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Question 2. By Being humble I am allowing the love of God in me to control my thoughts, emotions, and my actions . Being humble makes me aware of others needs and prompts me to build them up. In the career world to manage up. It also allows me peace knowing that I am doing his will and that I see others as God sees them and also sees me with a love that is unconditional. By being prideful I am allowing self to take control. It’s all about self no thought of God or of my neighbor. It’s what makes me happy, what puts me at the top and makes me most noticed. And I have no peace because I always need to be thinking one step ahead of all the rest to be the best. What Is My Character? Who am I? Who and What do I follow after? What do I do to accomplish my goals? Who and what is effected by my striving? What is my end result. Who and what is effected by my end result. And what the benefits to me and those that are affected by me.
We all have needs, I especially know what I need, but I know who provides for me. Sometimes my faith weakens (or a lot of the times), but when I look back, I see how God has provided for my needs even when I didn’t ask. So I feel at times that God blessed me so I could bless others, it’s kind of like I’m fulfilling God’s expectations of me. I have what I have because of him, now go out and bless others in his name with goodness, kindness, compassion, and love. Although I need to be vigilant and watch that I realize none of this. (comes from me but him.). I need to confess of those thoughts and redirect myself in humility, knowing it’s his control that allows my every move and thought, I just have to listen with my whole heart.(my emotions and feelings.) with my soul.(that’s who I am, the personality That he gifted me with, and my mind (my choices that I make to follow him and do his will, to reach others that are not only poor in material needs, but poor in spirit, to look beyond myself and to see others and love others as God sees them, and as God loves them. To realize that being high and lifted up is his place not mine. I want to draw others to Jesus not me. In humility I back off and raise him up. I think none of this is possible without Love. Loving God with my whole heart, my whole mind and my whole soul.
Jesus couldn’t take on human flesh while still holding on to his divine prerogatives. He had to make himself of no reputation, nothing, emptying himself taking the very nature of a servant, to be found in the appearance of a man. Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, since He already possessed equality with His Father, but he was willing to humble himself to obey the Father. He humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on the cross. Jesus gave up His relative attributes of deity. He gave up his omnipresence, omnipotence, and His omniscience, while retaining His essential attributes: holiness, love and righteousness. In order for Me to accomplish the will of God in my life, I have to become as a humbled servant willing to give up whatever status I believe I have. Emptying myself to serve others as s testimony of whom I truly believe and belong to. I need to Truly do what Jesus would do.
Jesus became the guilty and took on himself the punishment bearing it away from me. For me in Isaiah 53:6, Jesus was pierced for my transgressions, crushed for my iniquities. He took on the punishments which brought me peace and by his wounds I am healed. In what way is Jesus like a sacrifice for my sins. Jesus became the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, who takes away my sins.
I think Luke wants me to see that the spiritual walk is not a overnight process, but that it comes in stages. That patience is part of the process. He had to wait and go through this arduous process before becoming what the father intended, It was necessary, it was clear to Jesus. We learn that Jesus grew in stages, even though he was God he never lost sight of his responsibility to be obedient and respectful to his earthly parents. The reason it is important to take time to grow is to prevent me from making a mistake. To make sure I am where I should be with God before I start sharing with others about him. I need His Grace to grow, to realize my spiritual strengths, to learn His word, then and only then will I be ready to venture out in whatever ministry God is leading me into. Maybe I am not as connected to the Lord as I should be. I have not listened, to him and his directions, I have listened to others who drew me into areas of my walk that may have hindered me.
The Son of man was granted Authority, glory, and Sovereignty and Power, By the Ancient of Days. Which is the Lord God Himself. I think Jesus used the title, The Son Of Man, so that those who knew Scripture would know that He was proclaiming to be the Messiah according to Daniels prophecy. Jesus has authority over my life. He is all authority over everything. He has all power, He is all Sovereign, He is the all knowing ruler. Jesus is the All in All, my All in All.
God’s plan was worked out by Joseph’s obedience. Joseph trusted God, I don’t have to know the outcome if I trust God. Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. God’s purpose not ours not mine. Those babies are with him never to experience the physical and mental issues of the world. And it it is His Will for His plan. I don’t think martyrdom matters where these babies are concerned, it was not their choice it was the Lord’s. It was all part of His plan.
I think for most Gift Giving is traditional, but I think the gifts that we give should be out of Love. I give gifts to those I love or to those in whom God wants me to give to, in order to demonstrate his love. Although I have to admit I don’t always follow his wish. I think the Magi’s gifts were appropriate, because he was a King and these were gifts you would present to a king. God’s plan, even though he was a young child God made a way for them to be taken care of. The Gift I can give him is my self wholly. Whatever I have is his, but my my love for him is demonstrated through my heart of giving.
I think we are created to make the choice to be independent apart from him. The Lord wants us to choose him, to be dependent on Him. I can go into the wrong direction if I being self directed. Accepting his kingship over my life gives him charge over whatever decisions I need to make. By choosing to be dependent on Him I’m choosing to walk with Him, Obey Him and make Him king of my life. Whatever accomplishments I attain will not be due to something I did due to determination, to be proud of, but because I was determined to trust the Lord, make him King over my life and acknowledge only through his power and blessing I am who I am not of anything I did.
I find it hard to value my time spent in meditation and prayer because of the distractions in my life , or should I say the distractions I allow in my life. There are so many negative things going on in the world and within my own family and myself that I allow them to overwhelm me instead of surrendering them all including myself to the Lord and focusing on Him in prayer, praise and thanksgiving . My prayer for me is Lord please give me a fire for prayer. I think the Lord values all day, but first thing in the morning benefits us to be with him. To start the day cleansed and prayed up. Knowing that we have offered our prayers up to the Lord for all those we love and deeply care about and surrendered them up for the day leaving them in God’s hands. Scripture states pray without ceasing so communication with God through out the day is a habit we should seek, But we can rest peacefully knowing that through early communication with the Lord, our day and the days of those we pray for, and circumstances, have already been covered. Anna’s listening propels her ministry for she knows it’s the Lord and she is ready to obey.
God sends Simeon to the temple to fulfill his revelation to him and Bless him deeply by allowing him to see the promised one. I think it is recorded by Luke because he was the one who was spoke details of personal blessings. Which revealed to us how God blessed Simeon and how patient he was and that now that Jesus was revealed to him the Lord could take him home. His prophecy states Jesus will come save the Gentiles and the Jew. Isaiah stated in his Prophecy all men. Jesus came for the Jews first but once rejected by the Jews God offered the Gentile salvation through Jesus. The piercing of the sword through Mary’s soul, was fulfilled by the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. Unbelievable and Unbearable pain!
The suddenness of Christ’s coming can be fearful for those who have not repented. There will be no forgiveness, no second chances. Verse one tells us that John the Baptist is coming to prepare the way for Jesus. Jesus is the one who comes to the temple and preaches the word to those who will hear. The word In Verse 2 that he preaches is how he will one day purge a d purify them from all their unrighteousness . He will be back to fulfill what he preached for all that believe and for those that do not believe. Not just for the few when he walked the earth before his death, but for the many who have not seen and believe and those who heard and refuse to accept . Woe to them!
The quality of Christ’s preeminence and greatness that means most to me is from verse 17, He was created before all things and then he created me, but does not leave me to myself by continues on with me . He does not leave me or forsake me. Deuteronomy 31:6 He became a mere man the least of all to set an example of what we’re to be. Jesus did not come to be served He came to serve. The Incarnation is such a miracle, because it happened only once and it involved The Lord, who willingly came to earth for us to die for us. Unconditionally!! He Loves Us!!
The Shepard’s knew where to find the Babe because the Angel told them. In the city of David in a manger wrapped In swaddling clothes. The response to finding the Christ child was that they went out and made known to all those abroad, what was told to them, and I’m sure how it was delivered. And they left that place worshipping and Glorifying God for all the things that had heard and seen. Mary pondered what the shepherds told her, as she pondered everything in her heart that had taken place in her life over the past 9 or 10 months.
I think the angels shocked the Shepherds with God’s radiant glory as a example of what God was sending into the world, the messiah, the King of Kings, the Light of the World. I think they came in such a magnificent light to shock them and display the power of God by displaying the Glory of God that shone all about them. The good news that the angels brought the shepherds was Peace between God and Mankind. The evidence to authenticate the Angels information was A Babe wrapped in clothes lying in a manger.