The perfect law that God established gives freedom. Once we are saved, we have a daily choice to live our lives in good holy way or continue doing the things of the old us. The perfect law which encompasses love and forgiveness, needs to be translated into actions in order for it to be shown, portrayed and lived as an example to others. If we are not doing it in tangible ways, then people will not be able to see God at work, on earth, through His people. And this doing of His Word or Law comes from the motivation given in James 2:8 as professed by Jesus that it's only possible through love that we are able to do anything in life for ourselves and most importantly for others. True hearts, refined by Christ, long to show and spread His love among His people and to the world at large. That's why to profess His love, loving our neighbours (everyone in the world) in actions is connected and the most valuable Christian value. It also helps us to not become hypocrites, or legalists, but the opposite, that is a loving and love giving child of God. Saying I love you, but not embracing it through touch and empathy, is not living the Word.