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Nicolaas A.P. Mostert

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Everything posted by Nicolaas A.P. Mostert

  1. Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? It is God's purpose through Jesus Christ that all mankind should be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church? They had lost their focus on salvation for the Gentiles, they forgot the Great Commission, Christ's command to declare the gospel to the whole world.
  2. Q4. (1 Timothy 1:18-19) Why does Paul need to remind Timothy about the prophecies spoken over him? So that Timothy not do this task out of his human strength, but by led by GOD's SPIRIT after all this task is a GOD given task that Paul asked him to do. GOD will support and supply what Timothy are needed. In practical terms, what does "fight the good fight" really mean? Continue faithfully for what you stand for, faith and a good conscience. that he must hold on. Why does Paul tell Timothy to "hold on to faith and a good conscience"? Because it is so important for Timothy to "keep his eye on the ball," to be focused about both his task and the purity of his own heart as he carries out his mission. What temptation is Paul trying to counter in his protégé? That Timothy must not to stop standing against the wrong or to become passive and quiet in the face of evil.
  3. Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? That GOD is sovereign and that we cannot compare GOD with any others. What do we learn about praise? Praise is like a fragrance to GOD, the more we praise GOD the more we experience of HIS goodness. Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? Yes. What effect does a doxology have on the speaker? GOD's presence get tangible.
  4. Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? Paul came through the law when he was Saul, he knows exactly how it operates, but thanks be to GOD Grace he can now comments on the law as well as on Grace. Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? He shared his personal experience, they knew Paul and to go through such experience is an eye opener to those still under the law and that is still ignorant about GOD's Grace. How might sharing this help get the church back on center? Paul has made it very clear to the church, who he is now, who has called him and took him out of his mass that he was in (once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man), and now put him Grace and receive eternal life.
  5. Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? Leadership crisis among the elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30). Desire for wealth -- greed (1 Timothy 6:6-10). Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers. Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18). Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? The church had become a place of rancor and dispute. How does it prevent growth? Too much time is spend on controversies and quarrels about the WORD that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and too little time is spend on the pure WORD of GOD is inspired by HOLY SPIRIT. How does it keep the church from its mission? The church is diverted and its evangelistic mission compromised.
  6. Q60. (Matthew 13:51-52) What is the "old" that the householder brings out of his treasure box? Some old family heirlooms handed down from his grandfather's time, represent the Old Covenant. What is the "new." In what way must we disciples be "cross-trained" as scribes of the Kingdom? To be competent in the Scriptures as well as in sharing the Good News and ministering to the needy. To be able to listen for God's voice, heal the sick, explain the gospel of salvation in simple terms, and comfort the hurting. This covers the New Covenant in CHRIST JESUS. AMEN!!!
  7. Q59. (Matthew 5:13-14) Why is a sharp and tasty witness so important? To give timeously the same answer, base on GOD's Word. What you say must be weight by GOD's Word. What is a bland witness to Jesus? Nothing. How do we stay "salty"? To do the right things right al the time. To give taste to the lost world. Why are people tempted to hide their "light" or witness? The first one is always "what will the people say about me". JESUS said if you are ashamed to testify about ME I will be ashamed to testify about you in front of MY FATHER. What does Jesus say about that? We are the light of this world, we have to testified about the goodness of our GOD. We have to exalt HIM at any time.
  8. Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? People in the outskirts mostly countryside. This is also where we will find people that don't reason about GOD's WORD. They take as it is delivered. Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? JESUS said there will come a time that you will reap where you not even sowered. I tend to be a reaper. Why is there such a shortage of reapers? GOD's Word said that my people perished because of a leak of knowledge. We have to take GOD's Word as little children, when the Word said Yes than it is YES. Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you? YES off cause, this is a great need in our days.
  9. Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? HE is the true Shepherd of all of us. Knowing what was suppose to be done and how they suppose to care for their people, this was to much for our SHEPHERD. That cause JESUS heartbroken over people who gone lost. Who are the lost sheep of your community? Those who didn't hear the voice of JESUS. Of the mission fields that you know about? Always those in need. Mostly those that were force to stay some where out of side. What is your attitude toward them? Restore their dignity and interduce JESUS to them.
  10. Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? JESUS are more concern about the loss, the sinner, the person that has never hear this Good News. JESUS don't want them to bring offerings unto HIM HE has no compassion in that but in the loss soul. What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? The Pharisees thought that they are better than sinners, they are not allowed to communicate with sinners. According to them, they are the only people who knows GOD's Word. The Pharisees already condemned the sinners. What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? All are welcome. JESUS said that HE has come for the lost, for the sinner. HE didn't come for the righteous, but for the sinners. A healthy person are not going to doctor, but the sick. Therefor HE has come heal the sin-sick soul. What attitude do you have toward sinners? Interduce JESUS to them. What is the role of a spiritual doctor? To heal the sin-sick soul.
  11. Q55. (Luke 10:30-37) Why does Jesus contrast a Jewish priest and Levite with a hated Samaritan? The Samaritans were particularly hated in Jesus' day but here the Samaritan was pointed out as the caring person. A priest and a Levite had neglected mercy, must have been intended as an especially biting commentary on what passed for "mercy" among the pillars of Judaism. According to the parable, how do you think Jesus would define "neighbor," that is, someone we have a responsibility toward? By this parable Jesus is saying that my neighbor is not just "my kind of people," but anyone who has a need. How much does compassion move you to go out of your way and comfort zone to care for those in need? My attitude towards this is to answer "What Would JESUS Do".
  12. Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? This is about stewardship, what are we do what GOD give to us. How do we spend our talents and money on. We have to advance the Kingdom of GOD with our talents and money. How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you? To advance GOD's Kingdom. What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord? They don't understand that they are steward unto GOD. They do things in their own strength. If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? To spend eternity with our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people? The more you spend time with GOD and in HIS WORD the more your responsibilities.
  13. Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable? JESUS has acted as a servant to disciples, JESUS wants them to be a servant to one another. Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? Their MASTER our LORD JESUS CHRIST has done a job what was suppose to be done by a slave or servant. Above all it was their feet JESUS washed. In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? JESUS already washed them with HIS WORD, so to wash their feet is a parable of cleansing their feet. In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? Peter don't want JESUS to wash his feet because it was not right in his eyes that JESUS must do the work of a servant. when JESUS explain the act he still rebuke JESUS not to wash his feet only but his hands and head as well. In what way is it a parable of humble service? JESUS as Teacher and LORD step down, humble (kneel before them) HIMSELF before HIS disciple and wash their feet. In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching? Have to do introspection to see short comings and do accordingly.
  14. Q52. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8) What is the similarity between Jesus' Parables of the Friend at Midnight and the Unjust Judge? They are both self-centered, think only off themself. What does this persistence look like in your life? Persistence is the only way in my life to break through. To persist strengthen your faith. What will persistence in prayer do to develop you as a disciple? To become more like JESUS.
  15. Q51. (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parable of Asking a Father for Bread? No good father will give his children a cynical or harmful gift. What misconception was he seeking to correct? He doesn't assume the basic goodness of man, but the basic evil.
  16. Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? The Birds they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. The Lilies they do not labor or spin. GOD clothes the grass of the field in splendor, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire. What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Our heavenly Father knows what we need. Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? But seek first HIS Kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? Make JESUS the center of my life. Nothing without HIM.
  17. Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? When we spend money more on self-serving decisions rather than spiritual decisions. How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? When we bought things for the sake of having it and there is a urge to buy it. Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters? They have to be devoted to GOD alone. They must make up their mind and release there is only one GOD and it is GOD ALMIGHTY.
  18. Q48. (Luke 12:16-21) Is being wealthy a sin for a Christian? No, as long as we put GOD first in everything we do. What was the rich man's actual sin or sinful attitude? He was self-centered, everything was about himself. He will do this and this. Nothing about GOD or even his workers. How do you sometimes see greed in the people in your neighborhood or social circle? The more they have the more they want. There is no need for anther but yes it is there. Christians aren't immune. In what ways might greed influence a Christian's behaviors and values? When competition arise and focus is not on GOD but worldly things.
  19. Q47. (Luke 6:1-13) In what way is the dishonest steward supposed to be a positive example to disciples? That one day they will give an account of there management," means to give a final report of where things stand and then turn over the accounting books to the master (GOD). The same verb "account" is also used of each person having to appear before God's throne to give an account of their lives. How does one "lay up treasures in heaven"? When someone giving alms to the poor is rewarded by God, and is a way of laying up treasure in heaven. Jesus rewards those who care for "the lease of these. "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done." (Proverbs 19:17) Why is the quality of our work of very small things so important to God? Those who are honest in the little details of inconsequential things can be trusted to be honest with large responsibilities, then GOD knows he can trust you with really large responsibilities and considerable wealth. What is he waiting to see in us? That we are good stewards that can give account of our management. We must be stewards of God's property, managers of God's resources; our finances, our time, our talents and abilities, our position in society, all of it What happens to people in the church who are promoted beyond their spiritual growth? A misused of power will happened. Proper spiritual leading will be a short coming. The church will be incorrect display.
  20. Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Watch out for false prophets and observe their fruits. Listen carefully to their words. Don't ignore or quickly pass over things that strike you as wrong. Jesus teaches us that there will be false prophets, that our congregations will not be immune from them. Strange or somewhat perverted teachings. Dominant character flaws. Actions and attitudes that don't conform to what you expect of a Christian leader. Why is this so important in our churches? They must be exposed because they are misleading innocuous congregants. They carry a spirit of confusion and this spirit they carry over to congregants. Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets? The flawed Christian, they are not perfect nevertheless none of us is perfect. They will weaknesses and flaws. We must be gracious towards one another and bear with each other's weaknesses. The dangerous false prophets they knew for a fact what they are up too. They promote there own agendas in favour of what GOD wants from HIS church.
  21. Q45. (John 6:53-58) What does the metaphor of "eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood," mean in practical terms? JESUS refers here to HIS supper with HIS disciples. The bread is HIS body and wine is HIS blood. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? Nibbling the Bread of Life is too enjoy yourself with the Bread of Life, chew it piece by piece. A Meal is once off and it is finished. How does "eating his flesh" relate to abiding in Jesus? It is the same by eating JESUS's flesh you commune with HIM and abiding is to form part of HIM, continuous relationship. We remain in him, meditate on him, ponder and hold fast his words, and find our spiritual nourishment in this living relationship. Why do you think Jesus uses this offensive analogy that resulted in many disciples leaving him? To make a clear statement and draw a comparison between HIM and what will happen around the Supper Table.
  22. Q44. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean "to abide"? It means "stay," often in the special sense of "to live, dwell, lodge. What does abiding have to do with "mutual indwelling"? This mutual indwelling is part of the Father's relationship with the Son. The Father and Son are the exemplars of what our relationship is to be with Jesus constant living together, sharing a deepening relationship of love and (on our part) obedience. This is abiding. With a "personal relationship"? The Father and Son are the exemplars of what our relationship is to be with Jesus constant living together, sharing a deepening relationship of love and (on our part) obedience. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Apart from me you can do nothing"? A Person is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. You will only do things in natural strength. What is the value of things done without Christ? None. What is the final end of things done without Christ? We can do nothing without CHRIST. You do things in own strength. You can take your rest in CHRIST.
  23. Q43. (John 15:1-3) How does skillful pruning increase the fruitfulness of a grapevine? The fruitfulness comes from the canes, shoots, or spurs that grow from these woody cordons. Pruning takes experience and skill how to removing unfruitful branches, and pruning the fruitful ones. How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure and obedience to Jesus' word? He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes (katharizō) so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean (katharizō) because of the word I have spoken to you. According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching bring cleansing and freedom from sin? The effect of obedience and "holding to" or abiding in Jesus' teaching is freedom from slavery to sin and separation from evil. God's Word, when received, has a washing, cleansing, pruning, faith-producing effect on us.
  24. Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Hypocrisy is growing in you starting small, perhaps, but growing and taking you over, specially when we put on a good front of being good Christians, but struggle with sin and pain and brokenness. Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? When you don't want to mention at work that you are a Christian or that you go to church. You don't want to bring discredit upon Christ and his church, so you do not identify yourself with HIM for fear of being branded a hypocrite. In this way spiritual growth becomes dormant with in you. To witness? As a Christian it is clearly betrayal towards our LORD JESUS CHRIST to see how our so call Christians find themselves in hypocrisy and make as if everything is wright. To obedience? As a Christian we have to obey the teachings of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Stand for what CHRIST has done for us. To being a disciple? Strictly follow our LORD JESUS CHRIST What is the antidote for hypocrisy? The antidote to hypocrisy is transparency, integrity between our beliefs and our actions, with confession and apology when we are inconsistent. We Christians have a serious public relations problem.
  25. Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? They want to be seen and want to have the best view. They make themselves important in a way of taking closest seat from the main table. According to verse 11, what will happen to them? They will received the least important seat. Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? Stay humble and in near time GOD will lift you up in due time. What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson. God opposes the proud, instead of receiving covering under the mighty hand of GOD, GOD's wrath will follow them.
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