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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

carol tuggle

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  1. It is the ultimate glory of our faith. I don't know why anyone has list faith or belief.
  2. Beautiful we are given new bodies to be able to live in heaven
  3. Are physical bodies are gone and our new pure bodies are risen to be in heaven with Christ
  4. I. Heaven with god. Not c kn ear. We will be with Christ.
  5. Caught up. It will take pkace Immediately
  6. Keep the faith. Continue to focus on the path God has set.
  7. My assurance is the belief that Hod raised Jesus from the dead
  8. Baptism us the removal of sin and the opportunity to be born again which is what Jesus did he removed our sin.
  9. It is as the center of our faith. It is in the resurrection that we are assured of the promise of forgiveness of sin. Again what if. Cant focus on what if I must focus on what is.
  10. I cant speculate on that. Let's not talk about what if. His resurrection is Gods way of showing us that Jesus is Lird and Gods son.
  11. Proof I don't think I gave to pro vf e or explain I believe i have to accept that God did what he did.
  12. Well they were in a state of shock. They were trying to deal with an event they did not understand. For me it goes to, God is in control and he orchestrates. We have to accept Gods will and not question why he does what he does.
  13. I cannot think of a valid motive. But I assume they could be motivated to see that Jesus was cared for before he ascended. The Romans might want the story to be questionable.
  14. It requires faith and belief to accept the resurrection and its easier to just negate it. Also they get support and attention when they dispute the resurrection accounts. Christians? As a christian I accept through my faith that Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven to be at the right hand of God. Amen. .
  15. Well the differences appear to be on who goes to the tomb , how many angels tell Jesus has resurrected, when he appears to disciples and women ,. and how and when they tell disciples. Eye witness accounts are more credible by their differences. If identical it implies they are rehearsed and scripted. We all see things a little differently
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