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Mama Eve

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  1. Q. 36 ( James 1:19-20, Colossians 3:13) What is the relationship of patience to humility? Patience to humility is part of the fruit of the Spirit.Both virtues require a willingness to listen to others, don't react on a quick impulse and prioritize the needs of others. What in us motivates impatient outbursts? When a person has no self-control and is easily angered by any little thing. Like a ticking time bomb. What does it take for God to work in us long-suffering? Be obedient! Why is forbearance so vital in a marriage? Forbearance is vital in a marriage because it's a virtue that can help couples endure ups and downs in their lives. No one is perfect people will have flaws, but it's love action and the understanding of others that can make a marriage work.Communication, respect, and through sacrificial love and loving your partner despite their unfavorable attributes.
  2. Q. 35 ( Titus 3:1-2, Colossians 3:23-25) How is an appropriate submission related to humility? Believers as the Bible Scriptures mean that we are instructed to be submissive to authorities and be obedient. We are to do our work heartily with all our being and treat others with love and respect. This all relates to humility. Why does opposing church leaders so often exhibit pride? This is not godly. We are seeing this more and more in today's society. People should honor and respect church leaders . That includes the Pastor and elders as well as the entire congregation, because they are God's representatives. However, many church leaders abuse their position. However, people who oppose church leaders show no respect, because they want to usurp the leaders authority or discredit the church leaders so they can get their way. This is sinful Pride. When you have to submit to a harsh person how can you look at it in a way that is spiritual? When dealing with such a person we still need to show humility. We are to see them as they are, respond with love and diffuse the situation and pray for them. We must always remember we never know what that person is going through. How can we submit voluntarily in our hearts without being slavishly servile? Humility = Patience, Forbearance and Perseverance.
  3. Q. 34 ( 1 Peter 3:15, Romans 12:10, 1 Peter 3:9) How is humility related to respect for others? To honoring others? As believers in Christ we are to explain our faith as humbly as we can. We cannot push our faith on others. Respect for others is one of the core/virtue qualities of true humility. These verses teach humility is a key to the Kingdom. It involves meekness and reverence. And not repaying evil with evil. We live in this world, but we are not of this world. We are just passing by waiting to go "Home." How can we Minister to someone for whom we have no respect? Ministering to disrespectful people doesn't mean tolerating abuse. It doesn't mean you never will confront problems or allow yourself to be constantly walked on. However, we show them love even if they don't deserve it. We can honor them without agreeing with them and seek peace and seek God. We should set boundaries, love from a distance, and keep ourselves from harm. In what way does insulting speech trample upon humility? Insulting speech tramples upon humility by directly contradicting its core principle of recognizing one's own limitation and respecting the dignity of others. How does interrupting a person show disrespect? When we interrupt someone it shows disrespect because it communicates that you don't care what the other person is talking about. We need to allow the person to speak and wait until they are finished as we listen with respect.
  4. Q.32 Eph. 2:10, Titus 3:1-2, James 2:17-18 How are good deeds related to humility and compassion? Paul instructs believers to be ready for good works because we are redeemed by Jesus and should take on Christ's character. Showing true humility toward all men. Especially, the needy. It is the fruit of a focus on the needs of others. Part of humility is a lower focus on self and a higher focus on the needs of others. James suggests that faith by itself is not enough, and that good deeds demonstrate the authenticity of one's faith. What kinds of good deeds were common in the early church? The Book of Acts speaks about the joy, generous giving. People would sell their possessions to help those in need. Early church's non-cash and collaborative giving, as well as their daily distribution of food to the needy. They cared for the sick and dying. They saved infants and took them in. They were humble in serving each other. They were united. They taught forgiveness and didn't retaliate against opponents and prayed for people's needs and shared the gospel. Is it possible to have Faith without any fruit of good deeds that demonstrate your faith? No! Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. (Paul sums it up).
  5. Q. 31 James 4:13 How does pride fuel conflict? Pride fuels conflict by creating a sense of entitlement and self-center which people desire their own way this leads to fights and quarrels when they cannot obtain what they want. Pride is not considering the needs of others. How did fighting and quarreling prevent a peaceful life? Constantly fighting and quarreling create a constant state of stress, damaging relationships, causing emotional distress hindering communication, and leaving lingering resentment. This makes it very difficult to maintain harmony and positive interactions with people. According to James what is the root of our fighting? Our own unchecked desires and passions. According to James, fights and quarrels come from our own internal struggles with self-fish desires. How do we respond to conflict knowing that peace doesn't depend solely upon us? Blessed are the Peace makers for they will be called sons of God. Since conflict is inevitable, what are some ways we can disagree agreeable, humbly? Conflicts are inevitable; however, the best way to handle or deal with it is effectively. Because it is inevitable and necessary for improvement. Conflict is also for people to be challenged for positive change, not an attack on anyone's point of view.
  6. Q. 30 Titus 2:15-3:2 How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? We must humble ourselves before God or he will humble us. And acknowledging our dependence on His grace and recognizing our own sinfulness, which leads to a life of self-control, good works and a readiness to submit to God's will. Showing true humility toward all men.
  7. Q.29 1 Peter 5:1-7 Why does pride make God our adversary? It is opposition to God's will by refusing to acknowledge our dependence on him and seeking to exalt ourselves instead. Why is the power of example preferable to the power of one's office? We are leading in a time in which we need to bring out the best in all and give it all to God. What might God lifting us up in due time look like? Experiencing a positive change, often after a period of struggle or waiting where God provides opportunities for growth, new perspective and a sense of purpose all according to His plan!
  8. Q. 28 1 John 2:15-16 What role does pride have in worldliness? It plays a significant role because it represents a self-centered attitude that prioritizes early achievements and desires over God's will. **** of the eyes and a prideful life are temptations that pull people away from God. How can we live holy lives in this world? Staying focused on the Promises of God. Obedience, praying, fasting and always reading the Word and being separate from the world. According to this passage Christians can live holy lives by not loving the world but God's love. What does stealing the Glory look like? When people attempt to take credit for which God alone has accomplished. How can it be dangerous? Very dangerous because it would mean people would actually be defaming God. We should never worship any other God, for the LORD, is a jealous God.
  9. Q. 27 How can small business people promote themselves without sinful boasting? Small business people instead of bragging or boasting of their success they should give listeners the chance to tell you about themselves, and listen to what they're saying, then share how they can benefit from working with you. What are the guidelines? Don't boast and let others praise you.
  10. Q. 26 Is it okay to use flattery to smooth social situations? It is generally not considered a good practice as it can be perceived as insincere and manipulative. To get our way with a difficult person? No! that would be very inappropriate then to do. We must be humble in dealing with a difficult person. If flattery is insincerity and manipulation of another's pride, how do you think God views flattery? I believe God views flattery as a negative, considering it insincere, manipulative, and a form of deception.
  11. Q. 25 What is the role of ambition in leadership? Is to drive to achieve goals, excel, and make a significant impact. It motivates people to achieve success but it's important to balance it with other values. What does leadership look like without ambition? It can hinder a leader's ability to be effective.
  12. Q24 2 Timothy 1:7 How is faith related Christian assertiveness? Faith is related to Christian assertiveness because the verse states that God has given believers a Spirit not of Fear but of Power and Love and Self-control. Meaning that true faith in God empowers Christians to stand firm in their beliefs and speak out with confidence, not being paralyzed by fear when sharing their convictions, enabling assertive communication based on their truth. How is courage related? It's the willingness to face danger, uncertainty, pain or bravery. And is the act of confronting one's fear and taking action. Being bold! What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? They are opposite ends of how people respond to social situations. Assertiveness is characterized by standing up for one's right and needs while also respecting the rights of others. Submission is characterized by subordinating one's own needs and rights to those in need. Is assertiveness opposed to humility? No! assertiveness and humility are not opposed, but rather complementary qualities. A humble person can be assertive, and an assertive person can be humble. What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? Self-defeating we might be unrealistic about being assertive, our ability to be assertive or the things might happen if we are assertive. How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of faith? They shared common traits, and they received grace for their situations. Trust in obedience to God, which guided them. Courage, perseverance and willingness to wait for what God promised.
  13. Q.23 Numbers 12:3 Why is Moses called the most humble man in the world? Moses was very humble more than any other person on earth, because he demonstrated exceptional humility despite his powerful position as the leader of the Israelites. Moses was obedient to God and he prioritized God's will and the needs of the people. What is the essence of his humility? Moses totally depended on Yahweh. Moses was fully aware of his greatness but he never boast about it. Moses cared more about the cause than himself. What is the essence of Jesus humility? Jesus was also depended on His Father. He was so gentle and lowly. Jesus gave up his divine privileges and took on the role of s Servant in order to do the will of God. Assertive-Having or showing confidence and a forceful personality. What is the lesson for leaders today? Leadership and humility can co-exist. Biblical humility is trusting and a dependence upon God rather than self.
  14. Q.22 Matthew 6:1-4, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Proverbs 4:23 Why are motives so important to genuine humility? Motives are important to genuine humility because our motives determine who we are and what we do. God cares more about who we are becoming than what we can achieve. Again, humility is putting people's concerns above yours. If the heart is deceitful, how can we ever have pure motives? We can't ! It is impossible because a deceitful heart can bring negative actions such as pride, anger, revenge, or desire for approval. The only way we can ever have pure motives is if we surrender our heart to the control of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean for us to guard our hearts? To guard our hearts means that we are to be aware of what enters your heart and to be fruitful to God. Our thoughts and actions shape our heart, so you should be alert to what's going on in your mind.
  15. Q. 21 Acts 9:36-42, James 1:27, Luke 14:12-14 Why does caring for orphans and widows constitute pure religion? Children without parents and women without husbands were among the most needy. These verses states "Pure Religion" is defined as caring for those who are in need and avoiding the sins of the world. Why does helping those who can't help you show humility? Widows and orphans have nothing they can give us. This is why serving exemplifies true self-giving agape love and true humility. Why are Dorcas and Mother Teresa so inspiring? These incredible women exercised not only their spiritual gifts but also humility towards other people. They both were always doing good and helping the poor. Dorcas made robes and clothing. She served the widows of the community who are destitute and served with a humble heart. Mother Teresa also served with a humble heart in serving those dying on the streets of Calcutta and all those who felt unwanted or unloved.
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