Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? The main cause of barrenness was unbelief- and Israel not acknowledging that Jesus was the Son of God. This caused much sorrow to Jesus who came to find those who would believe in the Word of God respond to His teaching. (First the message had to fall on good soil and then it could grow 100 fold and produce good fruit). An open heart was needed and faith so the word could find a believer who would go forward with the gospel and multiply.
Q What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? The Holy Sport can only work in a humble heart and where there is faith. Once a person repents of their sin and recognizes Jesus took our sin on the cross, then the Holy spirit can come in and live in that person. We are then earthen vessels carrying His holy spirit and we will show fruit such as love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience and understanding), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It though we harden our heart towards Gods word and don't read it or obey it and choose our own way, and sin against God then we will not bear fruit for God's glory, nor will we show others the love of Christ. If we have sins such as conceit, self-righteousness, or are judgmental or self-centred, or try to show off or compete with others and don't have a pure heart, then God can't use us and we will bear 'bad fruit'. Neglect of the bible, neglect of prayer, of fellowship and outreach will lead to barrenness and not please God and sin will enter in and as Paul says in Galatians we will be deceived. "If anyone thinks he is something when he is not, he will be self deceived' ...'each one should test their own actions.' (Gal 6.3-4)
Q. What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree? The Fig tree was given 3 year to bear fruit and when Jesus came by and found it was barren he said 'cut it down' and it withered up. In the parable of the fig tree he made it clear the tree (spiritual life of the person) was barren and the branches would be cut ff and thrown int eh fire and it would never bear fruit again. We, Like the disciples, can learn from this that no second chance would be given. We have our life on earth here to bear fruit since we receive Jesus into our life and turn from our sin and wicked ways, and we inherit instead His Holy spirit and His divine and precious promises to help us walk through his world without sinning and instead we are to share the gospel and win others to Christ and helping them become disciples. The disciples saw the tree had no fruit and saw it wither and leant from Jesus that the whole tree would be tossed into the fire -implying it was bound for judgement on the last day when God would give rewards or judge our works and he would show what were genuine works of faith guided by the Holy spirit and bearing fruit and separate what were dead works (i.e works of the flesh done without the Holy spirit's power.) The disciples would have learnt the truth of John 15.5 "Without me you can do nothing' and 'I am the Vine you are the branches..abide in Me and my words in you and you shall bear fruit.