Dixter Kaluba
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28. Dispensing Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
How does your openness to God's grace define your persona, who you actually are? Openness to God's grace demonstrates faith one has in God and reliance on God. Such a one will be an ideal representation of Gospel of Jesus the Christ How does your willingness to dispense God's grace to others mold you into who God has designed you to be? He who give more will receive more. The more grace one dispenses the more one receives from God, the more one becomes rich in the things of God. God wants an obedient and sacrificial recipient of his spiritual gifts and grace -
28. Dispensing Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
Why are God's gifts of grace an immensely greater blessing to those who attend church and are a functioning part of a congregation? The gifts of grace are given for the proper functioning of the Church so that others can benefit and grow to the extent where they also begin to execute their spiritual gifts How can isolating yourself from the Christian community involve selfishness and fear? How can it impoverish you? If you are not exercising the spiritual gifts, one can lose them and become dry because the grace of God may also diminish as the grace is bestowed to grow recipient and others around them; together they help to grow the church -
28. Dispensing Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
We are stewards of God's grace. What are the responsibilities of a steward or trustee? To identify and utilise effectively the gifts we have received from God for his glory In what way do we act as trustees of what belongs to God? We feel obliged to put to use in the Kingdom the spiritual gifts that we have received In what way are spiritual gifts or the message of the gospel part of this trust we have been given? They are used to edify and build others -
28. Dispensing Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
Why is there such a close relationship between "grace" (charis) and "gifts" (charisma)? The grace enables the spiritual gift recipient to execute or perform the spiritual gift to the standard of God. due to this, sometimes a person may do something they have never thought they would do and end asking themselves; "is it me who has done this?" What is the chief characteristic of a generous person? he puts others first in all circumstances In what ways do spiritual gifts channel God's grace? Spiritual gifts are executed or performed to the standard of God by the Grace bestowed upon the recipient of the gifts -
28. Dispensing Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Lack of understanding that the throne of God is a Throne of grace. They take it a throne of authority and power Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God? We are not sure of ourselves in terms of of our relationship with God. Hence the fear of judgement and condemnation In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? He reaches out to us when we find ourselves in different situations and difficult circumstances and dispenses his grace In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out? We receive race so that, we can dispense it to others for the glory of God. Examples include helping our neighbours when they are in need and we able to, exercises Godly love on people that are in need of it -
Why do you think there are so many assurances of faith in the New Testament? The Gospel as disseminated by Jesus The Christ is not a forcing matter. God has given us the power to decide on many options. The many promises of assurances bring in the effect of repetition so as to believe and build our faith in Christ What is your favorite promise of God's role in keeping you in Christ to the end? It is to believe that, God's presence is always with the faithful ones. Psalms 119:11 (RSV) How does your favorite promise give you powerful assurance of salvation? It helps me to keep my faith stronger and ever growing
Q26. Perseverance
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
How does our faith function alongside God's protection to keep us to the end? God's protection is based on an individual's faith. This implies that, a person's faith attracts God's protection. The absence of faith means the absence of God in one's life. How does this show God's grace? God lays his grace for everyone to grab but it depends on an individual's faith that will determine how the individual will respond. -
Q25. Prevenient Grace
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? It is not by power of mighty that we are saved, but by the grace of God. This requires that we repent first of our sins and accept Jesus the Christ as our personal saviour. So, if we miss the grace of God, it will be impossible to come to Christ because we will not have recognised him as the basis for our deeds. How does God's preparation illustrate his grace? We see love in his actions from the beginning when man fell off his favour. His love drives him to exercise grace upon those who respond to his love; not a reciprocal but as a way of accessing his plan of salvation. -
24. Gracious Predestination
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
How does predestination function with God’s grace? In love, not in good works but out of his own love. This self initiating love towards people who were away from him is described as God's grace. The predestination comes in because this love and salvation are given through the Lord Jesus Christ. To associate with the Lord Jesus Christ requires us to believe; to have faith in him is demonstrated b our response to his Gospel. What is gracious about predestination? It is God's free will choice to act so Why is his grace “glorious”? Wen we respond to the free will gift (grace) with our faith in deeds, we glorify God -
Q23. Foreknowledge
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
I realize that this is a mystery, but how do you see God's foreknowledge working alongside his ability to predestine? God predestine our salvation based on his foreknowledge of our faith. God lays his plan for our salvation, but it will take an individual's faith to move to receive his grace in order to gain our salvation If all this is by grace, how might faith and/or good works fit into this predestination? Faith is the recognition of the influence of God's action in our lives. Once we recognise his influence, we commit ourselves to good works as a way of expressing our faith in God. -
Q22. Sanctification
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Balancing Grace and Good Works
How does the Spirit work in us after we are saved to form Christ in us? The Holy Spirit enables us to live as for Christ which are called "good works" through sanctification by grace In what ways is this a process of "working out" our salvation? Through sanctification from sinful position to repentance to recognition of God and dependent on Him to salvation. Salvation will be seen through the fruits of salvation which include peace, love and Harmony in our "works" which implies deeds in our lives. Why should you expect a person's life to change when they put their faith in Jesus? They will depend on Jesus Christ for everything they do. Their checklist will be the standards of the life of Christ or what the word commands us to do What is happening if there is no discernable change? It means we have not opened up to offer of God of his rescue to permeate us so as to cause change. as long as we do not do this, we will remain the same and continue to live in sinful life that is vulnerable to the devil's schemes -
Matthew 16:16-17; John 6:44) How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives to prepare us for salvation? In what sense is the Spirit’s revelation important to faith? the enables us to understand the voice of God and discernment of the voice of the devil from that of God. he helps us to see that this is wrong before we are caught in in. Those who are not guided by the Holy Spirit always only realises after they have committed the wrong In what ways have you seen the Father “draw” people to Christ? He may create or make us encounter a situation that will cause us to remember God and respond to Him. The situation may be negative or positive What is the role of “free will” in salvation? The free will energises our response to God's call to make a movement towards his calling
Q20. Works-Righteousness
Dixter Kaluba replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Balancing Grace and Good Works
Q20. It is in our culture to seek credit for doing something. This is also an extension of the Hebrew religion most of whose teachings are followed in the new old testament. in this context, the cross and its purpose will appear as thought it is valueless. However, the Gospel is that, "for God loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" This changed the narrative because Christ stood not only for our sins but for sin offerings. The cross changed the narrative for everyone. We no longer require to do something to be saved but only to believe in Him who came from heaven to come and die for us even when he was without blemish. The cross still has relevance in my salvation. People by nature always want to outshine others. The sense of self righteousness has been devalued by the Gospel of Mercy and Grace. No one can equate the action of God of sending his begotten son who came to be a ransom for the wickedness of the world and its reconciliation to God. There is no more levels of sin, every person just needs to believe It brings humility in believers because now to access salvation; the playing filed has been levelled to that of Mercy through Grace. -
Q19 from eternal death and my continuous subject to the devil's tricks of dangling a bait so that i can be following in his evil ways God personally has rescued me from my hopeless and desperate situation by making available his word for my spiritual consumption and as a light unto my path God's goal is to save his creation. So, his favour had to do with my salvation in line with his long plan of salvation for mankind
According to Bonhoeffer, cheap grace is the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner. It is preaching of forgiveness without requiring of repentance, baptism, without church discipline, communion without confession, grace without discipleship, grace without the cross and grace without Jesus Christ living and incarnate Costly grace doesn't mean we should work for it but because it involves the sacrifice of the life of Christ and that we should sacrifice our pleasures for the sake of the gospel Costly grace is the one that calls to follow Jesus Christ, it costs a man his life, it condemns sin, it cost God the life of His son