Eldress Rowe
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Everything posted by Eldress Rowe
Q3. Pure Hearts
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
The problem among the men of the congregation that Paul was referring to was disputes which seriously affect the purity of worship. They were going through the motions but their hearts and mouths were full of anger and infighting intruded on their worship. When we worship without love in our hearts God doesn't listen and He hides His eyes from us. Matthew 5:23-24 tells us that if we are offering our gifts on the altar and remember that a brother has an ought against, we are to first go and be reconciled to that brother and then offer our gifts. James 4:3 says the reason we don't receive when we ask is because we ask with the wrong motives. -
Paul emphasizes salvation of all mankind in this letter because false teachers were misleading the people as to salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus, being no respecter of person can to save all who would believe in Him and accept Him as Savior, not just Jews. He came to the Jews first but they rejected Him. The practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church was contrary to what Jesus said because they were catering to the Jews. They were focused on an exclusive salvation, presenting Jewish genealogies and myths which was contrary to the "Great Commission" to go into all the world and make disciples.
Q4. Exhortation
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Paul reminded Timothy of the prophecies spoken over him to remind that even though he was in the midst of false prophet God was with him and had fitted him for the task. And that he might fulfill his ministry with zeal, courage, faithfulness and integrity. That he would not be intimidated by the false prophets and teachers but stand firm on what he believed. Fight the good fight of faith is to continue perseveringly against opposition and temptation without doubting what you have been told and know to be true. Paul is told to hold on to his faith and a good conscious so that he would not be easily swayed by false doctrine and teachings. Paul is trying to counter the temptation to waver in one's faith or to entirely lose faith in what one has know to be true. We should let nothing or no one shake our faith in God. -
Paul commented on his own life after a passage on the law to let them know that he was once one of the vilest of sinners but Jesus can save even them. He was once a blasphemer and a persecutor, a vile man, but was shown mercy because he had acted in ignorance and unbelief. Not only did Jesus call him but qualified him also. As Saul he breathed out threatening s and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord and made havoc of the Church, He willfully persecuted Christians knowing them to be people of God. Now Paul, who was Saul, is telling people that Jesus saves and sing his praises. He shared this with Timothy and the Church to let them know Jesus has unlimited patience for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life. The conversion and salvation of sinners are owing to the exceeding abundant grace of Christ. He came into the world to seek, find, and save those who are lost and desire a new life. This may help get the Church back on center because it is truth. It is a faithful saying, true and faithful Words on which we can hope and depend. It should be believed and received by all for our comfort and encouragement. If Paul could obtain mercy from Jesus Christ, surely we can to when we truly repent and believe.
Q1. False Doctrine
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Results of false doctrine in the Church at Ephesus : pulled the Church down instead of building it up, corrupted religion, shook the foundation of the Christians by filling their minds with doubts and fear, caused disputes, vain jangling, controversies and quarrels, strife, pride, hypocrisy and questionable ethics. Controversies hut the spirit of the church because they disturb the peace and unity of the church. The church becomes a place of rancor and dispute, the focus is distorted and the direction of the church is diverted, It prevents growth because we stop talking about things that are truly important , our focus of the church is distorted and the mission is compromised, and the church is kept from it mission. Christians mature in Christ when they hear good sound doctrine or teaching whereas false doctrine hinder Christian maturity -
Q3. Doxology
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
From the doxology we learn that God is a eternal king for He is without beginning of days or end of life. He is the Ancient of Days. He has immortality and cannot die. Because He cannot be seen with the mortal eye He is invisible. Infinitely wise He is the foundation of all wisdom. Those who are sensible of their obligation to the mercy and grace of God will have their hearts enlarged in His praise. His gracious dealings should fill us with admiration of His glorious attributes. Yes I use doxology in my praise and prayer. The speaker gives glory and honor to God through doxology, -
Q3. Doxology
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
From this doxology we learn that He is King, is eternal-without beginning of days or end of life. He is the Ancient of Days. He is immortal because He has immortality and cannot not die, He is invisible for He cannot be seen with the mortal eyes. He only is infinitely wise and the foundation of all wisdom. His gracious dealings with us should fill us with admiration of His glorious attributes and we should be forever employed in giving honor and glory to Him. Yes I have tried speaking out a doxology in my personal prayer and praise time. The doxology results in blessing for the speaker. -
Paul comment on his own life after the paragraph on let to encourage the people. If he, Paul, a blasphemer, a persecutor of Christians, a violent man, the chief of all sinners could be shown mercy what about other who act out of ignorance and unbelief. As Saul he breathed out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord and made havoc of the Church. He persecuted the Christians willfully, knowing them to be people of God but he did it out of ignorance and unbelief. When we know better we are to do better. He shares this with Timothy and the Church to let them know that Jesus has unlimited patience for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life. The conversion and salvation of sinners are owing to the exceeding abundant grace of Christ; He came into the world to see, find, and save the lost. Sharing this may help get the Church back center because it should give hope to other sinners. It is truth, a faithful saying, truth and faithful words on which we can depend not some false teaching. It should be believed and received by us all for our comfort and encouragement. If Paul could obtain mercy from Jesus Christ, surely we can to,
Q1. False Doctrine
Eldress Rowe replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus are their minds were filled with doubts and fear, there was disputes. controversies, quarrels, strife, pride, hypocrisy, and questionable ethics. Doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of the church by disturbing the peace and unity of the church. The church becomes a place of rancor an dispute, the focus is distorted and the direction of the church is diverted. False doctrine prevent growth because false doctrine hinders the Christian's maturity but when Christians hear good sound doctrine or teach they mature. It keeps the church from its mission because when we stop talking about things that truly important our focus becomes distracted, the church is diverted and its mission is compromised. Our focus is on other things rather than on what we have been commissioned to do, go make disciples. -
The "Ancient of Days: a title for Yahweh, King of the throne, granted the "Son of Man" authority, glory, and sovereign power. Jesus use the title "Son of Man" because He was to take on the form of a human being in order to relate to other human beings on earth and to be the sacrifice for their sin when He took our sins upon Himself on the cross. Jesus' authority means that He will rule over my life when I surrender it to Him. He has the power to forgive me of my sin, heals me from all my disease, keep me in perfect peace in the midst of the turmoil of this world, to make me righteous and to ensure that I enjoy eternity with Him one day.
From Joseph's actions we can learn to obey and trust God even when we may not understand because He knows what is best for us. We do not have to know anything about the outcome before we say yes to God but we must have the faith to believe what He says and the willingness to obey. I do not know how a good God can allow infants to be slaughtered no more than I can understand how innocent people were slaughter throughout the Bible days and how innocent infants, men, women, and children are being slaughtered in Palestine and the other war torn countries of this world; but I do no that what the devil meant for evil God will work it out for our good. It is not for us to understand something God does but know that if He allows it, it is His will and the bigger picture will be revealed. His ways are not our ways neither are His thoughts are thoughts. Whether God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah I do not know, but it was all part of God plans even if we don't understand why.
Gift giving on this occasion was one of mere custom. And our giving at Christmas tends to be more of tradition than love. The Magi's gifts were fitting for the Christ Child because they were representative of His royalty ,His deity, and His humanity. The gifts that we can offer cross that would mean something are our hearts, our obedience, and our willingness to serve. The gifts that demonstrates my love is keeping His commandments, compassion, car, and concern for others, and my willingness to humbly bow in submission to His will.
Jesus first appeared of the scene in the beginning of creation. He was with God and was God. Without Him nothing was made that has been made. He was totally divine even though He took on human form to dwell among us. The word incarnation is used to describe His becoming a human being. He brings grace and favor from God by shinning light on our sins. The truth, the truth teller brings us good new and exposes the lies of the world that we are accustom to and have been clinging to. When we reject these lies and accept His truths we find our way to the Father and become children of God. He demands that we accept these truth by walking in the light as He is in the light.
The kingship of Jesus is a threat to our self-determination because as humans we want to be in control, do as we please and chart the course of our own like, so we think. But in light of His Kingdom we must yield our will to His will, be obedient to his commandment, and acknowledge Him in all our ways that He might direct our paths/ Anything less is hypocrisy.
It is hard for us to value the time we spend in meditation and prayer because we are blinded by the world and the things of the world. The world dictates that we are to be in a hurry and desire instant gratification while the Bible teaches us to wait on the Lord and be of good courage while we wait. I think the Lord values our quite time spend in prayer, meditation, and the study of the Word most, whether it be in the still of the morning, at noon day, or in the midnight hour.. They time we spend in listening to God and hearing from God prepares us to be faithful servants of God. Listening to the Lord propels Anna's ministry because it prepares and equips her for ministry.. When one listens to God and spend time with God He not only directs their path but speaks through them as He did with Anna,
God sent Simeon to the temple on this day because the Messiah and His family were there.. God had promised Simeon that he would not die until he saw the Messiah. This incident is recorded in Luke because Luke had a deep concern and interest in history. He presents the life of Jesus not as just another event in God's special history, bust as the event in that history, Just as Simeon prophesied , because of the teaching of Jesus many stumbled and even fell not only among the Jews but among the Gentiles. They spoke against Him, falsely accused Him, and some even reject Him. The thought of their hearts were revealed with they joined in with others crying crucify an innocent man who knew no sin and release someone who was guilty of sin, And as Mary watched Her Son being crucified on the crossed it pierced her heart.
The suddenness of Christ's coming is so fearful because we do not know if we will be found wanting, out of the ark of safety, or with our work undone. Therefore it behooves us to live everyday as if it is our last and in obedience to the commandments of God and according to His prescribed will for we will not have time to get our business fixed when He comes. The verses were fulfilled in Jesus's day when both John, the forerunner of Christ, and Jesus came preaching repentance for there is no forgiveness of sin without repentance. Few could bear the light of the glorious Sun of righteousness nor his ministry or the light of that day for it was contrary their principles and practice. But when we adhere to His doctrines and ministry and repent we are purified by the blood of Christ and the imputation of His righteousness and in the end will be without spot and blemish and as white as snow. At His coming He will be like a refiner's fire separating pure doctrines from ones of dross and separating and saving His people from a crooked, perverse, and corrupt generation which He will destroy. The corruption and impurity of sin, which is original and natural, and inherent in mankind can only be removed by the grace of God and the blood of Christ therefore it is imperative that we be purified by the blood of Christ and sanctified by the grace of His Spirit that we might be pleasing unto the Lord and acceptable to God through Christ Jesus.
All of Christ's qualities of preeminence and greatness are meaningful to me but the one that is most meaning is "In Him all things hold together". Not only doe He save us but He sustains and keep us despite all the forces of evil. The heavens have their stability and continuance from Him, the earth is bore up by Him, the angels in heaven are confirmed in their estate by Him, and live, move and have our being in Him. It would all burst asunder and break into pieces if it was not held together by Him. For Jesus to humble himself means that he voluntarily took upon Himself the form of a servant and appeared in the likeness of sinful man even though He was without sin. He lost nothing of what He had, his fulness of grace nor the perfections of His divine nature for it was covered ad out of sight. Incarnation was such a miracle because that which was Spirit was made flesh and dwelt among us in order to be the Savior of mankind.
The shepherds knew to find the Holy Family because the angels told them there was a Holy Family and how to find them. He was to be found in a manager in Bethlehem wrapped in swaddling clothes. The manger indicated that He would be found in a stable because the manger was the trough where the cattle were fed. When the shepherds rejoice when they found Christ giving praise to God and tell the good news of Christ's birth. And Mary remember all that was said about the birth of her child, pondering those thing in her heart.
The angels shocked the angels with their radiant glory because they were not accustom to seeing such a sight especially out in the field. The glory of the Lord was usually shown around the temple and not out in the field. It was not something more low-key because they were not announcing a low-key happening but the birth of the Savior, God in human form and Spirit. Something that had never happened before and would never happen again, something that would change the course of the world as well as the hearts and minds of mankind. The content of the good news was that a Savior was born, Christ the Lord. He was born in the place which was foretold of the prophets , would be a Savior to those who accept Him, and peace on earth for those who accept Him. To authenticate the good news the shepherds would find Him lying in a manager (a cattle trough) wrapped in swaddling clothes.
It is important that we know who governed the area at the time of Jesus's birth that we might understand the historical content of His birth and the prophecy of Daniel might be fulfilled. Daniel had prophesied that He would be born in the days of the kings of the fourth monarchy. The first difficulty was having to travel such a distance when she was so far along in her pregnancy. After making such a long and treacherous journey they found not room in the inn but Jesus was born in the stable with the animals, place in a manager, a place where the cattle stood to be feed, instead of a cradle, and wrapped in swaddling clothes. Had His parents been rich or had their been any common humanity among the people room would have been made for then. God allowed such circumstances to demonstrate to the world that Jesus was to be a servant who was able to relate to the least among us. Jesus, coming from humble beginnings. we able to demonstrate humility and show love and compassion. Difficulties are allowed in our lives to humble us and make us aware of our dependency upon a higher power
God sent Christ into this world when He did because all the thing they had agreed religiously, culturally, commercially, and politically had been fulfilled. The time had been agreed and fixed between god and His Son from all eternity. Redeem mean to buy back, deliver, or secure deliverance of. We have been delivered from sin and Satan, the world, the bondage of ceremonial law, and the curse and condemnation of the moral law. Adoption is to be granted the same right and privileges as those who are born to the person. We have the power , authority, and privilege from God through Christ to become son and daughter with rights to a heavenly inheritance which we shall enjoy in the hereafter with Christ. We are heirs of all the blessing of grace and glory, righteousness, life, salvation, and a kingdom and glory. Our inheritance is in His presence, reserved safe in Him, and by Him, and with Him we shall enjoy it for what Christ inherits we inherit.
Love is most at home in the time of peace because in the time of peace the desire to be victorious at any cost does not exit. There is no need or desire to trample on the weakest among us for we can live in harmony and not like ravenous wolves. It our ultimate value is winning then we have missed the mark. God has already won the battle, our goal should be to be like Christ We can bring peace from Jesus in our world by being His example. When we show meek and humble, showing love and compassion as Jesus did it will not only bless us but others around us.
God has a special place in His heart for the poor and disadvantaged because He is a just God, a God of love and compassion and he sees the injustice been done to them. As a protector of the poor and disadvantaged it is His duty to defend and deliver them The drug addict, prostitute, people of color, homeless, under-educated, poor and less fortunate are the unloved, overlooked and looked down on in my city. I try to show them love through my behavior toward them, express my love, care and concern for them in conversation, help them financially when able, and tell them that God loves them in spite of their situation, and condition.
We resist letting the Messiah govern our lives because we are more familiar with the things of this world than we are the things of God, so we prefer the familiar rather than the unknown. We don't seek his counsel more often because we are a stubborn and rebellious people who prefer to do it our way rather than God's way. We do not adjust easily to change . Until we have a change or heart and a change of mind we are reluctant to seek His counsel. Surrendering to wise leadership is so difficult for us because we see ourselves as wise, knowing what is best for us so we don't seek the leadership of a wise all knowing God.. In and of ourselves we can do little, if anything about the hardness we find in ourselves for it is a hear problem and only God can change our sinful hearts.