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Everything posted by Zibuyile
Q4. Greater Things
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q4. What benefit is there to the disciple that Jesus goes away? That He will send the Holy spirit to be with them What promise in John 14v12 concerning Spirits power in believers? They will do things that Christ did , and even greater things. -
Q5. Truth Guide
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q5.In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth. By us taking cognisance of His presence in our lives, knowing its Him who leads us Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of faith? No its apply yo us even today In what sense does it apply to us? As it says in John 16 that He will guide us in all truth. We also need to yield to prompting of Holy Spirit and His guidance -
Q1. Another 'Paraclete'
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q1.in what way is Holy Spirit another Paraklete? It came to comfort, help and advocates for the disciples . Jesus said to His disciple ' I will ask the father to send another comforter mHe will be with you forever. Who was the initial Paraclete? Jesus was In what way can the Holy Spirit replace Him ? He will be be within them as their helper How was He with the disciples? By being babtised with Holy Spirit When will He be 'in them' He will be within them(inside) of them forever -
Q3. Power of the Spirit
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q3,Did Jesus do miracles by reason of being the unique Son of God ir by means of power of Holy Spirit? Because of the power of Holy Spirit within Him Also being Son of God played part ,nas Jesus was babtised the voice came that He is indeed God's son and people to listen to Him, whatever Jesus do or say carry power -
Q2. Son Can Do Nothing
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q2 What does Jesus statement "The son can do nothing by himself"indicate about His relationship with the father. Iindicates that all that Jesus do is the will of God and apart from Him , He can do nothing. Why did Jesus have to empty Himself from His heavenly glory when He became a man? So that he can identify with man, to know what troubles men and understand our pain. That is why He was able to carry the cross as He understood His mission to die for the sins of men -
Q4. Send the Spirit
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
1. Who sends the Holy Spirit? John 14v16 Jesus said 'And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper Jesus cannot do anything independent of the father , both working hand in hand Does it matter? Yes it does. God the Father , son and Holy Spirit(Trinity) -
Q4. Upon All Flesh
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q4. What promises do we find in Jieland Ezekiel concerning Holy Spirit? God promised outpouring of Holy Spirit on all mankind I Joel : Sons and daughters will proohesy, Old msn dream dreams, Young men see visions In Ezekiel He eould remove stoney hearts and put hearts of flesh causing thdm to salk in God's statutes - Tge recepients if this pronise are alk who call upon the name if the Lord -
Q3. Spirit and Messiah
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q3. What promise God make to Isaiah about Messiah In Isaiah 11 Messiah will come frim descendent of Jesse .Holy Spirit will rest upon the Isaiah 61 The Holy Spirit within Him will enable Him to preach the good news to the lost, ti set caotives free, to mebd broken hearted abd opening of prisons to those who are bound -
Q2. The 70 Elders
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q2. What enabled 70 people to lead? The Spirit in them that was taken from Moses enabled them -What hapoened when Holy Spirit comes upon them? They were able to orophesy and to lead -WHY DOES Moses want Holy Spirit to fall upon all of them. Si that they will be able to prophesy and speak God"s word and be able to kead the people -
Q1. The Spirit Upon
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
1.God's purpose of putting His spirit on sekected individuals Whenever God wanted to convey message to His people He would annoint an individual eg Prophet to reveal Himself through them eitger to give a warning or instructions What effect does Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God The relationship is strengthned Eg David always inquired of the Kord whenever seeking advise abd he knew whatever God telks him will make him conquer -
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
1.why does David command mercy for Absolom? He loved his son too much 2.Why does Joab kill him against Davis's orders? He knew as long as Absolom lives David will never find peace 3.How does David loud mourning threaten his kingdom? People will see what they have done was in vain as he is not showing appreciation , but mourning for the son who threatened to kill him 4What does this say about his loyalty followers? The people who loved showed loyalty and faught to win against Absolom were going to loose their loyalty towards him. 5.What does this say about David's faith/ weakness David still ha faith as he still has weakness , by ordering his men not to kill his son -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
1.Why doesn't David silence Shimei from cursing? Because he believed that what was saying was punishment fro God 2.Is this political or spiritual decision? Spiritual decision 3.What diesbit tells about David's faith? He still a man of faith , who still obeys God's command -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
1.Why David flee Jerusalem rather than stay and fight? He feared being attacked by Absolom , if they stay they will suffer hungry as the didn't have enough time to collect stock of food 2.What are David's emotions during this retreat? Food supplies was going to be a problem, Weak military ,not enough shoulders to fight Absolom 3.Why doesn't he take the ark with him? He realised that what is happening was God's discipline as was prophesied by Nathan, believed God will forgive him if he dies right even without the ark being with him 4.Does this exhibit faith or fatalism or submission? Exhibit submission 5.What does this tell us about his faith? That David hasn't lost faith in God, will still forgive him for his wrong doings -
Q3. Confrontation
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
1.Why might be dangerous for Nathan to confront David? As a king David might not have listened to him and disregard what he was telling him 2.What device he used to get David listen to him. He narrated a story which was similar yo what David did 3.Nathan God David ,the story he narrated was referring to him and what he did. He condemned himself as he already said the man who did this does not deserve to live -
Q2. Adultery and Murder
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
1. David commit adultery and murder, What does this teach us about our human condition? As human we found ourselves following the **** of the the flesh , which cause us problems in long run. David after realising what he has done ended up committing murder to cover up his tracks. 2.What is our problem as humans? We do not allow Holy Spirit to lead us at all times and when temptation comes we yield to it without thinking about consequences. 3.How can David recover his integrity after this? Through repentance and asking God for forgiveness -
Q1. Mephibosheth
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
Why did David honour Mephi? Because of the covenant between him and Mephi's father (Jonathan ) to protect each other. 2.What this teach us about David's David's character? David's integrity as he honoured his promise to Jonathan's children even though he is no more -
Q3. Discipline and Covenant
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
How did God discipline David and his descendants. He punished them with rod of men , but never took His love away from them -
Q2. The Unconditional Covenant
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
1.What are the main promises of Davidic covenant? 1.1 Dynasty 1.2 His son will build the temple of God 1.3An everlasting kingdom 2.Are these promises conditional or unconditional? Are unconditional What does conditional makes a difference? Conditional means provided you do something tha a promise is fulfilled 3.Which of this promises is most important to you as Christian? Everlasting kingdom -
Q1. Premature Approval
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
1.Whi is Nathan too quick at giving David approval . Its because he knew how much David loves the Lord , and how he would always inquire of God whenever he will go to attack 2.What should have Nathan done? He should inquired of the Lord first before giving his approval 3.What is danger of not Risk of taking decisions out of God 's will which God do not approve of 5.Which part was David right? That God do want the temple to be build -
Q2. God's Way
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
1.Why did God struck Uzzah? Because he touched the Ark with his hand and God "s anger was upon him 2, Why was David angry? Because God was angry with Uzzah for touching the Ark and Gid killed him -
Q3. Continual Seeking
Zibuyile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
1.Why did David inquire of the Lird before attacing the Phillistines? He knew that his help comes from the Lord. 2.What would have happened if he didn't inquire of the Lord? Should he had attacked without inquire the Lord he would had put himself in danger of being defeated 3.Why do we often want to figure the process so we act independently? Acting in our own understanding that we are able forgetting we cannot independent of God and we need His guidance at all times. 4.What does that say about God? He is not a man that He should lie , whatever He promised He fulfils. 5.What does it says about us. We are not God , therefore we don't have all the answers and solutions , and we need God all times -
1. David sees Saul as the mighty one , annointed by God to be king of Israel 2.The chronicler sees Saul as being unfaithful to the Lord , he did not keep God's word to the point of consulting medium for guidance 3.God evaluates Saul's life , as one who became disobedient to His word and did things that displease God 4.From this we learn that we need to put all our trust in God , for whatever situations we face in life . We should inquire of Him and God will give us guidance.