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Everything posted by crissy464

  1. Fighting between father and son happens all the time Davids sins
  2. Absalom appeared to be a favorite of the people. He was handsome, He granted the public favors for there support. He takes advantage of his position to get the people on his side. David should have punished Absalom David couldn’t discipline his own family and friends
  3. Joab took a risk to bring David and Absalom back together] to change the present situation [literally “change the face of the matter” (David’s strained relationship with Absalom)]. My lord has wisdom like that of an angel of God—he knows everything that happens in the land.” Joab wanted to see the family back together and peace to the kingdom David still had alot of guilt over his sin and the death of his son Amnon. He also wasn’t invovled much with Absalom upbringing
  4. David was angry, but he did not do anything. Because of David’s scandalous behavior with Bathsheba, David felt he had no moral right to rebuke his son. But the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament adds a sentence to this account that suggests another of David’s weaknesses. But he would not hurt Amnon because he was his firstborn David’s action made it easy for Absalom to take matters into his hands and killed his brother
  5. Jesus made the down payment when he was sent to the cross , then the Holy Spirit sealed it which is th deposit quranteening my inheritance. The end of the term comes where Jesus has fulfilled the plan of redemption and hands us over to the Father where He and Jesus will rule together.
  6. God’s purpose was for us to have eternal life and have faith in him God has made us to be a mirror -- to reflect his glory and help people see a glimmer of his greatness living in human flesh. If we are the salt of the earth then we are to have faith in God. shining the light on him with our focus of him
  7. God has redeemed me, i can now leave from sin, which is what the forgiveness of God shows us as well. If I hadn’t been redeemed I would’nt have the love of my family and friends
  8. To be adopted by God’s family means that we will be loved. We will have a relationship with God and will be able to relate to him We will be equal to Christ
  9. Holy means that we are consecrated to God, separated to him as his possession. God has claimed us and we belong to him.23 Being able to stand before God Holy = dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred. Blameless To be innocent of wrongdoing without guilt
  10. Predestination is part of God’s decree, his eternal purpose in which he has decided all that will take place, ordaining everything for the manifestation of his glory. That we were chosen by God, we did not chose Him He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
  11. Jesus took our punishment for our sins, we should have been the ones But in now lives in us. We should do every thing we can to make it up to him, by showing him our faith, believing in him
  12. A servant is a substitute who bears our sins. Substitutionary atonement refers to Jesus dying as a substitute for sinners. The Scripture teaches that all men are sinners. The penalty for sinfulness is death Romans 6:23 = for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus died for us because He loved us
  13. Of many, a portion of people who accept God will remove their sins. The whole world When people don’t accept him When they don’t accept his gift
  14. To seek the Lord means to turn to God, to desire to be in a relationship with him, and to come into his presence for fulfillment, strength and help. It is the most important relationship we have, but we often treat it secondary to everything else Seeking the Lord means we are willing to carve out time every day to seek his presence continually. The things that God thinks and purposes are not the things that man thinks and purposes, and therefore, because the thoughts are different, the outcomes of them in deeds are divergent. Isaiah 55:8-9 = “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. We need to seek His truth that he reveals it, and then embrace it as our own Repentance leads to salvation and is essential to our eternal happiness. It is a change of mind and heart that gives us a fresh view about God, about ourselves, and about the world. It includes turning away from sin and turning to God for forgiveness. It is motivated by love for God and the sincere desire to obey His commandments. If our seeking becomes shallow we won’t be able to find God We must continue to search for God so we can get to know him and follow his ways.
  15. David deserves death he went against God, but he lived and his baby died. David feels severe reget over what he has done, and will have to live with it for the rest of his life. God forgave David’s sins, but forgiving still has consequences (loss of child)
  16. David listened to Nathan, Nathan was very brave he could have been killed. But David had done worst than the man in Nathan’s story he had murdered someone so he could have his wife His first child died as punishment from God for David's adultery and murder of Uriah.
  17. David is still a man and can still sin We will all pay for our sins He will have to live with his sin, it may come back to bite him
  18. David wanted to honor them, in memory of his friend Jonathan and out of respect for Saul. Jonathan was the father of Mephibosheth David had promised Saul that no harm would come to his family. During this time in history, when one King took over another King’s throne, the new King would kill the entire family of the former King. This was to insure that the family of the old King would not try to regain the power they once had. This explains why Mephibosheth bowed down out of fear. This also explains why David comforted him and told him not to be afraid. The tradition of the time would have called for David to kill Mephibosheth. But David treated Mephibosheth as an honored guest. David didn’t follow tradition. He didn’t follow culture. He followed God. David was honorable and keep his word to the convenant
  19. They don't want to see or hear the things happening around them and what God has done for them Israel 10 years ago I wasn't into religion that much. I had lost my job and a pastor who had come to my work place had told me to come listen to him at his church. So i went and I really enjoyed it. Since then I’ve been doing a lot of bible studies.
  20. For Gods people to carry on by spreading the Gospel, helping others By helping others By Believing in Him
  21. A Great Name Secure homeland for his people Peace A Dynasty (house for David) A son who will build the temple An everlasting Kingdom These promise are unconditional Conditional is something that needs to be done to accomplish something Everlasting Kingdom
  22. Being in Christ Jesus means that you are saved by His sacrifice on the cross and forgiven of your sins1. It also means that you have a spiritual union with Him and are identified with His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension2. Being in Christ Jesus is not just a status, but a living relationship that requires trust and dependence on Him34. Being in Christ Jesus also means being in His righteousness and grace
  23. To prepare for the Lord. He tends his flock (the People) he carries you close to his heart Natiions are worthless, less than nothing Wait for the Lord patiently for him to act
  24. Nathan knew that David had a good relationship with God that he wanted to impress him David expresses his desire to Nathan to build a temple for the Lord. David is seeking God's will, and thus discusses it with God's spokesman, the prophet. And Nathan, well aware of the spiritual anointing upon David, says, "Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the LORD is with you" He should have ask the Lord Leaders and followers could make the wrong decisions The Lord didn’t ask for the temple to be built. David wanted God to live in luxury like him
  25. Carried on one shoulders by wooden rods and only by the Levites They didn’t know the Mosiac Law, they should have asked the Lord how to transport the ark we should always be consistent in seeking and doing the will of the Lord.
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