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Everything posted by Zibuyile
Q.27 In what sense has Jesus saved His people from their sins? By dying on the cross for them, He paid price for their sins What does Isaiah 53:6 teach us about how Jesus saved us from our sins? It teaches us that God laid up our sins on Jesus , and carried them on our behalf In what way is Jesus like a sacrifice for Sins? His blood shed on the cross , not for His sins but fir our sins
Q.26 Why do you think Luke felt important to tell a story from Jesus boyhood? So that we get understanding of how Jesus grew up , lbeing raised in a normal family being taught by His parents and Him paying respect What do we learn about Jesus about this? Him being full God was raised like a normal human being , being taught as He grew up like all other children , learning about religion , respect and being obedient to adults. Why is taking time to prepare and grow so important? It is in the time of preparation that you grow to maturity and get to understand what is expected of you Why are we tempted to short circuit it by our impatience? We don't want to wait and we want things to happen the way we want them and in our own time
Q25.What does the ancient of days grant the son of man? Authority , power and sovereignty Why do you think Jesus used the title the son of man. To indicate that He is the Son of mean prophesied about in Daniel's book What does Authority of Jesus mean to you and your life. He has all the Authority over my life and that I should give in to Him fully and allow Him to work in my life
Q 24 Mathew 2:13-24 What can we learn from Joseph 's action. We learn about a man who is obedient and yielded to the voice of the angel to flee, taking in mind that at some point the angel came to him to tell him not to live Mary who was pregnant through the Holy Spirit , now he knows better What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God You don't need to know about the outcome , just have to take God at His word and believe in Him How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Betlehem? God has always been good , and nothing bad comes from Him , but it's the work of the devil that we experience bad things in life Do you believe God honors them as good martrys fir the Messiah? Yez
Q23.According to John1-4 when did Jesus appear in the scene? The book of Joh say "In the beginning there was word, meaning Jesus was existing in the beginning of the world How Devine was He? Fully Devine What was the theological term describing Jesus becoming g Fully human ? The word became in flesh In what way does He bring us favour and grace from God By Him loving us and forgave us of all our sins In what way does He demand us that we acknowledge His truth? Jesus said I'm the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through Him
Q21. Why is it so hard for us to value the time we spend in meditation and prayer We had a lot in our minds that takes our time , causing us to have less time in prayer and meditation Which is the time of our day that we think the Lord values the most? Anytime is valuable, but in the early morning we are fresh and we are able to think clearly and more likely to hear the Lord cause our minds are not cluttered with day's issues How does listening to God propels Anna's ministry? Anna spend her time in the temple inquiring of the Lord , and being devoted in Him , which made her yield yo the voice of God
Q20. Why does the Lird send Semoen to the temple on this day So that he can see baby Jesus before he dies as was prophesied that he will not die having not seen the Messiah
Q19.Why IA the sudden return of Jesus so fearful ? Because when He comes He will come as a judge How were these verses fulfilled in Jesus days? Jesus preached forgiveness of sin and repentance to inherit everlasting life How will they be fulfilled at His second coming?He will come as a judge to those who did not repent from their sins
Q18.Which of Christ preeminence and greatness is especially meaningful to you He is the beginning and the end He was there in the beginning everything came through Him and exist forever What does it means for Christ to humble Himself To be an example unto us tha t we need to humble ourselves so that God can lift us up Why is incarnation such a miracle?
IQ17.How did the sheperds know where to find the holy family? The Angel told them What was their response in finding Christ? They told everyone who was there what the Angel has told them about Christ What was Mary's reaction? She kept the news within herself and pondered about what was said
Q15 Why is it important for us to know the governor during Jesus birth Herold the Great was the governor at that time and was known to be ruthless king. Mary and Josrph faced hardship under hisvrulership . Knowing who was a ruler gives us insight of the conditions at time of Jesus birth and that Jesus as our king also went through difficulties What difficulties did Mary and Joseph face? Having to travel long hours to Jerusalem fir census as was decreed .Mary highly pregnant and Time of birth near had to give birth to Jesus in Manger as there was no hotel available for them . Why do you think God allowed such difficulties? Gor us to witness that even the King of kings went through difficulties and us also are not immuned to not face hardships in our lives Why He allowed difficulties in our lives? So we may learn from Jesus that if He endured hardship , we also will face such in our lives and be able to conquer inspire of
Q.14 why do you think God sent Jesus into world To redeem us from the pit of he'll What does 8t mean He redeemed you? To be taken out of What does it mean to be adopted Being taken as son or daughter being made co heirs with Christ What is you inheritance Salvation
Q.13 Where is love mist at home? In times of strife or in peace Misre in times of peace How can you bring peace from Jesus in your world. By loving Jesus and transferring that love to other people What does our passage say about emptiness of winning as our ultimate value?
Q12.Why do you think God has special place in His heart for the poor. They are the most looked down upon , unloved and unrecognized. Even if it is so God loved them as His children Who are the unloved , unlocked upon in your city? The orphans , the widows uneducated What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love to them? Nothing much personally , but where help is due I help
Q11 Why do we resist letting Messiah govern our lives? We think we can do it on our own Why don't we seek his counsel more often We've got earthly counselors whom we think will give us best advises , which are quick rather than seeking God Why is surrender to His leadership so difficult for us? Fear of being exposed of our sinful nature What can we do about this hardness we found in ourlives? We need to repent and seek God earnestly
Q10 According to Psalm 110:1 what is Jesus doing at present. He is sitting at the right hand of God What would He altimeter succeed in doing. Making His enemies footstool What is primary role of a priest To mediate between God and people How does Jesus function as a priest who brings us to God? Whatever that we need from God we ask through Jesus Christ our mediator
Q9 Why did Jesus provoke such negetive reactions from some people? Because some of them want to do as they wish without counsel of God Why do people resistany kind of authority? They don't want anyone to tell them what to do , and want to do their own way What should we do when we detect rebellion in our own heart We need to repent and seek forgiveness from God What does it mean to kiss the son To give reference to the son or pay respect
Q7.Why is a never ending Kingdom an anomalyin world history Because it's something the world cannot grasp and in its natural mind Why is a just and righteous government so rare? We are living in a world of sin , therfore righteousness is impossible What justice will Jesus bring when He return? To judge the sinners and save His own
Q8 Joseph's character Joseph was a man of integrity , although aware of the impact of Mary's pregnancy was going to do to Him and community , but he chose to listen to the angel and went on with the wedding. He us portrayed as man if great faith Taking Mary to his home as wife was going to tarnish his reputation , as Mary was pregnant before marriage but chose to go on with the wedding inspite of
Q6. Title given to Jesus by Isaiah Prince of peace He will bring peace on earth Wonderful counselor Whenever we need advice and counsel , Jesus is going to be that in us Everlasting father A father that will always with us , never live nor forsake us till the end Mighty God He is our strength when we are weaken .Whenever troubles if life overwhelm us He is the to give us power to conqour
Q5.Why do people choose to live in the darkness when light is available. Fear of changing from their weaked ways will cause people to reject light when it comes Wh di people seem to resist the light if Jesus Light brings illumination , therefore people will reject light from Jesus they fear exposure Why do sometimes resist to step into Jesus light Unbelief How has light transform your reputation in circle of friends It exposed how much I have sinned and needing salvation if Jesus Christ in order to step into the light
2. Why did the angel put Elizabeth and Mary together? To confirm to Mary the truth of the angel's prophecy How is Elizabeth a comfort to Mary? Both of them have encountered what was impossible and Mind blowing , they needed each other for a comfort How is Mary encouraged in Elizabeth? Mary had just received overwhelming news and Elizabeth was also dealing with miraculous birth of a son as was prophesied
Q1.whst honor did God bestow on Mary? The one of Being the mother to His son Jesus Christ What would this honor cost her. It will cost her being pregnant and young age and out of wedlock What does her response to the angel indicate? That she is willing to do what God wants with her what discipleship lesson we learn from Mary's answer? As discipleship we need to honor and do what the Lord require of us.
Q2. Quiet Time
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q2. What connects us to the mind of Christ? Spending more time with Him enable us to know His thoughts 2.Do you have a regular quiet time with Him? Yes 3.What could you do to make it more meaningful? Stay connected fo Christ contue reading the word and prayeer -
Q1. Prayer and Sensitivity
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q1. Mark 1:33-39 What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus prayer life? He will go in the early hours of the morning to pray. Why do you think He spent Quiet time with the father in the early hours before the day begins? In the early morning its there is stillness and is able to hear, hence he said He does what His father told Him to do How does this prepare Him for His ministry? Spending time with His father prepares Him to be able go perfom His mission He came on earth for, of healing the sick setting captive free and preach the gospel