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Everything posted by kas
Q1. Wealth and God's Blessing
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
Yes it does. Wealth does not always reflect God's blessing. Physical poverty doesn't always reflect God's curse. God blesses those who obey Him. He also lets us go through trials (be it material or physical poverty) to strengthen and perfect us. The key is to keep focused on Him ALWAYS. -
God's plan was to be fullfilled regardless of circumstances. While men follow their evil hearts, it is God's will that ultimately prevails. Sarah needed to remain undefiled. We cannot read..."and Sarah gave birth to Pharaoh's son and then later to Isaac, Abraham's son". That would defile the sacred line.
Q4. Abraham's Ethics and Faith
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
They did what they felt they had to do. They were old and had some. Abraham knew God and so did Sarah, indirectly. I don't think that by not revealing the whole truth he was unethical under the circumstances. Abraham may have sought God with tears and was left unanswered as well as left to his own method of resolution as a test. This is all speculation, and as you stated, God did not reprimand Abraham for his actions so if it's good enough for God... I think the intention here was that they were subject to the same treatment everyone human is despite God's favor but it is how we respond to the world that sets us apart. Abraham probably knew God would rescue him but being human he also had fear. When the world's circumstances look bleak, look up. Trust in God, not in what your senses see, feel, hear etc.. When we try to resolve situations in our own power we suffer needlessly than if we let God do His will in our lives. -
Q3. God's View of Adultery
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
Adultery is very serious. It is the only acceptable reason given in the bible for divorce. In the O.T., God punishes it by death. It is to be treated very seriously and not casually as it is today. God can forgive anyone with a repentant heart. In this story, however, Abimelech is warned by God, so it seems that Abimelech would die immediately (no time for repentance) if he commited adultery. -
Q2. Judgment upon Pharaoh
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
God wanted to let Pharoah know Sarah was married so she wouldn't be defiled by Pharoah and mess up God's plan to produce Isaac - and eventually, the seed of promise. Only God knows what's effective for each unique person and situation. God knew the outcome would produce God's desired results: releasing Sarah undefiled and healthy as well as preserving Abraham's life (the soon to be father of Isaac), thus preserving the line of Jesus. They both came away unscathed and more wealthy. -
He was not protected by native law and was vulnerable to the attacks by others. He may be oppressed by warlords and kings. We have various ethnicities. They are here to gain a better life - to have more freedom. I've been out of the work force for a few years, but I'm sure that descrimination in the work force is still prevelent as it is in home ownership in various neighborhoods. Our church is fabulously mixed with first generation immigrants from Brazil, Belize, South Africa and 2nd & 3rd generation Anglo Saxons. I myself am a 3rd generation American with European roots. However, we all descended from Noah so any differences are due to geographical location determining our skin color, etc. I can say that our church embraces "difference". I personally have always been drawn to aliens. I love finding out about other people's cultures.
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Yahweh is the one true God. Everyone else was calling out to something God created and not the Creator. Abraham was the only one, a single drop in a vast ocean, calling out to the true God. I know God has various names, but I don't know what Yahweh means specifically. When I call on the Lord's name it is to praise Him, seek Him for guidance and for asking Him to help others. I know He hears those who are cleansed of their sins. So I repent as soon as possible so He will hear me whenever I call. I also have had the experience where I am not addressing the Lord, but am just pondering something and He will answer my thougths. He is such an awesome God!!!!!! -
We are used to using our reasoning when we plan to do something. We like to see results and we want to see them now. We also want a garauntee that things will turn out a certain way according to our reasoning. It is not faith when we already see. We have plan A, B & C. God's ways and thinking is higher than ours and our reasoning cannot comprehend His. When we begin to do things that we cannot comprehend thru our reasoning, it takes faith. We can only trust that God will lead us and work all things for the good of His chlidren. There are things I didn't understand that only in retrospect did I see how the puzzle piece fit. I'm in the midst of something that I know was necessary to bring me back to God/Jesus. I'm also hoping God will use this experience by enabling me and equipping me to comfort, help and assist others with similar experiences.
Q2. Being Blessed and Being a Blessing
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Because it was accounted to him as righteousness for his trust in the Lord. The Lord blessed his seed Isaac and all those descended from Isaac. He was blessed spiritually, and financially and probably physically (healthy enough to father a child in old age and have the energy to move everyone and everything from place to place). All have been blessed thru Abraham's son Isaac. My belief and desire to be obedient shows in ways that others are or may be affected. Some ask questions and some have accepted Christ and/or confirmed their belief in Christ. Praise God! -
Q1. Beginning Again
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Yes, I was seeking direction and I felt the Lord pointing the way. I continued in that direction until recently. I have stopped but only for a short while. I will resume again very shortly. I am seeking His will for more specific instructions. -
It reminds me of what a wonderful awesome and loving Father we have who gave us His heart - His Son. This study helps me to meditate further on His word and enriches their meanings. I need to devote more time to meditation. I recently purchased some CD's on the NT in NIV complete with sound effects of that time to help emphasize/dramatize the dialogue. I'm sure this will help me meditate more.
God can guard us and send us signals when we're in the danger zone, but unfortunately we can fall and become apostate. The verse that comes to mind "I take no pleasure in him who turns back..." Some examples are Saul who was appointed by God and then slowly rejected Him. Judas, who was sent out among the disciples in two's to heal the sick and cast out demons - and who cannot do this unless he believes - was later damned as he betrayed Jesus. I therefore do not subscribe to the thought that once a believer, we can never fall from grace. I know God doesn't want anyone to perish, but some do. I feel that God is joyful towards me when I sincerely seek to do His will and is grieved when I don't. God will present me blameless as He looks at His Son whose death washed away my sins so I can be pure. While I am not blameless, my faith and works show my belief in His Son which makes me blameless in God's eyes.
Q3. Staying in Love with God
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
To read, meditate, pray and obey daily with a sincere desire. I read His word daily and take notes. I think about what I've read and put question marks where necessary. I need to meditate and pray more. I think I'm analizing the parts and missing the whole picture which is where the life is. -
Q2. Building Up Your Faith
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
It is our free will to choose to believe Him and to walk with Him and this demonstrates our desire - to actively seek Him through His word. His first commandment is to "Love the Lord your God ...." . In order to love Him is to know Him and to know Him we must read His word - His love letter to us. I read the bible daily. I confess that I don't meditate on His word as much as I should but I am growing. To be better built up I should pray and meditate as soon as I am fully awake so I will be more inclined to meditate throughout the day on His word. As it is, I pray in the day and read at night. -
Q1. Three Privileges of Believers
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
Loved by God the Father. It has been said "we are our own worst enemies" and the harsh judgment we pronounce on ourselves makes it hard to believe anyone could love us at times. I know His love is incomprehensible but that He loves us is very mind blowing. His love is constant and it's our part to believe it. If I sin, the guilt weighs me down so I don't have the courage to confess it and then believe I'm forgiven. It shows me that His love is far more superior to ours in that He is willing to forgive those who sincerely confess and repent. It's a good thing I'm not God as my judgment would be harsh. Knowing His love is unchanging is very encouraging. Ignoring emotions, I can believe and move forward, growing day by day. -
Q5. Belief in Christ's Return
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
To tell as many people as possible about Christ and save as many as possible so they don't spend eternity on the wrong side. We should also consider that our life can end at any time which also carries a sense of urgency to do as much as we can while we're still alive. We tend to put things on the backburner when we underemphasize them, we're not as fruitful as we would otherwise be. -
Q4. Sin and Repentance
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
We're in a "It's all about you" culture (self-help books, talk shows, etc..) . A Me-ism society. What's in it for ME? Satisfy me NOW! Why settle for less? Many companies would go out of business if everyone repented and stopped sinning and became totally selfless. If we accept Christ as our saviour and continue sinning without repentance we will eventually fall from grace. Repentance is absolutely necessary to obtain salvation. As humans we sin, but we must sincerely seek forgiveness and not do it again. If we do it again, we must sincerely seek forgiveness again - as Peter asked Jesus how many times must he forgive.... Repentance was difficult because I had been sinning for so long that I became hardened. It was coming to a place where I really had to know my behavior was wrong and not regret that I could no longer do it again. The bible and other Christians helped me a great deal. God softened my heart over time. -
Q3. Delay in Christ's Coming
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
God is patient and longsuffering, not wishing that any should perish. This teaches us that God IS Love. -
Q2. What It Means to Perish
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
We need to understand death, what it is and what it entails; that frightful prospect of eternal death apart from the love of God. If people could only wrap their minds around that word ETERNAL they might take it more seriously. Satan is doing his work by deceiving people into thinking that sin or evil doesn't exist. If evil/sin do not exist then where's the punishment? We need the full gospel preached, both the Love of God and the consequences of our disobedience. -
Q1. Reminders
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Our nature is to forget. If we don't feed on His bread (the Word) daily as a habit we tend to read here and there and eventually hardly. This leads to forgetfulness and leaves us open to spiritual attack. Just as Jesus had to thwart the darts of satan with the Word, we too need to arm ourselves with His word. I read His word daily and am absolutely amazed at how much scripture I retain when I converse with others. Scripture that pertains to a given situation comes easily into my mind. -
Q4. Warning about Sin
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much? Wouldn't satan have much to do with this? We need more bold apostalic teachers like Peter or Paul. We're afraid we may offend someone or lose church members so we keep quiet. I feel that if people heard the Truth, all of it, not just the "feel-good" parts, we'd have more repentance and allow the Holy Spirit to use us more. We need pastors to preach on the ..."or else" parts. -
Q3. Enslaved by Sin
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Sin enslaves by a slow hardening - our evil desires leads to evil actions and repeated evil actions births sin. The only way out is to read the word and pray and have others pray with you so you can hear the Holy Spirit convict you and repent. If we don't sensitize ourselves with daily reading and praying we become hardened. As God loved us to give us His only Son, we are to fulfill the second commandment and love others. If we don't love others and help them to forsake their sins and pray for them we are not doing His will. The Holy Spirit helps us to love others beyond our human capabilities. We must keep in mind we too are subject to sinning and be compassionate towards those who are weaker. We will be given in measure what we give so we have to be careful, if we judge, we will be judged. Jesus didn't come to save the righteous, but the sinners and we are all sinners. -
Q2. Persistent Sexual Sin
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
If we don't obey Christ we are obeying someone else - satan. To obey satan is to deny Christ. We've become complacent and desensitized because sexuality has permeated every social layer in our society and has for a long time but is now getting much worse. It's implications are everywhere and bombarding us in every way. We need to keep in the word and in prayer so we can be sensitive and guard against it permeating our minds and lives. -
Q1. Contending for the Faith
kas replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Why must we "contend for the faith"? What is the danger in not challenging the doctrines of false teachers? What is the danger inherent in challenging them? How can we keep the correct balance? If we don't contend, our lack of action may allow enough water (lies) to get in and sink the boat (church). This is rather harsh but the damage is too. The danger lies in many people believing lies and not Truth thus going to hell, not heaven and we would fail in our basic command from Jesus which is to go out and preach the gospel to all men. The danger could be physical and verbal violence against us who challege the little liars. We must challenge them in a loving way. This is where the Holy Spirit empowers us.