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Everything posted by Zibuyile
Q5. Israelites' efusal to repent caused them to be barren Yielding to the work of the oly Spirit in our lives through prayer and medieatibg on His word , living holy life will cause fruit of Holy Spirit to grow and mature in our lives What we learn from this parable is that as Christians , need to live a life that bears fruits that will show and thus happens when we spend time with God
Q3. The woman got saved during dinner time My lover for God is getting stronger day by day , as I see His grace and love towards me and my family We express our gratitude for salvation by sharing Good news of Jesus Christ to the lost people who do not know Jesus
Q3 They both speaks of the love and compassion of God towards the lost He stands on His word and whatever He promises He keeps. In our sinful nature God still love us and forgive us all our sins The older son knew about his father's love and his position as the eldest son , but he failed to walk in his father's love towards his brother by failing to understand that his brother has been lost and has been found
Q1. Lost Sheep and Lost Coin
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Parables about God's Love
1. Parables tells us if God's unconditional love , that even if we stray away ,He still love us and will go out of His way to bring us back to Him 1.2 Jesus welcomes sinners and eat with them Jesus said He did not come for the righteous , but to save that which was lost 1.3 As a disciple in the community you need to show love to the lost people and not look at them as sinners who will go to hell . But show kindness , by being there in their times of trouble assisting them where the need arise to show you care , and that will make it easier to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ -
Q24. Why did Jehoshaphat went to war with king Ahaz even after hearing Micaiah prophecy? I think because king Ahab did not believe Micaiah's prophecy, so he did not take it serious that Ahab will not make it in the battle and came along to support him 24.1 What kind of Jehoshaphat weakness in character does this decision suggest? When you surround yourself with people who speak and do evil , even when something good comes you will not see
Q22 . What kind of pressures is Micaiah experiencing as he prophesy before Kung Ahab Pressure of having to tell lies to entice the king rather than speaking the truth from God Q22.1From men Danger of being killed .2 From Yahweh Loose his office as prophetvof God Q22.Why are the true prophets of old Testament so honored by Jesus Because they were used by God to foretell what to come
Q22. Why does Jehishafat wants to consult an actual prophet of Yahweh? He doesn't trust the 400 prophets brought by king Ahaz , as they spoke one and same thing , without inquiring from God Q22.1Whst does this tells us of his discernment of Ahab's prophets? That they are nit true true God's prophets , and they spoke what king Ahaz wants to hear , not what the Lord says
Q18. Slavery
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q18 What us the danger of giving ourselves to sin? The danger is that we get so accustomed to sinning till we loose ourselves to what is right and we don't know how we take ourselves in the situation we put ourselves in till we don't recognize ourselves 18.1 How does that make us Aves to sin? Even if we recognize that we in the wrong we end up continuing living in sin which can lead to death if we do not get delivered 18.3 What opening does that give the devil? It gives him opening to keep us bound to sin and -
Q17. Corruption
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q17Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? Yes he is the Bible says when Naboth refused him the land he went to his room lay facing the wal and could not eat any food Q17.1 How does Jezebel fix His depression? She wrote letter in Ahab's name and sealed it with his seal and sent it to elders in Nabith's city stating they must proclaim a fast and seat Naboth at at the head of people and seat 2 worthless men on esther side of Naboth and have them testify against Nabith that he cursed God and king therefore must be stoned to death 17.2Why does she do so.So that Naboth die and her husband possess the land 17.3 Is Ahab responsible of his wife's action ? Yes he is, he should have stopped her when she told him ashe is going to get vineyard for him 17.4 Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury? Yes they are responsible , as the carried the order knowing very well that Naboth is innocent -
Q16. Naboth
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q16.Why does Ahab want Naboth's vineyard? It was near his palace and he wanted it for Vegetable garden 16.1 Is there anything wrong with Ahab's proposal? Yes , This was piece of land that was given to his family, and giving it to Ahaab would be like selling with his family fortune Q16.2 Why does Naboth refuse his offer? The piece of land Ahab wants was given to Nabith's family by God Himself as a gifts .Families were free to do with the land as they want., under the covenant the land could not be transferred permanently to someone else. -
Q15 Why do you think God seems to enjoy helping the Israelites in impossible situations So that they come to realization that He is the only true God and apart from Him the cannot do anything Q15.1 Why do you think God whittled Gideon 's men into 300? So that the cannot boast that it was their power they won the battle , but realize it at it can only be God who fights their battle Q15 3What situations in your life that need God's intervention? Where you have to completely trust God's intervention iwith children and rely on Him to give direction
Q14.Why would God instruct a corrupt king and apostate people so that they win the battle He wanted King Ahab to repent of his sins , and to see God as the only answer to their problems Q14.1 What purpose is stated in verse 13? God will hand over the army to Ahab , and he , will know that He is God Q14.2 What is Ahab's reaction? He wanted to know who will do it, Q14.3 What does that tells us about his religious petty or faith? As much as Ahab has gone astray and worshipped idols brought by his wife , deep down he knows who God is , and what He can do
Q13. Rebuke
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Elijah and the Still Small Voice (1 Kings 19)
Q13. Why is parents rebuke difficult for the child? As a child you look at parents as loving people and when they rebuke for the wrong doing sometimes children don't take it as discipline or correction of wrong action or behavior Q13. How does loving sharp rebuke help our children? It helps them to know what is right and what is wrong and that if they don't do right ation will be taken How does God's rebuke help us ? It help us in building us to be better believers who are fully matured that , not only good can come from the Lord , but if we do wrong God will punish wrong doing 13.2 What it would take for you to embrace Gid's rebuke like Solomon I till take us to be fully matured and have a heart that open to Gid's leading that we are able to see and understand God's rebuke if it happens -
Q12. Voice
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Elijah and the Still Small Voice (1 Kings 19)
Q12. Why do you think the author contrast the still small voice to the wind, earthquake and fire? It shows that God can reveal Himself differently ,but can reveal Himself in certain way for each individual , in Elijah's case a still small voice God chose to reveal Himsel Q12 1 How does God's word comfort Elijah? God spoke gently with Elijah even when He asked him where he was going it was not harsh Q12.2 Why is it easy to miss God when His voice is gentle and quiet? Sometimes because of the noise and quarrels inside us , it can make it difficult to hear when God is quietly speaking -
Q11. Entitlement
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Elijah and the Still Small Voice (1 Kings 19)
Q11 In what way does self pity prevent us from discerning the Loo's voice? The mind is being clouded with the feelings that you have which seems true to you , even when help comes you fail to see as you see yourself how much you 'very been wronged Q11.1 Relationship between self pity and pride The two are related as it's all about you , what has happened to you or how much you've been hurt by the situation With entitlement -You feel that you have right to feel or behave that way Q11.2 How does sense of entitlement interfere with a way of true discipleship?^ It can prevent a person from not growing into true discipleship because the thought is about self and what is going on cwith someone else is not of priority except what is going around him/her -
Q10. Depression
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Elijah and the Still Small Voice (1 Kings 19)
Q10. Was Elijah at fault fir being depressed? Maybe not at fault , life situations can force you to react but what is important is what you do when this life's challenges hit you. Elijah reacted by being in fear of what Jezebel said to the point of him running away , feeling lonely and depressed. He should have trusted God more just like he did when he stopped rain from falling 10.1 Does God chide him for lack of faith? No While sleeping under the tree the angel brought him food to eat , this shows God was still with him 10.2 How does God minister to him ? God send and angel to bring him food , which came back later to tell him to eat because he still had great journey to take 10.3 How do you minister to a friend who has gone to deep depression? Being there for him/her , pray with and give word of encouragement and showing him/her that God still love him/Het -
Q9. Break with Evil
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Elijah Challenges Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18)
Q9. When we got saved, why is important to to put put behind thing that tempt us to old life Because when we get saved only our spirit get saved , not the flesh , and flesh will always wants what it used to , therefore putting those things behind will help us when we get tempted we will not fall back because we have put God first above other things.9 9.1 what is clear value of break with evil We will not be yoked together with non belief , as our minds will be renewed from the old life , to the new life with Christg 9.2 What is the danger of not breaking with old Temptation will get better of you, and it will be hard to fight going back to the old self -
Q8. Repentance
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Elijah Challenges Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18)
Q8. In what way does Elijah have the ministry of turning back again or true Repentance? Elijah was grieved by the way people have turning away from God to worship idols, and needed a way to make them turn back to God . Him declaring no rain for three years was the way to show them who is the true God who must be worshipped 8.1 How was this fulfilled by his successor John the Baptist ? John 1:7:John came to witness about Messiah who is coming to save mankind from their sins 8.3 Why is this the important ministry for both Pastors and Evangelists? It is the very core of Christianity , since Jesus came for the lost (sinners) so that if they believe the gospel they are saved from eternal death. So that the gospel of Jesus Christ will spread all over the world -
Q7. Rebuilding
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Elijah Challenges Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18)
Q7.What IA significance of Elijah rebuilding the alternative of Yahweh? The alter was in ruin fir a long time , Israelites have forsaken God and begun to worship idols(baal).Elijah rebuilding the alter signify restoration of relationship of people with God, re kindle their faith in Gid and to show them that He is still the same God who answer prayers and who have always been with them 7.1cWhat rebuilding needs to be done in your own worship? My prayer life , spend more time with God 7.3 Church To have heart fir God's things 7.4 What has caused your alter or practice of worshipping and living before God to be brokenbdown Busyness, not giving myself time for God 5 How will you repair it Spend time with God ,through prayer , worship and fellowship with other believers . Making God the first in my life above all else -
Q5. Obadiah
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Elijah Challenges Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18)
QWhat do we learn about Obadiah from this passage We learn that he was a true devout believer in God , we see that when he hid 100 prophets fom Jezebel who was killing the prophets. In so doing that he also feared for his life for he didn't know what Ahab will do to Him if he found out 5.1 What do we know of his faith ? That he is firm believer from his youth , he also knew Elijah as prophet of God and referred Him 5.2.Of his courage Him hiding 100 prophet as they were killed by Jezebel and providing fir them in the caves , knowing the consequences of his doing should it be found out 5.3 Of hus fears He feared for his life against king Ahab if he could found out what he did 5.4If you were in Obadiah situation , how much courage would you have shown? Not sure what I would have done , but it takes a true believer , who puts all his trust in God to do what Obafiah did -
Q4. Poor Widow
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Elijah Declares a Drought (1 Kings 17)
Q4.Why did God send Elijah to a poor widow rather than a rich man? I think God did it purposely to show Himself as God who can use anyone to fulfill His purpose and also His provision will come from the least expected somebody, where no one can find anything good 4.1If God send someone to provide for, how would you respond? My response would be positive if the kind of provision is what I needed -
Q3. Common Sense
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Elijah Declares a Drought (1 Kings 17)
Q3What is an appropriate role of common sense in our lives? Common sense enable us to reason and to make wise decisions about ourselves and every situations that we found ourselves in , we are able to make sound decisions 3 1Does that supplement or contradict faith in God's ability to work miracles outside natural oder? No No it doesn't , but with use of common sense we are able to understand Gid's word and Abe able to apply our faith. Contradiction may happen if you fail to understand through the use of common sense , that faith is substance of things hoped for , at times you do not have to reason faith but take God's word as it is. -
2gWhat does God feeding Elijah by ravens It shows us that God can use whatever and whoever to fulfill his mission , even the unthinkable 2.1What does Eating food sent by ravens tells us of Elijah? Elijah was God fearing man , and obedient to God , hence being fed by ravens knowing that they prey on dead carcasses , that might meant its the same meat that was brought to him . According to Jewish custom eating meat from dead carcasses is forbidden 2.2What do we learn about God's provision for us if we obey Him GThere is nothing God cannot do for us when we put our complete trust in Him
1. What kind of courage does it take for Elijah to go before Kung Ahab? -It is courage of knowing the news he had fir King Ahab comes direct from Yahweh 'the true Gid and whatever God reveal is true and no one can Go against His word even Baal whom King Ahab was worshipping 1.1 What danger does it bring to Elijah? It pose a danger of not being listened to , taking the fact that King Ahab was now worshipping false idols . Also Elijah being an ordinary man you would not take as God's spokesman , but because of his faith in God and hated idol worship he find courage And Elijah being true man of God was courageous to bring these news tothe King 1.2Why is speaking in truth to power so difficult when power structures are corrupt? Danger of being killed for speaking what , ears do not want to hear or to believe might have been difficult for Elijah , but because of mandat coming from above he had to do it
According to John1:1 when did Jesus appear to the son?John 1 tells us in the beginning was the word , meaning Jesus was there before creation How Devine is He . Jesus was ever present from the beginning v, being God thus make Him completely Devine What theological term describing Jesus becoming human being ? Incarnation In what way does He's bring us favour and grace from God? In that while we were still sinners He died for us ,to up our sins In His own body In what way does He demand that we acknowledge His truth? By us choosing light over darkness