1 The sound of wind. In the Old Testament wind is ruwach in Hebrew meaning wind, breath and spirit. In Ezekiel 37: 9, breath comes from the wind(ruwach) and gives life to the slain. So the sound of the wind in the Acts 2;1~4 means that the presence of Holy Spirit (ruwach) sending breaths upon the disciples giving lives to them.
2 Tongues of fire. In the Old Testament, God appeared in fire(Exo 19:18) or in a flame of fire(Exo 3:2). In the Acts 2:3 the tongues of fire does not mean tongues but fire in the form of tongue. It means presence of God was there. It is God Himself that came upon each disciples and poured the Holy Spirit in them.
3 Of the spontaneous speaking of the praises of God in other languages. In the OT when the Spirit of God came upon individuals they prophesied in Hebew (Num11:25, 26, 1Sam 10:6, 10, 19:20). In those cases it was not known what kind of prophesies were given however it can be presumed to be some kind of praises. In Act 2, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they started speaking with other tongues. According to the tradition of OT, they would speak Hebrew as those who were there to hear them were devout Jews and converts. The Spirit’s making the disciples speak in other tongues signifies that the salvation is extended to the gentiles.