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Nicolaas A.P. Mostert

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Everything posted by Nicolaas A.P. Mostert

  1. Q41. (1 Timothy 6:3-4,17; Colossians 2:18) Why does having an abundance of wealth and knowledge tend to make us feel superior? When we tend to spend more time in gaining wealth and knowledge our outlook to others tend to blur. Why do false doctrines and heresies often come with a feeling of superiority over lesser Christians who believe differently? Those who spread false doctrine has a overpowering mentality that wants to rule over other people. How can you show humility if you are wealthy? Accept we are all of GOD, we are equal and GOD loves us all. Share your wealth with others in need. How can the well-educated show humility? Drop their title for a change and come to the ground to meet others there.
  2. Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ's humility require us to associate those considered lowly? They are the once that can't help themselves. Who are the "lowly" in your community? They are the needy of the need. What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? Serve them. What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? We are all the same in GOD's eye, GOD doesn't have favorites.
  3. Q39. (Matthew 5:38-39; Romans 12:19; 13:4) Why are unforgiveness and humility incompatible with each other? Unforgiveness has a negative side while humility has positive side. Why must we distinguish between personal forgiveness and judicial determination and sentencing? At the personal level we are called to forgive. But at the judicial level, the judging and sentencing is in someone else's hands. Justice includes fair investigation, evaluation by authorized judges and/or jurors, and a sentence according to law based on the findings. We are forgivers, not judges.
  4. Q38. (Matthew 7:1-2; 9:13; Hosea 6:6; 2 Corinthians 10:12) What prevents a judgmental spirit from being compatible with humility? The judgmental spirit put you above other where humility see others more then you. How can we maintain an attitude of mercy towards sinners in our fallen world while still maintaining godly standards within our Christian community? We have to follower the example of CHRIST, on the cross JESUS forgive the one sinner and must we have mercy for others. In what way does comparing ourselves with others work against humility? Comparing is like a race, and if you are in a race there must be a winner. How do backbiting and a critical spirit betray a judgmental spirit? They are of the same spirit, backbiting and critical spirit sprout from judgemental.
  5. Q37. (Romans 12:16; Ephesians 4:1-3) How does conceit make it difficult to live in harmony with others? A conceit character always of too proud and has a negative effect. Why do you think maintaining the unity of the Spirit is such a high value for Jesus and his apostles? The Spirit is oneness, therefor unity of the Spirit is crucial. What are the tensions in your own congregation that threaten the unity of the Spirit? Applying of doctrine. How can you lessen those tensions and promote harmony? Purely to match what the Word of GOD says.
  6. Q36. (James 1:19-20; Colossians 3:13) What is the relationship of patience to humility? Patience is part of the humble life, shows that time is of no essences. What in us motivates impatient outbursts? Mostly if someone is short temper and don't have self-control. What does it take for God to work in us "long-suffering"? Nothing we must only follows where HE leads us and obeying what HE says and want to do in us. Why is forbearance so vital in a marriage? We are must have a total understanding of each other respect that embrace love, honesty, caring ext. results to forbearing.
  7. Q35. (Titus 3:1-2; Colossians 3:23-25). How is appropriate submission related to humility? It shows that you accept with a sincere heart the authority over you. Why does opposing church leaders so often exhibit pride? They don't have self-control and mostly feel inferior. When you have to submit to a harsh person, how can you look at it in a way that is spiritual? The harsh person is there to from you self-control and keep you on your knees asking GOD for guidance. How can we submit voluntarily in our hearts without being slavishly servile? This is difficult specially if the authority is UNGODLY, but the WORD say submit so shall it be.
  8. Q34. (1 Peter 3:15; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 3:9) How is humility related to respect for others? To honoring others? Humility brings you to the level of others, or more to a level lower then others to serve with a dignifying that equals respect to others. How can we minister to someone for whom we have no respect? NO, you can other wise it is from a place of own strength. In what way does insulting speech trample upon humility? Insulting must not be part of a Christian's vocabulary, and this is not part of a humble spirit. How does interrupting a person show disrespect? The saying is; we have two hears and one mouth so listen more then to speak.
  9. Q33. What is the difference between temperance and abstinence? Temperance is a underlaying part of abstinence, it is a moderated act, while abstinence is a total not doing act. How can use of alcohol and drugs disrupt the humble life? It is toxic and has an effect on the nerve system that change behavior acts. Why is self-control so important in the Christian life? Then you act out of a position of knowing who you are and your reasoning skills is better under control. How does self-control differ from the idea of "moderation in all things"? Self-control is part of your character while moderation is a behavior act.
  10. Q32. (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:1-2; James 2:17-18) How are good deeds related to humility and compassion? When you are doing a deed to other in a caring manner, a heart that reach out towards the needy. What kinds of good deeds were common in the early church? Sharing clothes and food. Is it possible to have faith without any fruit of good deeds that demonstrate your faith? According to James, NO. "Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do."
  11. Q31. (James 4:1-3) How does pride fuel conflict? Some find real joy in confrontation and in getting the better of the other person. How do fighting and quarreling prevent a peaceable life? Where there have been loud confrontations, now there is more peace. According to James, what is at the root of our fighting? They come from your desires that battle within you How do we respond to conflict, knowing that peace doesn't depend solely upon us? Humble people don't pick fights, though they can firmly stand their ground when necessary. Since conflict is inevitable, what are some ways we can disagree agreeably, humbly? In the conflicts of life, you and I are to work for peace and to do their work quietly.
  12. Q30. (Titus 2:15-3:2) How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? We must humble ourselves before God or he will humble us. Christ must be in charge of our lifestyle.
  13. Q29. (1 Peter 5:1-7) Why does pride make God our adversary? GOD hate pride. Why is the power of example preferable to the power of one's office? There must be a link, as we received it pass it on to GOD were it belongs. What might God "lifting us up in due time" look like? Glorious!!!
  14. Q28. (1 John 2:15-16) What role does pride have in worldliness? By boasting or arrogance in one's wealth or outward circumstances How can we live holy lives in this world? Focus on GOD and give GOD all the praise. What does "stealing the glory" look like? To claim a kind of personal credit for what GOD has done. How can it be dangerous? We serve a jealous GOD, HE deserve to be honor and praise, if not we must accept the full consequence of that.
  15. Q27. How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? They can talk about themself, experience, what kind of job they can do, What are the guidelines? Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.
  16. Q26. Is it okay to use flattery to smooth social situations? No, be assertive in your ways. To get our way with a difficult person? Not even in this situation, be humble but don't despise assertiveness. If flattery is insincerity and manipulation of another's pride, how do you think God views flattery? I can actually say as sin, because the end result is not pure.
  17. Q25. What is the role of ambition in leadership? Ambition is the drive to achieve goals, excel, and make a significant impact. It involves setting high standards, seeking growth, and aspiring to success. What does leadership look like without ambition? Falling apart, because there is no strong guidance.
  18. Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? Being confident and not frightened to say what you want or believe but in truth and love. This means even when we have to say some things people don't like to hear. How is courage related? Biblical assertiveness refers to what we know as faith and courage. To speak boldly the truth. What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Assertiveness is a good character while submission have a bad reputation. Is assertiveness opposed to humility? No, within humility you can exercise assertiveness. What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? When their yes is no and no is yes. There is a shortage of decision making. How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith? Boldly!!!
  19. 23. (Numbers 12:3) Why is Moses called the most humble man in the world? Moses has no **** for power and he doesn't promote or exalt himself. What is the essence of his humility? Moses, more than anyone of his time, is totally dependent upon Yahweh. What is the essence of Jesus' humility? JESUS, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing. What is the lesson for leaders today? Don't depend on on strength and wisdom, depend totally on GOD for success.
  20. Q22. (Matthew 6:1-4; Jeremiah 17:9-10; Proverbs 4:23) Why are motives so important to genuine humility? Humble service to the poor, if done for the right reasons, will be rewarded/ Giving must be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. If the heart is deceitful, how can we ever have pure motives? Never ever will there be pure motive with a deceitful heart. What does it mean for us to guard our hearts? We must have some control over our motives, from its thoughts and intents flow one's very life and actions.
  21. Q21. (Act 9:36-42; James 1:27; Luke 14:12-14). Why does caring for orphans and widows constitute pure religion? Widows and orphans have nothing they can give us. By serving them exemplifies true self-giving agapē love and true humility. Why does helping those who can't help you show humility? A humble person serves others for their own sake, not for what it will get him or her. Why are Dorcas and Mother Teresa so inspiring? Both of them was helping the needed, they physically act it out.
  22. Q20. (Mark 9:41; Matthew 25:31-46) What do Jesus' saying about giving a cup of cold water and Jesus' Parable of the Sheep and the Goats have in common? The commonality is to act a humble service to those in the greatest need. What kinds of services might please Jesus that can we perform for needy people? GOD wants us to get our own hands dirty in serving.
  23. Q19. (John 13:4-17) Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? There was a dispute amongst them as to which of them was considered to be greatest, then JESUS performed an act that would act by a servant or slave. For a superior to wash an inferior's feet was never ever done! What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing? JESUS is saying, like I am a servant to you, so you must be a servant to one another.
  24. Q18. (Mark 10:42-44) What is the basic difference between the world's pattern of leadership and Christ's pattern? The world is looking for a outside appearance must be tall, fluent in speaking and knowledgeable, while CHRIST pattern is looking to the inside, humble servant with a willing heart. What does servant-leadership look like? They must be a servant and a slave of all. They are not there to be served, but to serve. Can you be a "great" Jesus-follower without serving humbly? No.
  25. Q17. (James 4:6-10) In what way does pride make God your opponent? (vs. 6)? GOD opposes the proud. What does submission to God have to do with humility? You acknowledge GODs supremacy. How do we "wash our hands and purify our hearts"? (vs. 8b) Washing one's hands is another way of saying, "repent," stop doing wrong and GOD is the only one who can cleanse us, but we must do our part. What does that require us to do? Continuously focus on GOD. Why does humbling have to precede God lifting us up? That is a promise, to humble yourselves, so that GOD's mighty hand, may lift you up in due time.
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