. God was preparing him. What a testimony ! Gideon was reaffirming his faith in one God and actually preaching to his family by destroying this idol shrine. Gideon could have died a martyrs death. Strengthened by God, he did this at night in a expedites matter. There was no lack of faith. Gideon did this at nite so that his first mission could be done quickly and without interruptions by the pagans.
  15. God saw Gideon as a valiant mighty one. However Gideon viewed himself as a deserted one in the midst of trials. Gideon had a false view of himself, a limited view one indeed. God's view of Gideon was far more accurate. God knew the true depth of his character. I think of my favorite ProphetEzekiel ! God knew that he was just the right man to bring forth prophecy in a pagan land. Prophet Ezekiel experienced the death of his wife; he still preached the Word of God. Gideon was strengthen by God as he commenced his mission. God had reassure Gideon that he could end this subjection by the Midianites. God reassured Gideon twice that he could to it. His consciousness of himself was enlarged. Likewise our self perception of ourselves need to be changed..I admire Ezra and Zerubabbel ! Yes ! Prophet Zechariah also. They knew about past tragedies and terrible state of disrepair of Jerusalem; their eyes were on God--Yahweh Shalom--our present source of help. They could not dwell on the past and ruined walls of Jerusalem Holy Spirit my Advocate-I am destitute-you are here on earth- please visit me today. As I study the Holy Bible, lead me into all truth.
  16. Gideon is blaming God for oppression of the Midianites. Midianites robbed new crops, took their stock, and caused them to hide in dens and caves. In essence, Gideon blames God for this terrible epoch. Gideon 's position was not accurate. Gideon was in a tight spot: no miracles and terrible Midianite oppression. The issue is sin. God did not forsake Israel. It was Israel that forsook God. Israel in a state of oppression (Leviticus 28; Deuteronomy 28). We blame God due to our finite minds as we grasp for answers. During our dark nites of our souls, we cannot understand fully why tragic events take place. We need to be humble and resign all to God. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to find any disobedience on our part. We must carefully examine our hearts to ascertain if we are obedient to God. Why then shouldn't keep His part of the Covenant as He kept the other part by blessing them when they were in obedience ?
  17. It was the sin of idolatry that caused the Israelites to be subjected to oppression. They were combining two irreconcilable religions. The were speaking with "forked tongues". They claimed some adherence to the Jewish faith yet were involved in the immoral practices of idolatry. Now in a number of mainline Christain churches, we see the same thing. Toleration of what was deemed immoral behaviour. Very sad. Even amongst various church hierarchies, immoral behaviour going on and handling the Bible in a deceitful way. Deceiving many sincere church members. We must each day prayerfully study the Bible and beseech the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. GIdeon kept his eyes on God after he received his vision and built the altar dedicated to "Yahweh-Shalom". We need to spend time at our own altars each day. Also using a concordance daily to narrow in on specific words-a must! Slow reading of good in depth writings of Jonathan Edwards and the Puritan fathers---such great helps !
  18. No more oppression and conflict: hunger, sorrow and disease will not be in the new age. This shalom that will be prevalent will be so evident, no more wars and strife. The vision of the river that the Prophet Ezekiel had summarizes it very well. (Ezekiel 47). Fruit trees that bear fruit all year, Dead Sea will have fish and the Word of God shall go throughout the world from Jerusalem. New boundaries will be assigned to the 12 tribes of Israel. Finally Israel will get its patrimony as promised to Prophet Abraham. In the new age, our personal Amaleks will be no more.
  19. Gideon called the altar by that name as a memorial of God's gift of peace. It re minds me of when another altar was built by the tribes that settled on the east side of Jordan River. An altar to the glory of God ! Gideon did not have to have fear; but he was endued with peace of mind for a mighty mission. If he had fear, he couldn't concentrate while executing his mission.
  20. Save, make, deliver and rescuer--all synonymous. The epistle to the Hebrews can answer the second question. Christ is our Joshua and High Priest; His ministry of being High Priest is still in effect. Christ has opened the Holy of holies for us; oh that we can see this more clearly ! We are not outer court Christains; we have immediate access to God at this moment. The enlarged life is for us here on earth. God beckons us to have more of the precious renewal of the Holy Spirit; we can have that holy boldness to come before the Lord in prayer and be active agents of reconciliation to those here on earth.
  21. Kinsman redeemer was supposed to marry the widow and keep deceased husband's legacy alive. He also had to take on material needs of the estate. Our Lord Jesus Christ died on Calvary out of deep love for me. Colossians 2:15 has been on my mind for the last couple of days. He saw my need before I was even born ! My need of a Redeemer ! What love beyond description. On the Cross, mercy and wrath meet. It is on the Cross, that my sins were atone for. Jesus Christ knew I would need my sins forgiven and that I would need divine healing. This reminds me of the Song of Solomon ! Love is strong as death ! I love to re-read Origen's commentary on the Song of Solomon. He describes so deeply this love that God has for us. So does Richard Rolle, a medieval spiritual writter. Rolle describes how the love of God would touch his heart ;and how how would partake of the heavenly graces of heaven. The depths of love that Yahweh has for each individual soul. On the road to Emmaus, their eyes were opened to the divine love of God and than later that evening, the fearfull disciples were fortified with the love of God. St Thomas was deeply changed from a doubter into a believer. Charles Haddon Spurgeon remarked on Colossians 2:15 that it was Christ himself that triumphed over the devil and the sins of mankind. The Cross is our surety!!! Spurgeon stresses that Christ alone did it all, no other angelic intermediaries. Tonite I have 'Zoe life because Christ is my Redeemer-Kinsman.
  22. God has manifested His graces to me and my parents and two sisters throughout the years. Through it all, I have learned to trust on Jesus Christ. God used my parents to nurture me in a Christain home. I didn't rebel as a youngster. Always had a deep desire to pursue the Holy Scriptures since I was very young. My father would drive me to prayer meetings when I was i high school. Mom would allow me to use kitchen radio to listen to Rev Billy Graham on Sundays. Through the trials that came along, God gave many graces to my family during great times of suffering. When my youngest sister had various problems; my parents exhibited the grace of God. Despite serious setbacks my sister experienced, my parents never gave up attempting to help her. I can testify of God's graces during the time when my mother was ill and homebound. God gave me grace to a long distance caregiver. Yes during the setbacks, God gave me grace. St.Peter had to learn about grace. After falling on his face a number of times; he had no choice but to look up to the Lord Jesus Christ. What an inspiration to us. The zero factor is integral in our spiritual lives. God wants to further sanctify us. Through trials we grow more and more. The dark nite of the soul is a happy time. Though we cannot understand with our limited minds; we run to the altar and tarry in prayer. Our trials and setbacks puzzle us; but we give God praise for graces to perservere.
  23. Based on Micah 7:19, we can have confidence in God. Not just an intellectual confidence but a heartfelt love for God. Church father Origen wrote so beautifully aabout this condidence; so did St Bernard and St John of the Cross. The prolific founder of the Quaker movement, George Fox, preached and wrote about the confidence that we have in God as we quietly pray and study the Holy Scriptures. God performs the truth and mercy that He swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Micah 7:20). It was at the Cross that God's wrath was poured out on His Son so His love and forgiveness could be lavished on us.
  24. Based on Deuteronomy 32:9-10, we can profess that God is the faithful God--Yahweh (the Eternal) your Elohim (Creator) and faithfull El (Almighty, the Strong One). God shows His mercy and keeps covenant to a thousand generations. However, God repays them that hate Him and will be judged. Based on 2Timothy 2:11-13, I cannot deny the faith and apostatize. I am dead with Christ, so I can live with Him. If I suffer, I will reign with Him. If I deny Him, He will deny me. God is true to His threatenings as He His to His promises. God is much under obligation to curse for sin as to bless for righteousness.
  25. God's willingness to forgive was crucial due to Israel's propensity to rebel. Prophet Ezekiel compares Israel to a newborn child cast out into an open field, abandoned and loathed. No one had compassion on this poor new born. Prophet Ezekiel writes beautifully, "And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thought wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live." (Ezekiel 16:6) Yes, they did repent (Exodus 33: 4-6). After the tribe of Levi were installed as priests after they slayed three thousand idol worshippers; Moses went made his 7th ascent up Mt Sinai to intercede for the people. God renews again the original commission of Moses to lead Israel into Canaan (Exodus 33: 1-3).
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