This revealing of the Lord before this important journey got very far, is so significant. The Lord was making it very clear who He was and what His people could expect from Him. He is steadfast and unchanging, not easily angered or provoked. He was the source of everything they would need, even grace. He knows our frame and the weakness of our flesh. He knows the things we yearn for and He also knows that at the root of it all is a hunger for what only He could supply. (Psalm 145:15-16)
This revelation of who God is, further cements the idea that grace is all about Him and not about us. This is just who He is, He is the God of all-grace. That is just who He is. This is His character, His nature. He is just but He is grace. He is righteous but He is grace. He is holy and He is grace. He is completely all of it. He simply invites us to believe and receive Him and what He has done for us.
How could I ever have thought that I could earn God's grace?