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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. David believed with his whole heart and enlightened mind that GOD IS NOW. He was priest/prophet. JOSHUA 3:10 ---like Joshua, David had a real grip that the heathen would be cast out. David knew that the so called idols of the Philistines were defunct. What a privilege that we are part of the Holy priesthood of Jesus Christ the High Priest! Now that we have access to the Holy of Holies AT THIS MOMENT-NOW, we can have fear and dread in a good sense. We are predestined to be the elect! What an amazing calling. Our hearts are full of gratitude that we are beckoned to serve the Lord all the days of our lives. By having fear and dread, we will not want to backslide: we will not be apathetic concerning our spiritual lives. Jonathan Edward's sermon "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" succinctly explains Hebrews 10:31 pefectly.
  2. God is eternal (Deuteronomy 32:40). God lives forever. God is our refuge-whnoat a great source of comfort during this covid pandemic. We cannot number His years. Our concept of time is very limited. St Augustine wrote beautifully on the concept of time in his Confessions. Truly our God is my present help now. Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity. He was always eternal ! He being the brightness of His glory and the express image of his person (Hebrews 1:3). We don't follow the Jehovah Witness doctrine that Jesus Christ was Michael the Archangel. Latter Days Saints have a faulty doctrinal position as well. Gnostic philosophy affected the Colossian church because it did not uphold the eternal nature of Jesus Christ. Christ is more than an emanating or angelic being.
  3. I have the indwelling Christ (John 14:20). According to Isaiah 57:15, God dwells in the hearts of those who are contrite and humble. Apostle Paul stated it so well that we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). For Apostle Paul, eternity is now. Throughout his epistles, the word 'now is used gso often. The death, burial and Resurrection of Christ has wrought eternity. The heavenly life and spiritual benefits are available to the believer.. I love the Epistle to the Hebrews. The availability of entering the Holy of Holies is a present reality due to our Joshua---Priest, Prophet and King has gone on before us. St John believed so much that eternity is now. Johnnaine theology is so rich in regards to this concept. It encourages me to pray for a renewal of the Holy Spirit in my life. I read in a book by a Greek monk that we need to pray until our hearts ache....pray with importunity! He even stressed the importance of the gift of tears! In quiet prayer, we can comprehend the transfiguration of Christ and the promises of the Holy Bible.
  4. Yahweh is the instinctive name of Deity. Here in Exodus 3:13-17, we have the first distinct revelation of Himself by His name of Yahweh which was in connection with the redemption of the covenant people out of Egypt. Yahweh is the self existent One who reveals Himself. Idols of Egypt were inbued by immoral relations such as brother-sister marriages and condoning of immoral behaviour. The ten plagues of Egypt showed how impotent these idols were.
  5. We can approach life with confidence knowing that our names are in the hands of God (Isaiah 49:16). We the Church of God are precious to God, so dear to Him as repeated through out the Song of Solomon. Timidity and brushless are symptoms of unbelief. Though we go through rough times or periods of the dark nite of the soul, we are beckoned to praise the Lord. A French spiritual written by the name of DeCaussaud underscored the importance of our need to abandon ourselves to Almighty God. To acknowledge that God's hand is in all situations good or bad. We may not understand some difficult matters. Prophet Ezekiel was told by God not to mourn for his deceased wife. He was commanded by God to prophesy to the mountains, valleys and dead bones. He entrusted himself to God. He had no time for timidity and despair God will not fight our battles if we are in a backslidden state. If I am not faithful doing the Lord's work or rebelling in someway, I cannot presume that God will fight my battles. How circumspect I must be each day ! How diligent I must be to be a Bible student! Martin Luther stated that we are being reformed each day.
  6. The rod of God was used in many miracles. Here it had a new role that of giving victory in war. When Moses held up the rod-Israel prevailed. So I need to offer up my praises unto the Lord ! Isaiah 64:5 underscores that God will meet those in prayer that rejoice and work righteousness. In prayer time, I can hide in the wounds of Christ Jesus. After the Temple was built by King Solomon, the Shekinah presence filled the Temple. St Paul looked to the ✝️ Cross. His life and preaching centered on the Cross. I live a life of mortifying the flesh as I look unto Christ Jesus as my High Priest, Saviour and Commander.
  7. Jesus Christ had to finish the work of Atonement. His precious blood had tobe shed for our sins and healing for our bodies (Isaiah 53). The sitting stone prophecy of Daniel 2:35 was to be fulfilled in Revelation 19. At that time would the gentile world power be defeated and the Beast be smitten by the stone cut without hands (Daniel 2:34-35). At Megiddo, there will be the Great battle in which the Lord will deliver the Jewish remnant. This battle is the first event of the day of Jehovah (Isaiah 2:12) and is the fulfillment of the smiting-stone prophecy of Daniel 2:35,
  8. Elisha's servant needed a spiritual eye adjustment. We can ask God to show us all the fresh work of God's spirit in the now. The things that hinder our lives that have caused grief can now become our subject. Elisha had faith in God. His spiritual consciousness was much higher than that of his servant. All visible things are thus like their invisible counterparts (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:15-18). Foremost we must be diligent Bible students to try the spirits and discern the spirit of error. By the grace of God, we can have the perfect peace of God because our minds are stayed on God (Isaiah 26:3). We have the third person of the Holy Trinity to be our dearest Advocate and Comforter in times of trials (1 John 4:13; 3:24).
  9. God had to teach Joshua that abandonment to God is essential. Total allegiance! The main issue is that Joshua and his people had to be fully aligned with God's plan. The significance is that Joshua and Israelites had now come to realize that God alone is the Captain, leader and commander to the people, ISAIAH 55:4. At first, Joshua had great courage and resolution. Not at all fearfully when he beheld this soldier. But when he perceived that he was a divine person, he fell prostrate. He fell on the earth and worshiped God. Christ was now his Lord and his Captain. Joshua is now a soldier under him to his his commands, Matthew 8:9.
  10. I need to have the attitude of the prophet Ezekiel. When he saw the Shekinah glory of God, he fell down prostrate. He had such a reverence for God. Despite being in a foreign land of idol worship, he preached the truth. My heart needs to be abandoned to the Holy Spirit. I study the Holy Bible diligently and preach the Gospel.
  11. I have been improving how I conduct myself at home. Though no other human being is around, my God knows me through and through...my thoughts, my words and how I drive. I am being reformed. Because God inhabits eternity, so important more than ever to be my best.
  12. I pray that God would take off any blinders or dust in my spiritual eyes. I know in the past during seminary formation that innocent distractions would come along in my path. I ask God to forgive me for allowing distractions to my attention. God is so patient! What a treasure I have ! Called to the royal priesthood a chosen nation---God is truly most high. So now in the outdoor evangelism preaching I am more determined to be more zealous in the ministry.
  13. As believers, we are called to the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) and we are part of a "kingdom of priests" (Exodus 19:6). What a beautifull calling we have (Matthew 28:18). Both Abraham and Melchizedek has their spiritual eyeglasses on. They knew deep within that God is All and All. I too can have a deeper understanding "of the most High God" as I pray and study the Holy Bible. I love ? Psalm 110! I am called today to enter the Holy of Holies because Christ Jesus is my High Priest.
  14. Hi Everyone! My name is Mike. I am a serious Bible student. I have always been interested in the names of God. My favorite prophet is Ezekiel. He always referring to the Soverrign Lord God of Israel. Hebrew translation is so rich. I am an outdoor evangelist. Preaching in midtown Manhattan and witnessing! What a blessing! I love systematic theology and treasure my Hebrew and Greek lexicon. My cat Angelina is the sunshine in my life!
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