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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Both preached repentence when Israel turned from God. They wore clothing of animal hair; not the typical garments of their era. They ate food that was provided in the wilderness. They didn't partake of luxurious foods and drinks. Both were separated from the false religions of their times. Both of these men were men of deep prayer; they had no time to dialogue nor waste time in speaking with those who persisted in their doctrinal errors. Both preached repentence to evil kings. Despite all odds, they heroically bore witness to their faith; there were Christain soldiers that died as martyrs during the Roman emperors. Both were sought by wicked Queens. Prophet Elijah was sought by Jezebel and John the Baptist was sought by Herodias. Lastly, both men had times of depression and doubt. They were no strangers to the human condition. Those in Christain ministry can take great solace in this fact that there are bumpy roads along the way in Christain ministry. Both Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist stood against injustice, false religion and evil in their societies. John the Baptist was not a reincarnation of John the Baptist. John had that Elijah anointing. The similarities of their ministries are strikingly quite similar. Prophet Elijah had his school of the Prophets who maintained the faith while the established scribes and priesthood went on a path of compromise. John the Baptist was not part of the Jerusalem establishment; like the Essenes, John was not part and parcel of the Jerusalem temple priesthood.
  2. Elisha truly wanted to be like his spiritual father. Elisha as a true minister of Yahweh. He wanted to be true in his calling, fidelity to duty, always faithfull in rebuking sin, a spirit of fearlessness and courage in the presence of opposition and danger. Elisha was to be a teacher of others. So Elisha had to be doubly spiritual, doubly carefull, doubly Holy, doubly zealous and scrupulous about his calling. Elisha was not greedy for power. He was living in challenging times. How he needed the gifts and graces of God. We too are in the same predicament! Reminds of how some Catholic priests and Christian ministers and nuns clandestinely hid Jewish people during the Nazi era. Some actually died martyrs' deaths. The Prophet Daniel is another wonderful example. He was given great graces to be a diplomats in the Persian government yet he received visions and prophecies from on High to guide the People of God. Back in November 1971, at the age of 16 years old, I sought the double portion of the Holy Spirit. I sought the Lord diligently as a young man. Was active in prayer meetings and church. I was open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit when I was in high school. Yes, we are so blessed that the Holy Spirit is here on earth; we need to renew our Pentecostal gifts and graces. As we are still in our fleshy tabernacles, we need to go from glory to glory; we are still running towards the goal: beatific vision of Jesus Christ. Strength for evangelism ! I can testify to God's keeping power over the years. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. We need the Holy Spirit anointing to preach and minister unto others; without the touch of God, we cannot go far, and as a result...backslide into all sorts of errors and sins.
  3. The unseen world, his heavenly transition and the things of heaven were occupying his mind and heart. Elijah was given spiritual flashes about his transition ro heaven; yet he was always mindfull o Elisha. It was too solemn ocassion for greetings, casual conversation, or even exhortations. Elisha stayed with his spiritual father; he wanted to be with Elijah until the end. He didn't want to engage in conversation with others concerning the departure of Prophet Elijah. Back in October-November 1971, I was praying for the double portion of the Holy Spirit. I am still living for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Though there have been many trials along the way, I still love the Lord. I may not have all the answers why sorrowful things have happened; I still hide in the precious wounds of Christ.
  4. Ahaziah is denying the sovereignty and the worship due to th Lord God of Israel. To go to a foreign pagan deity makes no sense. The pagan Ekron deity is an insult. We see this behavior in the churches today. Tragic how various denominations have allowed false religions to wreck havoc. Astrology, theosophy, spiritualism and other false religions have been mixed in with the worship services. The false idols of humanism have been mixed in with nominal Christainity. Episcopal Bishop Pike is an example. He and his wife sought spiritualism to contact the dead. I have sought counseling in the past as well as asking God for direction. God's ways are mysterious indeed. We don't see the whole picture. We see family members suffer despite our best intentions. We leave so many unanswered questions at the feet of Christ.
  5. Did not Prophet Amos state that two cannot walk together unless they are agreed? A fault committed prepares the way for a repetition sad to say. Friendships involve sympathies; Jehosophat had a serious conflict of interests. What is so bizarre is how a godly man can have affinity to a family of idol worshippers. Ahab and Jezebel didn't not renounce idol worship;idol shrines were still being used. Jehosophat should have had a sense of revulsion in his heart toward such an alliance with Ahab. Some Christain leaders have rose colored glasses on. They are naive in their thinking that social changes can be wrought. The hearts of men are deceitful. Apostle Paul makes that very clear throughout Romans chapters 1-2. Their throats are like open graves. Political leaders are looking for votes, financial rewards and favors and advancement. Here in USA, Political leaders have empty words and misled its citizens, and use people as ATM machines. Case study is the German church back n the 1930s. Many German church leaders were misled by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. Except for a few heroic leaders, many in the German church world had no problems with Hitler. European history illustrates the faults of the close affinities of church and state. There were so many problems that the early Mennonites taught that church and state are two separate entities. Early Anabaptist movement influenced our nation's history on this matter. Bible believers must be diligent in daily Bible study and prayer if they are genuinely led to participate in government affairs. They cannot be naive thinking that an ungodly reprobate government is going to approve of godly laws overnite; truly this is a tough call. USA GOVERNMENT and local governments are not hospitable to conservative Christians. Some Christians can be like a Joseph or a Daniel; the environment was not easy for them, but they diligently served God under ungodly circumstances. Called by God for holy tasks.
  6. Happiness is proportionate to completeness of consecration. Jehosophat wanted to be a buddy to Ahab. This is how Christains get into trouble. They have not renounced the world, the flesh and the devil fully. The persuasions of the wicked are subtle. Jehosophat should have regarded the Prophet Micaiah's prophecy with utmost importance, but he joined forces with Ahab anyway. Jehosophat had an element of "people pleasing" in his character. There was definitely a conflict of interests here. Without the Holy Spirit and a complete Bible, we read how many under the Old Covenant were so confused. Gideon fell into superstitious worship when he built a shrine for a vestments used in worship. Disobedience provokes the judgments of God. We see this demise in the life of King Saul; Kings Solomon and Mannasah as well. Jehosophat had no recourse to the Urim and Thummin as in the days of Moses and Joshua. Jehosophat did not pray about this war seriously enough. He was sumptuously entertained by Ahab; he mostly would be concerned what his political partners from Judah would say. This is definitely a case that illustrates the neglect of private prayer. No indication of Jehosophat consulting the High Priest. Where was Obadiah, the court Manger of Ahab? Obadiah was a godly man
  7. A1King Ahab was self deceived; he put his trust in 400 liars. He could not get the flattery of the Prophet Micaiah. Micaiah knew that if he stated the truth he would go back to prison. So bizarre that King Ahab still had such a dislike for this righteous prophet after all that had happened to him and his countrymen! Micaiah had firm faith in Yahweh. Disobedience was no option. To curry favor from men wasn't an option. Like the Prophets Abraham, Isaiah, Ezekiel and many others, he heard the still small voice to preach and preserver in his calling.To not be faithfull in one's calling was anathema. So we are to give testimony to Jesus Christ, this is the spirit of prophecy. We cannot afford to be like other church denominations that have renamed on matters of faith and morals; we cannot fall into a state of timid inertia and doctrinal compromise.
  8. King Jehosophat as a godly man wanted to be genuinely directed by God. The false prophets of King Ahab were either of the idol Astarte or Baal or priests of the high places of Bethel or Dan. King Jehosophat knew what was in their hearts though they claimed a veneer of spirituality. Ahab's prophets were enjoying the patronage of King Ahab, and they knew what would gratify him. They were indeed religious showmen unlike Prophet Micaiah who had nothing to gain, but every thing to lose in maintaining his steadfast trust in Yahweh. This Prophet Micaiah was in prison for three previous years. He could have flattered Ahab to obtain release, but by taking a godly course he could only expect to go back to jail. The false testimony of King Ahab's prophetswas not agreeable to the WORD OF GOD.
  9. God heeded to the sincere confession of King Ahab. God heard the cry of repentence. King Ahab's repentence was not profound nor enduring. The sentence of doom was deferred for King Ahab. Tragic that his wife didn't repent. We see the mercy of God illustrated during the aftermath of Nabith's murder. If Ahab's repentence was lasting, the sentence would have been reversed. Ahab subsequently sinned eventually and do did his sons. We cannot have careless presumption upon final perseverance dogma; we have to work out our salvation in trembling and fear. Though we have been foreordained and predestinatinated, we cannot have superficiality in our spiritual lives. Postponement of judgment was to give King Ahab time to make a more genuine confession. We don't read that he gave up his idols, restore Naboth's property nor forsake his self confidence. His character was still tarnished; there was no change of heart nor life.
  10. The thing coveted is idolatry is commonly found the erotomaniac behavior of so many today. Via the internet and mass media, people are enamored by having a mental possession of a famous actor, popular movie star, brilliant preacher, or a prince. It is a diseased form of love coupled with idolatrous admiration and worship. Pleonoxia is centered on something or someone that is not godly. Those that went to the pagan temples in Ephesus or in Corinth, were full of pleonoxia. They were centered on immoral behaviours and on idols. Their hearts were not centered on Yahweh. Prophet Ezekiel makes this very clear. Many times in his sermons, prophecies and visions, this pleonoxia robs people of their full attention to Yahweh. They cannot be obedient to DEUTERONOMY 6:4. The Shekinah left the Temple was partly due to the idol that was by the northern gate. Yahweh is our jealous God. Prophet Ezekiel saw the impure idols in the secret chamber. God will not tolerate secret sins. Many people today don't have a deep understanding of the HOLINESS OF GOD; secret sins cannot be present in the lives of true BIBLE CHRISTIANS. Our focus ends up on the wrong things. Luke 12: 13-15 is an eye opener. Covetousness is forbidden for the Christain. It will cause the soul gracious harm (1 Corinthians 5:11; Ephesians 5:3-5; 1 Timothy 6: 9-11). It must be uprooted from the heart of a Christian. We are called to the royal priesthood, a holy nation; we are a different people. We have a much serious calling, no time to waste in matters of the world, the flesh and the devil.
  11. Very much responsible indeed! I think of King Ahaz. Despite the clarion calls of Prophet Isaiah to repent,, he led his nation further into idolatry. Ahaz persisted in going after Assyrian idols. This idolatry spread like cancer throughout the nation. The Prophet Ezekiel preached repeatedly on the wickedness of leaders. In many of his sermons, prophecies and visions, this point is spelled out. Prior to Martin Luther, various European kings and various church authorities were leading people into serious errors. Medici family in Rome, Italy is a prime example. Friar GIROLAMO SAVORNOLLA was burnt at the stake for confronting the immoralities and witchcraft that were popular in 16th century Italy. Serous is the word. A judgment awaiting those whose misled people. Kings Ahab and Ahaz knew better but persisted in false doctrines and idol worship. Tragic how vulnerable souls were caught up in false religion. Yes, these leaders should be held to a higher standard. They have had ample time to study, analyze and had opportunities to enact just laws. The Prophets have been adamant about this. During Medieval Europe, Christain kings took their positions very seriously. They wanted the Gospel to go forth in their kingdoms. The histories of Germany, England and eastern Europe are full of stories of godly kings who eradicated idol worship and other vices so common in their times.
  12. A state of inertia sets in. This has happened in a number of mainline denominations. Years ago what was considered sin was condoned by mainline denominations. Now it is a common practice for churches to have LQBTXYZ agenda and same sex marriages. A slave to sin has been given over to a depraved mind. God has allowed their rebellion to fester due to the stumbling blocks in their hearts. What a quaqmire! The Prophet Ezekiel repeatedly teaches thus in his sermons and prophecies. The consciences of Ahab and Jezebel were silenced by persistent rebellion against the Law of God. Not forsaking the occasions of sin only kept them in this vicious circle of moral depravity. The word is pride. Pride will prevent a person from forsaking sin. Humility is the lens and prism to discovering God's Law. The king of Tyre as described in the prophecy of Ezekiel didn't have Humility. He was boastful, he wasn't humble before Yahweh. Ahab was like the believers in the Galatian church. They were fickle and wavered amongst spurious doctrines. King Ahaz is another tragic example. Though the Prophet Isaiah preached to him, King Ahaz persisted in Assyrian idol worship. Again we see lack of Humility and teachableness. If we don't heed to the Holy Bible, the devil can mislead us. Signs and wonders, even seemingly holy visions, are no guarantees of holiness.
  13. The depression. was caused by his rebellion against God. His conscience was convicting him of his rebellion against God. Ahab broke the 10th commandment while Jezebel broke the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th commandments. Jezebel was an integral part of the aspiration of Naboth. Naboth was truly a martyr for the Law, and sealed his witness with his blood. Jezebel thought that by stealing this land, Ahab would snap out of it. She just added fuel to the fire. Ahab continued to be the oppressor. She was clearly responsible; Jezebel was an idol worshipper and did not uphold the Law of Moses. Her husband cooperated with Ahab. Ahab gave approval to his seal of state, gave her authority to the edict of death as well as approval of the deaths of the Prophets of the Lord. The elders too were complicit as well. None of his neighbors protested. The hypocritical fast, and Naboth was falsely accused of blasphemy. Truly this was a kangaroo court. During the Protestant Reformation, countless innocent people were burnt at the stake. Even the Quakers suffered greatly in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Anne Hutchinson, a famous preacher, had to undergo unjust trials and persecution by the Puritan leaders.
  14. He wanted the nice fertile ground to supply food and add ambience to his estate. Nothing in itself wrong about that; Ahab's covetousness is what did him in. Naboth had to honor God's law and his ancestors. He was courageous in refusing King Ahab's offer. I wonder if King Ahab's court manager Obadiah tried to reason with King Ahab. The heartache that Obadiah went through in being a witness for God in King Ahab's palace. Naboth wanted to honor God's Law. Naboth wanted to preserve the family legacy. His testimony was a clarion testimony to King Ahab as to strict allegiance to God's law. Unlike King Ahab, Naboth didn't waver in his obedience to God's Law. Like the Rechabites in the Book of Jeremiah, Naboth maintained his steadfast faith in God.
  15. Man's extremity is God's opportunity to do miracles. Yahweh wanted all idolatry to be eradicated totally. God's mercy was being manifested during these battles. Gently and slowly Yahweh was getting the attention of the wayward. God wanted the people to firmly acknowledge that DEUTERONOMY 6:4 is paramount not optional. Prophet Ezekiel preached the same message often as well. His visions, prophecies and sermons are very clear about the glorofication of the NAME OF GOD. Prophet Ezekiel always described the wonders of the Lord Hashem Adonai. The evangelical mission I have been entrusted with. NYC has become quite dangerous these days; I praise God for my evangelical associate who I yet to meet. Outdoor evangelistic ministry can be quite challenging in my city; prudent and carefull planning is necessary as well as deep prayer.
  16. God desired that they would repent. Mercy overrides justice is very prevalent in the Bible. By God being so merciful, the hearts of these idol worshippers would repent and totally forsake idols. That they would acknowledge that the Sovereign Lord God of Israel alone is true. As I was studying the Book of Ezekiel the same message is repeated often. The Prophet Ezekiel mind and heart was imbued with the sovereignty of Yahweh. Idol worship was anathema to the Prophet Ezekiel; it was a terrible insult to God's everlasting mercy and long-suffering. Ahab is a nominal believer. Unlike Gideon, Ahab has a shaky faith. Deep in his character, he reveres the pagan idols. Ahab cannot conceive that God is being merciful to him during this immense aggressive move of Ben-Hadad. God was calling Ahab to have total allegiance to the ONE HOLY GOD OF ISRAEL (DEUTERONOMY 6:4). The Prophet Ezekiel had a sacred mission years later.. Throughout his visions, sermons and prophecies, the same message is proclaimed.
  17. A small child doesn't see the whole picture. We too cannot see fully in this life the reasons for negative events. Elijah erroneously thought that God's power was in the spectacular events on Mt. Carmel. Elijah's thoughts had to be corrected. He was truly in the school of hard knocks. The assurance that God never works in vain (vs.18). The results may be hid from us, but are known to God. It is difficult due to that we see through a glass darkly in this life. I have been through this before. God's thoughts and ways are higher than my thoughts and ways. Only at my particular judgment after I am free of my human limitations, will I fully understand my hidden motives and my character. One the psalmist writes about being like a child in his mother's arms, just resting quietly, knowing that all is at rest. The psalmist doesn't busy himself with complicated matters but leaves all in God's care. A child usually benefits from loving but sharp rebukes. My parents did the best to correct my sister. They tried desperately to help her. So many heartaches! Indeed my parents were prophetic in warning my sister and trying to steer her away from bad company. If we are teachable, God's will prevail in our lives. Through the dark nites of the soul, we are brought to a zero level, whereby we cry out to the Living God. This can take time. Moses had to spend forty years in the Sinai to get the Egyptian mentality out of his character. An Enlarged vision would be so beneficial to me to embrace God's rebukes. To have an enlarged vision of the higher calling of God. Like Caleb, I say, "Give me my mountain". We need to ascend up to Mt Carmel....truly a renewal of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is needed during these days.
  18. Gentle silence is the method that God speaks to the conscience. Elijah was a man of deeds or signs. The renting of the mountains,splitting of rocks, fire and earthquake didn't move the Prophet. Judgment is God's strange work. Here we are presented with the Judgment of God but it is the sweetness of His mercy that touches Prophet Elijah's heart. Yahweh delights in mercy. Yahweh knew that the balm of Gilead had to be utilized; Prophet Elijah had to be renewed in quietness. God is omnipotent. Fierce wind and cataclysmic events are not the only ways that God uses as instruments. God's touch gave Prophet Elijah to get back on the evangelical road. His "get up and go" was restored. What we read here gives us a glimpse of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. In our dispensation, the Holy Spirit convinces people of righteousness. It is the love of Christ that constrains man. Many don't make silent worship a daily event. Too much emphasis in churches today is on loud music, Lazer lights, hype and other distractions. I treasure my quiet times that I have each day. George Fox, founder of the Quaker movement, was a proponent of the value of silence in private prayer and public worship.
  19. "Self occupied" is an apt phrase. Instead of being focused on God and thinking clearly; we get off on the wrong track. I am grateful for the times I did Christain counseling. Being self absorbed is a cul de sac: we need to think clearly and rationally. Self pity slowly works at ruining our assurance of our love of God and the saps our energy for evangelical endeavors. St.Thomas had to focus on Christ after his period of doubt and conferring with the other Apostles. Pride is connected to self pity and entitlement. People forget that Russian proverb, "Man proposes but God disposes". Only Christ is the Messiah and Saviour; we are not omnipotent. Pride is a factor why many pastors end up leaving the ministry; they thought that they could do everything on their own. Pride was the motivating factor in giving up the pastorates, and in many cases--backsliding. Pride is in their characters as to entitlement. This mindset of self pity and entitlement is contrary to the Gospel call as a disciple of Christ. Being lazy and disobedient to God's commands, including not serving God's church, thrawts the inner working of the Holy Spirit in our characters. Christ is not being formed in such people. Their focus is on themselves and agendas. Their selves are their centers, not the Lord Jesus Christ.
  20. This is like the story of my life! I heard that this is common amongst pastors and those in the ministry. We do the best we can do, year in and year out, problems and more problems, and as faithfull ministers, we get discouraged. The word HALT characterizes our lives. H is for hunger, A is for anger, L >s for loneliness, T is for tiredness. Prophet Elijah can be partially be blamed. He like many zealous ministers was not taking care of himself. He was not resting, eating and just taking good care of himself. So when we encountered Jezebel's wrath, he was at a vulnerable point of his life. Fear got a hold of him. Yes indeed! Perhaps Prophet Elijah could have sought counsel from a few of the faithfull men of God that escaped from Jezebel. They would have advised him perhaps to rest and take a sabbatical of some kind. Being exhausted, Prophet Elijah felt he was in a cul de sac and make a quick escape. No time to ruminate and no time to waste to get some practical guidance. God did not chide him for lack of faith. Elijah needed much needed rest and proper food. God knew that he had feet of clay. Very difficult indeed. Professional assistance in many cases may be needed. A professional counselor or social worker would have the expertise in some rather challenging situations; a pastor or Church worker would be wise to refer such congregants to a Christian counselor who has had academic training on depression and self isolation. God uses such agents to assist those who are having hard times.
  21. God's Word is no dead letter. With the zeal of the Prophet Elijah, we are called by God to cut off those occasions of sins, the stumbling blocks that the Prophet Ezekiel preached about. We cannot have half-way covenants with God; compromise will only lead to full fledged backsliding. The value of clear break with sin is wonderfull. All through out the Pauline Epistles, we read about this. Prophet Elijah is a type of Christ. Christ Jesus is our Mediator and High Priest in the order of Melchizedek; we have been brought into the Holies of Holies. No more alienated from God; and in holiness all the days of our lives. Conversion is not the end but the beginning. Whatever grace and favor God has shown him; the believer is not discharged from duty, he must keep the commandments (Matthew 19:17). Obedience is integral to conversion (Luke 6:46; John 14:21). Danger of not breaking with the old will lead people into a state of inertia. Many German Jews during pre-war Germany saw what was going on during the Nazi discrimination against Jewish people; some Jews saw the light and got out of Germany; however, many continued to remain in Germany. Today many Christians are straddling amongst various opinions; just like the Galatians, they are are caught up in novel ideas, they are like butterflies, opinion after another opinion.
  22. According to 1 Kings 18:39, the people saw the fire fall from heaven, they fell on their faces and exclaimed that the Lord is God; the Lord, He is God. Pagan idol Baal was a nonexistent imposter. This belief in the Lord God of Israel resonates through out the visions, prophecies and sermons of the Prophet Ezekiel in minute detail. Syncretism has no role. Truly the Prophet Elijah's role was very similar to Prophet Ezekiel's; DEUTERONOMY 6:4 is of upmost importance. During the 3 1/2 years (7 year Tribulation) Elijah and Enoch will be prophets of judgment. They will be invincible: power to destroy their enemies,cause fire to come out of their mouths, power to stop rain and turn water into blood and smite the earth with plagues. John the Baptist was the clarion voice during this time preaching the Kingdom of Heaven and reiterating the central tenets of Judaism as stated in DEUTERONOMY 6:4. The present Kingdom of Heaven is the earthly sphere of the Kingdom of God. John the Baptist is the Forerunner of Christ the King. John the Baptist had lineage to the Aaronic priesthood, and wanted to get people focused on Christ the Lamb of God. This is extremely important! As a young man back in the Autumn of 1971, I was praying for the "double portion of the Holy Spirit". This was a few months after my beloved grandmother died. I felt the call to become an evangelist at the age of 16. The message of proclaiming repentence--being "born again" is absolutely crucial. Today in many church sectors, this is missing! Now we have a generation of pastors and evangelists that are doctrinally confused and living questionable lifestyles.
  23. Rebuilding of the altar of Yahweh with the twelve stones, according to the twelve tribes of Israel, was a testimony of Elijah's quiet and steadfast faith. Elijah was willing to testify for his God; God would vindicate Himself and His prophet at this altar. Elijah was being prepared to rebuild the altar; prior to Mt Carmel, was a period of prayer and silence, so we to follow suit before we go forth to evangelize or preach. Abiding in Christ! I am doing well as far as I can see. I could get out my old hymnal and sing during my worship times at home. Praying for the Renewal of the Holy Spirit in my life would be a plus as well. When I was in high school, Autumn 1971, I was seeking the "double portion of the Holy Spirit". Planning to make more evangelistic trips! Frivolous perusing of the internet has been responsible for my altar to Crack. Already my kitchen radio has been disconnected, more peace and quiet indeed! Getting back to my seminary schedule ! The seminary had a strict regula of chapel services each day. No deviations allowed. I can institute a modified schedule at my house easily. Already I have a disciplined spiritual lifestyle; there is room for improvements.
  24. Syncretism for the Christain is wrong because it denies that God is All in All. This includes not acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Lord. How can a Christian abide in Christ with a syncretitic heart. It goes against JOHN 17: 1-3 and John 15. We see this syncretitic spirit amongst Christian churches. A deep tragedy indeed. This goes against the spirit of strict allegiance to Yahweh as set forth through the Old Testament. Christ Jesus was adamant about such syncretitic belief; Christ upheld DEUTERONOMY 6: 1-6 very minutely. Very recently, I have been moved tremendously just last Sunday when meditating on Obadiah, the court manager of King Ahab. He abided in his calling in a great way despite working for such a wicked king and queen. It was not a perfect environment for him; however, like Daniel and Ezekiel, he was salt and light. Deeping my love of God these days as I study these Elijah chapters. As a young man back in the Autumn of 1971, I was seeking the double portion of the Holy Spirit. My heart's desire is being renewed these days. So it is back on the evangelistic road...more trips ahead to year's end. Competition of other things is not a big problem for me. I am a serious Bible student and pray often. I need to schedule my time better so I can be on top of evangelistic projects
  25. Obadiah was like a Joseph or a Daniel. Obadiah was a God fearing man in the pagan beauracracy. Despite all odds, he quietly served the Lord. Indeed he had to walk on egg shells during this tumultuous period. Obadiah protected the men of God from certain death. Reminds me of a God fearing German-Mr Schlinder-who went to great lengths to protect many Jewish people working at his factory. Obadiah's courage was noteworthy. To maintain his faith and not get involved in Baal or Arstate worship, were remarkable feats. To hide the Prophets of God was an undertaking that spoke of his deep love of God. He knew that the Prophey Elijah could be suddenly be spiritually transported. Obadiah knew he had to give strict account with King Ahab; this was a time when Obadiah had to have the chutzpah of Joshua or a Phineas. Yes, his fears were note worthy. He was concerned that Prophet Elijah would be transported suddenly by the hand of God. It would be quite embarrassing for him when he would confront King Ahab. Yes, I have been there. When I started my career with a major telecommunications firm in NYC, I commenced street preaching in front of a nearby church. I and other brethern had street meetings on our lunch breaks and prayed together. We were Obadiahs! I was in FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSMEN FELLOWSHIP for years. Men that are working in the everyday world yet witnessing the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
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