Eldress Rowe
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Q4. Come Before Winter
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
It was important for Timothy to come before winter because sailing was dangerous in winter if not impossible and Paul did not want Timothy to endanger his life, He also needed his coat because it was cold in the winter. If Timothy delays he might not be able to get there or bring the items Paul had asked for or get to see his friend Paul alive. Scripture does not tell us if Timothy dropped everything and came to Paul's side but I imagine he did because of his friendship with Paul and the urgence of Paul's voice. Knowing where Paul was and that all the other's has forsaken him for whatever reason, I think Timothy felt the need to get there as soon as possible so he dropped everything and went to Paul's side. If I was Timothy, based on the sense of urgency in Paul's letter, I would probably drop everything and go. Even though we can say what we think we would do we really don't know until we are faced with the situation. -
Q3. Deserted
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
I think it is so difficult when trusted friends desert us because we have built that that trust over a long period of time. We have invest so much time, effort, love, and companionship in building that friendship that it seems as if a part of us is missing. If they are truly trusted friends we have probably confided in them when we would not confide in no one else, they were the ones we could depend on to be there when needed and over time they have become more like family than friends. When they desert us is like losing an arm or leg and there is an emptiness in our lives that is not easily filled for we are weary of trusting someone else they way we trusted them. Moving away is not like deserting someone. Circumstances and situations may make it necessary to move and even if if the person is not in close proximity we can still converse and see one another from time to time. They still remain our friends we just may not see them as often, or talk to them as frequently, but we can share the same love if it is from a distance. Now if they die that is different. We will have to hang on to our memories of the time and things we shared, now that they are in a better place . We have to trust someone but our ultimate trust should be in God who will never leave us or forsake. When we trust man it should be after they have proven themselves to be trustworthy and even then they may fail us. The other person that was with Paul was the Lord, who will never leave us or forsake. -
The crown of righteousness represents the throne of glory and kingdom inherited by the saints who are raised to sit among princes. It is called a crown of righteousness because it sones through the righteousness of Christ. It is that which gives right to it because it is obtained and possessed in a righteous way and bot by force or usurpation. It is God the Father's free gift to His Children, what they are born heirs unto and are made suitable for through regenerating and sanctifying grace, and have a legal title to through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. It may be expressive of the perfect holiness and righteousness of the heavenly state and of the saints in it, wherein will dwell nothing but righteous persons who are entirely without sin. Our holiness and righteousness there will be perfected and will be our crown. It is given to those chosen in Christ Jesus and redeemed by His blood and sanctified by His Spirit. Those who know, believe and love both Christ and Hos appearing. It is awarded on the basis of our living in obedience to the will of God and Christ Jesus because we love Him and are looking with great expectation for His appearing.
Q1. The Good Fight
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
To have fought the good fight of faith or run the good race means that we have completed the duties Gid has for us in this life, served the interest of Christ, and been instrumental in carrying out the glorious victories of the exalted Redeemer over the power of darkness. We have gone throne the difficulties of our warfare . We have persevered and not wavered from the faith even when things got hard but was steadfast and unmovable until this life is over. To finish the race God has designed for us it takes faith in God, perseverance, steadfastness, commitment, and the Holy Spirit. We must fight to finish our course and not quite until for we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. We must fight until our days are done and the grave is ready for us. we have gone the way of all flesh and got to the end of our lives. To keep the faith means to hold fast one's profession of faith without wavering, to keep the doctrine of faith committed to our trust pure and incorrupt against all opposition, to be faithful to one's trust as a good steward of the mysteries of God not concealing and keeping back anything that is profitable but declaring the whole counsel of God, and keeping the doctrines of the Gospel and never betray any of them. -
Paul commanded Timothy to discharge all the duties of his ministry because his ministry involved more that just feeding the flock. If he is to make full charge of his ministry in addition to feeding the flock he must know their state, care for them, warn them of approaching danger, administer ordinances, and doing all the duties belonging to it. He does not seek his own things but the things of Christ, cheerfully and patiently suffer for Christ and His Gospel, and live an agreeable life and conversation. The work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do as Paul's deputy is to water the Church he planted. He was to preside over the church the apostle had planted till they were settled under a standing ministry. He was to preach peace ,pardon, righteousness, life and salvation alone by Jesus Christ through the free grace of God. Like Timothy I must preach peace, pardon, righteous, life and salvation alone by Jesus Christ. I must tell people their faults, reprove, rebuke, and convince wicked people of the danger of their wicked course, endeavoring to bring them to repentance.
Paul resorted to the command in verse 1-2 to remind Timothy of the seriousness of his duty, encourage him to remain faithful to his calling, to prove himself to God and Jesus Christ, and make due return to God who made him and the Lord who redeemed him for at the judgement he must give an account to Jesus Christ of all the trust he put in him when he called him to ministry. He talks about being ready when it is convenient and inconvenient because it may not always be a convenient time but Timothy must be ready to preach the Gospel at all times. He is to preach the pure word of God and not corrupt it as the false prophets were doing, Even when men don't want to hear the truth he must speak the word with power charging sinner of the need to repent, believe, and live a holy life. Paul was trying to overcome the problem of telling men what they want to hear rather than the truth as the false teachers were doing. Those God have entrusted with His Word are to correct, rebuke, and encourage even in a time when preaching against sin is considered to be judgmental, but we must declare the truth even in a world where men would rather believe a lie than hear the truth. These verses reminds me that I need to speak the true word of God and not some watered down version that does nothing to encourage man that he need a Savior and that God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to be that Savior. I need to continue to tell dying men and women that they wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life and that hell is real.
Scripture is a perfect rule of faith and practice designed for the minister as well as every Christian who is devoted to God. The Scripture thoroughly furnishes us for every good work if we consult it and follow its directions, for their is a Scripture which suits every case. Whatever duty we have to do, whatever service is required from us, enough is found in the Scriptures to furnish us for it. Scripture makes us wise unto salvation if mixed with faith. It is a sure guide in our way to eternal life as it makes us wise for our souls and another world. It is profitable for all purposes of Christian life-doctrine, reproof, correction, instructions in righteousness, answers all the end of divine revelation, instructs us in that which is true, reproves us from that which is amiss, and directs us in that which is good.
Inspiration of the Scripture means that the writers were supernaturally guided to express what God intended them to express as a revelation of His mind and will. The infallible communication of His mind and will were written in the manner and words in which it was originally given. They are His words, divine revelation that maybe depended upon infallibly true. That it is given by the inspiration of God is evident in it's style, truth, purity, and sublimity of it. the doctrine contained in it, the harmony of its parts, the power and the efficacy on the minds of those who converse with it. The term "God-breathed" tells us that the same reason into us breathes revelation among us for Scripture does not originate with men but comes directly from God, The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture is important because it keeps it pure and incorrupt. They are profitable for reproof for there never was, nor is, nor can there ever be any error or hearsay in the word, but sufficient refutation. They are profitable for correction, for instruction un righteousness in every duty incumbent upon man with respect to God and man. It is able to make one wise to salvation , a sure guide in our way to eternal life.. It instructs one in what is true, reproves us from what is amiss, and directs in that which is good.
Q3. Form without Power
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
It is easy to become hypocrites because of our sinful nature. We may have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior and become new creatures but we are still in the same body. Unless we bring these bodies under subject to the will of God we are subject to do anything, therefore we cannot let sin reign in our mortals bodies to obey the **** thereof. We cannot just speak of our devotion to God and Christ but we must live it everyday. We cannot dress in sheep clothing but inwardly be raving wolves but our heart, lips, and lives must be in tune with each other. We can prevent our faith from degenerating into a form of religion without the power by totally surrendering heart, body, and soul, unto the Lord, remember that it is about Jesus Christ and not about us, studying the word of God daily, praying without ceasing, and allowing the Holy Spirit to be our leader and guide. Salvation is just the beginning as we a to be sanctified daily through the WORD. -
Q2. Correcting
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
A Christian teacher must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. They must be kind and gentle and have a spirit of humility that will allow them to correct others with gentleness and meekness and trust God for the finish product. We are not to have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments but teach the truth of God with a pure heart and a clear spirit. And we are to always give an answer to everyone who ask so that they might have reason to hope for the hope we have. As teacher our aim should be to lead others to the repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior. If we lack any of the qualities we may turn others away with our manner of speaking or by our lack of gentleness, kindness, and meekness. Teachers are to teach, not to dictate. -
A failure to accept the inevitability of persecution will cause us to remain silent about our faith for fear of persecution. We may not have to carry a cross like Jesus did but we will endure affliction, trials, and persecution on a daily, which we must cheerfully receive and patiently bear. As followers of Christ we are to deny worldly advantages, and patiently bear every affliction, evil, persecution we are called to, and even death with a resignation to the will of God in imitation of Jesus Christ. While our persecutions may not be like Jesus' as Christians we are called to bear and must bear persecution if we are to follow Christ.
Q1. Fit and Useful
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
I use my everyday tableware every day. I do not owned any special tableware. Before Christ cleaned us up we were not fit for His use. And even with His cleansing of forgiveness and holiness there is cleansing which we must do ourselves such as resisting the evil and temptations that drag us down. Our sanctification is not a one time event but a continual process. It we are to be useful to the Lord we must die daily to sin that we might be meet for the master's use. Repentance means to change one's mind, to turn away from something but it also requires us to turn to fe in Christ and the virtues of a Spirit-led life. A life of righteousness, faith, love, peace, etc. -
Q4. Skilled Craftsmen
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Just as a skilled workman prepares himself to perform his craft Timothy must prepare himself for ministry. The ministry of the Word requires industry, diligence and application, which is required for any skilled workman, but it also requires the grace of God. The word of truth is to be cut open and dissected , searched to find every truth contained in it so they can wisely and faithfully be laid open to others that they may be given their portion of meat in due season. It should be given to babes in Christ and to grown Christians according to their capacity, and suitable to their cases and circumstances , dividing to everyone what is proper for him. Just as Timothy had to prepare so do we. We must be industrious and diligent in out application of the word. We are to cut open and dissect the word to find it hidden truth and wisely and faithfully administer them to others. We are not to pervert, take from, or add to the Scriptures but point out the truths in them. Scripture is used to show men the way of salvation so we must plainly and faithfully preach the Gospel contained in it without keeping anything back that is profitable. It requires one to take great care to himself, his doctrine, great industry, diligence, and application, and much reading, meditation, and prayer. Unskilled, unfaithful, or lazy workman (ministers) have need to be ashamed, but those who mind their own business and keep to their work need not be ashamed. -
Q3. Enduring Hardship
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Just as a soldier, athlete and a farmer endure hardship for the sake of their goal as soldiers of Christ we must do likewise. We should not expect ease and rest but difficulties, toil, and labor. We should not be involved or implicated in worldly affairs and cares but should wholly give ourselves up to the work and service to which we are called. We should be ready to part with all worldly enjoyment and cheerfully suffer the lost of all thing for the sake of Christ and His Gospel. No man who calls himself a Christian can expect the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus except he run the race set before him in the right way, and work pressing through all difficulties toward the prize and hold on and hold out until the end. I guess the farmer speaks more strongly to me having grown up on a farm and watched as my dad prepared the field, planted the crops, watered, nurture them in anticipation of a harvest. Though it might have only been a small seed when he planted, he believed that those small seeds would produced a great harvest if properly nourished and taken care of. He didn't seem to mind the wait or the toil and labor that went into it for he was expecting to reap a harvest -
Q2. Endurance and Suffering
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Our churches do not declare the call to endurance and suffering because too many are not willing to do so. If the church was to declare a call to endurance and suffering for the cause of Christ it would probably turn some a way. Many have been led to believe that they can live any way they want and still make it in but the Bible tells us that without holiness no man can see the Lord. Holiness is not a fact of life it is a way of life and we have to separate ourselves from the things and ways of the world which for some is not easy Timothy tended to shy away from it for he did not want to upset the status quo. If we are to reign with Him then we must suffer with Him and endure hardship like a good soldier.