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Q5. Living to Please God
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q5. (Hebrews 13:16, 20-21) What are the actual requests being made of God in this great benediction? We are to please God with our praise and to share and bless others. God will equip me to do everything that is good that he may work in me what is pleasing to him through Jesus Christ. What "pleases" God according to verses 16 and 20? When we give him praise and allow him to do a good work in us. Why should we "make it our aim to please him" (2 Corinthians 5:9, NRSV)? To give him the glory and honor that he deserves. Jesus laid his life down for mine to be saved. He has forgiven me of my sins, healed my body and keeps me each and everyday. I love the Lord because he first loved me, he gives me new grace and mercy everyday that I don’t deserve. -
Q3. Yesterday, Today, Forever
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? To remind them that God hasn’t changed, he’s still the same God who freed them from Egypt, kept them in the wilderness and lead them into the promised land. For you? It reminds me that I’m his, even when I have an off day he loved me yesterday and he still loves me today. I’m forgiven, chosen, that God doesn’t move off emotions like we do. He will keep his word because it never changes, it encourages me, makes me want to know more about him. Reminds me that I am never alone for he is always with me. For understanding just who Jesus is? The King of Glory, our Redeemer our Savior. Our Lord, healer, way maker, he’s my everything. For believing in the power of God for today? Everything that God promised he is going to do, whether it be in your life, your families or this world it will come to pass. He is still as powerful today as he was when he spoke to Abraham. He loves all of us with an ever lasting love and he has plans and a purpose for each of our lives. -
Q3. Yesterday, Today, Forever
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? To remind them of all Jesus did and stood for when he was here on earth, that he is still the same. For you? He’s not like man, he doesn’t change his feelings, opinions or thoughts about me. He never stops loving me even when I’ve disappointed him by making bad choices. Theres nothing I can do that would make him want to leave me, he is truth always. He isn’t moved by emotions life we are. For understanding just who Jesus is? He’s dependable, honest, unfailing, loving, perfect. He will never lie or change. For believing in the power of God for today? Knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and forever more to me means he’s all powerful, nothing caches him by surprise and theres nothing we can do to shock him because he’s seen and dealt with it all before. -
Q2. Greed and Security
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q2. (Hebrews 13:5-6) How can we recognize greed in ourselves? I can recognize greed in myself with my focus is on money and material things. What will be the signs? When you put money before God. When you can’t enjoy your self because your to concerned about how much money it’ll cost and how many hours I’ll have to work to replace what you’ve spent. When you get anxious because someone has asked you for money and you don’t want to give it to them. When you question what the church is doing with your tithes. What is the antidote for greed in our lives? Trusting that God is our helper and not money. That he will supply all our needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19) What would be the earmarks of a greed-free life? Not focusing on the material things but putting our hope in God. Love God and he will supply for you, knowing that God is your source, provider and sustainer. If not money, what should be the basis of our security for the future? Our relationship with God and our faith in him. Eternal life should be our focus not money and material things that fade away. They can’t save us. What promises do you find in verses 5 and 6? God will never leave me or forsake me. The Lord is my helper. -
Q1. Brotherly Love
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Christ loves us and we are to share that same love with everyone. Strangers and prisoners are also Gods children and they to deserve the same love and kindness that we extend to our families and friends. God commands us to love our neighbors. Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak? I love talking to strangers about God, I'm weak in the area of striking the conversation myself with a stranger. I rarely will bring up God in a conversation unless I get a feeling that they to through conversation are believers. This is something I am working on getting better about. -
Q5. The Fear of God
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
Q5. (Hebrews 12:25-29) Is a fear of God healthy? Yes If so, how? Fearing God is healthy out of respect and reverence to who he is. When does fear of God become unhealthy? Fear of God becomes unhealthy when you began to view him as a God who punishes, judges and cause’s you pain and anguish. When you began to blame God for everything or believing if there was a God thats loving why would he allow or do xyz. How does the fear of God fit with 1 John 4:18? There is no fear in love, we love God and he loves us. The fear in this passage is the same fear a child has of their parents, not wanting to disappoint or rebel against them. -
Q4. Holiness and Salvation
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
Q4. (Hebrews 12:14-17) Is the writer of Hebrews teaching salvation by being holy? No we don’t get our salvation from being holy, we get it from Jesus Christ sacrificing his life on the cross for ours. When we are saved we desire to live a holy life and become holy like Christ is holy. Why or why not? Salvation only comes through Jesus Christ, it’s not something we can do or earn on our own. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and Galatians 5:19-21. Can habitual sin deprive us of heaven? Yes If so, how? One who sins habitually isn’t seeking God to help them change their ways. It’s like theydon’t care or don’t believe, the word says those people will not inherit the kingdom of God. -
Q3. (Hebrews 12:5-7) I've sometimes heard, "God never punishes anyone." Is that true according to these verses? According to verse 5 God does punish everyone he accepts as a son, though this punishment is training us and purifying us for whatever God has planned for our lives. Not to punish us because we’ve sinned, if God punishes us for sins we’ve committed he will reveal it to us. If so, how does punishment fit into the larger overall concept of discipline and child-rearing? Training up a child in the way they should go, if you discipline them this is essential what you are doing. What is the purpose of God's discipline? To train us to be able to handle the plans he has for our lives.
Q2. Discipline and Training
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? I look at it like God still loves me, if he no longer cared would he be bothered in disciplining us. If our parents didn’t chastise us and let us do whatever we wanted and run a muck would that be considered love or that they even cared? I’d so no, you correct someone you care about and love. Correction builds character and endurance and strength to be able to face the next hurdle or even help someone else get through their trial. What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian? It allows God to do a new work in us, allows us to yield to the plans and desires he has for our lives. It strengthens our faith in trust him and depending on him and not ourselves. We geow more in our personal relationships with God and can encourage the new believer or someone who didn’t believe but now see’s how God has done a new thing in your life. -
Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? It’s wearying because it weighs you down, you see no end insight and hope is lost. Why must we continue to resist, on and on? If we don’t resist we let satan win, we won’t see the goodness of God in our lives. Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness? I have been close, even before I fully had an understanding of God I always felt like this can’t be it. Whatever situation I might have been dealing with at the time, though it’d feel like it would never end I just never could except the fact thats all there is to my life. I always believed there had to be more.
Q5. The Pioneer and Perfecter
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q5. (Hebrews 12:1-2) Who are the "great cloud of witnesses" mentioned in 12:1? The saints that have already passed on before us. What analogy to the life of faith is offered in 12:1? Ridding ourself of our sinful ways and worldly desires and running the race with strength and endurance. Knowing that God is with us, motivating and keeping us the whole way. In what way is Jesus the "author" or "pioneer" of our faith? Jesus showed us what faith in God is, he came and gave his life for all mankind. He suffered and endured running the race and finishing it knowing all along that it would end in physical death in this world and eternal life sitting at the right hand of God in heaven. How did he live by faith? Jesus didn’t change his beliefs or what he was here to accomplish. He endured suffering from his own people whom he came for, even Peter denied him at one point. Though he asked God to pass this cup over he still said let your will be done God, knowing that God is faithful and though Jesus endure hardship here on earth his suffering would save many souls. In what way is he the "finisher" or "perfecter" of our faith? Jesus perfected faith, something that we can’t do without him. He made the way for all of us to have faith and forgiveness and eternal life through his sacrifice. -
Q4. The Motivation of Faith
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q4. (Hebrews 11:8-31) What was the powerful motivating factor behind the actions taken by the people mentioned in these verses? They all had faith in God that he keeps his word. They didn’t focus on what the people around them thought about their decision to trust in God and they where willing to risk their lives for what they believed. What was this faith based on? All that they had heard or seen God do in the past. At the Red Sea, how did the Israelites' faith differ from that of the Egyptian army? The Israelites had experienced God keeping his word, saving their first borns by putting the blood over the door post, they believed God is who he says he is and that he is in control. The Egyptian army never experienced God, they had no knowledge of him nor did they seem to care to learn more about him. They thought they where god’s that they were in control, they didn’t know what faith was. Did Rahab have real faith or was she a shrewd opportunist -- or is there a difference? Rahab had to have had faith, hiding the 2 spies and even lying to the army saying they went a different way than they did. She had to believe that the God the Israelites served was greater than whatever the people around her believed to put her life and her families life in danger of being killed. A shrewd opportunist goes along with whichever way the wind blows if it benefits them, they don’t stand for anything but themselves. -
Q3. The Vision of Faith
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q3. (Hebrews 11:23-28) How did Moses' faith affect his willingness to suffer? Moses faith in God was more important to him than the pleasures from living with royalty. He knew what God had done for his people in the past saving them from Egypt and the wilderness. As well as how God spared his life by having Pharaoh’s daughter raise him. Moses was willing to suffer because he knew that God was greater than any pleasures he could gain in this world. What kind of vision did faith create for Moses? Moses knew that serving God was more important than anything he could gain in this world. I don’t think Moses realized he was suffering, God had blessed him with children and a wife during his time he was running from murder. What kind of vision does faith create for us? Faith keeps us focused on the word of God and his promises for our lives and this world. It reminds us in hardships that they are temporary, that we never suffer alone because Jesus is always with us, providing and protecting us. It reminds us that this world we live in is not our permanent home, that there is eternal life to look forward to in heaven. -
Q2. Aliens and Strangers
Dove81 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q2. (Hebrews 11:13b) In practical terms, what would be the characteristics of a believer who lived his life as an "alien" and "stranger" here on earth? They wouldn’t get attached to the things of this world nor be building up a permanent place in this world. They wont be bothered by current events, social media and politics. They’d be more focused on reading and understanding God’s word, strengthening their relationship with him, sharing the gospel and living the life God created them for. What is the balance between "in" the world but not "of" it? (John 15:19; 17:13-16; 1 John 4:4-6). Not conforming to the things of this world, standing in your beliefs in God and his word no matter what it cost you.