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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sue M

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Everything posted by Sue M

  1. Mankind is caught in a spin cycle controlled by the flesh (ego), the world, and Satan. Most do not see the extent of their fall, even later in life, because of the veil sinfulness puts over their eyes. And most exist in the disillusionment of humanism (man is mostly good) and godlessness (there is no God so we only exist). Jesus Christ, the anointed one, said no! God loves you and all mankind and has been working through all of time for a return to relationship. The amazing thing is such love for all creation when we don't deserve such love.
  2. In the state of Grace I am at peace with God and resting in the peace and favor of God. Although Grace is a noun, we can rest in it, stand in it, grow in it, or (hopefully not) fall from it. Since we do nothing of our own power and ego works to obtain grace, it is ours as children of God by faith. The opposite of standing in Grace is reflected in the words of Jesus to Saul of Tarsus: "Why are you kicking against the goads?" We struggle, we strive, we fight against the calling of the Father when we do not stand in grace and peace.
  3. Yahweh forgives all sins of the repentant. Rebellion finds it's way into those who lack humility for the grace extended, those who believe something is owed in this life. Those who refuse to surrender deny the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.
  4. I'm still pondering the book of Hosea. Is it an allegory to illustrate the unfaithfulness of Israel with the foreign gods and paganism of the nearby people, or did Hosea follow the revelations of God and learn firsthand the heartbreak of betrayal? Regardless grace and mercy are greater than our sins. Hosea must have truly loved Gomer.
  5. Yahweh is in the heart of establishing a special covenant relationship with the people of Israel. While Moses is on Mt. Sinai, Israelites are down below making a golden calf to worship (Ex. 32). In response, Yahweh shows His purpose, justice, mercy and grace in STILL standing on His promises to bless Israel and all the world through the Messiah to come
  6. Very good 😊
  7. Grace (charis), as utilized in Greek & Roman culture, hinged upon a symbiotic relationship by the giver of grace (wealthy sponsor) and the recipient (client) of the grace (favor or wages earned). In return the recipient would respond with obedience and assistance when called upon. As a Roman citizen, Paul understood how economic grace (charis) worked, but he realized the magnificence of God's Grace in that there is nothing we can do (toward God) to be worthy of this undeserved kindness. Grace, as has been defined, is God's Riches at Christ's Expense, on the cross.
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