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Everything posted by Reina

  1. Jesus is my counselor, I can go to him, and I should when there are things in my life where his guidance is imperative. I can always trust his decisions and guidance. He is the Mighty Supreme Being. There is nothing he can’t do that he has not already done. I can trust him to protect me against all things. Everlasting Father, He Will each over me and guard me and supply all my needs. He is my Prince of Peace, He is my keeper, He is there to help me figure things out. To reconcile the issues of life and to realize that nothing matters, but the peace and fulfillment and the wholeness he brings into my life.. I should realize that He is all that matters and all I need. He was there in the beginning of my life, and He will be there in the end when I go home to be with him. Thank You Lord God!!
  2. The blessings of God where and still are given, To all who become sons of God through his Son Jesus Christ. Abrahams sacrifice of Isaac was a prefigure of the sacrifice of Jesus in that it was Abrahams one and only Son. He was willing to sacrifice to God the son that he yearned for his whole life. And The Lord seeing his faith and trust and obedience sent a substitute. Likewise Jesus is our substitute. If we believe, trust, and obey.
  3. People choose to live in darkness when light is available because the God of this age had blinded the eyes of the unbeliever, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel and the Glory of Christ , who is in the image of God. I think people resist the light because of the draw of this world which is not of the Lord. Satan makes it so appealing in his battle to destroy us. If we live in the light we cannot conform to this world. I cannot be a I am not friends with this world. Why don’t I always step into the light? I allow the things of this world to become more important. My light is taken away when I feel rejected by others when I worry about things I cannot change. Lack of prayer time and fellowship with God. The bottom line is I walk not in the light when I trust not My God!! Light transformed the reputation of Galilee when Christ stepped into it. To be honest I’m not sure what they think. I’m not a part of they’re worldly lives. I’m not included, not sure if they even think of me when I’m absent from their presence. But my prayer from this day foreword is that my light will reflect whom I am in Christ.
  4. What does the image of the Lion tell me about the descendant of Judah? It tells me that He is mighty above all, as the lion is mightiest in all his kingdom. He is powerful and there is none that can stand against Him. The King of Judah is a mighty Ruler!! How does He qualify for the Promise of the Ruling Scepter? Because he is the Mighty Ruler, He has the power to pass judgement. This is the symbolism of the power He has, to rule not only over Israel, but to rule over all the Nations. Why is obedience hard for me? Because I want control, as liken unto a young child I still want to do things my way. My way is better because it’s faster. When I am disobedient, I am not being submissive to God and His word. I am lacking in humility, telling God I am better than Him and my ways are better. Why is Obedience important for me? All throughout the word, disobedience produces death and destruction . From the beginning with Adam and Eve and through out the word disobedience has caused heartache and Death. The Lord God wants us to be obedient because it is His protection to give us life. Not only life on this earth, but eternal life.
  5. I Think The Lord put them together for support. A testimony to each of them of his power and that through these miracles, He was with them and would be with them through this unusual journey. Also Elizabeth being much older and wiser can see that she (Mary), is Blessed and Favored by God and and comforts her by assuring her that she will be fine, that their God is with her because her situation is from God. And Mary comforts Elizabeth by just being in her presence for she knows that she carries her redeemer and the redeemer of the world. Im not sure who I comfort , but I have my friends from my Bible study and my sister who comfort me and support me in my walk.
  6. He bestowed on Mary blessings, the Angel stated Blessed are you among women!! By accepting this holy fate she was jeopardizing her marriage and the fact that she would be accused of losing her virginity. She was known by God to be a Faithful servant. A young woman of strong faith.
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