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Everything posted by kas

  1. Their focus isn't on God first but on themselves. They're being prideful and not giving God the glory. Their sense of self worth must be low in order to seek to build it up by receiving glory that should have gone to God. Their realism is a bad dream. The reality is that God created us and everything and has full control at all times over His creation. To believe that we are in control is diluded thinking. Humility is not accepting recognition for something. They show no humility but pride. I've take a spiritual gift test and it seems to indicate I have the gift of being a teacher. I have never taught and am not certain that this test is accurate. I am willing to try to teach but have not yet had the opportunity. I do read scripture in front of the congregation and I thoroughly enjoy that because it allows God's word to be heard and I strongly emphasize the areas where His word is the harsh truth to those who are disobedient (myself included). Our pastor doesn't seem to speak the harsh truth afraid the congregation may be too frail and leave. This affords me the opportunity to speak God's full truth to them. I think everyone needs to hear and know the full truth no matter how harsh it may seem. A pastor, is held accountable for the blood of his church and shouldn't care who leaves but rather who's soul will be saved. That's my belief. I am also an artist. I paint still lifes in oil. I will be painting some biblical scenes soon. Wouldn't it be great if a painting could bring just one to Christ?
  2. Because of their ego and pride. We don't like it because of the shame we feel because we should know better. We should be inspired to really think about what we're going to do and then don't do it if it's not in line with Christs' will. We should have the attitude of a humble servent as Christ did. Live an obedient life and don't be an offense or stumbling block to others (both believers and non-believers).
  3. They don't want to feel bad or quilty about what they're going to or want to do. We're tempted because it appeals to our fleshly desires. If we focus on Christ and His love for us we can overcome the temptation by remaining obedient to our loving God. We also know that if we sow in the flesh we reap in the flesh. There will be negative consequences to our sinful actions.
  4. We know He did not succumb to His fleshly desires but overcame them through the Spirit. We too should look to Christ as we die daily to our fleshly desires. When we deny our flesh there is physical and or mental pain associated with that. That pain tells us we died to sin. If we allow ourselves to let the Spirit reign we can overcome the desires of our flesh. We arm ourselves with Christ to battle against our flesh.
  5. I am growing into a pledge to Him. I am growing into a disciple. When I re-committed myself to Him 2 years ago I knew, in order to follow Him that I must first know Him through His word. When I know Him, I love Him. When I love Him I will be His disciple. I've read the Word cover to cover twice in a year and am spiritually growing into Him day by day. I look forward to bearing fruit 100 fold. I was baptised last year (3rd time). First as an infant, second, 20 years ago. I feel that as Christ was baptised at the age of 30, I too, at an age being fully conscious of my faith, should follow in Jesus' steps.
  6. #3. That God loves me despite my filthiness. That He wants me to know His love even though I don't deserve it. That He has made it possible for me to enjoy an intimate and loving relationship with Him. To experience His love, to know Him is to desire to do His will thus fulfilling His two greatest commandments. I am beginning to know Him and just the bit that I do is overwhelming, I can't imagine what it's like being mature in Christ. I look forward to it!
  7. Because our flesh takes over. It's hard to put on Christ in trying times, however, if we learn to obey and live like Him, when persecution comes, it would be a natural response. If we're not prepared and haven't learned to hear the Spirit, then we're still in the flesh. The flesh produces fear and flight responses. Our minds focus on our circumstances rather than Christ. Like Peter who started sinking when he took his eyes off Christ, we too must keep focused on Him. #2 Be ready to give an answer. I try to answer God related questions. I pray that the Holy Spirit works in their hearts and leads my tongue so the pearls aren't being thrown to swine. I don't feel as prepared as I should be when confronted with difficult questions concerning the bible. However, it is only the Holy Spirit that produces effective words. I must try to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying as well premeditate my words.
  8. I've been at my church only one year, but it seems to be alive and harmonious. If there are any disagreements they're not at the surface. I attend bible study weekly and we have few disagreements and some struggles, but overall it's harmonious. The only way a church can change is God working through us. If my behavior reflects Christ, others may follow. Jesus gently guides us, not forces us, and that's all one can do to lead others up the narrow road.
  9. The measure we use will be measured to us. If we don't forgive others God won't forgive us. If we disobey God we sin, and God doesn't listen to sinners thus hindering our prayers.
  10. Without knowledge and wisdom one acts on pure emotion which is selfish. Widsom and knowledge demonstrates understanding and appreciation of the differences between a man and woman. Just like Christ was loving to His church, so must man also be to his wife. Man must use Christ's selfless love as a guide to his relationship with his wife. When man thinks as a man does he will be selfish and ego satisfying which translates to dominance not subservience. Jesus was a servant to His disciples demonstrating a loving and humble spirit. Domination is the opposite, thus it is not of God.
  11. By loving God with all her hear mind, soul & body she will automatically fall in line with everything else because she will display the fruits of the Spirit. Living like this, her light shines for all to see and this will not only pull her husband toward Christ but all those around her.
  12. We should look respectable. When we desire outer adornments that take priority over God we're commiting idolatry. We should dress in a manner suitable to what we would wear if Jesus were present because HE IS. The balance is to look good - and be Godly.
  13. Submission is difficult because we have an innate desire to satisfy our fleshly needs. Our society also celebrates living selfishly. We can disagree and voice improvement if we do it with love which is in line with scripture. It's when we don't match up with scripture - when we think as man does which is not as God does that we get into trouble. It's wrong to submit when it's not in line with God's word. Obeying God over man should be our desire.
  14. Sin has power because we still have flesh. We must try not to sin. We must turn from it. It is a constant battle we must overcome. When we fall we must confess and repent in sincerety and keep moving forward. We must not make provision for sin. If we like to drink alcohol we must stay away from night clubs and people who drink - we can avoid situations that might make us vulnerable. We must live by the fruits of the Spirit; patience, love, kindness etc... We must live selflessly (not for ourselves but for others and thereby for God).
  15. So that I may become free of sin. He gave me the gift of eternal salvation. That He would not only bear my sins but nail them to the cross and die for me. Because Jesus did this for me I should and desire to, do everything I can for Him. He bought me, I am His. I desire to be His slave and the only way to show Him that I believe in Him is to obey Him and that is to Love God with all my mind, heart, soul and body and to love my neighbor likewise.
  16. God can only communicate to the pure. Jesus could only provide that pureness (sinlessness) because we are born in sin and are prone to sin. The Law showed man that it is impossible for man to be good. Only Jesus could attain salvation for us. I can't even begin to imagine what Jesus went through experiencing sin. A sinless person would probably be extremely sensitive to sin and for all sins to be poured into Him must've been worse than anything physical. I believe it was His love for us and by the power of the Holy Spirit that He was able to endure.
  17. Christ bore my sins and gave Himself fully as a sacrifice for me. He endured all the physical and spiritual pain of sin and finally death to show His love for me.
  18. I must learn to give it all to Him. To trust Him completely and pray and live in the Spirit. I am still on milk because I have not applied Jesus' teachings to every aspect of my life. I must remind myself in everything to think according to His truth. My behavior has changed and is changing to be more dependent upon Him.
  19. We are to do everything as if we are doing it for Jesus. We are therefore expected to do our best in everything we do. When we fall short of that we are disobedient to God and are showing non-believers that our God excepts mediocrity thus dishonoring God and losing a potential believer. Why would a non-believing perfectionist want to worship a God of mediocrity?
  20. The action of obedience to do His will which first and foremost is to love God with all our hearts, minds, body's & souls and in doing that we would automatically fulfill the second greatest commandment. Our attitudes should be loving and forgiving but also correcting of other believers if they need to be snatched from the fire. And being more loving and forgiving towards non-believers. Unfortunately, I've a long way to go in my actions and attitude.
  21. To praise Him in sincerity and truth - with all your heart and with thanksgiving. Acknowledging that without Him there's nothing - everyone & thing owes it's very existense to Him. He alone is worthy.
  22. The mindset of a priest towards God is to worship, praise, and glorify Him in truth and sincerity. To confess our sins and repent and pray. It's all about coming in line with God's will and having the desire to Do His will. I already do desire to do his will and pray daily for salvation for all.
  23. We are people persons and I think we get upset because we all want to be loved and accepted by everyone and we can't understand it when we are not - "it must be a genetic flaw on their part - because I KNOW I'm good" (is what we sometimes feel). God loves everyone and doesn't wish that anyone should suffer death but come to repentance. He also loves us enough to chastise us. Any good parent disciplines their child. So does God. God gives everyone plenty of opportunities to come to Him and repent, this also shows His love for us. The biggest show of love was His only son's death on the cross. Jesus' death nailed death to the cross. The gift of life is free to all! Final judgment must be the core because without it we would not be accountable for our actions - both believers and non-believers and then we would ask Why did Jesus die for us?
  24. We must perform the great commission - to preach the gospel. How many people can we affect now? Tomorrow may not come for some of us or others we know, so it is urgent that we tell people and be models of Christ. It inspires self control and soberness because to act out of control, etc.. will cause others to stumble - we have much accountability and it is to our shame if we aren't helping our family and friends and others into an eternity with Christ. Even imagining anyone living an eternity without Christ is unthinkable. Some people think they're going to heaven and aren't - they are dissillusioned. Salvation is a constant effort. We are not so secure. As long as we remain in Him He will remain in us so we have to be constantly in Him. Some think to just believe in Jesus is enough. There's sooo much work needed to be done on our selves and telling others. If we can think that today may be our last day on earth - perhaps we would act much differently. I know I would.
  25. Holiness is to be without sin and while we are all born in sin, it is impossible for us to be holy on our own, however, with His Spirit living in us we become holy. We have His Spirit because we believe Jesus IS the Son of God who died for our sins. To believe in something is also to act as if you believe it. So belief is synonamous with action. I believe is to act in accordance with His word and become holy. While I stumble and fall daily, I sincerely desire to act in total obedience and must pray daily (sometimes second by second) for forgiveness. As long as God sees my heart is sincere, I am forgiven. My biggest struggles are trying to live and think like Jesus would. After soo much bible reading I thought I would act better. I dissappoint myself daily. However, I know that the Spirit is showing me wrinkle by wrinkle so as not to overwhelm me with how much ironing needs to be done. I also have a struggle with doubts.
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