Francine Douglas
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Q2. Discipline
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Realigning Priorities (Haggai 1-2)
Q2. (Haggai 1:6, 9-11) God sometimes disciplines us through hardships and circumstances (Hebrews 12:7-11). Sometimes through us not having all that we need. ØWhat is such discipline intended to do in our lives? In this way, God often disciplines us so that we can acknowledge that He is our source and not titles or our own labour of excellence. When we recognize God as the way, the main source; the source of our strength, the source of our success then we learn to commit our ways and desires to Him to accomplish His will through us. ØAre you experiencing hardship? I will categorize my experience of hardship not attributed to any lack per se, but more of a spiritual uphill climb to continue digging, working wholeheartedly while learning to encourage myself in the covenant of God over my life, that though the vision tarry, God is working behind the scenes and will manifest the finished product, just like the finished temple in this story. ØWhat is God trying to say to you in the midst of it? Keep going and that He God is with me every step of the way. -
Q1. Taking Pleasure
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Realigning Priorities (Haggai 1-2)
Q1. (Haggai 1:8) God wishes to "take pleasure" in the temple, but the people have stopped working on the project. ØWhen is God displeased with you? The moment that I begin to question His direction for my path through doubts, though my feet remain diligent. ØWhen does he "take pleasure" in you? The moment I counter doubt and discouragement with His word and then take action. The moment that I remind my soul that He God is my Yahweh Sabaoth ØWhat is keeping you from serving him deliberately and joyfully? Absolutely nothing! I keep running the race set before me in God’s strength. -
Q3. Psalm 117
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
Q3. (Psalm 117 and Lamentations 3:22-23). Why are love and trustworthiness so important as the bedrock of the Old Testament faith? The men and women of Old Testament faith were firsthand witness of God's love at the Red Sea, Jordan River, the lion's den and so much more. God's delivering hand for them increased their faith in God that He is trustworthy always in the valley or on the mountain. What kinds of terms does the New Testament use to talk about these characteristics? faithful, compassionate, loving, gracious. Can you think of any New Testament verses that speak of these themes? 1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful../ Psalms 25 8:15 Good and upright is the Lord/ Psalm 36:5 'Your faithfulness O Lord reaches to the skies -
Q2. Psalm 145
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
Q2. (Psalm 145) Which aspects of God's character mentioned in Psalm 145 stand out to you in particular? Yaweh's LOVE, COMPASSION, RIGHTEOUSNESS Why is it important for "every creature," every human being, to praise him? We were created to return all praise and glory to God. Further, scripture tells us in Psalm 145 that the wicked God will destroy. Here the wicked refers to those who do not fear God reflective in lack of reverence and due praise to Him. What are you doing to help that happen? Declaring God's praise in my lifestyle, through my talents and commission to constantly tell of His works and awesome deeds wherever I go. -
Q1. Psalm 103
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? His LOVE and COMPASSION stands out to me. Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? Because Israel had before experienced God's judgement in their captivity for their disobedience towards Him. No doubt as a people they felt like God had forgotten about them or that God was angry with them forever. The flipside for them was the moment of Exodus when God's love for them was made manifestly fierce, fighting for them and destroying all their enemies to finally lead them to experience deliverance with the parting of the red sea. According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness? Limitless... -
Lesson 8. Exercises
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Psalm 126 was most impactful for me in the study moment. My soul is deeply encouraged to always lean on God's faithfulness and trust the purpose of God in my life whether in the suddenly or in the waiting. Hallelujah!!! -
Q4. Psalm 24
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q4. (Psalm 24) How do verses 1-2 establish the Lord's right as King? Verses 1-2 is evidence of truth that all earth/the whole world belongs to God because He founded earth and established it at His spoken command (Genesis 1) What do verses 3-6 tell us about the requirements of the King? To be pure in heart, serving God only with clean hands free from works of evil because God's throne is established in righteousness (Psalm 89:14). What do verses 7-10 tell us about the glory of the King? That the Lord God is King and that His glory longs to dwell in us but can only do so if we choose to walk uprightly in heart, surrendering complete trust and hope in Him. How does this psalm speak to you in your situation? To lift up my head having changed my thinking about the onset of the situation, knowing that God's glory in my life conquers all darkness poised against me, to birth wisdom, character and miracles. -
Q3. Psalm 126
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q3. (Psalm 126). In this psalm, the nation is going through some kind of crisis. How does the memory of God's deliverance in verses 1-3 prepare them for the prayer of verse 4? The memory of God's faithfulness and restoration power provided for them a strange experience of God's supernatural power and from this a testimony was birthed providing hope in the face of trials. Hence, they prayed from a place of knowing that God is Restorer and Deliverer. How do you understand the two metaphors of deliverance as follows: (1) a wadi or dry gully? That the God of the suddenly will deliver from the tempest of times. I have met God here, yet He appeared overnight after the season of waiting. (2) sowing and reaping? God always has a plan of deliverance for His children and takes us through seasons long and hard to build our character of trust, obedience and deliverance. How do these metaphors help you in your situation? To trust the God of my destiny and His timing rather than the speed of deliverance. -
Q2. Psalm 96
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? To give to or offer up unto God declarations that conforms to His unmatched character as Creator, Restorer, Deliverer, Saviour, God of love.... What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? We find ourselves on the path of deluded egocentrism and pride. Pride comes before destruction, a crashing of our self-centered agenda and many times to our demise. In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"? In the sense that God is great Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 1:4) and That He is holy/light, in Whom there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). -
Q1. Psalm 57
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Q1. (Psalm 57) Why is praise difficult in the midst of trying circumstances? Our human frailty responds naturally via our emotions to external factors that cause us pain in the heart in relation to disappointments, loss, rejection abandonment...Hence, it takes the grace of God upon one's life to push ahead amidst the trials of life from a place of knowing (not feeling) that God loves us, is for us and not against us. How does praise affect our faith? Our faith is predicated on the word of God, which waters our soul. A soul watered by the truth of God's Word opens up our heart to believe in the Word which calls us to trust God and put our hope in Him in every season and circumstance. Our attitude? Our praise flows from our freedom in Christ. We become less worrying and more restful, and our perspectives shifts to God's faithfulness and goodness. Our motivation? We keep praising, then we keep believing, then we keep going, growing and glowing as we allow our life to testify of God's love and faithfulness. -
Q4. God's Protection
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q. 4. Since Christians don't seem immune to accident, persecution, and death, how are we to understand these psalms of protection? That God will preserve the soul of His chosen, forevermore. Why don't some believers seem to be protected? Lack of faith. Does God really protect us? Yes God protects us in the land of the living from human enemies and evil powers seeking to devour us. How? Through the power of the Holy Spirit our comforter and through the power of His word when we believe and declare it. -
Q3. Psalm 121
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? That I don’t have to worry or fear yesterday, today or tomorrow, but face life with confidence that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Amen. Hallelujah How does Psalm 121 make you feel? Alive and rejuvenated to pursue life fearlessly. -
Q2. Psalm 91
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q2. (Psalm 91) What does this psalm teach us about God's protection when in danger? That in God we are truly safe. And that such protection are covenanted with those who love God, know the name of the Lord and call upon Him. What does it teach about our authority to vanquish our enemies? That when our lives are truly anchored in God we can conquer in His name through Jesus Christ who conquered all evil for us. What promises does Psalm 91 contain? For those who abide in God, the promise to protect, shield, deliver, Honour, satisfy with long life How does this psalm make you feel? It gives me confidence that God is my refuge and Saviour in a troubled world. -
Q1. Psalm 61
Francine Douglas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q1. (Psalm 61:1-4) What images does the psalmist evoke to communicate his trust in God's protection? God as a high rock, strong tower God’s tent and wings as a dwelling place and place of shelter How do the first four verses of this psalm make you feel? confident in God as ultimate protector -
Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Oh God purge my heart to be thankful and repentant in all things. Sovereign God of righteousness and truth, restore my mind and thinking to Your wonders and faithfulness. Creation never ceases to proclaim Your wonders and faithfulness. By Your great strength, may I never cease to adorn You with praise and thankfulness my King. Oh God as an individual and people, may our eyes see Your glory around us day by and glory in it. May we never forget Your wonderful works and might, for even in the pit Your glory shines bright for the groping soul. Let truth, faith, love and humility be strands of gold and precious stones that adorns us from within. May the light and glory of Your delivering hand, mercy and grace, find savour among us, to lead captives out of captivity as Your kingdom comes to the earth through our brokenness and yielding. You oh God are my delight and King forever. Amen. What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? faith, humility, contriteness of heart, love What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? Like the scripture, this prayer is a call to humility, confession, repentance, seeking God’s heart wholeheartedly. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? This kind of prayer channels the heart of the believer to seek revival beginning from within one’s heart. By this prayer, we are constantly reminded that the change must begin with the ‘me’ individual (as opposed to a ‘them’ way of thinking steeped in pride). Humility beckons us to work on ourselves first ensuring that we live repentant lives. As individuals, we must always take responsibility for the projection of sin in the world. Only By this will we truly ignite change and restoration. Scripture says judgment begins in the house of God.