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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Anitha

  1. Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? Answer: For the Holy Spirit to come upon him What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? Answer: to empower David for the role of a king How does this explain his success? Answer: that the Lord was with him everywhere he went and total dependence on God through the Holy Spirit brought him success How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples? Answer: The Holy Spirit teaches us and directs us so we depend on God and do His will for life.
  2. Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? Answer:- Rebellion is doing things our way and not God’s way or will. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Answer:- we disobey God or do things our own way, we are raising ourselves above God’s authority, in other words we have become God for ourselves which same worshipping other gods - idolatry. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? Answer:- when we exalt ourselves by doing things our own way, we indirectly telling God we don’t need Him or we know better and that is arrogance. What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Answer:- Recognise that we have sinned, repent by asking God for forgiveness. What happens if we do nothing? Answer:- We remain in our sinful nature and cannot share in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
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