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Q4. The Prayer of Surrender
Sparkle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
A prayer f surrender means giving someone else full authority to do as they please and have full reign over our lives. I have been in a place before where I didn't want to surrender all of me to God. Just like Pastor Wilson said, "we are too scared of what God may test us with." The not knowing what God may throw our way is scary, but like Pastor Wilson said, "if we trust in Him completely, and as you've learned from David, to trust the seeking, questing, probing God, you are now able to surrender yourself to him willingly, actively to his refining care. I pray this prayer all of the time. I ask God to reveal what is in my heart that I may repent and turn away from my sins. When its comes to asking God to test me, I don't think I have prayed that part before. I am not sure of what I pray all of the time is the same prayer as asking God to test me though. I say no. I don't know how can someone truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ if they haven't been tested with tests and trials in their lives? You can't connect with anyone if you haven't been through something, and only God was able to bring you out of it and give you hope. -
Q3. Intricate Prenatal Weaving
Sparkle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
I believe that it is meant to encourage me in knowing that, the God of the universe created every part of me. I am no accident. I was created with great care and detail, and I was created with so much love and value in mind. For a woman who has carried three amazing daughters, it's mind boggling to know that as my babies grew inside of me God is knitting and forming the to be who He desired and purposed them to be. Though society have their opinions about children and their parents. We may have been a part of conceiving our babies, but God has everything to do with who they are and will be. I wish I had this question 26 years ago. (Never thought of this scripture in this way before.) As for myself being knitted by the hands of God, and knowing that my parents had very little to do with who I am (not saying I don't have any of their traits or looks)is so amazing!! As long as I have been a Christian I have never looked at this passage like this. I know I said a lot, but I don't think I am doing any justice in my answers. -
Q2. Touched by the Hand of God
Sparkle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
In these verses I felt the Psalmist was saying that God was His protection and safety. Not only from people, but from himself as well. I have felt God's hand on me my entire life. There are just things that have or haven't taken place in my life, that I know God's hand has been on my life. I will say that I have had both the good and bad. But it was all for my good! -
Q1. Fleeing from God
Sparkle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
I believe people feel from God for various reasons. Either selfish-ambitions; they don't want to follow the "rules" God has set in His word, they have been hurt or experienced something tragic in their lives and can't understand why God would allow something He knew would hurt them beyond measure, and then there is our own **** and entice. We are pulled away by **** of the eye and the pride of life. I believe people think that God isn't omnipresent, that He fills all space. I think they feel like He's not in their face like you and I would be. It's easy to hide from a human being when you are trying to get away from them or hide a side from them they haven't shown anyone. When God's word begins to become a mirror of themselves, that can be a little too much for some to handle. God can't be seen, so they feel like they can leave God, and God can't see the innermost things in their hearts. -
The basis of Hezekiah's prayer is so his nation is leaderless and because he didn't have an heir to the throne. When we are God's children and we are living a life that is pleasing to Him, He said in His word that there is no good thing that He would withhold from us when we fear Him with reverential fear. Just like it was said in the devotion. As parent we tend to reward our children when they have been obedient. God is similar in this way. When we are obedient and living a righteous and holy life before Him, He is more willing to answer our prayers. When we are sinning and being rebellious or in a backslidden state, God may not answer our prayers. Without sugar coating, God isn't going to gift or bless a sinful person.
The first line of Hezekiah's prayer acknowledges who God is just like the Lord's prayer. Acknowledging who God is important to our faith, because how can we have faith in God and not know who He is. Knowing God is part of having a relationship with Him. When we tell God who He is, we are literally giving Him back His word. The Bible says that, "God's word cannot return to Him void." God can't ignore His word or who He is.
The significance is that Hezekiah is bringing the battle to God. The underlying principle is that the battle is the Lord's! We can apply this principle to our own lives by taking every challenge, obstacle, or battle to God first. We tend to panic and worry and try to fix it first. Our first instinct should be to take everything to the Lord in prayer and seek His wisdom and guidance in how to handle the what's before us. I know in my own life, when I try to handle things on my own and in my own strength I can make the situation worse. I am also frustrated and angry and lost nit knowing what to do.
Because giving is a response to a generous and godly behavior. When we get into an attitude of possessiveness, we tend to treat our possession like a idol or god. That gets in the way of worship because our attention and life revolves around those possessions, and we tend to take our focus and our attention off of our God is deserving and worthy of all of our praise and worship. He created, owns, and gives us the ability to obtain the possessions in the first place. Everything belongs to Him, and Him alone. We shouldn't get attached or worship anything in this world. Nothing on this earth should make or break us because it it has nothing to do with our eternal salvation with the Father. God comes first and everything I have shouldn't come before Him in any way shape or form. I live, I move, and I have my very being because of my Father in Heaven and Him alone! Acts 17:28.
When I begin to pray I let God know that I know that He is Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End, He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, that He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I tell Him that there is no one like Him and no one can love me the way He loves me. He is all powerful and He can do anything. I live, I move, and I have my very being because of Him. I believe it would be found in the Lord's prayer where it says,"for Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen. My favorite songs that point to God's greatness are: Alpha and Omega Israel Houghton I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You Revelation 19:1 by Maverick City Wreckless Love by Hillsong I am Loved by Maverick City Abba by Great I Am by Phillip, Craig, and Dean Ghost by Mercy Me So Will I by Hillsong I have SO many ?
Praise exalts God through our expression of who God is and what He represents. We should exalt God because He is God! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. When we exalt God it gives us respect and a reverence for the God we serve. It also ushers us into the presence of God. It says that we love God and w want to show Him just how much we love and adore Him.
When you have a broken heart and spirit, you are physically and emotionally crushed by your sin against the Father. It's essential because until we are truly sorry and sincere in our repentance we won't know forgiveness. It is a sacrifice because we are denying ourselves and our emotions and our justifications and offering God a sacrifice of ourselves in our change. We tend to resist because in my opinion we take God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness for granted.
Q3. A Pure Heart
Sparkle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
Yes. If we are sincere in our request for forgiveness, God's forgiveness is what makes us clean. Our part is to be sincere and believe that we are forgiven. -
No. David isn't minimizing his sins, I don't believe he is trying to maximize them either. I believe he already knew what he did was wrong, but when God sent Nathan to confront David about His sin, David's is faced with that He has offended His God that he loved and it brought upon a sincere heartfelt prayer for pardon. If we don't take ownership of our sins and we try to justify the why, we aren't really sincere and taking responsibility. We are just saying empty words. God does know the intent of our heart.