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Everything posted by crissy464

  1. No faith in God God's power is so great it cannot be measured or quantified. In this context, God's power is expressed To have a deeper walk with God
  2. I would put it to good use, help my family out It would solve alot of my problems Hebrews tells us that as a result of Christ's death, “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance.” This inheritance is the “eternal salvation” and “eternal redemption” we heard about earlier in Hebrews 5:9 and 9:12. We will be together through it all
  3. That we as believers will comprehend the blessings that are theirs in Christ. Their future hope. Gods inheritance in the saints and their power in Christ. The inheritance here is not the Christians inheritance but God’s. This indicates how precious his people are to God. they are so to speak what he looks toward to enjoying forever Hope and eternity Our lives have changed because we have been promised eternal life We have reason for hope, confidence, fulfillment We have been called
  4. That we as believers will comprehend the blessings that are theirs in Christ. Their future hope. Gods inheritance in the saints and their power in Christ. The inheritance here is not the Christians inheritance but God’s. This indicates how precious his people are to God. they are so to speak what he looks toward to enjoying forever Hope and eternity Our lives have changed because we have been promised eternal life
  5. A reminder of God’s Judgement For encouragement Those who are faithful to God Those who rebel against God
  6. God prohibits it because the people are only following rituals of building Him a temple but their hearts are not for him. God hates empty religious expressions. A humble heart was missing, worship 66: 2 = a humble heart
  7. The old heavens and earth will be destroyed. The new heavens and earth will be a new beginning for Jerusalem, the home of the righteousness. The old will be forgotten A place to rejoice, no sin, no wars, no more sorrow v.19: No more will the sound of weeping be heard, nor the cry of distress. v 20: No premature death. v23: No more sudden terror or calamity. Isaiah 65:24 “Before they call I will answer;while they are yet speaking I will hear.
  8. They experienced God’s mercy in delivering them from Egypt and bringing them to the Promised Land. this kindness shows Isaiah that he can have faith in God to save his sinful people Isaiah laments the long-standing patterns of sin among God’s people, like who is unclean, a polluted garment are all righteous acts. God will overlook our righteousness when we are sinful and unclean God is our father We can’t save ourselves, but our salvation comes only as a result of God’s grace.
  9. The Jews will be righteous, honorable holy. They will be restored Future blessings Yes, Christians will be included. The watchman here seem to be looking for the return of the Lord in Jerusalem and will not rest until they see Him. people are urged to pray until this takes place. The original fulfillment, of course, was the return of the Jews from Babylon but the ultimate fulfillment will come when Messiah Jesus returns God promises peace and restoration to Jerusalem which we must continue to pray for in the Last Days. Your Kingdom come You will be done.
  10. Both were used, the Jews were in bondage and held prisoners in Babylon which would be literally and the other people were held captive by their sins would be figuratively To bring comfort to those who needed it. I’m trying I’ve just started my journal
  11. When our hearts are tender toward the Lord, sin will bother us. It will make a tender heart uncomfortable in the presence of the Lord causing it to repent. Just as sinning clogs up your spirit and prevents prayer from flowing, repentance opens your spirit so that prayer can return. Repentance separates us from God. He won’t hear us if we continue our sins Verse 2 is talking about us the people Sins create a barrier between God and his people It can be corrected by praying
  12. Honoring God by keeping his Sabbath. Seek what pleases God Love God Listen to God, speak lightly Enforce Sabbath-keeping To participate in Sabbbath with a willing spirit towards God
  13. Backbiting can create bad blood, enmity, discord, disquiet and evil among people and society. They cause hostilities between members of the same household and between neighbours and relatives. At church encourage love among the congregation. Don’t let someone talk about someone behind there back Donations of money, food, help It woud look like we cared
  14. not caring for the hungry, the homeless , the naked without clothes and members of once own family. I don’t have time, i don’t have the resources Tough love could make someone relize that they need help and will try to get help for themselves. If you can’t try to do something for yourselves, why should others help you. Deprive them of things they need
  15. I learn that God dwells in the high and holy place of his eternal transcendence where no one else can go and also dwells with him who is of a contrite and lovely spirit. The idols and their worshippers shall come to nothing; but those who trust in God's grace, shall be brought to the joys of heaven. With the Lord there is neither beginning of days, nor end of life, nor change of time. His name is holy, and all must know him as a holy God.
  16. #2 Sunday worship and rest. This is the one I’ve lived by most of my life. A day to go to church to worship and praise God #2 Sunday worship and rest woud honor God. Christ died on the first day of the week; Christians worshiped and studied the Word on the first day of the week. Most people work all week, they need a day of worship and rest No worship no rest Sabbath worship and rest
  17. God welcomes all people regardless of there race, religion, gender or ethnicity. The church looks at you more closely, do you look the same, speak the same, are you sinners, poor. This is not being a Christian things must Change. The church should welcome everone, God would My church is friendly Every Christian should b treated the same, we are all the same in Gods eyes
  18. Isaiah 53 describes the atoning suffering and the victory of the Messiah, who will bear the sin of the world. God had exalted him to the highest place and gave him a name that was abov every name. The name of Jesus every knee should bow (Philippians 2:9-11)
  19. David couldn’t build the temple because he was a man of war and had shed blood. But David preparaed materials for the building of the temple for his Son Solomon. David wrote psalms that make up much of the music that is sung and played during worship, first in the tent he pitched for the ark, and later for use in the temple itself.
  20. He would rather have God’s direct involvement. God is in control. God defends David and himself . David believes in the mercy of God. David insists on paying for the thrashing floor and the sacrifices David was able to give God a burnt offering
  21. Priest of divine, speaking also as a prophet. Son of Jesse. A humble shepherd, qualified to be a king. Pleasant, sweet,lovely. God of Jacob is our stronghold = means He is God of his people God used David as a prophet to flesh out many of his promised in the writings of the Psalms there would be more honesty, love and concern for the people, they would be seeking direction from God.
  22. God’s power We can all learn a lot from David, who as we know is a man after "God's own heart"! David's love and praise for God inspires me even more to continue to shield myself with the power of God and most importantly to THANK him for ALL things!. God is strength God has power God saves God is the light God delivers me God is my refuge
  23. David was faithful in small things, and later he was given larger duties to perform Joab is loyal to David but he looks out for himself first. Joab believed in himself Joab is a friend only when it helps him
  24. David showed mercy for Absalom because he was his son and he loved him Joab killed Abslom because he was out of control and if he didn’t kill him David wouldn’t do it. David will not punish Absalom for his evil ways Joab was a dedicated and loyal commander and wise adviser to the king. So are the followers. David had a weakness about disciplining his family and friends
  25. Shimei was probably blaming David for the death of Abner. Joab had killed Abner to avenge his brothers death and for the death of Saul’s sons and grandsons David allowed him to speak because he felt God may have been in it. David believes God’s wrath is behind it Spiritually, David has faith in God and it will never fail
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