Nicolaas A.P. Mostert
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Everything posted by Nicolaas A.P. Mostert
Q3. Example
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Teaching Christians the Godly Life (Titus 1:1-2:12)
Q3. (Titus 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? To the weaknesses of young husbands; "to be prudent, with focus on self-control, be reasonable, sensible, serious, keep one's head." Furthermore the tendency to go off without thinking things through, and the need to be reasonable. To the women it has the idea of "be chaste, virtuous". How about employees? Relate to a business owner or supervisor at place of employment. Submitting to their instructions, Trying to please them, Not being argumentative, and Not stealing, but showing that we can be trusted. What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? That they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. Why is Titus's example so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality? Because behavior affects their testimony and public perception of Christ and Christianity: "... So that no one will malign the word of God." (Titus 2:5b) "... So that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." (Titus 2:8b) "... So that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive."(Titus 2:10b) How does our behavior impact Christ's reputation? -
Q2. (Titus 2:2-3) What seem to be the predominant sins of the older men and women in the churches of Crete? Rebelliousness and deception was characteristic of residents of Crete. Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons. What specific behaviors does Paul urge in place of these sins? A conscience to be restored by deep repentance and reeducation from the Word of God,. Those who have lost a sense of right and wrong must take the time to listen and absorb God's truth.
Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? In some cases pastors and elders also don't know the scriptural content of GOD's WORD or some times to don't want to be in confrontation with people as the saying is peoples pleases instead of GOD pleases. What is the result of laxity? Confusion and a chaotic system. What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? Firstly order will be set straight through out the system. People will be more acceptable to receive such guidance.
Q5. (1 Timothy 6:20-21) How can we guard the faith without becoming narrow, backward-looking people who oppose all change, and complain about "what things are coming to"? Faith is a sacred trust that we have received from GOD, that means GOD has entrusted us with it and we have to guard it. We cannot tamper with it, but must pass it on pure and unadulterated. How can guards be at the same time positive, loving, and pleasant to be around? We must hold to the sure word that we have received, the Gospel, as taught by Christ and his apostles.
Q4. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) What kinds of actions are the best antidote for the love of money? Don't relied on your money, reject the very great temptations of loving money and don't trust your income and savings. How can we cultivate generosity so that it remains healthy, rather than let it go overboard and hurt our families? Learn them to help others pertaining to giving or sharing what is one's own (with our possessions from GOD).
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? From desiring and eagerness to have more. How does it become a trap? When it unexpectedly brought you under it's control (without knowing). How do you escape this deceptive trap? Acknowledge that you are trapped and turn away from it. Received what GOD has install for you.
Q2. Contentment
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? If you seek contentment, that means you are satisfied with the supply FATHER GOD has supplied you with. Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? No, if GOD knows to feed the birds of the sky how much more HIS children and families. What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement? With contentment you are satisfied with what you have, quest for improvement is that you what to exceed your present situation. -
Q1. Greed
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q1. (1 Timothy 6:5) Why do you think people are so susceptible to distorted Bible teaching concerning financial gain? Because of greediness. Admitting that there is some truth in popular teachings in our time, what are the distortions that you may have heard? Deceiving people by the more you give the more you receive, yes the WORD say it is better to give than to receive but with what type of heart do you give? How do they differ from the truth? It sounds very much the same but if you know the WORD you will pick up difference as mentioned, better to give than to received instead the more you give the more you receive. -
Q5. (1 Timothy 6:1-2) In what ways has the Gospel sown the seeds that will eventually destroy slavery? Pauls instruction to Galatian was', there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Why does Paul seem to condone slavery in this passage? Slaves were most likely Caucasians like themselves and prisoners of war and their offspring. What is Paul's motive? Paul encourages slaves to get their freedom, if that option becomes available.
Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? Deacons "must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. What are the dangers in doing so? By ordaining people whose lives we don't really know deeply we can share in their sins. How can these dangers be lessened? It should not be entered into lightly a person's sin may not be immediately apparent and this is the same can true with good deeds.
Q3. (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? Paul said, that an accusation against an elder must not be entertain unless it is brought by two or three witnesses and those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning. Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? The false teaching elder might be rich or another very influential. Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? Church discipline is seldom invoked or exercised at all, even when sorely needed. The challenge also is the pick and choose who should be disciplined and who shouldn't.
Q2. (1 Timothy 5:17-18) In what circumstances should elders be compensated financially? Paul said, elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. What is the Scriptural support for such a practice? Paul mentioned that they are worthy of double honor that means elders are deserving of financial remuneration for their work.
Q1. (1 Timothy 5:1-16) What responsibilities do we have to help aging family members? Paul said, that we must give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need and left alone. This means, Godly widows who are older and have no family to support them. According to Paul, in what way is this our Christian responsibility? Paul makes it absolutely clear that believers are expected to provide for aged family members, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents. In what way is this a "repayment" of a debt? The repaying their parents and grandparents for what they have done for them through their entire life. To what does Paul compare those who refuse this responsibility? Paul compares refusing responsibility with an unbeliever. Not to take on this responsibility makes one worse than an "unbeliever". Paul said, even unbelievers care for their aged relatives.
Q4. Example of Godliness
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q4. (1 Timothy 4:12b) Rigid, unsmiling orthodoxy can teach right doctrine, but cannot produce godliness. Why not? Orthodoxy live by very strict doctrines compiled the majority of congregants. If the majority say they except this then that is the Alpha and Omega. Now we have an unsmiling orthodoxy, teaches doctrine straight from the book mix with head knowledge. I think HOLY SPIRIT can't flow through someone unsmiling and rigid. Why is a strong example of godliness in church leaders essential to a healthy church? The church leaders must be above reproach, are to be men worthy of respect, and sincere. The teaching and preach godliness by leaders must equal their action, action and words are evaluated by congregants. We cannot do it just with words there must be a link to their action. People learn to do what they see in action. Therefore, people must see practical, godly living demonstrated in the lives of their leaders. -
Q3. Godliness vs. Morality
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? It is to live a life that pleasing GOD. A character build by GOD's nature, to conformed to GOD. What produces godliness in a person? The fruit of love for God. Saturated in HIS presence. How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality? Godliness is a close inner spiritual relationship between GOD and man. Embracing a strict morality just to live a good life!!! -
Q2. Legalism vs. Gospel
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q2. (1 Timothy 4:3-5) Why is performance of legalistic requirements so attractive to people? It appeals to a sense of self-righteousness to them. All this is the outer look that seems to be upright. They were also operate under the Jews laws that indoctrinate their minds to be more pro for legalism. What fruit does it produce in a person's life? Selfishness, ungodliness, self-centered, In what ways is this emphasis so different from the true gospel? It is very much confusing, like day (true doctrine) and night (false doctrine). They have cleanse to much on legalism to justify their action. -
Q1. Apostasy
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q1. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Why does Paul remind Timothy (and the church) of predictions concerning widespread apostasy? Jesus himself had foretold this falling away in the Last Days: "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Paul reminds Timothy of this prediction so that he will not be surprised or overwhelmed by the chaos by follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. What effect should this knowledge have on his ministry and the church's perception of the situation? As a young preacher and teacher of the true WORD of GOD it would be very confusing and challenging for Timothy to build on the true Doctrine of CHRIST. Confronting the false teachers "two-faced" who purposeful subversion the church. The church has faced two types of doctrine, the false spreading by the false teachers and the true doctrine from the WORD of GOD spreading by Timothy inspired by Paul. The church has to decide which way to follow. Although it was chaos in church their thoughts was influenced by Timothy's preaching and teaching of GOD WORD. -
Q4. (1 Timothy 3) According to our text, do you see differences in qualifications between overseers/elders and deacons? Elders or overseers, are the overall leaders, some particularly charged with the specific duty of teaching. The deacon is kind of an official administrator caring for the business of the church. What are they? The difference lies in the teaching function of the elders.
Q3. (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1:6-9) Why are tendencies to anger, intimidation, force, and pride so important to consider in selecting church officers? This type of characteristics will make the church quickly becomes an unsafe place of distrust and competition. This person doesn't respond primarily from emotions or prejudice, but is able to weigh issues carefully and fairly. What happens when you don't consider these factors? Will make the church quickly becomes an unsafe place of distrust and competition.
Q2. (1 Timothy 3:6, 10; Titus 1:6-9) Why should leaders be observed carefully and tested before placing them in office? We have to take enough time to observe them, to evaluate their spiritual maturity and their character. If they are immature emotionally or spiritually, we' re just setting them up for an attack of the enemy. As Paul said, "They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons." What should you be looking for during this period? Critical examination of to determine genuineness, put to the test when examine and if they are immature emotionally or spiritually.
Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12; Titus 1:6) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Paul's considerations for the leaders of the small, suspect, and sometimes persecuted religion known as Christianity was leaders who were people of respect in the community, that means they have to be: Respectable because of their behavior in the community, Worthy of respect, respect is earned, Good reputation, this is not a short term event but years and years of building-up credible characteristics. Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems? The ability of the leader to manage his family, his children should obey him, respect him and believers themselves.
Q5. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) How should Paul's instructions about women teaching and leading in the church be applied in the twenty-first century? In Paul's time woman in different cultures were treaded different, even till now. The difference here is that in those time woman was only connected or associated with her house not outside or publicly. Woman were channeled by instruction to do what was good for her household. Man at all time, it were only a few standing up to spread the pure WORD of FATHER GOD. Today it is still the same more woman in church than man but we pray that this will change in due time. To used a SPIRIT FILLED woman in GOD's Kingdom to excel HIS purpose towards us, HOLY SPIRIT will used the woman or man that is willing to step out. How do you support your view? The SPIRIT OF our FATHER GOD is within all of us that is Believers in CHRIST JESUS. GOD's SPIRIT don't make comparison who is who, we are equal in GOD's eyes GOD is looking for a willing obedience heart that can worship HIM in SPIRIT and truth.
Q4. Fancy Clothing
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q4. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) How did women dressing in fancy clothes threaten to compromise the church's witness in Ephesus? In those days many of the women would have been slaves, unable to afford such clothing, such an act of pretentious display of wealth would have been offensive, in poor taste, and accentuated the divide between the rich and the poor. How do we apply the principle of Paul's directive in twenty-first century churches without instituting a new legalism? This was purely a reminder to the upper-class woman to be sensitive what they are wearing, because there are woman that is not so fortunate to dress like them. In the twenty-first century we still have that groups of the rich and the poor, as long as the woman dress in fancy dress it must not be a over-do meaning look like a "Christmas tree". GOD is looking into the inwards appearance, while man looks or see immediately the outwards appearance. As long as that woman's heart is connected with GOD, is their for the right reason and and dress with that fancies but in an elegant way I see nothing wrong. -
Q3. Pure Hearts
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q3. (1 Timothy 2:8) What problem among the men of the congregation is Paul referring to in this verse? the men in the church of Ephesus have been embroiled in disputes. What is so serious about worshipping with the opposite of love in your heart? Jesus had instructed his disciples that worship must be pure. -
Q2. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) In the context of the salvation of all, why do you think Paul emphasizes the roles of Mediator and Ransom? So that they may know the process of salvation. Before they receive salvation they must know our LORD JESUS CHRIST has reconcile us back to FATHER GOD, there for HE speaks on our behalf with FATHER GOD. The price is also fully paid HE was the ransom. In what way did Christ fulfill both these roles? Through CHRIST's death, give his life as a ransom for many.